DoD Regulatory Program

Guidance Documents

Guidance documents come in a variety of formats.  For example, guidance documents include memoranda, statements of policy, interpretive rules, staff manuals, circulars, bulletins, advisories, or frequently asked questions that are designed to advise parties outside the federal Executive Branch about legal rights and obligations falling within the Department’s regulatory or enforcement authority.  Guidance documents lack the force and effect of law, unless expressly authorized by statute or incorporated into a contract.  The Department of Defense (DoD) may not cite, use, or rely on any guidance that is not posted on this website, except to establish historical facts.


Public Comment or Feedback

Any person may petition the DoD to withdraw or modify a particular guidance document by sending a written request to  Please use the words "GUIDANCE:  [Insert the title of the significant guidance document from the list below]" in the subject line of the e-mail message.  The component should make an attempt to respond to all requests within 90 days after receipt of the request or as timely as possible given any constraints of the request.

When the DoD is developing a significant guidance document, a notice will be published in the Federal Register announcing the availability of the draft guidance document, and a copy of the draft will be provided on this website with a link to the electronic docket at  The public can submit comments on the draft documents by following the instructions in the Federal Register publication and on

Alternatively, comments and petitions may be mailed to:

Office of the Director of Administration and Management
Directorate for Oversight & Compliance
4800 Mark Center Drive, Attn: Mailbox #24
Suite 08D09
Alexandria, VA 22350-1700

Submissions must include the docket number.  The general policy for submissions from the public is to make these submissions available for public viewing at, as they are received without change, including any personal identifiers or contact information.


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Department of the Navy (DON)
SECNAV Instruction 12990.1B DOD-USN-00001 Active Duty Service Determination for Civilian or Contractual Groups Active Duty Service, Civilian, Contractual Groups, Procedures, Discharge Certificates, Active Military Service, Entitlement, Veterans Affairs, Benefits 22-AUG-2018 28-AUG-2018



National Guard Bureau (NGB)
CNGBI 0400.01B: National Guard Complex Administrative InvestigationsDOD-NGB-00001This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for complex administrative investigations requested by The Adjutant General (TAG) of any State or the Commanding General of the District of Columbia National Guard (both hereinafter referred to as TAG), Federal officials, or any State or Territorial Governor, pertaining to Unrestricted Reports of sexual assault with a National Guard (NG) nexus and investigated by the National Guard Bureau’s Office of the Chief Counsel (NGB-JA), Office of Complex Administrative Investigations (NGB-JA/OCI), or any other matter within the authority of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau (CNGB).Investigations, Sexual Assault12-APR-2018 
CNGBI 0403.01: National Guard Bureau Civil Liberties ProgramDOD-NGB-00002This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the National Guard (NG) Civil Liberties Program.Civil liberties, Rights, Equal Employment07-JUN-2016 
CNGBI 0404.01: ClaimsDOD-NGB-00003This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for processing claims against the U.S. and claims in favor of the U.S. arising from National Guard (NG) activities.Claims05-SEP-2017 
CNGBI 0600.01A: Commissioning Heritage PaintingsDOD-NGB-00004This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for commissioning Heritage Paintings.Art, Painting, Prints11-OCT-2016 
CNGBI 1004.01: National Guard Federal Voting Assistance ProgramDOD-NGB-00005This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the National Guard (NG) Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP).Vote, Voting, Election, Ballot22-MAR-2018 
CNGBI 1303.01: Expedited Transfer, Reassignment, or Removal of National Guard Members Due to an Unrestricted Report of Sexual AssaultDOD-NGB-00006This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities to expedite the transfer of National Guard Title 32 (T32) Guard members in accordance with (IAW) reference a, who file an Unrestricted Report of sexual assault IAW reference b. This instruction also implements the statutory authority permitting an appropriate commanding officer (CO) to temporarily and administratively reassign or remove a T32 Guard member who is accused of committing a sexual assault or related offense.Sexual Assault, Transfer06-AUG-2014 
CNGBI 1600.01: National Guard Bureau Identification Badge ProgramDOD-NGB-00007This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the National Guard Bureau (NGB) Identification (ID) Badge Program.Identification (ID), Badge, Uniform27-FEB-2018 
CNGBI 1800.02: National Guard Family ProgramDOD-NGB-00008This instruction implements policy and assigns responsibilities for the National Guard Family Program (NGFP). This instruction also will assist The Adjutants General (TAG) of the States and Territories, and the Commanding General (CG) of the District of Columbia, in establishing State Family Programs (SFP), which function in regard to Service-specific culture and mission requirements. This instruction directs staff to collect and maintain information subject to the Privacy Act of 1974.Family, Families, Dependents, Yellow Ribbon31-JUL-2013 
CNGBI 1801.01: Yellow Ribbon Reintegration ProgramDOD-NGB-00009This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities, in accordance with (IAW) reference a, for the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) at the National Guard (NG). The YRRP is a proactive outreach program, operating from pre-deployment to post-deployment, that provides assistance to Army National Guard (ARNG) and Air National Guard (ANG) Service members, as well as family members and Designated Individuals (hereafter referred to as “Families/DIs”), in the States, Territories, and the District of Columbia (hereafter referred to as “States”).Yellow Ribbon, Deployment, Family, Families, Dependents03-DEC-2019 
CNGBI 2400.00A: Acquisition and Storage of Information Concerning Persons and Organizations not Affiliated with the Department of DefenseDOD-NGB-00010This instruction establishes National Guard (NG) policy and responsibilities for acquiring, processing, retaining, and disseminating information concerning persons or organizations not affiliated with the Department of Defense (DoD), and implements guidance.Information, Security, Training07-NOV-2013 
CNGBI 3000.04: National Guard Bureau Domestic OperationsDOD-NGB-00011This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for domestic operations conducted by National Guard (NG) forces in the States, Territories, and the District of Columbia.Domestic, Governor, Civil Authorities24-JAN-2018 
CNGBI 3100.01A: National Guard Counterdrug SupportDOD-NGB-00012This instruction establishes policies and assigns responsibilities for the National Guard (NG) Counterdrug (CD) Support Program, and implements guidance.Drug, Narcotics, Governor, Civil Authorities22-JUN-2015 
CNGBI 5500.01: National Guard Interaction with State Defense ForcesDOD-NGB-00013This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the interaction between State Defense Forces (SDF), the National Guard Bureau (NGB), and the National Guard (NG).Civil Authorities, Governor15-JUN-2017 
CNGBI 6001.00: National Guard Bureau Cybersecurity ProgramDOD-NGB-00014This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the National Guard Bureau (NGB) Cybersecurity Program.Cyber, Security, Cybersecurity, Information Technology (IT)28-FEB-2017 
CNGBI 7100.00: Training of JFHQ-State Joint Operations Center, State Emergency Operations Center, or National Guard Coordination Center Personnel for Domestic OperationsDOD-NGB-00015This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities to ensure Service members tasked during a domestic operation (DOMOP) with conducting personnel actions inside Joint Force Headquarters-State (JFHQ-State) Joint Operations Center (JOC), State Emergency Operations Center (EOC), or the National Guard Coordination Center (NGCC) are trained appropriately.Emergency, Civil Authorities, Domestic10-JUN-2014 
CNGBI 7500.00: Domestic Use of National Guard Unmanned Aircraft SystemsDOD-NGB-00016This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the appropriate use of all Department of Defense (DoD) unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) in domestic National Guard (NG) operations, training, exercises, and testing.Domestic, Unmanned Aircraft System, Policy13-OCT-2016 
CNGBI 9000.01: Visits and Demonstrations of Products or Services by Contractors from Commercial and Defense IndustriesDOD-NGB-00017This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities governing visits, access to government personnel, and product/service demonstrations by prospective or current contractors to initiate or expand business opportunities with the National Guard Bureau (NGB) to ensure fair and equal treatment to all contractor personnel.Contractors, Visits, Access, Product/ Service29-JUL-2016 
CNGBI 9350.01: National Guard Youth Challenge ProgramDOD-NGB-00018This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for management and execution of the National Guard Youth Challenge Program, a civilian youth opportunities program.National Guard, Youth Challenge Program, Civilian, Opportunity15-NOV-2015 
CNGBI 9500.01A: National Guard Fiscal StewardshipDOD-NGB-00019This instruction establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes minimum standards and requirements for the National Guard (NG) to affirm commitment to fiscal stewardship.National Guard, Fiscal Stewardship, Standards12-JUL-2019 
CNGBI 9550.01: Restrictions On The Use of Federal Funds For Lobbying or PropagandaDOD-NGB-00020This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities to facilitate compliance with Federal laws and regulations restricting expenditure of Federal funds for certain communications by National Guard (NG) personnel with Members of Congress and the public, in accordance with (IAW) reference a. This instruction summarizes administrative interpretations of complex laws and regulations applicable to NG members in Title 10 or Title 32 duty status.Federal Funds, Lobbying, Propaganda30-APR-2015 
CNGBI 9551.01: National Guard Bureau Research Oversight Council CharterDOD-NGB-00021Under the authority of reference a, and in accordance with (IAW) policies established in references b through e, this instruction implements the Research Oversight Council (ROC) as an advisory council to the Chief of the National Guard Bureau (CNGB).Research, Oversight, National Guard Bureau, Sponsoring Agreement13-NOV-2013 
CNGBI 9601.01: National Guard Discrimination Complaint ProgramDOD-NGB-00022This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for implementing and maintaining a National Guard (NG) Discrimination Complaint Program in accordance with (IAW) references a through j for all NG members serving in Title 32 duty status and all NG technicians employed under reference f. It also identifies responsibilities for civilians who work for the NG and their right, along with the right of NG members and people receiving services through NG programs, to file a discrimination complaint on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, or sex-gender—including sexual harassment—and reprisal concerning prior engagement in protected discrimination process-related activity.National Guard, Discrimination Complaint Program, Civilians, Sexual Harassment27-SEP-2015 



Office of the Chief Management Officer (OCMO)
Guidance on How to Submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request (WEB SITE PAGE)DOD-CMO-00001At the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff Freedom of Information Act Requester Service Center is a feature that instructs the public on how to submit a FOIA Request.FOIA Request, Records, Freedom of Information ActTHE GUIDANCE HAS BEEN IN PLACE FOR OVER 9 YEARS.2010 ON WEB PAGE
Security and Policy Reviews of Articles, Manuscripts, Books and Other Media Prior to Public ReleaseDOD-CMO-00002USD(I) Memorandum reiterating the Security and Policy Review Program and 4-pages of FAQ's on the process.Security, Policy, Manuscripts, Books, Classified Information, Safeguard, Information, Declassified, Dissemination, Procedures26-APR-201126-APR-2011
Clearance of DoD Information for Public ReleaseDOD-CMO-00003Part of this DoDI speaks directly to retired, and separated Service members, former DoD employees and contractors outside the Executive Branch, for example, stating in Paragraph 1.2 g: "Retired and separated Service members, former DoD employees and contractors, and non-active duty members of the Reserve Components will use the DoD prepublication review process to ensure that information they intend to release to the public does not compromise national security as required by their nondisclosure agreements. Those who forgo the prepublication review process and inadvertently, negligently, or willfully disclose classified information may be subject to an unauthorized disclosure investigation and legal action."Clearance, Security, Contractors, Non-Disclosure Agreement, Service Members, Pre-Publication Review14-APR-201714-APR-2017
Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review websiteDOD-CMO-00004Contains guidance in some cases to individuals and organizational entities outside the Executive Branch. For example, augmenting information contained in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR 125.4(b)(13)) that authorizes DOPSR to review and approve for public release potentially export-controlled technical data on defense articles. Detailed submission procedures are provided within the website for members of the Military Industrial Base not on active DoD contract to exercise this ITAR exemption negating the need for a formal export license from the Department of State.Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review, Cleared Personnel, Non-Disclosure Agreement, Stakeholders, Information, Safeguard17-JUL-2017CURRENT URL CREATED 17-JULY-2017



Office of the Inspector General (DoD OIG)
Department of Defense (DoD) Hotline Web PageDOD-OIG-00001Describes DoD Hotline MissionHotline, Federal Inspector General, Confidential, Report, Violations, Security Incidents, Misconduct, Resources  
Filing a Department of Defense (DoD) Hotline ComplaintDOD-OIG-00002Describes what to and what not to report to the DoD Hotline and what to expect after filingReport, Information, Complaints, Hotline, Examples, Investigated  
Read Before Filing a Department of Defense (DoD) Hotline ComplaintDOD-OIG-00003Description of what to expectSubmission, Hotline, Information, Requests, Communication, Response  
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Department of Defense (DoD) Hotline and WhistleblowerDOD-OIG-00004FAQs for DoD Hotline and WhistleblowerHotline, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Whistleblower, Information, Assistance, Office of Inspector General  
Department of Defense (DoD) Hotline ComplaintDOD-OIG-00005Information on how to submit a complaint and where to initiate oneHotline, Submission, Information, Filing, Confidentiality, Privacy, Anonymously, Methods10-JAN-202010-JAN-2020
Submit a Department of Defense (DoD) Hotline ComplaintDOD-OIG-00006Form to be filled out to submit a complaintHotline, Complaint, Form, Information, Submission  
Contractor Disclosure ProgramDOD-OIG-00007Description of the programContractor Disclosure Program, Federal Acquisition Regulation, Business, Compliance, Requirements  
Contractor's Guide to Submitting a DisclosureDOD-OIG-00008Provides instructions to DoD contractors on how to make disclosures regarding a violation of Federal criminal law or of the civil False Claims Act in connection with DoD contracts or subcontracts.Contractor, Guidance, Submission, Disclosure, Agreement01-JUL-201801-JUL-2018
Department of Defense (DoD) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Privacy ProgramDOD-OIG-00009Guidelines for submitting a Privacy Act requestPrivacy Program, Privacy, Personal Information, Guidelines, Resources10-DEC-201910-DEC-2019
Department of Defense (DoD) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Privacy ProgramDOD-OIG-00010Individual's right of amendment under the Privacy ActIndividual's Right of Amendment Under the Privacy Act, Freedom of Information Act, Certification, Request10-DEC-201910-DEC-2019
Department of Defense (DoD) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) OfficeDOD-OIG-00011Guidelines for submitting a FOIA requestFOIA Request, Online Form, Submission, Guidelines, Information10-DEC-201910-DEC-2019
Department of Defense (DoD) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) OfficeDOD-OIG-00012Guidelines for submitting an AppealSubmission, Appeal, Guidelines, Information, Online Form10-DEC-201910-DEC-2019
Department of Defense (DoD) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) OfficeDOD-OIG-00013Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) FAQsFOIA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Freedom of Information Act, Records, Information, Request10-DEC-201910-DEC-2019



Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (OUSD(C))
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 4, Chapter 3 Annex 1, "Interest, Penalties, and Administrative Charges"DOD-USC-00001The annex provides policy for accounting and reporting of Interest, Penalties and Administrative (IPA) charges owed by the public to the DoD. The intent of IPA charges is to stimulate prompt payment, to recover to the U.S. Department of the Treasury the cost of borrowing necessitated by a delinquent receivable, and to cover the cost of processing and handling delinquent receivables, including referral to credit bureaus or collection agencies.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Interest, Penalties, Administrative Charges, Operating ProceduresTHE ANNEX WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN OCTOBER 2003.THE ANNEX WAS LAST REVISED IN FEBRUARY 2016 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 7B, Chapter 37, "Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan (RSFPP) - Annuities"DOD-USC-00002The claim for annuity payments must be properly completed and signed by the person or persons authorized to receive the annuity. An individual holding a valid power of attorney may complete (including the signature element) and file the annuity application form on behalf of an annuitant. An annuitant whose application is signed with an “X” must be witnessed (by two disinterested persons), notarized, or countersigned by the person holding the power of attorney. A copy of the power of attorney and explanation why the annuitant required assistance must be submitted with the annuity application.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Retired Serviceman, Family Protection, Benefit, GuidanceTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER 1999.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN JULY 2019 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 7B, Chapter 42, “Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) – Application of the Plan”DOD-USC-00003This chapter provides an overview of the establishment of the SBP (referred to as the Plan), eligibility and benefits, and specialized terminology and definitions used when referring to the Plan. On September 21, 1972, Public Law (PL) 92-425 established the SBP to provide a survivor benefit program for military personnel in retirement to complement the survivor benefits under Social Security laws. The Plan gives all retiring uniformed services retirees an opportunity to elect to have their retired pay reduced by a designated amount in order to provide their survivors an annuity payable after the retiree’s death.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Survivor Benefit, Application, Information, Retirement, BenefitTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER 1999.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN JULY 2019 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 7B, Chapter 43, "Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) - Elections and Election ChangesDOD-USC-00004The purpose of this chapter is to provide information for SBP election options, changes to elections, coverage, and termination of coverage. In the case of a member electing a standard SBP annuity, the member must make such election before retired pay becomes payable, or if there is no eligible beneficiary at that time, within 1 year of acquiring an eligible beneficiary. Written spousal concurrence is required when the member elects to decline coverage or provide the spouse with less than the maximum SBP coverage available, to include electing child-only coverage, and when a member eligible for RCSBP declines coverage or elects coverage that provides less than a maximum immediate spouse annuity. The signature of the spouse must be notarized. The requirement to have the spouse’s signature notarized is not to suggest that the spouse has received additional counseling regarding the option being selected. It simply provides certification that the spouse signed the form and acknowledges the election made on the form.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Survivor Benefit, Elections, ReferencesTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER 1999.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN APRIL 2019 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 7B, Chapter 44, "Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) - Beneficiaries"DOD-USC-00005The eligible beneficiaries under the SBP (also referred to as the Plan) are the spouse and/or dependent children, a former spouse and/or dependent children, or a natural person with an insurable interest, providing they meet certain eligibility requirements. The election, if required, must be received within the time period allowed. An individual may not receive more than one annuity as the surviving spouse or former spouse of different members (see Chapter 46); however, an individual may be the recipient of two or more annuities concurrently, as long as only one is a spouse or former spouse annuity.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Survivor Benefit Plan, Information, InstructionsTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER 1999.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN FEBRUARY 2018 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 7B, Chapter 45, "Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Premiums"DOD-USC-00006The purpose of this chapter is to provide information on premiums for SBP coverage based on the type of coverage, as well as the computation and payment of these premiums. When a retired member requests discontinuation of their SBP, DFAS-CL must furnish a written statement outlining the advantages and disadvantages of discontinuing. The retired member must confirm receipt of the information, sign acknowledgment of intent to discontinue, and return the signed acknowledgment to DFAS-CL. An election to discontinue is effective as of the first day of the first month following the month in which the Secretary concerned receives the confirmation and acknowledgment. The retired member may revoke the request to discontinue participation within the 30-day period following submission of such request to the Secretary concerned. If, for some reason, the VA disability rating is withdrawn or reduced, SBP coverage may be resumed at the request of the retired member. The request to resume must be made within 1 year after the VA rating has been withdrawn or reduced.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Survivor Benefit Plan, Premiums, Information, Payment, ParticipationTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER 1999.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN DECEMBER 2018 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 7B, Chapter 46, "Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) - Annuities"DOD-USC-00007The purpose of this chapter is to provide information for those eligible to receive annuities, how they are paid, and the amounts to be paid. Any person receiving payment on behalf of the annuitant, except as stated in subparagraph 460202.C, is required to maintain and, upon request by the Secretary of the Military Department concerned, provide a periodic accounting of expenditures and investments of amounts paid to the payee. If the payee is a close family member or a government or financial institution, a periodic accounting will not be required, but may be requested. In situations where a periodic accounting is required, it ordinarily will be submitted annually, unless the Secretary of the Military Department concerned determines that a more frequent submission is required.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Survivor Benefit Plan, Annuities, Instructions, Information, EligibilityTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER 1999.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN MARCH 2018 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 7B, Chapter 61, "Annuities for Certain Military Surviving Spouses (ACMSS)"DOD-USC-00008The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance, policy, delegation of authority, and assignment of responsibilities, as they apply to ACMSS. Effective November 18, 1997, ACMSS was established under Public Law (PL) 105-85 to provide annuity payments to certain qualified surviving spouses. A Department of Defense (DD) Form 2769, Application for Annuity Certain Military Surviving Spouses, must be submitted to the Military Service concerned. The annuity terminates the first day of the month in which the annuitant remarries, without regard to the age of the annuitant.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Annuities, Military Surviving Spouses, Information, Instructions, RequirementTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN FEBRUARY 2006.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN MARCH 2019 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 16, Chapter 2, "General Instructions for Collection of Debt Owed to the Department of Defense (DOD)"DOD-USC-00009The policy and requirements in this chapter apply to administrative actions associated with the collection of debts owed to and collected by the DoD. The purpose of this chapter is to provide policy and requirements Debt Collection Offices (DCOs) must follow in the collection of public debts owed to the DoD. These debts include amounts outstanding from civilian employees, Service members, retired personnel, and other individuals. In the context of Federal debt collection, the constitutional right of “due process” requires an agency to provide debtors with written notice of the debt and an opportunity to dispute the debt. Due process is required prior to an involuntary salary offset (5 U.S.C. § 5514) or administrative offset (31 U.S.C. § 3716). Except under certain limited circumstances, debtors must receive due process prior to the initiation of debt collection. Written debt notifications must adhere to the requirements at section 0205.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Instructions, Debt Owed, Civilian, Debt Pending, PetitionsTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN JANUARY 2016.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN APRIL 2019 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 16, Chapter 3, "Collection of Debts Owed by Individuals to the Department of Defense (DOD)"DOD-USC-00010This chapter pertains to the collection of debts owed to the DoD from current and retired DoD civilian employees, current members of the Military Services (active and reserve), military retirees, Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) annuitants, and individuals who are no longer employed by DoD. See Figure 3-1. Sample Notification Prior to Referral of Debt to Office of Personnel Management as an example of how the government is telling members of the public how their debt will be handled.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Collection, Debt, Individuals, Information, RepaymentTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN JANUARY 2016.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN JULY 2018 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 16, Chapter 5, "Collection of Debts Owed by Contractors"DOD-USC-00011This chapter contains debt collection policy for debts that are owed to the DoD by contractors, which also refers to vendors, assignees, universities, non-profits, and other business entities. Contract debts result from amounts that have been paid to the contractor, to which the contractor is not entitled under the terms and conditions of the contract, or amounts otherwise due from the contractor. Once it is determined that a contractor might be indebted to the DoD, the contracting officer, or the payment office, must issue a demand for payment to the contractor, providing opportunity to inspect relevant records, and the opportunity to request a review of the debt. To the extent practicable, debts should be collected, either by voluntary repayment in a lump sum or by administrative offset(s) of payment(s) owed to the contractor by the DoD, unless an installment agreement has been entered into or a deferment of collection has been approved.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Collection, Debt, Contractors, Information, Reporting, GuidanceTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN JANUARY 2016.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN AUGUST 2019 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 16, Chapter 7, "Interest, Penalties, and Administrative (IPA) Charges"DOD-USC-00012This chapter pertains to the collection of debts owed to the Department of Defense (DoD) from current and retired DoD civilian employees, current members of the military services (active and reserve), military retirees, individuals who are no longer employed by DoD, contractors, vendors, assignees, and business entities. The intent of IPA charges is to stimulate prompt debt payment, to compensate the government for loss of use of funds when debt is not paid timely, and to recover the cost of processing and handling delinquent debts, including referral to credit bureaus or collection agencies. DoD Components must accrue and assess a penalty charge, not to exceed 6 percent per annum, on any portion of the debt that is delinquent more than 90 days, to include interest and administrative charges. A debt becomes delinquent if not paid by the established due date; therefore, penalty charges must be applied to those accounts reported in the aging category 91-180 days delinquent and beyond.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Interest, Penalties, Administrative Charges, Guidance, Information, RepaymentTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN JANUARY 2016.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN MARCH 2019 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Audit ManualDOD-USC-00013keystone document telling auditors how to do to audits; When
we produce an audit report for an external agency, sometime cite this DCAA Audit Manual; DCAA auditors on how to conduct audits for
non-DCAA entities.
Contract Audit Manual, Standards, Planning, Requirements, Policies, Procedures, Internal Controls, Information  



Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment (OUSD(A&S))
DoDD 4400.01 "Defense Production Act Programs"DOD-UAS-00001Ensure the availability of materials and facilities necessary to keep priority defense programs on schedule. 3.2. Assist suppliers in accelerating production of materials and facilities for appropriate defense programs in the event of a national emergency. 3.3. Ensure the adequacy of production capacity and supply by anticipating and addressing, as appropriate, the Department of Defense's needs to create, expand, or maintain domestic industry productivity capacity. (Under Revision)Defense Production Act Programs, Authority, Production Materials, Schedules, Industry12-OCT-2001
DoDM 4400.1 "DoD Priorities and Allocations Manual"DOD-UAS-00002The Department of Defense's list of DX-rated programs is unclassified. (Under Revision)Department of Defense Priorities and Allocations Manual, Acquisition, Sustainment, Defense Production Act Programs, Contracts, Research, Development, Engineering, Acquisition, Productions, Manufacturing, Construction21-FEB-2002
DoDI 2000.25 "DoD Procedures for Reviewing and Monitoring Transactions Filed with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)"DOD-UAS-00003a. Foreign acquisitions of U.S. companies that do not pose an unacceptable level of risk to U.S. national security interests, as manifested in DoD programs, assets, or future technological superiority, are acceptable to the Department of Defense. b. The DoD CFIUS process should, to the extent possible, be a transparent process. c. The potential implications for relevant DoD programs, assets, and future technological superiority resulting from a foreign acquisition involving a defense supplier, defense-related technologies, and infrastructure critical for DoD missions shall be based on: d. The risk to DoD interests in each CFIUS case will be assessed pursuant to Enclosure 5 of this Instruction. e. Information or documentary material filed with CFIUS shall be exempt from disclosure pursuant to section 552 of title 5, U.S.C. (also known and hereafter referred to as “The Freedom of Information Act, as amended” (FOIA) (Reference (c)) and will not be made public due to the statutory protections in Reference (a). f. The Department of Defense shall monitor company compliance with CFIUS mitigation agreements signed with the Department of Defense as described in Enclosure 6. g. Adequate resources, in terms of staff and budget, should be provided to the DoD Components for monitoring and ensuring compliance to mitigation agreements with the Department of Defense to protect national security interests. h. DoD Components that are members of the Intelligence Community will also fulfill their alternate role in providing additional support and information to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) as required pursuant to Reference (a). (Under Revision)DoD Procedures for Reviewing and Monitoring Transactions Filed with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), Policy, Foreign Acquisitions, Monitoring Mitigation Agreements05-AUG-2010
DoDD 5101.18E "DoD Executive Agent for Printed Circuit Board and Interconnect Technology"DOD-UAS-00004It is DoD policy that the DoD EA for Printed Circuit Board and Interconnect Technology facilitates access to reliable, trusted, and affordable Printed Circuit Board fabrication and assembly products and technologies that meet the quality, performance, and security requirements of the DoD. The DoD EA for Printed Circuit Board and Interconnect Technology will facilitate collaboration within and across the DoD to conduct research, development, and sustainment efforts targeting Component-unique requirements. (Active)Interconnect Technology, Acquisition, Sustainment, Printed Circuit Board Technology, Logistics12-JUN-2016
Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Mission AssuranceDOD-UAS-00005Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, provides an Agency-integrated framework, and prescribes general provisions associated with Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Mission Assurance; delineates Agency national DIB sector Mission Assurance responsibilitiesDefense Industrial Base Mission Assurance, Integrating Capability, Industrial Analysis, Process, Policy, Responsibilities29-AUG-201829-AUG-2018
Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Monitoring and ReportingDOD-UAS-00006Assigns responsibilities, describes procedures, and provides guidance associated with the Defense Industrial Base Monitoring and Reporting process.Defense Industrial Base Monitoring and Reporting, Integrating Capability, Industrial Analysis, Process, Policy, Responsibilities, Readiness, Threats, Hazards, Risk Management06-DEC-201806-DEC-2018
Public AffairsDOD-UAS-00007Implements policies and defines procedures as defined in DCMA Instruction 4502.Public Affairs, Corporate Governance Capability, Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), Manual, Procedures, Information, Policy08-APR-201908-APR-2019
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)DOD-UAS-00008Implements policies and defines procedures as defined in DCMA Instruction 4502.Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Corporate Governance, Policy, Authorities, Litigations, Appeals, Instructions23-FEB-201923-FEB-2019
Privacy and Civil LibertiesDOD-UAS-00009Implements policies and defines procedures as defined in DCMA Instruction 4502.Privacy and Civil Liberties, Corporate Governance Capability, Instructions, Manual, Information Technology, Equal Employment Opportunity, Collecting Privacy Data, Privacy Act Requests, Notices14-MAR-201914-MAR-2019
Foreign Visits and AssignmentsDOD-UAS-00010Assigns responsibility and establishes the processes for the approval, preparation, and conduct of visits and assignments to DCMA organizations by representatives of foreign governments or international organizations.Foreign Visits and Assignments , Talent Management Capability , Civilian Personnel, Procedures, Visits and Assignments of Foreign Nationals, Policies, International, Public Affairs, Representatives09-OCT-201809-OCT-2018
Aircraft OperationsDOD-UAS-00011Describes procedures for DCMA personnel where DCMA has been delegated responsibility for surveillance of aircraft operations; encompasses the requirements found in The Tri-Service Agreement.Aircraft Operations, Contractor Effectiveness Capability, Contractor’s Flight and Ground Operations, Policy, Training, Instructions, Management, Commanders, Liability05-NOV-201805-NOV-2018
Return RightsDOD-UAS-00012Establishes policies, assigns roles and responsibilities, and outlines procedures and practices for employing U.S. citizens in foreign areas, rotating DoD civilian employees from foreign areas, and granting return rights of DoD civilian employees in foreign and non-foreign areasInstructions, Return Rights, Human Capital Directorate, Policies, Assigns Roles and Responsibilities, Civilian, Foreign Areas, DoD Civilian Personnel Management System: Employment in Foreign Areas and Employee Return Rights, Rotation of Career and Career-Conditional Employees Assigned To Duty Outside of the United States15-MAY-201415-MAY-2014
Military Spouse and Family Member Preference ProgramDOD-UAS-00013Provides guidance for the application of the Military Spouse and Family Member Preference Program to improve employment opportunities for spouses of active duty military members of the U.S. Armed Forces including the U.S. Coast Guard, full-time National Guard or Reservists assigned worldwide and family members of Federal employees assigned in foreign areas.Military Spouse and Family Member Preference Program, Human Capital, Instructions, Policy Publications Program, Employment Opportunities, Active Duty Military Members, Federal Employees, Foreign, Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)16-JUN-201406-JUN-2014
DTRA Instruction 5400.7, DTRA Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) ProgramDOD-UAS-00014Implements the policies, responsibilities, and procedures of the DTRA FOIA ProgramFreedom of Information Act, Right, Court, Access, Federal Agency Records, Public, Information, Requests12-FEB-201812-FEB-2018
DTRA Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) HandbookDOD-UAS-00015Assist requesters in submitting FOIA requests for DTRA agency records.Request, Submissions, FOIA, Information, Records, Policy, Freedom of Information Act Program29-NOV-201910-DEC-2019
DTRA Instruction 5400.11, DTRA Privacy ProgramDOD-UAS-00016Guidance on DTRA policies, responsibilities, and procedures in implementing the Privacy ActPrivacy Act, Guidance, Information, DTRA System of Records Notice, Notification Procedures, Policies, Responsibilities, Implementation13-NOV-200713-NOV-2007
DTRA Unsolicited Proposal GuidelinesDOD-UAS-00017Instructions on How and where to submit unsolicited proposalsUnsolicited Proposal Guidelines, Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Information, Requirements16-APR-2010
Environmental Policy Act Implementing ProceduresDOD-UAS-00018This guide identifies requirements and provides procedures for implementing the
provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in accordance with Council on Environmental Quality Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act, 40 CFR parts 1500–1508, and E.O.12114, ‘‘Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal Actions’’
National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures, Regulations, Environmental Impacts, Hazardous Material, Safety, Information, Facilities 06-SEP-2016
5-DTRA Form 150 D-AVSC ApplicationDOD-UAS-00019Atomic Veterans Service Certificate Application and Nuclear Test Personnel Review Information Request and ReleaseAtomic Veterans Service Certificate, Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR), Fact Sheet, Radiation Exposure Reports, Dose Assessment01-DEC-201901-DEC-2019
Doing Business with the Department of Defense: A Welcome Mat for Defense AcquisitionDOD-UAS-00020“This document is a visualization of the steps needed for businesses to effectively interface with the Department of Defense by identifying resources to define their product and ascertain appropriate interlocutors.” (Active)Businesses, Process, Resources, Defense Acquisition 20-JAN-2020




Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (OUSD(I&S))
Facility Security Officer (FSO) Guidance DOD-UIS-00001 The document is designed to help FSOs get the information they need on interims, investigations, adjudications, and facility clearances in one place. Specific topics include, processing applicants, maintaining a clearance, interim clearances, insider threat, additional assistance, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and FSO training and Resources. FSO, Personnel Security, Facility Clearances, Interims, Investigations, Adjudications    
Continuous Vetting DOD-UIS-00002 Overview of Continuous Vetting citing Executive Orders; Personnel Security Reform Efforts: The Continuous Evaluation (CE) program is a component of overarching personnel security clearance reform efforts. Continuous Vetting, Personnel Security, Personnel Security Program    
Defense Information System for Security (DISS) Tips and Tricks-Customer Service Request (CSR) DOD-UIS-00003 The Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC) is providing a CSR Tips and Tricks guide to assist industry in creating CSRs in the Defense Information System for Security (DISS). DISS Tips, Tricks-Customer Service Request (CSR), Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC), Industry, Defense Information System   24-JUL-2019
DISS Joint Verification System (JVS) Industry Provisioning Instructions DOD-UIS-00004 These instructions are meant to assist industry Facility Security Officers (FSOs)/Security Managers in getting provisioned in the Defense Information System for Security (DISS) Joint Verification System (JVS) and to facilitate making their Personnel Security System Access Request (PSSAR) submission process as smooth as possible. The Defense Security Service (DSS) will provision one hierarchy manager for your facility, and that hierarchy manager will then subsequently provision additional users as necessary. Please read through the guide in its entirety, and refer to the last section to ensure you don’t submit your provisioning packet with any of the most common reasons for rejection. DISS Provisioning, DISS Account, DISS JVS Provisioning Instructions, Vetting Risk Operations Center, Defense Information System for Security (DIIS), 13-NOV-2018 09-JUL-2019
Updated Guidance to FSOs Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) Prime Contract Number Field DOD-UIS-00005 When submitting requests for personnel security clearance investigations in the Joint Personnel Adjudication System, the prime contract number is a required field. Beginning February 1, 2019, DSS may reject investigation submissions that don’t include the prime contract number. This information is essential to validate contractor personnel security investigation submissions against their sponsoring government contracting activities. Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS), Personnel Security Clearance Investigations, 'Prime Contract Number', Clearance, Investigation 28-DEC-2018 30-MAY-2019
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding: 2018 Implementation of Interim Backlog Mitigation Measures for Entities Cleared by DoD under the National Industrial Security Program (NISS) DOD-UIS-00006 The Vetting Risk Operations Center provides frequently asked questions regarding the deferment process. Deferment Process, FAQs, Vetting Risk Operations Center, 2018 Implementation of Interim Backlog Mitigation Measures, National Industrial Security Program, Investigation   20-MAY-2019
Research, Recertify, and Upgrade (RRU) Guidance DOD-UIS-00007 On August 1, 2019, the Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC) will no longer accept Research, Recertify, and Upgrade (RRU) requests in JPAS or Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)/SF-312s via fax, email, or mail. Those actions previously requested via RRU should be submitted as Customer Service Requests (CSRs) in the Defense Information System for Security (DISS); similarly, NDAs should be submitted for approval via DISS. For specific instructions on how to complete CSR/NDA actions, please reference the DISS user manual, which can be opened by clicking the Help link in the application. For additional assistance with how to complete some of the most common actions in DISS, please refer to DISS Tips and Tricks In order to prepare your security management office for this transition, it is imperative that you obtain a DISS account prior to August 1, 2019; to obtain an account please carefully read and follow the DISS JVS Provisioning Instructions. Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC), Defense Information System for Security (DISS) Account, Research, Recertify, and Upgrade (RUU) Request, JPAS, Customer Service Request (CSRs), CSR/NDA actions   08-MAY-2019
Implementation of Interim Backlog Mitigation Measures for Entities Cleared by DoD under the National Industrial Security Program DOD-UIS-00008 In accordance with the guidance and direction received from the Executive Agents, Defense Security Service (DSS) will adopt procedures to defer the submission of Tier 3 Reinvestigations (T3Rs) and Tier 5 Reinvestigations (T5Rs) for entities cleared under the National Industrial Security Program. Facility Security Officers should continue to submit completed Standard Form 86 and the reinvestigation request, six years from the date of last investigation for the T5Rs and 10 years from the date of the last reinvestigation for the T3Rs. New reinvestigation requests will be screened by DSS using a risk management approach that permits deferment of reinvestigations according to policy. If the determination is made to defer reinvestigations, individuals will be immediately enrolled into the DoD Continuous Evaluation (CE)/Continuous Vetting (CV) capabilities, as required. personnel security clearances, memorandum, Implementation of Interim Backlog Mitigation Measures for Entities Cleared, National Industrial Security Program, deferment, reinvestigations, interim measures 24-OCT-2018 07-JAN-2019
Personnel Security Investigations (PSI) Requirements for Industry Data Collection Through NISS Has Been Extended DOD-UIS-00009 The data collection for PSI projection requirements is open and has been extended until April 19, 2019, through the National Industrial Security System (NISS) Submission Site. Annual projections acquired from Industry through this collection are the key component in DoD program planning and budgeting for NISP security clearances. Personnel Security Investigations (PSI), Defense Security Service (DSS), National Industrial Security System (NISS) Submission Site, NISP security, Clearances, Requirements, Industry, Registration Instructions, NIIS accounts   05-APR-2019
Defense Security Service (DSS) Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2019-01 ""Foreign Passports - SEAD 4 DOD-UIS-00010 SL 2019-01 replaces the September 2018 notice on Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 4 posted to the DSS web site. The ISL provides additional guidance to industry on the implementation of SEAD 4 Adjudicative Guidelines related to the disposition of foreign passports belonging to cleared employees that have been previously retained by contractors in accordance with DoD directions and the former Adjudicative Guidelines. Click here to view ISL. Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 4, Foreign Passports, Defense Security Service (DSS), DSS Releases, ISL 2019-01, Industry, SEAD 4 Adjudicative Guidelines, Cleared Employees, Contractors 15-JAN-2019 28-JAN-2019
Defense Information for Security (DISS) Provisioning Now Open to All Facilities DOD-UIS-00011 The Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC) is now provisioning users for any facilities that have not yet been provisioned. Please carefully read and follow the Defense Information System for Security (DISS) JVS Provisioning Instructions. Once you have obtained access to the system, please refer to DISS Tips and Tricks. DISS Provisioning, Defense Security Service (DSS), Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC), Users, Facilities, Defense Information System for Security (DISS) JVS Provisioning Instructions, Access, System   07-JAN-2019
Voice of Industry DOD-UIS-00012 Monthly newsletter contains recent information, policy guidance, security education, and training updates. Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) Monthly Newsletter, Information, Policy Guidance, Security Education, Training Updates   01-JUL-2019
Personnel Security (PCL) Process DOD-UIS-00013 High Level PCL process describing the steps from FSO initiation to adjudicating a case High Level PCL Process, FSO, e-QIP, Investigation, Adjudication    
Report A Security Change Or Concern About Others - Insider Threats DOD-UIS-00014 DoD Contactors and other Industry members should report potential insider threats to your company’s Facility Security Officer or the Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC) Knowledge Center. Insider Threats, Report, Security Change Or Concern About Others, Military, Federal Civilian, DoD Contractor, Other Federal Contractor, Industry, Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC) Knowledge Center    
Non Disclosure Agreements DOD-UIS-00015 Guidance for FSO to submit SF-312s to VROC Industrial Clearances, Investigations, Adjudications, Additional Assistance Information    
Help Filling Out Forms in e-QIP DOD-UIS-00016 Guidance for FSO related to first time E-QIP login, click to sign instructions and a guide to the SF86 e-QIP, Filling Out Forms, Military, Federal Civilian, DoD Contractor, Other Federal Contractor, FAQs, Personnel Security, Additional Resources    
Personnel Security Clearance in Industry DOD-UIS-00018 Memo from OUSD(I) stating PCLs do not expire Personnel Security Clearances in Industry, Memorandum, Personnel Security Clearances (PCLs), Contractor employees, Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS), Investigations, Reinvestigations, Access   07-DEC-2016
Defense Information for Security (DISS) Tips and Tricks DOD-UIS-00019 Slide presentation covering how to use and understand DISS Defense Information System for Security (DISS), User Manual Location, PowerPoint Presentation, User Guidance   19-NOV-2018
FAQs Regarding Security Eligibility and the DoD Consolidated Adjudications Facility (CAF) DOD-UIS-00020 The DoD CAF provides frequently asked questions regarding security eligibility and adjudicative determinations, . View the FAQs Security Clearance, Procedures for DoD Personnel Security Program (PSP), Personnel Security, Eligible Access, National Security Information, Adjudication, FAQs, DoD CAF, Adjudicative Guidelines, Executive Order 12968    
International Programs DOD-UIS-00021 Mission, list of responsibilities for International Operations, International Assurance/Visits and Additional Requirements as Delegated by the Designated Security Authority OUSD(P) International Industrial Security, Critical Technology Protection, Program Security Instructions (PSIs), Military, Export Agencies, International Operations, International Assurances / Visit Requests, NATO, Security Clearance, Certification, Verifications 06-JUN-2019 06-JUN-2019
International Transfers DOD-UIS-00022 Describes Direct Commercial Sales, Foreign Military Sales, and Methods of Movement of classified information between cleared facilities and Foreign Governments International Transfers, Critical Technology Protection, Classified Contractual Agreement, Classified Information, Information and/or Technology Transfer, Designated Government Representatives (DGRs), NISPOM 10-401a. International Transfer of Classified Material, Direct Commercial Sales (DCS), Foreign Military Sales (FMS) 06-JUN-2019 06-JUN-2019
Security Assurances DOD-UIS-00023 Describes International Security Clearance process for cleared individuals and facilities performing classified work with/for a Foreign Government entity Critical Technology Protection, International, Security Assurances, Cleared Individuals and Facilities, Limited Access Authorizations (LAA) for Non-U.S. Citizens, Security Clearances, Access, Classified Information, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Requirements, Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Letter of Justification (LOJ) 06-JUN-2019 06-JUN-2019
Outgoing International Visits DOD-UIS-00024 Outgoing international visit process for cleared contractors, Country Specific Requirements, Foreign Government Visit Forms Outgoing Classified Visits Process, Visit Request Forms, International Outgoing Visits, Cleared U.S. Contractors, Classified Sites / Meetings 06-JUN-2019 06-JUN-2019
Standard Agreement DOD-UIS-00025 NATO Standard Agreement request process NATO Standard Agreements (STANAGs), U.S. Cleared Industry, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) Sub-Registry, Request for Proposal (RFP), Contract, Agreement, NSR Form 01 06-JUN-2019 06-JUN-2019
Frequently Asked Questions DOD-UIS-00026 Frequently asked questions concerning international security assurances for cleared individuals and facilities and international transfers of classified information Security Assurances for Cleared Individuals and Facilities, Export Authorization, Visit Request, Foreign Site POC, Contractor 06-JUN-2019 06-JUN-2019
Special Programs Templates DOD-UIS-00027 SAP templates and processing procedures DoD Special Access Program Working Group, Templates, SAP Central Office (SAPCO), Program Security Officer (PSO), Security Compliance Inspection Checklist, RMF, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Program Access Request 06-JUN-2019 06-JUN-2019
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2006-01 DOD-UIS-00028 Provides guidance on multiple NISPOM topics: 1) Implementation of NISPOM changes; 2) Cooperation with Contractors That Are Officially Credentialed Representatives of Federal Agencies; 3) JPAS as the system of record; 4) Interim PCLs; 5) Completion of Electronic SF-86; 6) Procedures for Submitting Certificates Pertaining to Foreign Interests (SF-328); 7) FOCI Action Plans; 8) Material Marked for Automatic Declassification; 9) Information Management System; 10) Receiving Classified Material; 11) Package Receipts and Receipt and Dispatch Records; 12) Securing Closed Areas; 13) Self-Approval Authority; 14) Container Repairs; 15) Escorts and Transfers of Freight; 16) Visitor Authorization; 17) Rd and FRD; 18) Intelligence Information; 19) Foreign Government Restricted Information and "In Confidence" Information; 20) International Transfers of Classified Material; 21) NATO Restricted Industrial Security Letter (ISL), NISPOM Implementation, ISL 2006-01, Contractors, Joint Personnel Adjudications System, Interim PCLs, SF86, SF328, FOCI Action Plans, Information Management System, Visitor Authorization, International, NATO Restricted, Intelligence Information 14-APR-2006 14-APR-2006
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) eMASS Account Request and Access Procedures DOD-UIS-00029 Version 1.1 NISP eMASS Account, Access Procedures Job Aid, New User Registration, User Guide 17-DEC-2019  
National Interest Determination (NID) Overview DOD-UIS-00030 Provide general information to industry and other government stakeholders on the NID process Defense Security Service (DSS), National Interest Determination (NID) Overview, Policy, Government, Industry, Guidance, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, FOCI    
National Interest Determinations DOD-UIS-00031 Provides general guidance to industry on the NID process, which is a government to government process that affects a FOCI companies' ability to perform on classified work requiring access to proscribed information under certain conditions National Interest Determinations (NID), Special Security Agreement (SSA), Information, FOCI, Critical Technology Protection, Policy Guidance, Sensitive Compartment Information, Special Access Program, Communication Security, Restricted Data    
Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Conferences DOD-UIS-00032 Provide general information to industry about DCSA hosted FOCI conferences DCSA FOCI Conferences, Outside Directors, Proxy Holders, FOCI Mitigation Agreement, Facility Security Officers (FSO), Policy, DCSA FOCI Program, Voting Trust Agreement, Proxy Agreement, Special Security Agreement, Security Control Agreement    
Partnering with Outside Directors & Proxy Holders to Strengthen FOCI Boards: A White Paper DOD-UIS-00033 A paper published by DCSA to outline a series of planned OD/PH reform efforts that DCSA is undertaking and provide general guidance to industry on how DCSA's understanding of the NISPOM requirements are being tuned to ensure effective monitoring and oversight of the FOCI program and the OD/PH communities Defense Security Service (DSS), Outside Directors and Proxy Holders (OD/PH), Boards of Directors (BoD), Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence (FOCI), Industry Personnel, Government, Information, OD/PH Nominations, National Industrial Security Program (NISP) 01-AUG-2018  
Outside Director (OD)/Proxy Holder (PH) Nomination Questionnaire DOD-UIS-00034 The questionnaire that nominees to be an OD/PH for a company must fill out for DCSA to review in order to approve as meeting the qualifications of the NISPOM OD/PH Nomination Questionnaire, Sample Form, Nominee, Outside Directors, Special Security Agreement, Defense Security Service (DSS)    
Guidelines for Trustees, Proxy Holders (PH) and Outside Directors (OD) DOD-UIS-00035 Provides prospective and current VT/PH/ODs and other industry members guidance on the role and responsibilities of a VT/PH/OD working with a company under FOCI mitigation Guidelines, Trustees, Proxy Holders and Outside Directors (OD/PH), General Requirements, Defense Security Service (DSS), National Industrial Security Program (NISP), Security, Safeguarding, Classified and Export Controlled Information, Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep), Industrial Security 01-JUL-2009  
Outside Director/Proxy Holder Baseline Training IS175.CU DOD-UIS-00036 This curriculum is specifically designed for the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency's Outside Director (OD), Proxy Holder (PH) and Voting Trustee (VT) community. Outside Director/Proxy Holder Baseline Training IS175.CU, Industrial Security, Training, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency's Outside Director (OD), Proxy Holder (PH), and Voting Trustee (VT), Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, FOCI documentation, Government Security Committee, Industry Personnel, Critical Awareness of Cybersecurity, Insider Threats, Foreign Intelligence Entity Threats    
Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Roles and Responsibilities DOD-UIS-00037 Provides general guidance to industry on all of the roles and responsibilities associated with a FOCI company Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Roles and Responsibilities, Outside Directors, Proxy Holders, Voting Trustees, FOCI Mitigation Agreements, Critical Technology Protection    
Companies in Mitigation Process DOD-UIS-00038 Provides general guidance to industry on the FOCI mitigation process and the materials that need to be submitted for review Critical Technology Protection, Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI), Companies in Mitigation Process, National Industrial Security Program (NISP), Facility Security Clearance (FCL), Classified Information, National Industrial Security System (NISS), Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA)    
Facility Location Plan Template DOD-UIS-00039 Provide a starting template for industry to construct a FLP as required by FOCI mitigation agreements Defense Security Service (DSS) Facilities Location Plan Template, Floor Plans, Compliance Measures and Oversight, Mitigation Measures, Industry, Access Control, Physical Access Controls, Policy and Procedures 01-FEB-2012  
Electronic Communications Plan (ECP) Sample DOD-UIS-00040 Provides some minor additional details on how to construct an ECP Defense Security Service (DSS), Designated Approving Authority, Sample Electronic Communications Plan (ECP), Draft ECP, Personnel Security, Policy, Procedures, Identification and Authentication, Security Awareness, Training, Physical and Environmental Protection, Incident Response, Configuration Management, Audit and Accountability    
Electronic Communications Plan (ECP) Telephone Log Removal DOD-UIS-00041 Director's memo removing the ECP telephone log requirement in section 17 of the ECP Defense Security Service (DSS), Cleared Companies, Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, Defense Security Service Electronic Communications Plan (ECP), Cleared and Uncleared Personnel, Facility Security Officer, Industry, Memorandum, Security Control Agreements, Special Security Agreements, and Proxy Agreements 08-NOV-2017 08-NOV-2017
Electronic Communications Plan (ECP) Template DOD-UIS-00042 Provide a starting template for industry to construct an ECP as required by FOCI mitigation agreements Defense Security Service (DSS), Designated Approving Authority, Sample Electronic Communications Plan (ECP), Draft ECP, Personnel Security, Policy, Procedures, Identification and Authentication, Security Awareness, Training, Physical and Environmental Protection, Incident Response, Configuration Management, Audit and Accountability 01-SEP-2011  
Technology Control Plan Template DOD-UIS-00043 Provide a starting template for industry to construct a TCP as required by FOCI mitigation agreements and the NISPOM under certain conditions Defense Security Service (DSS) Sample Technology Control Plan (TCP), Template, Industry, Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, NISPOM    
Affiliated Operations Plan Template DOD-UIS-00044 The template serves as a guide for requesting affiliated operations and demonstrating mitigation methods for an Administrative Services Agreement between affiliates. Defense Security Service (DSS) Affiliated Operations Plan (AOP) Template, Industry, Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI), Administrative Services Agreement, Guidance, Request 01-FEB-2013  
Navigating the Affiliated Operations Plan: A Guide for Industry DOD-UIS-00045 Provide guidance to assist industry with mitigating and managing affiliated operations per the requirements of the FOCI mitigation agreements Affiliated Operations Plan (AOP), Guidance, Industry, Defense Security Service (DSS), Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreement, AOP Life Cycle, Compliance, Submission, Managing, Requirements, Government Security Committees (GSCs) 11-MAY-2016 11-MAY-2016
FOCI Action Planning and Implementation DOD-UIS-00046 Provides general guidance on the types of FOCI supplements, their purpose, and what they entail Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Action Planning and Implementation, FOCI Mitigation Agreements (Voting Trust Agreement, Proxy Agreement, Special Security Agreement and Security Control Agreement), Affiliated Operations Plans (AOP), Technology Control Plan, Electronic Communications Plan, Visitation Plan, Facilities Location Plan, Guidance    
Voting Trust Template DOD-UIS-00047 The DCSA Voting Trust template Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, Voting Trust Template, Industrial Security Representative, Security Control Agreement (SCA), Special Security Agreement (SSA), Proxy Agreement, Special Security, Proxy, Critical Technology Protection    
Proxy Agreement Template DOD-UIS-00048 The DCSA Proxy Agreement template Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, Voting Trust Template, Industrial Security Representative, Security Control Agreement (SCA), Special Security Agreement (SSA), Proxy Agreement, Special Security, Proxy, Critical Technology Protection    
Special Security Agreement Template DOD-UIS-00049 The DCSA Special Security Agreement template Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, Voting Trust Template, Industrial Security Representative, Security Control Agreement (SCA), Special Security Agreement (SSA), Proxy Agreement, Special Security, Proxy, Critical Technology Protection    
Special Control Agreement Template DOD-UIS-00050 The DCSA Special Control Agreement template Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, Voting Trust Template, Industrial Security Representative, Security Control Agreement (SCA), Special Security Agreement (SSA), Proxy Agreement, Special Security, Proxy, Critical Technology Protection    
Board Resolution Template DOD-UIS-00051 The DCSA Board Resolution template Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, Voting Trust Template, Industrial Security Representative, Security Control Agreement (SCA), Special Security Agreement (SSA), Proxy Agreement, Special Security, Proxy, Critical Technology Protection    
Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements DOD-UIS-00052 Provides general guidance on the types of FOCI mitigation agreements and comparisons of some versus others Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, Voting Trust Template, Industrial Security Representative, Security Control Agreement (SCA), Special Security Agreement (SSA), Proxy Agreement, Special Security, Proxy, Critical Technology Protection    
Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) FAQs DOD-UIS-00053 Provides guidance for industry on commonly asked FOCI questions Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI), Critical Technology Protection, Foreign Investment, Industrial, Information. Guidance, Industry    
National Industrial Security Program (NISP) FAQs DOD-UIS-00054 Provides guidance for public on commonly asked NISP questions National Industrial Security Program (NISP), Executive Order 12829, Defense Industry Safeguard, Contracts, Programs, Bids, Research and Development, Classified Information, Security Oversight, NISP Signatories, FAQs, NISP Operating Manual, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)    
Protected Distribution System (PDS) Requirements DOD-UIS-00055 Committee on National Security Systems Instruction (CNSSI) 7003. Cleared contracts are required to have compliant PDS by Sep 30, 2018 Committee on National Security Systems Instruction (CNSSI) 7003, Industry Protected Distribution System (PDS) Transition Guidance, Cleared Contractors, Information Systems Security Professional (ISSP), PDS Configuration, Defense Security Service (DSS) Authorization Official (AO) 01-SEP-2015  
Protected Distribution System (PDS) System Checklist DOD-UIS-00056 PDS all-purpose checklist extracted from CNSSI No. 7003 and NISPOM Protected Distribution System (PDS) Checklist, All-Purpose Checklist, CNSSI No. 7003, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)    
Protected Distribution System (PDS) Installation Plan Request DOD-UIS-00057 DoD components tasked to provide list of external policy documents currently in use and a list of documents to be rescinded as a result of EO 13891, Promoting the Rule of Law Through Improved Agency Guidance Documents Protected Distribution System (PDS) Installation Plan, Protected Distribution System Approval Request, Information, Security, System Information, Facility Security, Building Security, Industry Protected, Distribution System (PDS) Transition Guidance, Committee on National Security Systems Instruction (CNSSI) 7003 09-OCT-2019  
DCSA Assessment and Authorization Process Manual (DAAPM Version 2.0) Effective May 6, 2019 DOD-UIS-00058 The DAAPM transitions the DSS C&A process to the Risk Management Framework (RMF) made applicable to cleared contractors by DOD 5220.22-M, Change 2, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NIPSOM) Defense Security Service (DSS) Industrial Security Field Operations, National Industrial Security Program Authorization Office, Defense Security Service (DSS) Assessment and Authorization Process Manual (DAAPM),National Industrial Security Program (NISP), Contractors, Process Manual 19-MAY-2016  
Protected Distribution Systems, Committee on National Security Systems (CNSSI) No. 7003 DOD-UIS-00059 CNSSI No. 7003. This instruction provides guidance and requirements for the approval and installation of wire line and fiber optic distribution systems used to protect unencrypted, National security information through areas of lesser classification or control. CNSSI No.7003, Protected Distribution System (PDS), The Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS), Instruction, National Security Directive 42, National Policy for the Security of National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems, Guidance, Installation, National security information (NSI), National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Instruction (NSTISSI) 7003 01-SEP-2015  
Joint Special Access Program (SAP) Implementation Guide DOD-UIS-00060 DoD Joint Special Access Program (SAP) Implementation Guide. This version is based on NIST SP 800-53, Rev 4 and CNSSI 1253, March 2014. It provides policy, guidance, and standards for the authorization of information systems and application of RMF within a DoD SAP. Joint Special Access Program (SAP), Implementation Guide (JSIG), NIST SP 800-53, CNSSI 1253, Risk Management Framework (RMF), Risk Management of Data and Information Systems, Industry, Joint SAP Cybersecurity Working Group (JSCS WG), Special Access Programs, Risk Mitigation Strategy 11-APR-2016  
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) DOD-UIS-00061 NISP was established by EO 12829 to ensure cleared U.S. defense industry safeguards classified information in their possession while performing work on contracts, programs, bids, or research and development efforts. DCSA administers NISP on behalf of the DoD and 33 other federal agencies. There are approximately 13,000 contract facilities that are cleared for access to classified information under DCSA's security oversight responsibilities. DCSA provides field personnel, GCAs, and cleared contractors with timely, consistent policy guidance and effective interpretation of the NISP. National Industrial Security Program (NISP), Executive Order 12829, Defense Industry Safeguard, Contracts, Programs, Bids, Research and Development, Classified Information, Security Oversight, NISP Signatories, FAQs, NISP Operating Manual, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)    
DCSA SIPRNET CTO 10-133 Plan of Action and Milestone (POA&M) Template DOD-UIS-00062 Form including: Item Number; Non-Compliance; Mitigation Plans and Adjustments; Milestone Date Based on Risk Level; ISSM/FSO Approval; Status (Open/Closed), and DSS Approval Date and Determination (Open/Closed) and Risk Level (Low/Medium/High) Plan of Action and Milestone Template (POAM), Defense Security Service (DSS) SIPRNET CTO 10-133    
NISP SIPRNET Circuit Approval Process V2.4 (August 2016) DOD-UIS-00063 NSCAP was developed to provide step-by-step guidance for cleared contractors and their sponsors with contractual requirements to establish a connection to the SIPRNET. The NSCAP is based on established policy and guidance for Non-DOD DISN connections as documented in the DSA CPG. NISP SIPRNet Circuit Approval Process (NSCAP), Guidance, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Connection Process Guide (CPG) 01-AUG-2016  
Checklist for NISP Contractors Connecting to DOD Networks Regarding Requirements of U.S. Cyber Command Directive 10-133 DOD-UIS-00064 Checklist is for NISP contractors connecting to DoD networks regarding requirements of U.S. Cyber Command Directive 10-133. It is a voluntary checklist to aid cleared contracts to ensure compliance with DoD guidance. NISP contractors, Requirements, U.S. Cyber Command Directive, Defense Security Service (DSS) Guidance, Checklist    
DISA Security Technology Implementation Guides (STIG) DOD-UIS-00065 DoD cyber exchange. STIGs are configuration standards for DOD IA and enabled devices/systems. STIGs contain technical guidance to "lock down" information systems/software that might otherwise be vulnerable to malicious computer attacks. Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs), Configuration Standards, devices/systems, Security Systems 20-JUN-1905  
Electronic Communications Plan (ECP) DOD-UIS-00066 DSS Electronic Communications Plan Template. Link opens to document in word. NISP Authorization Office (NAO), National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) Risk Management Framework (RMF), guidelines, Assessment and Authorization (A&A) , Information Systems (IS) 09/00/2011  
How to Manage a Contamination DOD-UIS-00067 Briefing on how to manage a contamination. It defines a compromise, contamination, describes causes, discusses ad hoc preparation team, review steps for inquiry, reporting requirements, and clean-up operations. Manage, Contamination Incident, Defense Security Service (DSS), Information, Classification, Spillage    
Security Seals DOD-UIS-00068 AIS security seals vendors and guidelines. A reference of lists companies that have been identified as potential sources of tamper-resistant security seals. Guidelines, tamper resistant security seals, System Security, accredited, unauthorized, detection, components 01-JAN-2003  
Test Equipment - Identifying and Resolving Security Challenges DOD-UIS-00069 Briefing on identifying and resolving security challenges. It reviews types of test equipment, determines what requires certification, and identifies vulnerabilities. Security Challenges, Equipment, Standards, IT, Quality, Certification, Vulnerabilities, Classification    
  DOD-UIS-00070 Guidelines for conducting an administrative inquiry for information systems. Information Systems (IS), Guidelines, Information, Security Measures    
National Information System Security INFOSEC Terms (NTISSI No. 4009) DOD-UIS-00071 Committee on National Security Systems. It provides guidance and establishes technical criteria for specific national security systems issues. It includes technical or implementation guidelines, restrictions, doctrines, and procedures applicable to cybersecurity. Instructions, Guidance, Technical Criteria, National Security Systems Issues, Restrictions, Cybersecurity, Classified, Spillage, Information    
SANS Glossary of Security Terms DOD-UIS-00072 Glossary of security terms. Glossary, Security Terms, Access Control, Authorization, Auditing    
Tech Encyclopedia DOD-UIS-00073 A newsletter. InformationWeek IT Network. Glossary, Information, Analytics, Security, Vulnerabilities    
DoD 5220.22-M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NIPSOM), Incorporating Change 2 (05/18/2016) DOD-UIS-00074 Is issued in accordance with the National Industrial Security Program (NISP). It prescribes the requirements, restrictions, and other safeguards to prevent unauthorized disclosure of classified information. The Manual controls the authorized disclosure of classified information released by U.S. Government Executive Branch Departments and Agencies to their contractors Operating Manual, National Industrial Security Program, Authority, Security, Insider Threat 18-MAY-2016  
DoDM 5220.22, "National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual" (NISPOM) DOD-UIS-00075 Summary of Changes to the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) National Industrial Security Program (NISPOM), Changes, Requirements, Restrictions, Safeguards, Unauthorized, Classified Information    
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) Quick Reference Tool (05/26/16) DOD-UIS-00076 Industrial Tools for Referencing National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Resources, eMASS, RMF, FOCI, RISO, and Contact Us Industry Tools, Resources, eMASS, Forms, Facility Clearances, Guidelines    
Vulnerability Assessment Rating Matrix 2006 Update DOD-UIS-00077 Per National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) 1-207, “Security Reviews,” DSS performs vulnerability assessments of all cleared contractor facilities under its cognizance. The focus of vulnerability assessments is to ensure facilities are compliant with NISPOM requirements such that safeguards employed by contractors are adequate for the protection of classified information. Defense Security Service (DSS) Vulnerability, Security, Information, Contractor, Assessment 18-MAY-2016  
Self-Inspection Handbook for Contractors DOD-UIS-00078 Self-inspections provide insight into your security program. It provides you an opportunity to look at the security procedures established at your company and validate that they not only meet NISPOM requirements but they are being effectively implemented by your cleared employees. NISP Contractors, Security, Handbook, Facility Clearance, Classification, Controlled Access 01-MAY-2016  
Procedural Guide for Conducting Classified Meetings DOD-UIS-00079 This guide outlines procedures for preparing, processing, providing security, and approving requests for DoD-sponsored classified conferences as defined in the references section. Guidance, Classification, Security, Vulnerability, Information, Procedural 01-JUL-2012  
Administrative Inquiry (AI) Job Aid for Industry DOD-UIS-00080 The purpose of this document is to provide instructions for conducting an Administrative Inquiry (AI). Included in this reference are the guidelines for conducting investigations and submitting the initial and final reports. Administrative Inquiry Process, Defense Security Service (DSS), Security Violations, Requirements, Information Systems, Investigations 01-JUL-2011  
Facility Security Clearance (FCL) Welcome Packet A Guide for New Facilities DOD-UIS-00081 The Defense Security Service (DSS) has received a request from either a Government Contracting Activity (GCA) or a cleared contractor to sponsor your facility for a Facility Clearance (FCL) in the National Industrial Security Program (NISP). The NISP was established by Executive Order 12829 in January of 1993 for the protection of classified information. The NISP applies to all executive branch departments and agencies, and to all cleared contractor facilities located within the United States, its Trust Territories and possessions. Participation is voluntary, but access to classified information will not be permitted otherwise. Defense Security Service (DSS), Facility Clearance (FCL), National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Classified Information, Protection    
DD Form 254, Department of Defense Contract Security Classification Specification DOD-UIS-00082 Instructions for Department of Defense Contact Security Classification Specification; classification guidance and special security rules; The government contracting officer (GCO) awards contracts on behalf of
the government and coordinates security requirements with the PSO. The PSO or designee prepares the DD Form 254.
Security, Classification, Specification, Contracts 01-APR-2018  
DD Form 441, Department of Defense Security Agreement DOD-UIS-00083 Department of Defense Security Agreement/Form; Security Measures taken by the Contractor prior to and after being accorded access to classified information Defense Security Agreement, Contractor, Security Measures, Access, Safeguards, Classified Information, Security Classification 01-JAN-2017  
DD Form 441-1, Appendage to Security Agreement DOD-UIS-00084 Appendage to Department of Defense Security Agreement/Form Appendage, Security Agreement, Form, Security Measures, Access 01-JAN-2017  
SF-310, Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement DOD-UIS-00085 SF-310 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement/Form; As used in this Agreement, classified information is marked or unmarked classified information, including oral communications, that is classified under the standards of Executive Order 13526, or under any other Executive order or statute that prohibits the unauthorized disclosure of information in the interest of national security; and unclassified information that meets the standards for classification and is in the process of a classification determination as provided in sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4(e) of Executive Order 13526, or under any other Executive order or statute that requires protection for such information in the interest of national security. Classified Information, Forms, Nondisclosure Agreement, SF312, Security Measures, Access 01-JUL-2013  
SF Form 328, Certificate Pertaining to Foreign Interests DOD-UIS-00086 Certificate Pertaining to Foreign Interests SF Form 328, Certificate, Foreign Interests 01-NOV-2018  
Common Security Services Agreement DOD-UIS-00087 This agreement is made in accordance with the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) when co-located parent and subsidiary organizations opt to share common security services. Agreement, Security Matters, Security, Personnel Security, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Forms    
FCL Process Orientation Transcript and Handbook DOD-UIS-00088 Designed to guide you through the Facility Clearance Process and provide you with the information you will need to set up your Security and Insider Threat Program. Facility Clearance Process, Classified Contracts, Legal, Business, Information    
Checklist for a New Facility Clearance DOD-UIS-00089 Mandated by the guidelines set forth in the National Industrial Security Program (NISP), the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) processes, issues, and monitors the continued eligibility of entities for an FCL. To get started with the FCL process, please see the following checklist for cleared contractors, U.S. Government Contracting Agencies, and U.S. Prime Contractors. Facility Clearance, Entities, Classified Information, Guidelines, National Industrial Security Program (NISP)    
eQuip and Electronic Fingerprint Guide for In-Process Facilities DOD-UIS-00090 The purpose of this section is to outline the options available for companies that are in-process for a facility clearance (FCL) to submit electronic fingerprints. e-QIP, Fingerprint, Submission, Handling Personally Identifiable Information, Signature 01-FEB-2014  
Small Business Guide Facility Clearance Process Pamphlet DOD-UIS-00091 Guidance document for small businesses for facility clearance processing Small Business, Facility Clearance, Authorization, Information, Security 09-JUL-1905 09-JUL-1905
GAM Appointment Letter Designating Government Administers (GAMS) for NISP Contract Classification System DOD-UIS-00092 The GAM Responsibilities and Accountability as contained in this GAM Appointment Letter; As a GAM, you are a critical part of maintaining system security because you enable and disable user access and authorization. You are also critical to maintaining accountability and auditability because you enable WAWF system roles and maintain the documentation that authorized your actions. NISP Contract Classification System (NCCS), Form, Security, Accountability, Responsibilities, Appointment Letter 23-JUL-2013  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2019-02 (05/08/2019) DOD-UIS-00093 Agency Agreements Industrial Security, Contractors, Policy, Information, National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM) 08-MAY-2019  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2019-02 (01/15/2019) DOD-UIS-00094 National Security Adjudicated Guidelines Industrial Security, Contractors, Policy, Guidelines, Classified Information, Adjudicative Guidelines 15-JAN-2019  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2017-01 (10/24/2017) DOD-UIS-00095 Agency Agreements National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Industrial Security, Agreement, Information 24-OCT-2017  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2016-02 REVISED (06/27/17) DOD-UIS-00096 Insider Threat Minimum Standards for Contractors; Provides guidance on insider threat minimum standards. Insider Threats, Standards, Contractors, Industrial Security 21-MAY-2016 29-JUNE-17 (REV)
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2016-01 (03/24/16) DOD-UIS-00097 “National Industrial Security Program (NISP)”, states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads; amended to include the United States Postal Service (USPS) Industrial Security, National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Information 24-MAR-2016  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2015-03 (04/30/15) DOD-UIS-00098 "National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads; amended to include the Social Security Administration (SSA) Industrial Security, National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Information 30-APR-2015  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2015-02 (04/30/15) DOD-UIS-00099 “National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads; amended to include the Office of Administration, Executive Office of the President (OA/EOP) Industrial Security Letter (ISL), National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Information, Office of Administration, Executive Office of the President (OA/EOP) 30-APR-2015  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2015-01 (03/12/15) DOD-UIS-00100 “National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads; amended to include the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), Industrial Security Letter (ISL), National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Information 12-MAR-2015  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2014-03 (04/25/14) DOD-UIS-00101 Guidance on multiple NISPOM topics: 1. GSA Storage Equipment; 2. CSA Approval of IDS; 3. Central Monitoring Station Industrial Security Letter (ISL), National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Information, GSA Storage Equipment, Security Containers, Monitoring Station 22-APR-2014 22-APR-2014
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2014-02 (04/24/14) DOD-UIS-00102 “National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads; amended to include the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Industrial Security, National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Agreements, Information 24-APR-2014  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2014-01 (04/14/14) DOD-UIS-00103 GSA Carriers for Overnight Delivery of Secret and Confidential Information; Provides criteria for the CSA approval process for the use GSA listed commercial carriers by contractors. Industrial Security Letter (ISL), National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Information, Delivery, Classified Information, Classification 14-APR-2014 14-APR-2014
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2013-06 REVISED (12/04/13) DOD-UIS-00104 Derivative Classification Responsibilities per NISPOM 4-102; Details the requirements for derivative classifier identification and training. Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, National Industrial Security Manual Operating Manual (NISPOM), Classification Responsibilities, Personnel, Authorization 04-OCT-2013 03-DEC-2013
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2013-05 (07/02/13) DOD-UIS-00105 Applicability of NISPOM 1-301 Reporting Requirements to Cyber Intrusions; Clarifies reporting requirements to the FBI as related to threat activity on contractor information systems. Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, National Industrial Security Manual Operating Manual (NISPOM), Cyber Intrusions, Information System, Classified Information Systems, Threat Activity 02-JUL-2013 02-JUL-2013
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2013-04 (06/11/13) DOD-UIS-00106 “National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads; amended to include the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, National Industrial Security Manual Operating Manual (NISPOM), Agreements, Security, Information 11-JUN-2013  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2013-03 (03/20/13) DOD-UIS-00107 Transfer of Defense Articles to Australia with License or Other Written Authorization; Provides guidance on the treaty between the US and Australia on transfers between the two countries. Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Transfer of Defense Articles, Authorization, Australia, National Industrial Security Manual Operating Manual (NISPOM) 20-MAR-2013 20-MAR-2013
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2013-02 (03/08/13) DOD-UIS-00108 “National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads"; amended to include the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), National Archives and Record Administration 08-MAR-2013  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2013-01 (01/17/13) DOD-UIS-00109 Facility Clearance Eligibility Requirements Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Facility Clearance, Requirements, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Law, Eligibility, Entities 17-JAN-2013  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2012-04 (08/07/12) DOD-UIS-00110 Guidance on multiple NISPOM topics: 1. GSA Storage Equipment; 2. Secret Storage; 3. Open Shelf or Bin Storage Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Updated Guidance, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Authorization, Classified Material, Storage Option, Security, Information 07-AUG-2012 07-AUG-2012
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2012-03 (05/14/12) DOD-UIS-00111 FSO Training; requires contractors to ensure facility security officers (FSOs) and other contractor personnel performing security duties complete security training considered appropriate by the Cognizant Security Agency (CSA) Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Facility Security, Training Requirements, Classified Information, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) 14-MAY-2012 14-MAY-2012
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2012-02 (03/21/12) RESCINDED DOD-UIS-00112 Rescinded Transfers of Defense Articles, United Kingdom, Rescinded, Industrial Security Letter (ISL), National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Information, Security 21-MAR-2012  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2012-01 (02/21/12) DOD-UIS-00113 “National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads; amended, as the Department of Defense and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, National Industrial Security Program (NISP), Agreements, Security, Information, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) 21-FEB-2012  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2011-04 (09/23/11) DOD-UIS-00114 Adverse Information; Reiterates reporting requirements for adverse information Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Adverse Information, Classified Information, Security Violations, Procedures, Unauthorized, Classified Information Systems, Security Requirement 23-SEP-2011 23-SEP-2011
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2011-03 (05/09/11) DOD-UIS-00115 Disclosure of Classified Information between Parent and Subsidiaries Within a Corporate Family Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Disclosure, Classified Information, Subcontractor, Legal Entities, Facility Clearance, Information 09-MAY-2011 09-MAY-2011
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2011-02 (05/02/11) DOD-UIS-00116 Guidance on Multiple NISPOM topics: 1. Acceptable Proof of Citizenship; 2. COMSEC and Proscribed Info National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Industrial Security Letter, Contractors, Acceptable Proof of Citizenship, Fraud, Identity, Puerto Rico, Special Security Agreement (SSA), Communications Security, Information 02-MAY-2011 12-APR-2011
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2011-01 (01/18/11) RESCINDED DOD-UIS-00117 Rescinded; National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM) paragraph 5-303 prohibits contractors from using non-GSA approved security containers for storage of classified material after October 1, 2012. Industrial Security Letter (ISL), National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Security Containers, Classified Material, Defense Security Service (DSS), Inspections, Requirement, Non-GSA, Storage Methods, Disposing, Classified Information, Rescinded 18-JAN-2011  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2010-02 (02/22/10) RESCINDED DOD-UIS-00118 Not marked on letter as rescinded; Reporting Requirements for Cyber Intrusions (NISPOM 1-301) Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Industrial Security, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Reporting Requirements, Cyber Intrusions, Information, Espionage, Sabotage, Terrorism, Subversive Activities, Report 22-FEB-2010  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2010-01 (01/28/10) DOD-UIS-00119 Provides guidance on multiple NISPOM topics: 1) Cooperation with Federal Agencies and Officially Credentialed Representatives of Those Agencies; 2) Security Management Office (SMO) Contact Information in JPAS; 3) Acceptable Proof of Citizenship; 4) Required Facility Security Officer (FSO) Training; 5) Release of JPAS records Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Industrial Security, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Requirements, Personnel Security, Facility, Security Records, Federal Agencies 28-JAN-2010 28-JAN-2010
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2009-03 (11/17/09) DOD-UIS-00120 Provides guidance on what constitutes a reportable material change to the SF-328 Guidance, Reportable Material, Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, ISL 2009-03, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Foreign Interests, Defense Security Service (DSS), Information, Oversight, Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) 17-NOV-2009 17-NOV-2009
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2009-02 (06/06/09) DOD-UIS-00121 Provides guidance on 1) eligibility of companies organized and existing under the laws of U.S. Territories for facility clearances and 2) pre-employment clearance action Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Facility Clearances, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Security, Requirements 06-JUN-2009 06-JUN-2009
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2009-01 (03/05/09) DOD-UIS-00122 This ISL pertains to: 1) the Defense Security Service (DSS) Office of Designated Approving Authority (ODAA) “Manual for the Certification and Accreditation of Classified Systems under the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)” ; and 2) the DSS ODAA “Standardization of Baseline Technical Security Configurations” Industrial Security Letter (ISL), ISL 2009-01, Contractors, Industrial Security, Authority, Certification, Classified Systems, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Technical Security Configurations, Standards 05-MAR-2009 05-MAR-2009
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2007-01 (01/11/07) RESCINDED DOD-UIS-00123 Rescinded; NISPOM Chapter 8, “Information System Security” Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Information System Security, Procedures, Rescinded, Security Requirements, Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Program (DIACAP) 11-JAN-2007  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2006-02 (08/22/06) DOD-UIS-00124 Guidance on multiple NISPOM topics: 1) Security for Wireless Devices, Services and Technologies; 2) Security Review Ratings; 3) Reporting Participation in Rehabilitation Programs as Adverse Information; 4) Reports Submitted to the CSA; 5) Notification to Recipients Regarding the Inadvertent Dissemination of Classified as Unclassified; 6) Facility Security Clearances for Service Contracts; 7) Clearing Branch Offices; 8) Personnel Security Clearances, the Internet, and Job Seeking; 9) Interim Access to JPAS - Based on a National Agency Check; 10) Fingerprint Cards not Required for Periodic Reinvestigations; 11) Access Limitations of an LAA; 12) PCL/FCL Requirements for Self-Employed Consultants; 13) SF-312 Date in JPAS; 14) Q & A SF-312; 15) Structural Integrity of Closed Areas; 16) Changing Combinations; 17) Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Monitoring Over Data Networks; 18) Visit Authorization Letters for the Department of Energy; 19) Bilateral Security Agreements; 20) Definitions of Foreign National and U.S. Person; 21) Q &A re Storage of Foreign Government Information on an Information System; 22) Q & A re CSA Notification of Assignment of Foreign Nationals to US Contractor Facilities; 23) Q &A re Technology Control Plan (TCP) Requirement When Foreign Nationals are Assigned to US Contractor Facilities Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Industry, Industrial Security, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Information System Security, Technologies, Security, Classified, Unclassified, Information, Facility Security Clearances, Personnel Security 22-AUG-2006 22-AUG-2006
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) eMASS Account Request and Access Procedures DOD-UIS-00125 Version 1.1; NISP eMASS Account and Access Procedures and User Guidance NISP eMASS Account, Access Procedures , Request Access, New User, Registration, Instructions 17-DEC-2019  
Industry System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) Instructions DOD-UIS-00126 National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) Instructions National Industrial Security Program (NISP) , Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS), System Authorization Access Request (SAAR), Instructions, Request    
Industry System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) Form DOD-UIS-00127 DD Form 2875, System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) System Authorization Access Request (SAAR), Form, Security, Computer, Information, Access 01-AUG-2009  
Field Office Facilities DOD-UIS-00128 Map of field office locations in the Capital, Southern, Western, Northern, and NAESOC Regions Field Locations, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA), Personnel, Geographic Regions, Capital, Northern, Southern, Western    
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) eMASS Industry Operations Guide Version 1.1 DOD-UIS-00129 National Industrial Security Program Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service Operation Guide National Industrial Security Program, Enterprise Mission Assurance Support, Service Industry Operation Guide, Management, System Registration, System Information, Federal Information Security, Business, Security, Assessment, Import/Export 18-DEC-2019  
NISP Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 2019 DOD-UIS-00130 NIPSOM eMASS Frequently Asked Questions, Version 1.0 NISP Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS), Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Training, Information Systems Security Professional (ISSP), RMF Knowledge, Cleared Industry, Information, Security 22-JUL-2019  
NISP Classified Configuration (CC) in Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) DOD-UIS-00131 NISP Classified Configuration in eMASS NISP Classified Configuration, eMASS, Authorization, Information System, Access, Downloading, Industry Fingerprint, Personnel Security, Investigations, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) 01-AUG-2019  
NISP Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) Training Access and Procedures for Cleared Industry DOD-UIS-00132 NISP eMASS Training Access & Procedures for Cleared Industry guidance NISP eMASS Training, Procedures, Cleared Industry, Cyber Awareness Challenge (CAC), Computer Based Training (CBT), External Certification Authority (ECA) 17-OCT-2019  
Risk Management Framework (RMF) Knowledge Service DOD-UIS-00133 Provides steps to take before accessing the RMF Knowledge Service Portal Risk Management Framework (RMF) Knowledge Service, Certificate, Computer System, Equipment, Network Devices, Access, Information    
Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) Computer Based Training (CBT) DOD-UIS-00134 Cleared Industry users requiring access to the DISA eMASS (CBT) NISP eMASS Training, Procedures, Cleared Industry, Cyber Awareness Challenge (CAC), Computer Based Training (CBT), External Certification Authority (ECA) 17-OCT-2019 17-OCT-2019
DISA Cyber Awareness Challenge (CAC) Training DOD-UIS-00135 Course provides an overview of cybersecurity threats and best practices to keep information and information systems secure. Every year, authorized users of the DoD information systems must complete the Cyber Awareness Challenge to maintain awareness of, and stay up-to-date on new cybersecurity threats. Cyber Awareness Challenge (CAC), Requirements, Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program (WIP), Information Security, Policies, Cybersecurity Threats, Authorize    
Summary of Changes to the DCSA Assessment and Authorization Process Manual (DAAPM) Version 2.0 DOD-UIS-00136 The DAAPM Version 2.0 has been revised to better assist users in the implementation of the Risk Management Framework (RMF). Defense Security Service (DSS) Assessment and Authorization Process Manual (DAAPM) , Risk Management Framework (RMF), manual , Summary of Changes, Information System, Security Controls, Security and Privacy    
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) DOD-UIS-00138 NISP Website; provides relevant information on oversight of the NISP. The NISPOM was revised in 2016, and a summary of changes National Industrial Security Program (NSP), Executive Order 12829, Defense Industry Safeguards, Classified Information, Contracts, Programs, Bids, Research, Contractor Facilities, Security, Guidance    
NIST 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations DOD-UIS-00139 This publication has been developed by NIST to further its statutory responsibilities under the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), Public Law (P.L.) 107-347. NIST is responsible for developing information security standards and guidelines, including minimum requirements for federal information systems, but such standards and guidelines shall not apply to national security systems without the express approval of appropriate federal officials exercising policy authority over such systems. Security, Privacy Controls, Federal Information Systems, Organizations, Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), Information Security, Federal Information Systems, Guidelines, Authority, Security, Statutory Authority 01-APR-2013  
JSIG Guidance for Special Access Programs (SAP) DOD-UIS-00140 The purpose of this document is to provide policy and guidance on the implementation of the RMF. This document, the JSIG, serves as a technical supplement to NIST SP 800-53 and CNSSI 1253, and is used in concert with the applicable volume of DoDM 5205.07 in the application of the RMF. Joint Special Access Program (SAP), Implementation Guide (JSIG), Risk Management Framework (RMF), Risk Management, Information Systems, Department, Industry, Cybersecurity Threats, Sensitive Information, Authorizing Information, Information, Security 11-APR-2016  
Committee on National Security Systems Instructions (CNSSI) 1253 (March 2014) DOD-UIS-00141 Security Categorization and Control Selection for National Security Systems Security Categorization, Control Selection, National Security Systems, Guidance, Risk Management Framework (RMF), Instructions, Standards, Technology, Information Systems Security, Engineers, Authorizing Officials 27-MAR-2014  
DoD 8510.01, Risk Management Framework for DoD Information Technology DOD-UIS-00142 Provides procedural guidance for the reciprocal acceptance of authorization decisions and artifacts within DoD, and between DoD and other federal agencies, for the authorization and connection of information systems (ISs). Instructions, Risk Management Framework (RMF) Information Technology (IT), Cybersecurity Policy, Information Assurance Certification, Cybersecurity Risk, Authorization, Security, Information 12-MAR-2014  
National Industrial Security Program Enterprise Wide Area Network (NISP eWAN) System Job Aid (April 2019) DOD-UIS-00143 Version 1.1; The National Industrial Security Program Enterprise Wide Area Network (NISP eWAN) concept allows NISP participants to design and develop an enterprise WANs (eWAN) to operate and maintain NISP systems under a single Authorization to Operate (ATO). Cleared Industry companies seeking to design and develop a NISP eWAN must meet certain criteria to own and operate a eWAN. Once eligibility has been determined, the company must provide a NISP eWAN Proposal to the NISP Authorization Office, Defense Security Service. National Industrial Security Program Enterprise Wide Area Network (NISP eWAN) System, Classified Information, Safeguard, Confidentiality, Information, Industry, Contractors, Authorization 15-APR-2019  
NCMS 2018 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)) DOD-UIS-00144 NCMS the Society of Industrial Security Professionals 2018 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Society of Industrial Security Professionals, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS), Facility Security, Classified Information, Security Controls, Requirements, Information, Access    
Risk Management Framework (RMF) FAQ - April 2018 DOD-UIS-00145 Version 1.1; Risk Management Framework (RMF)- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Risk Management Framework (RMF), Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Industry, Authorization, System Security Plan (SSP), Assessment, Information Systems, Data Transfer, Guidance, Security, Safeguard 01-APR-2018  
Risk Management Framework (RMF) Workflow Process with Associated Artifact DOD-UIS-00146 Workflow chart NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF) Process, Stakeholders, Categorization, Coordination Control, Chart, Information, Security, Steps, Threat Profile, Instruction, Guidance 01-JUL-2017  
NCMS 2017 Questions and Answers DOD-UIS-00147 NCMS - The Society of Industrial Security Professionals 2017 Questions and Answers Society of Industrial Security Professionals, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Defense Security Service (DSS), Authorization, System Security Plan (SSP), Defense Security Service (DSS) Assessment and Authorization Process Manual (DAAPM), Information Systems, Tools, Risk Assessment Report (RAR), Classification Specification    
Risk Management Framework (RMF) FAQ - April 2017 DOD-UIS-00148 Risk Management Framework (RMF)- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Risk Management Framework (RMF), Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Industry, Authorization, System Security Plan (SSP), Assessment, Information Systems, Data Transfer, Guidance, Security, Safeguard 27-APR-2017  
National Industrial Security Program Authorization Office (NAO) Homepage DOD-UIS-00149 The NISP Authorization Office (NAO) handles the execution of A&A process within the NISP. The NAO is accountable for DCSA’s timely, consistent policy implementation and A&A determinations nationwide, working closely with cleared defense industry, government contracting activities, and other DCSA industrial security personnel. NISP Authorization Office (NAO), National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) Risk Management Framework (RMF), guidelines, Assessment and Authorization (A&A) , Information Systems (IS), Requirements, Industrial Security Personnel    
Getting Started with Risk Management Framework (October 2016) DOD-UIS-00150 Getting Started Guide for Classified Systems under the Risk Management Framework (RMF) Risk Management Framework (RMF), Classified Systems, Guidance, Instructions, Training, Authorizing Systems, Information, Resources, Categorization, Security Controls 20-OCT-2016  
NISPOM to NIST 800-53v4 Security Control Mapping (May 2016) DOD-UIS-00151 This document is intended to reduce duplication of compliance effort by displaying the differences between the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (800-53r4) security standards and those of the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). Implementing this guideline should provide the most efficient path to compliance with NISP Risk Management Framework (RMF) requirements, and the creation of repeatable assessment procedures that are effective at discovering and mitigating unacceptable risk. Industrial Security Field Operations, NISP Authorization Office (NAO), Security Control Mapping, Risk Management Framework (RMF), Identification, Authorization, Physical and Environmental Protection, System, Information Integrity, Security Assessment 01-MAY-2016  
Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) DOD-UIS-00152 Security Content Automation Protocol Security Content Authorization Protocol (SCAP), Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs), Cyber, Certificates, Access, Information, Security 01-DEC-2018  
DISA Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) Viewer DOD-UIS-00153 The purpose of the SRG/STIG Applicability Guide and Collection Tool is to assist the SRG/STIG user community in determining what SRGs and/or STIGs apply to a particular situation or Information System (IS) and to create a fully formatted document containing a “Collection” of SRGs and STIGs applicable to the situation being addressed. STIG Viewing Tools, Process, Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs), Licensing, Public, Software, Information, Security    
Gain Control with Risk Management Framework (RMF) Version 1 DOD-UIS-00154 Version 1.0; The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Risk Management Framework (RMF) is a six step process Risk Management Framework (RMF), Process, Categorize, Access, Authorize, Monitor, Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM), System Operates, Information Security, Mitigating Risks, Security Controls 01-NOV-2017  
Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE) DOD-UIS-00155 Security education, training, and certification for DoD and Industry Security, Training, Security Education, Certification, Defense, Industry, Security Assurance, Procedures, Information, Resources    
Introduction to the Risk Management Framework (RMF) DOD-UIS-00156 Introduction to the Risk Management Framework (RMF) CS124.16 Risk Management Framework (RMF), Security Education, Training, Certification, Defense, Industry, Cybersecurity Policies, Information Technology    
Getting Started with the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) Compliance Checker and Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) Viewer DOD-UIS-00157 Automated compliance scanning tool that leverages the DISA Security Technical Implementation Guidelines (STIGs) and operating system (OS) specific baselines to analyze and report on the security configuration of an information system. Industrial Security Field Operations, NISP Authorization Office (NAO), Security Control Mapping, Compliance Checker, DISA Security Technical Implementation Guidelines (STIGs) and operating system (OS), Security Configuration, Information System, Requirements, Information Assurance Support Environment (IASE) 01-FEB-2017  
Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems DOD-UIS-00158 Provide people new to risk management with an overview of a methodology for managing organizational risk, the Risk Management Framework (RMF) Computer Security Resource Center, FISMA Implementation, Risk Management Framework (RMF), Organizational Risk, Standards, Technology, Information Technology (IT), Steps, Guidance, Security 11-DEC-2019  
DCSA Risk Management Framework (RMF) Training Slides (August 2016) DOD-UIS-00159 Briefing slides Risk Management Framework (RMF), Unified Information Security, Certification, Accreditation, Information Systems, Organizational Risk, Stakeholder, Guidance, Information 01-AUG-2016  
NIST - Applying the Risk Management Framework to Systems DOD-UIS-00160 Computer Security Resource Center - FISMA Implementation Project Risk Management Framework (RMF), Training, Applying, Standards, Technology, Information Technology, Computer Security Resource, Security, Information 11-DEC-2019  
IASE - DoD Cybersecurity Policy DOD-UIS-00161 The DoD Cyber Exchange is the premier cyber resource for the Department of Defense. Cyber Exchange delivers trusted cyber policies, guidance, cyber security tools and training, and other cyber security resources to the DoD, Federal agencies, and public. Cybersecurity, Policies, Guidance, Training, Cyber Awareness, Resources, Unclassified Domain, Cyber Professional    
FedVTE - Cyber Risk Management for Technicians DOD-UIS-00162 Federal Virtual Training Environment - User has to login to website Federal Virtual Training Environment (FedVTE), Cybersecurity Training, Contractors, Military, Defense, Resources    
DIS - eMASS/RMF (Instructor-led Courses) DOD-UIS-00163 Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) Training Cybersecurity, Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) Training, Information Assurance, Authorization, Information Systems, Security, Guidance    
NAO Configuration Toolkit Job Aid DOD-UIS-00164 NAO Quality Assurance Secure Hardware Baseline Windows 7/10 Job Aid Industrial Security Field Operations, National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Authorization Office (NAO), Secure Hardware, Quality Assurance, Configuration, Facility Personnel, Security, Information Systems, Defense Security Service (DSS) 01-JUN-2017  
Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) Validation Program DOD-UIS-00165 Designed to test the ability of products to use the features and functionality available through SCAP and its component standards Security Content Automation Protocol Validation Program, Computer Security Resource Center, Validation, NIST National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Independent Laboratory Test Report, SCAP Validation 22-OCT-2019  
Information System Security Manager (ISSM) Toolkit DOD-UIS-00166 This toolkit will quickly point you to the resources you need to help you perform your role as an Information System Security Manager (ISSM) Security Education, Training, Certification, Defense, Industry, Information System Security Manager Toolkit, Resources, Facility Security, Threats, Safeguarding, Security Incidents, System and Network Security    
Contingency Plan (CP) Template DOD-UIS-00167 Contingency Plan template and instructions Contingency Plan (CP), Personnel, Procedures, Information System Security, Software, Hardware, System Configuration, Storage Facility    
Data Transfer Agent Authorization Form DOD-UIS-00168 Authorization Form Data Transfer Agent (DTA) Authorization Form, Process, Classification, Transferring Information, Authorization, Guidance, Information, Security    
Federal IS Request Template DOD-UIS-00169 MEMORANDUM FOR the Defense Security Service (DSS), National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Authorization Office (NAO; Federal Information System (IS) Request at a Cleared Contractor Location template Defense Security Service (DSS), National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Authorization Office (NAO), Federal Information System (IS) Request, Cleared Contractor Location, Process, Information System, Physical Security, Requirements    
Hardware List DOD-UIS-00170 The Hardware List must include all security relevant hardware. Hardware List, Manufacturer, Chart, Unique Identifier, Classified Information, Authorization Package, Security Relevant Hardware, Guidelines    
IS Access Authorization and Briefing Form DOD-UIS-00171 Information System Access Authorization and Briefing Form; General User Information System Access Authorization, Briefing Form, Classified System, Access, Clearance, Security, Authorization    
IS Privileged Access Authorization and Briefing Form DOD-UIS-00172 Information System Access Authorization and Briefing Form; Privileged User Information System Privileged Access Authorization and Briefing Form, Classified System, Responsibilities, Guidelines, System Security    
Upgrade-Downgrade Procedure Record DOD-UIS-00173 The Upgrade/Downgrade Procedure Record template Upgrade/Downgrade, Procedure, Record, Unauthorized Persons, Classified Material, Security Seal, Industry, Requirements, Secure, System    
Information System Security Manager (ISSM) Appointment Letter DOD-UIS-00174 Information System Security Manager (ISSM) Appointment Template Information System Security Manager (ISSM) Appointment, Memorandum, National Industrial Security Program Manual, Training, System Security, Policies, Facility Security    
Maintenance Operating System and Security Software Change Log DOD-UIS-00175 The Maintenance, Operating System & Security Software Change Log is a template. Industry should modify the template to comply with any additional and/or contractual requirements necessary to secure the system. Maintenance, Operating System, Security Software Change Log, System Device, Personnel Security Clearance (PCL), Access, Security, Industry, System Requirements    
Mobility System Plan Template DOD-UIS-00176 This plan outlines the procedures for the transporting of classified system equipment between [Facility] and various sites as listed in the Mobility System Plan (provided as a supporting artifact to the system security authorization package). Classified System, Mobility System Plan, Transporting, Classified System Equipment, Authorization, Security, Identification, Clear Contractor    
Risk Assessment Report DOD-UIS-00178 risk assessment is focused on the system’s use of resources and controls to mitigate vulnerabilities exploitable by threat agents (internal and external) identified during the RMF control selection process, based on the system’s categorization. Risk Assessment Report (RAR), Record, System, Categorization, Information, Security, Information System Level    
Risk Management Framework (RMF) System Security Package Submission and Certification Statement DOD-UIS-00179 providing formal certification that the requirements and implementation procedures listed within the RMF system security package are in accordance with National Industrial Security Process Manual (NISPOM), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-53, and the DSS Assessment and Authorization Manual (DAAPM). Defense Security Service (DSS) , RMF System Security Package Submission and Certification Statement, Security Package, Certification, Requirements, National Industrial Security Process Manual (NISPOM), Authorization, Security, Guidance    
Security Seal Log DOD-UIS-00180 Security Seal Log template Security Seal Log, Template, Guidance, Security, Form    
Software List DOD-UIS-00181 The Software List must include all security relevant software Software List, Security Relevant Software, Guidance, Automation, Antivirus, Malicious, Manufacturer    
Facility Clearance (FCL) Process Orientation Transcript DOD-UIS-00182 Provides guidance information on the FCL process (To be Rescinded) DSS Facility Clearance Process, Classified Contracts, Business, Legal, Information, Security, National Industrial Security Program, Orientation, Safeguard 06-JUL-1905 06-JUL-1905
eQIP and Electronic Fingerprint Guide for In-process facilities DOD-UIS-00183 Provides guidance for submitting electronic fingerprints for PCLs (To be Rescinded) e-QIP Signature Page and Electronic Fingerprint Guide for In-Process Facilities, Handling Personally Identifiable Information, Security, Process, Facility Clearance (FCL), Guidance 06-JUL-1905 06-JUL-1905
Small Business Guide Facility Clearance Process Pamphlet DOD-UIS-00184 Guidance document for small businesses for facility clearance processing (To be Rescinded) Facility Clearance Process, classified contracts, Legal, Business, Information, Small Business Guide 09-JUL-1905 09-JUL-1905
Facility Clearance (FCL) Orientation Handbook DOD-UIS-00185 Comprehensive guide for navigating the FCL process (To be Rescinded) Facility Clearance (FCL) Orientation Handbook, Industrial Security Field Operations, Business, Training, Cleared, Accounts, System, Access, Security 06-JUL-1905 06-JUL-1905
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM); DoD 5220.22-M DOD-UIS-00186 Baseline standards for the protection of classified information released or disclosed to industry in connection with classified contracts under the NISP National Industrial Security Program, Operating Manual, Authority, Security, Classified Information, Safeguard, Industry, NSIP 28-FEB-2006 28-FEB-2006
Instructions for completing DD Form 254 DOD-UIS-00187 Department of Defense Contract Security Classification Specification Form Instructions Instructions, Forms   01-APR-2018
IASE - Cybersecurity Boot Camp (*DoD PKI Cert Required) DOD-UIS-00188 This training presents separate PKI Overview and Using PKI Certificates courses, each with its own course completion certificate. Cyber Awareness, Information Security, Policies, Cybersecurity Threats, Authorize, Access, Training, Certification, Safeguard   01-DEC-2009
Incident Response Plan Template DOD-UIS-00189 Incident Response Plan Template; Incident Response Plan (IRP) documents the strategies, personnel, procedures, and resources required to respond to any incident affecting the system. Template, Form, Incident Response, Measures, Security, Information    
ISL 2013-01 Facility Clearance Eligibility Requirements (NISPOM 2-102b) DOD-UIS-00190 Provides guidance on FCL eligibility requirements for American Indian/Alaska Native tribal entities or those organized and existing under the laws of any of the Indian tribes. Guidance, Facility Clearance (FCL), Requirements, American Indian/Alaska Native Tribal Entities, Security, Information 17-JAN-2013 17-JAN-2013
ISL 2012-03 FSO Training (NISPOM 3-102) DOD-UIS-00191 Requires contractors to ensure facility security officers (FSOs) and other contractor personnel performing security duties complete security training considered appropriate by the Cognizant Security Agency (CSA). Security Education, Training, Certification, Defense, Industry, Resources, Facility Security, Threats, Safeguarding, Security Incidents, System and Network Security 14-MAY-2012 14-MAY-2012
ISL_2021-02_SEAD 3 DOD-UIS-00192

Provides guidance to contractors and covered individuals on the submission of adverse information and the reporting requirements of SEAD 3, “Reporting Requirements for Personnel with Access to Classified Information or Who Hold a Sensitive Position."

NISPOM, Security 12-AUG-2021 18-AUG-2021



Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (OUSD(P&R))
DoDI 1100.13, Department of Defense (DoD) Surveys DOD-UPR-00001 Establishes policies, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for information collections involving the use of surveys of more than one DoD/OSD Component. DoD Surveys, Instruction, Information Collection, Policy, Guidance, Paperwork Reduction Act, Requests 1/15/2015;CHANGE 1 INCORPORATED 3/31/2017 1/15/2015;CHANGE 1 INCORPORATED 3/31/2017
Department of Defense (DoD) Survey Burden Action Plan DOD-UPR-00002 Recommendations to address survey burden, cost, and duplication to support a more cohesive survey data collection program that benefits DoD and the Military Departments. Department of Defense Survey Burden Action Plan, Reducing Survey Burden, Information, Survey 08-SEP-2016 08-SEP-2016
Guidance on Procedures and Processes for Submitting Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) Undue Hardship Waivers DOD-UPR-00003 This memorandum and its appendices provide guidance to State election officials requesting waivers from the provisions of UOCAVA that require ballots to be sent to military and overseas voters (UOCAVA voters) 45 days before an election for Federal office. Guidance, Federal Voting Assistance Program, Uniformed, Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, Provisions, Federal Election, Ballots 18-APR-2022 18-APR-2022
National Security Education Program (NSEP) Student Guide Handbook DOD-UPR-00004 Details about NSEP service requirement and advice for the job search process; A guidance document that specifically interprets the David L. Boren National Security Education Act (50 U.S. Code § 1902). NSEP Service Opportunity, Boren Awardee, National Security, Degree Program, Guidebook 10-SEP-2018 10-SEP-2018
Hiring a Boren Scholar or Fellow: A Guide to Non-Competitively Appointing Borens to Jobs in Federal Agencies DOD-UPR-00005 A guide for other federal agencies on how to use hiring authorities to hire Boren Scholars and Fellows; A guidance document that specifically interprets the David L. Boren National Security Education Act (50 U.S. Code § 1902). Hiring, Boren Scholar, Fellow, Guide, Non-Competitively Appointing Jobs, Federal Agencies, Information, Defense Language, Service 10-SEP-2018 10-SEP-2018
Department of Defense (DoD) Expanding Access to Military Commissaries, Exchanges and Recreation Facilities DOD-UPR-00006 Frequently asked questions regarding implementation of Section 1065 of Title 10. Answers questions newly eligible veterans and caregivers for veterans may have about how to get access to installations and their new privileges. This document updates as needed. Veterans, Caregivers, Eligibility, Military Commissaries, Recreation Facilities, Benefits 12-NOV-2019 12-NOV-2019
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Military Spouse Employment Partnership DOD-UPR-00007 Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) about the Military Spouse Employment Partnership. Military Spouse Employment Partnership, Program, Benefits, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)    
Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) program DOD-UPR-00008 Employers from all sectors (Federal, non-Federal, private, non-profit) may apply to become partners and help place military spouses in their job openings. We promulgate MSEP guidance on how an employer can become a partner, and we select partners based on certain criteria (we're up to 420 now). In addition, selected partners sign a ceremonial, nonbinding pledge to assist military spouse employment. Military Spouse Employment Partnership Program (MSEP), Benefits, Information    
Supplemental Guide for Department of Defense (DoD) ID Card Types and Expiration Dates DOD-UPR-00009 The tables within this guide identify the DoD ID card type and expiration date rule for eligible individuals. Supplemental Guide, ID Cards, Expiration Dates, Policy, Identity, Active Duty Members, Uniformed Services, Civilian Personnel 23-JAN-2014 23-JAN-2014
Supplemental Guide for TRICARE Begin Dates DOD-UPR-00010 The tables within this guide identify TRICARE begin date rules for eligible personnel and dependents. Supplemental Guide, TRICARE, Identity, Policy, Veterans, Active Duty, Civilian Personnel 23-JAN-2014 23-JAN-2014
Trusted Associate Sponsorship System (TASS) Frequently Asked Questions for Applicants (TASS FAQ Applicant) DOD-UPR-00011 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) help contractors apply for a CAC or other government credential. Trusted Associate Sponsorship System (TASS), Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Application, Information, Credential, Contractors 01-MAR-2013 01-MAR-2013
Instructions for Completion of DD Form 1172-2, “Application for Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment” DOD-UPR-00012 Provides item by item instructions for completion of the DD Form 1172-2. Instructions for Completion of DD Form 1172-2, Application, Information, Identification, Civilian, Contractor, Military Personnel 01-SEP-2018 01-SEP-2018
Instructions for Completion of DD Form 2841, "DoD Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Registration Official Certificate Acceptance and Acknowledgement of Responsibilities" DOD-UPR-00013 Provides item by item instructions for completion of the DD Form 2841. Instructions for Completing DD Form 2841, Registration, Certificate, Public Key Infrastructure, Responsibilities, Law 01-MAY-2015 01-MAY-2015
Instructions for Completion of DD Form 2842, "Department of Defense (DoD) Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificate of Acceptance and Acknowledgement of Responsibilities (Subscriber)" DOD-UPR-00014 Provides item by item instructions for completion of the DD Form 2842. Instructions for Completing DD Form 2842, Guidance, Certificate, Registration, Information 01-MAY-2015 01-MAY-2015
Department of Defense (DoD) DEERS Enrollment and ID Card Issuance Pre-Arrival Checklist DOD-UPR-00015 This checklist provides information about identity and eligibility documents required for ID card issuance. ID Card Issuance, DEERS Enrollment, Pre-Arrival Checklist, Renewal, Documentation, Forms 01-DEC-2018 01-DEC-2018
Department of Defense (DoD) List of Acceptable Identity Documents DOD-UPR-00016 The List of Acceptable Documents, lists the types of documents that applicants will need to bring with them to a Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) site to support ID card issuance requirements. List of Acceptable Identity Documents, Primary Identity, Secondary Identity, Common Access Card (CAC), Identification 01-AUG-2019 01-AUG-2019
Civilian Retiree Informational Trifold DOD-UPR-00017 This trifold provides answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about DoD Civilian Retiree ID Cards. Civilian Retiree Card, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Information, DEERs, Documents, Guidelines 01-JUL-2017 01-JUL-2017
Social Security Number (SSN) Removal Informational Trifold DOD-UPR-00018 This trifold provides information and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on DoD's efforts to eliminate the SSN from DoD ID cards. Removal, Social Security Number, DoD ID Cards, Frequently Asked Question (FAQs), Medical, Common Access Card (CAC), Eligible 01-SEP-2014 01-SEP-2014
Coordination of Benefits Trifold DOD-UPR-00019 This trifold provides information and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for beneficiaries who are entitled to TRICARE and eligible for Medicaid or Medicare. Information, Benefits, TRICARE, Medicaid, Medicare 01-FEB-2016 01-FEB-2016
Permanently Incapacitated Dependent Redetermination Trifold DOD-UPR-00020 This trifold provides information and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the new redetermination process for permanently incapacitated dependents. Information, Sponsors, Redetermination Process, Benefits, DEERS/RAPIDS , Financial Dependency 01-FEB-2016 01-FEB-2016
DoDD 6495.01 “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program DOD-UPR-00021 DoDD 6495.01 implements DoD policy and assign responsibilities for the SAPR Program on prevention, response, and oversight to sexual assault (Active). Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program, Prevention, Response, Oversight, Military, Reserve, Dependents, Non-Military Personnel 11-APR-2017 11-APR-2017
DoDI 6495.02 “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures DOD-UPR-00022 DoDI 6495.02 establish policy, processes, and procedures for the SAPR Program (Active). Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures, Policy, Implementation, Standards, Military, Reserve, Dependents, Non-Military Personnel 24-MAY-2017 24-MAY-2017
DoDI 6495.03 “Defense Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP) DOD-UPR-00023 DoDI 6495.03 establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for the implementation, management, and oversight of the D-SAACP (Active). Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program, Training, Policy, Implementation, Management, Oversight 27-DEC-2019 27-DEC-2019
Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons DOD-UPR-00024 The Department of Defense (DoD) publishes this Final Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons (DoD Recipient LEP Guidance). The DoD Recipient LEP Guidance derives from the prohibition against national origin discrimination in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the context of individuals with limited English proficiency. Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons, Guidance, Civil Rights Act, Policy 24-DEC-2013 31-DEC-2013
Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents (Interpretive Rule, Amendment) DOD-UPR-00025 Military Lending Act, MLA, as implemented by the Department, limits the military annual percentage rate (MAPR) that a creditor may charge to a maximum of 36 percent, requires certain disclosures, and provides other substantive consumer protections on ‘‘consumer credit’’ extended to Service members and their families. Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents, Military Annual Percentage Rate (MAPR), Disclosures, Service Member, Families 08-DEC-2017 14-DEC-2017
Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents (Interpretive Rule) DOD-UPR-00026 The MLA as implemented by the Department, limits the military annual percentage rate (MAPR) that a creditor may charge to a maximum of 36 percent, requires certain disclosures, and provides other substantive consumer protections on ‘‘consumer credit’’ extended to Service members and their families. Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents, Military Annual Percentage Rate (MAPR), Disclosures, Service Member, Families, military annual percentage rate (MAPR), Guidance, Compliance 01-JUL-2015 26-AUG-2016
Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents DOD-UPR-00027 The Department of Defense (Department) is amending its interpretive rule for the Military Lending Act (the MLA). The MLA, as implemented by the Department, limits the military annual percentage rate (MAPR) that a creditor may charge to a maximum of 36 percent, requires certain disclosures, and provides other substantive consumer protections on “consumer credit” extended to Service members and their families. On July 22, 2015, the Department amended its regulation primarily for the purpose of extending the protections of the MLA to a broader range of closed-end and open-end credit products (the July 2015 Final Rule). On August 26, 2016, the Department issued the first set of interpretations of that regulation in the form of questions and answers. On December 14, 2017, the Department issued a second set of interpretations of that regulation in the form of amended questions and answers. The Department is now withdrawing the amended question and answer number 2 (Q&A #2), published in the December 14, 2017 Interpretive Rule, which discussed when credit is extended for the purpose of purchasing a motor vehicle or personal property and the creditor simultaneously extends credit in an amount greater than the purchase price of the motor vehicle or personal property. In withdrawing this amended question and answer, the Department is reverting back to the original Q&A #2 published in the August 26, 2016 Interpretive Rule. This will allow the Department to conduct additional analysis on this matter. The Department is also adding a new question and answer to address questions about the use of Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers to identify covered borrowers in the Department's database. Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents, Military Annual Percentage Rate (MAPR), Disclosures, Service Member, Families, military annual percentage rate (MAPR), Guidance, Compliance 28-FEB-2020 28-FEB-2020



Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering (OUSD(R&E))
National Environmental Policy Act Implementation ProceduresDOD-URE-00001The policies and responsibilities in these procedures apply to activities conducted by MDA and its executing agents in the United States, its possessions, and territories. The potential environmental effects of MDA proposed activities in foreign countries and global commons will be considered in accordance with Executive Order 12114, ‘‘Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal Activities,’’ DoD directives, host nation final governing standards, overseas environmental baseline guidance documents, status of forces agreements, and other international agreements.National Environmental Policy Act Implementation Procedures, Regulations, Environmental Quality, Environmental Impacts, Assessments, Program Activities04-AUG-201408-AUG-2014