DoD Regulatory Program

Guidance Documents


Feb. 24, 2020

Use of Excess Power Revenues to Assist in Repayment of Irrigation Costs

United States Army Corps of Engineers
Identifier: DOD-COE-00002
Summary: These regulations summarize for the guidance of all Division and District Engineers engaged in civil works activities, the position of the Chief of Engineers with respect to the use of excess power revenues to assist in repayment of irrigation costs associated with Federal irrigation projects.
Date Issued:
Date Guidance Public: 06/25/1964
Keywords: Water Resources Policies, Authorities, Excess Power Revenues, Repayment, Irrigation Costs, Corps of Engineers, Environmental

Feb. 24, 2020

Implementation of Interim Backlog Mitigation Measures for Entities Cleared by DoD under the National Industrial Security Program

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security
Identifier: DOD-UIS-00008
Summary: In accordance with the guidance and direction received from the Executive Agents, Defense Security Service (DSS) will adopt procedures to defer the submission of Tier 3 Reinvestigations (T3Rs) and Tier 5 Reinvestigations (T5Rs) for entities cleared under the National Industrial Security Program. Facility Security Officers should continue to submit completed Standard Form 86 and the reinvestigation request, six years from the date of last investigation for the T5Rs and 10 years from the date of the last reinvestigation for the T3Rs. New reinvestigation requests will be screened by DSS using a risk management approach that permits deferment of reinvestigations according to policy. If the determination is made to defer reinvestigations, individuals will be immediately enrolled into the DoD Continuous Evaluation (CE)/Continuous Vetting (CV) capabilities, as required.
Date Issued:
Date Guidance Public: 01/07/2019
Keywords: Personnel Security Clearances, Memorandum, Implementation of Interim Backlog Mitigation measures for Entities Cleared, National Industrial Security Program, Deferment, Reinvestigations, Interim Measures

Feb. 24, 2020

RRU Guidance

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security
Identifier: DOD-UIS-00007
Summary: On August 1, 2019, the Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC) will no longer accept Research, Recertify, and Upgrade (RRU) requests in JPAS or Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)/SF-312s via fax, email, or mail. Those actions previously requested via RRU should be submitted as Customer Service Requests (CSRs) in the Defense Information System for Security (DISS); similarly, NDAs should be submitted for approval via DISS. For specific instructions on how to complete CSR/NDA actions, please reference the DISS user manual, which can be opened by clicking the Help link in the application. For additional assistance with how to complete some of the most common actions in DISS, please refer to DISS Tips and Tricks In order to prepare your security management office for this transition, it is imperative that you obtain a DISS account prior to August 1, 2019; to obtain an account please carefully read and follow the DISS JVS Provisioning Instructions.
Date Issued:
Date Guidance Public: 05/08/2019
Keywords: Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC), Defense Information System for Security (DISS) Account, Research, Recertify, and Upgrade Request, JPAS, Customer Service Request (CSRs), CSR/NDA Actions

Feb. 24, 2020

FAQs about the deferment process

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security
Identifier: DOD-UIS-00006
Summary: The Vetting Risk Operations Center provides frequently asked questions regarding the deferment process. View the FAQs at: Deferment_FAQ.pdf.
Date Issued:
Date Guidance Public: 05/20/2019
Keywords: Derferment Process, FAQs, Vetting Risk Operations Center, 2018 Implementation of Interim Backlog Mitigation Measures, National Industrial Security Program, Investigation

Feb. 24, 2020

Dredging Inspector's Instruction Guide

United States Army Corps of Engineers
Identifier: DOD-COE-00001
Summary: This publication contains information for assisting and instructing dredging inspectors in the performance of those technical and administrative duties which are required for the proper inspection of such operations. Its chief objective is to promote efficient and uniform procedures for inspecting dredging operations, handling computations, and preparing related reports.
Date Issued:
Date Guidance Public: 09/09/1693
Keywords: Dredging Inspectors Instruction Guide, Corps of Engineers, Environmental, Project Operation

Feb. 24, 2020

Filling in the 'Prime Contract Number' field in JPAS when submitting personnel security clearance investigations

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security
Identifier: DOD-UIS-00005
Summary: DSS may reject investigation submissions that don't include the prime contract number, as shown in the associated guidance. The prime contract number is a required field in the Joint Personnel Adjudication System for personnel security clearance investigations. Please contact the VROC Knowledge Center for questions (888) 282-7682, select option #1 then option #2.
Date Issued:
Date Guidance Public: 05/30/2019
Keywords: Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS), Personnel Security Clearance Investigations, Prime Contract Number, Clearance, Investigation

Feb. 24, 2020

DISS Provisioning

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security
Identifier: DOD-UIS-00004
Summary: The Vetting Risk Operations Center will ONLY accept NDAs/SF-312s and CSRs (formally known as RRUs in JPAS) through the Defense Information System for Security (DISS). It is imperative that you obtain a DISS account prior to August 1, 2019; to obtain an account please carefully read and follow the DISS JVS Provisioning Instructions located at: DISS_JVS_Industry_Provisioning_Instructions
Date Issued:
Date Guidance Public: 07/09/2019
Keywords: DISS Provisioning, DISS Account, DISS JVS Provisioning Instructions, Vetting Risk Operations Center, Defense Information System for Security (DISS)

Feb. 24, 2020

DISS Tips and Tricks-Customer Service Request (CSR)

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security
Identifier: DOD-UIS-00003
Summary: The Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC) is providing a CSR Tips and Tricks guide to assist industry in creating CSRs in the Defense Information System for Security (DISS).
Date Issued:
Date Guidance Public: 07/24/2019
Keywords: DISS Tips and Tricks - Customer Service Request (CSR), Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC), Industry, Defense Information System

Feb. 24, 2020

Continuous Vetting

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security
Identifier: DOD-UIS-00002
Summary: Overview of Continuous Vetting citing Executive Orders; Personnel Security Reform Efforts:The Continuous Evaluation (CE) program is a component of overarching personnel security clearance reform efforts.
Date Issued:
Date Guidance Public:
Keywords: Continuous Vetting, Personnel Security, Personnel Security Program

Feb. 24, 2020

FSO Guidance

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security
Identifier: DOD-UIS-00001
Summary: The following section is designed to help FSOs get the information they need on interims, investigations, adjudications, and facility clearances in one place. Specific topics include, processing applicants, maintaining a clearance, interim clearances, insider threat, additional assistance, FAQs and FSO training and Resources
Date Issued:
Date Guidance Public:
Keywords: FSO, Personnel Security, Facility Security Clearances, Interims, Investigations, Adjudications

Department of the Navy (DON)
SECNAV Instruction 12990.1B DOD-USN-00001 Active Duty Service Determination for Civilian or Contractual Groups Active Duty Service, Civilian, Contractual Groups, Procedures, Discharge Certificates, Active Military Service, Entitlement, Veterans Affairs, Benefits 22-AUG-2018 28-AUG-2018



National Guard Bureau (NGB)
CNGBI 0400.01B: National Guard Complex Administrative Investigations DOD-NGB-00001 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for complex administrative investigations requested by The Adjutant General (TAG) of any State or the Commanding General of the District of Columbia National Guard (both hereinafter referred to as TAG), Federal officials, or any State or Territorial Governor, pertaining to Unrestricted Reports of sexual assault with a National Guard (NG) nexus and investigated by the National Guard Bureau’s Office of the Chief Counsel (NGB-JA), Office of Complex Administrative Investigations (NGB-JA/OCI), or any other matter within the authority of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau (CNGB). Investigations, Sexual Assault 12-APR-2018  
CNGBI 0403.01: National Guard Bureau Civil Liberties Program DOD-NGB-00002 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the National Guard (NG) Civil Liberties Program. Civil liberties, Rights, Equal Employment 07-JUN-2016  
CNGBI 0404.01: Claims DOD-NGB-00003 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for processing claims against the U.S. and claims in favor of the U.S. arising from National Guard (NG) activities. Claims 05-SEP-2017  
CNGBI 0600.01A: Commissioning Heritage Paintings DOD-NGB-00004 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for commissioning Heritage Paintings. Art, Painting, Prints 11-OCT-2016  
CNGBI 1004.01: National Guard Federal Voting Assistance Program DOD-NGB-00005 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the National Guard (NG) Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP). Vote, Voting, Election, Ballot 22-MAR-2018  
CNGBI 1303.01: Expedited Transfer, Reassignment, or Removal of National Guard Members Due to an Unrestricted Report of Sexual Assault DOD-NGB-00006 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities to expedite the transfer of National Guard Title 32 (T32) Guard members in accordance with (IAW) reference a, who file an Unrestricted Report of sexual assault IAW reference b. This instruction also implements the statutory authority permitting an appropriate commanding officer (CO) to temporarily and administratively reassign or remove a T32 Guard member who is accused of committing a sexual assault or related offense. Sexual Assault, Transfer 06-AUG-2014  
CNGBI 1600.01: National Guard Bureau Identification Badge Program DOD-NGB-00007 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the National Guard Bureau (NGB) Identification (ID) Badge Program. Identification (ID), Badge, Uniform 27-FEB-2018  
CNGBI 1800.02: National Guard Family Program DOD-NGB-00008 This instruction implements policy and assigns responsibilities for the National Guard Family Program (NGFP). This instruction also will assist The Adjutants General (TAG) of the States and Territories, and the Commanding General (CG) of the District of Columbia, in establishing State Family Programs (SFP), which function in regard to Service-specific culture and mission requirements. This instruction directs staff to collect and maintain information subject to the Privacy Act of 1974. Family, Families, Dependents, Yellow Ribbon 31-JUL-2013  
CNGBI 1801.01: Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program DOD-NGB-00009 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities, in accordance with (IAW) reference a, for the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) at the National Guard (NG). The YRRP is a proactive outreach program, operating from pre-deployment to post-deployment, that provides assistance to Army National Guard (ARNG) and Air National Guard (ANG) Service members, as well as family members and Designated Individuals (hereafter referred to as “Families/DIs”), in the States, Territories, and the District of Columbia (hereafter referred to as “States”). Yellow Ribbon, Deployment, Family, Families, Dependents 03-DEC-2019  
CNGBI 2400.00A: Acquisition and Storage of Information Concerning Persons and Organizations not Affiliated with the Department of Defense DOD-NGB-00010 This instruction establishes National Guard (NG) policy and responsibilities for acquiring, processing, retaining, and disseminating information concerning persons or organizations not affiliated with the Department of Defense (DoD), and implements guidance. Information, Security, Training 07-NOV-2013  
CNGBI 3000.04: National Guard Bureau Domestic Operations DOD-NGB-00011 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for domestic operations conducted by National Guard (NG) forces in the States, Territories, and the District of Columbia. Domestic, Governor, Civil Authorities 24-JAN-2018  
CNGBI 3100.01A: National Guard Counterdrug Support DOD-NGB-00012 This instruction establishes policies and assigns responsibilities for the National Guard (NG) Counterdrug (CD) Support Program, and implements guidance. Drug, Narcotics, Governor, Civil Authorities 22-JUN-2015  
CNGBI 5500.01: National Guard Interaction with State Defense Forces DOD-NGB-00013 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the interaction between State Defense Forces (SDF), the National Guard Bureau (NGB), and the National Guard (NG). Civil Authorities, Governor 15-JUN-2017  
CNGBI 6001.00: National Guard Bureau Cybersecurity Program DOD-NGB-00014 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the National Guard Bureau (NGB) Cybersecurity Program. Cyber, Security, Cybersecurity, Information Technology (IT) 28-FEB-2017  
CNGBI 7100.00: Training of JFHQ-State Joint Operations Center, State Emergency Operations Center, or National Guard Coordination Center Personnel for Domestic Operations DOD-NGB-00015 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities to ensure Service members tasked during a domestic operation (DOMOP) with conducting personnel actions inside Joint Force Headquarters-State (JFHQ-State) Joint Operations Center (JOC), State Emergency Operations Center (EOC), or the National Guard Coordination Center (NGCC) are trained appropriately. Emergency, Civil Authorities, Domestic 10-JUN-2014  
CNGBI 7500.00: Domestic Use of National Guard Unmanned Aircraft Systems DOD-NGB-00016 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the appropriate use of all Department of Defense (DoD) unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) in domestic National Guard (NG) operations, training, exercises, and testing. Domestic, Unmanned Aircraft System, Policy 13-OCT-2016  
CNGBI 9000.01: Visits and Demonstrations of Products or Services by Contractors from Commercial and Defense Industries DOD-NGB-00017 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities governing visits, access to government personnel, and product/service demonstrations by prospective or current contractors to initiate or expand business opportunities with the National Guard Bureau (NGB) to ensure fair and equal treatment to all contractor personnel. Contractors, Visits, Access, Product/ Service 29-JUL-2016  
CNGBI 9350.01: National Guard Youth Challenge Program DOD-NGB-00018 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for management and execution of the National Guard Youth Challenge Program, a civilian youth opportunities program. National Guard, Youth Challenge Program, Civilian, Opportunity 15-NOV-2015  
CNGBI 9500.01A: National Guard Fiscal Stewardship DOD-NGB-00019 This instruction establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes minimum standards and requirements for the National Guard (NG) to affirm commitment to fiscal stewardship. National Guard, Fiscal Stewardship, Standards 12-JUL-2019  
CNGBI 9550.01: Restrictions On The Use of Federal Funds For Lobbying or Propaganda DOD-NGB-00020 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities to facilitate compliance with Federal laws and regulations restricting expenditure of Federal funds for certain communications by National Guard (NG) personnel with Members of Congress and the public, in accordance with (IAW) reference a. This instruction summarizes administrative interpretations of complex laws and regulations applicable to NG members in Title 10 or Title 32 duty status. Federal Funds, Lobbying, Propaganda 30-APR-2015  
CNGBI 9551.01: National Guard Bureau Research Oversight Council Charter DOD-NGB-00021 Under the authority of reference a, and in accordance with (IAW) policies established in references b through e, this instruction implements the Research Oversight Council (ROC) as an advisory council to the Chief of the National Guard Bureau (CNGB). Research, Oversight, National Guard Bureau, Sponsoring Agreement 13-NOV-2013  
CNGBI 9601.01: National Guard Discrimination Complaint Program DOD-NGB-00022 This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for implementing and maintaining a National Guard (NG) Discrimination Complaint Program in accordance with (IAW) references a through j for all NG members serving in Title 32 duty status and all NG technicians employed under reference f. It also identifies responsibilities for civilians who work for the NG and their right, along with the right of NG members and people receiving services through NG programs, to file a discrimination complaint on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, or sex-gender—including sexual harassment—and reprisal concerning prior engagement in protected discrimination process-related activity. National Guard, Discrimination Complaint Program, Civilians, Sexual Harassment 27-SEP-2015  



Office of the Chief Management Officer (OCMO)
Guidance on How to Submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request (WEB SITE PAGE)DOD-CMO-00001At the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff Freedom of Information Act Requester Service Center is a feature that instructs the public on how to submit a FOIA Request.FOIA Request, Records, Freedom of Information ActTHE GUIDANCE HAS BEEN IN PLACE FOR OVER 9 YEARS.2010 ON WEB PAGE
Security and Policy Reviews of Articles, Manuscripts, Books and Other Media Prior to Public ReleaseDOD-CMO-00002USD(I) Memorandum reiterating the Security and Policy Review Program and 4-pages of FAQ's on the process.Security, Policy, Manuscripts, Books, Classified Information, Safeguard, Information, Declassified, Dissemination, Procedures26-APR-201126-APR-2011
Clearance of DoD Information for Public ReleaseDOD-CMO-00003Part of this DoDI speaks directly to retired, and separated Service members, former DoD employees and contractors outside the Executive Branch, for example, stating in Paragraph 1.2 g: "Retired and separated Service members, former DoD employees and contractors, and non-active duty members of the Reserve Components will use the DoD prepublication review process to ensure that information they intend to release to the public does not compromise national security as required by their nondisclosure agreements. Those who forgo the prepublication review process and inadvertently, negligently, or willfully disclose classified information may be subject to an unauthorized disclosure investigation and legal action."Clearance, Security, Contractors, Non-Disclosure Agreement, Service Members, Pre-Publication Review14-APR-201714-APR-2017
Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review websiteDOD-CMO-00004Contains guidance in some cases to individuals and organizational entities outside the Executive Branch. For example, augmenting information contained in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR 125.4(b)(13)) that authorizes DOPSR to review and approve for public release potentially export-controlled technical data on defense articles. Detailed submission procedures are provided within the website for members of the Military Industrial Base not on active DoD contract to exercise this ITAR exemption negating the need for a formal export license from the Department of State.Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review, Cleared Personnel, Non-Disclosure Agreement, Stakeholders, Information, Safeguard17-JUL-2017CURRENT URL CREATED 17-JULY-2017



Office of the Inspector General (DoD OIG)
Department of Defense (DoD) Hotline Web PageDOD-OIG-00001Describes DoD Hotline MissionHotline, Federal Inspector General, Confidential, Report, Violations, Security Incidents, Misconduct, Resources  
Filing a Department of Defense (DoD) Hotline ComplaintDOD-OIG-00002Describes what to and what not to report to the DoD Hotline and what to expect after filingReport, Information, Complaints, Hotline, Examples, Investigated  
Read Before Filing a Department of Defense (DoD) Hotline ComplaintDOD-OIG-00003Description of what to expectSubmission, Hotline, Information, Requests, Communication, Response  
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Department of Defense (DoD) Hotline and WhistleblowerDOD-OIG-00004FAQs for DoD Hotline and WhistleblowerHotline, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Whistleblower, Information, Assistance, Office of Inspector General  
Department of Defense (DoD) Hotline ComplaintDOD-OIG-00005Information on how to submit a complaint and where to initiate oneHotline, Submission, Information, Filing, Confidentiality, Privacy, Anonymously, Methods10-JAN-202010-JAN-2020
Submit a Department of Defense (DoD) Hotline ComplaintDOD-OIG-00006Form to be filled out to submit a complaintHotline, Complaint, Form, Information, Submission  
Contractor Disclosure ProgramDOD-OIG-00007Description of the programContractor Disclosure Program, Federal Acquisition Regulation, Business, Compliance, Requirements  
Contractor's Guide to Submitting a DisclosureDOD-OIG-00008Provides instructions to DoD contractors on how to make disclosures regarding a violation of Federal criminal law or of the civil False Claims Act in connection with DoD contracts or subcontracts.Contractor, Guidance, Submission, Disclosure, Agreement01-JUL-201801-JUL-2018
Department of Defense (DoD) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Privacy ProgramDOD-OIG-00009Guidelines for submitting a Privacy Act requestPrivacy Program, Privacy, Personal Information, Guidelines, Resources10-DEC-201910-DEC-2019
Department of Defense (DoD) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Privacy ProgramDOD-OIG-00010Individual's right of amendment under the Privacy ActIndividual's Right of Amendment Under the Privacy Act, Freedom of Information Act, Certification, Request10-DEC-201910-DEC-2019
Department of Defense (DoD) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) OfficeDOD-OIG-00011Guidelines for submitting a FOIA requestFOIA Request, Online Form, Submission, Guidelines, Information10-DEC-201910-DEC-2019
Department of Defense (DoD) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) OfficeDOD-OIG-00012Guidelines for submitting an AppealSubmission, Appeal, Guidelines, Information, Online Form10-DEC-201910-DEC-2019
Department of Defense (DoD) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) OfficeDOD-OIG-00013Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) FAQsFOIA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Freedom of Information Act, Records, Information, Request10-DEC-201910-DEC-2019



Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (OUSD(C))
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 4, Chapter 3 Annex 1, "Interest, Penalties, and Administrative Charges"DOD-USC-00001The annex provides policy for accounting and reporting of Interest, Penalties and Administrative (IPA) charges owed by the public to the DoD. The intent of IPA charges is to stimulate prompt payment, to recover to the U.S. Department of the Treasury the cost of borrowing necessitated by a delinquent receivable, and to cover the cost of processing and handling delinquent receivables, including referral to credit bureaus or collection agencies.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Interest, Penalties, Administrative Charges, Operating ProceduresTHE ANNEX WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN OCTOBER 2003.THE ANNEX WAS LAST REVISED IN FEBRUARY 2016 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 7B, Chapter 37, "Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan (RSFPP) - Annuities"DOD-USC-00002The claim for annuity payments must be properly completed and signed by the person or persons authorized to receive the annuity. An individual holding a valid power of attorney may complete (including the signature element) and file the annuity application form on behalf of an annuitant. An annuitant whose application is signed with an “X” must be witnessed (by two disinterested persons), notarized, or countersigned by the person holding the power of attorney. A copy of the power of attorney and explanation why the annuitant required assistance must be submitted with the annuity application.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Retired Serviceman, Family Protection, Benefit, GuidanceTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER 1999.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN JULY 2019 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 7B, Chapter 42, “Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) – Application of the Plan”DOD-USC-00003This chapter provides an overview of the establishment of the SBP (referred to as the Plan), eligibility and benefits, and specialized terminology and definitions used when referring to the Plan. On September 21, 1972, Public Law (PL) 92-425 established the SBP to provide a survivor benefit program for military personnel in retirement to complement the survivor benefits under Social Security laws. The Plan gives all retiring uniformed services retirees an opportunity to elect to have their retired pay reduced by a designated amount in order to provide their survivors an annuity payable after the retiree’s death.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Survivor Benefit, Application, Information, Retirement, BenefitTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER 1999.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN JULY 2019 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 7B, Chapter 43, "Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) - Elections and Election ChangesDOD-USC-00004The purpose of this chapter is to provide information for SBP election options, changes to elections, coverage, and termination of coverage. In the case of a member electing a standard SBP annuity, the member must make such election before retired pay becomes payable, or if there is no eligible beneficiary at that time, within 1 year of acquiring an eligible beneficiary. Written spousal concurrence is required when the member elects to decline coverage or provide the spouse with less than the maximum SBP coverage available, to include electing child-only coverage, and when a member eligible for RCSBP declines coverage or elects coverage that provides less than a maximum immediate spouse annuity. The signature of the spouse must be notarized. The requirement to have the spouse’s signature notarized is not to suggest that the spouse has received additional counseling regarding the option being selected. It simply provides certification that the spouse signed the form and acknowledges the election made on the form.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Survivor Benefit, Elections, ReferencesTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER 1999.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN APRIL 2019 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 7B, Chapter 44, "Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) - Beneficiaries"DOD-USC-00005The eligible beneficiaries under the SBP (also referred to as the Plan) are the spouse and/or dependent children, a former spouse and/or dependent children, or a natural person with an insurable interest, providing they meet certain eligibility requirements. The election, if required, must be received within the time period allowed. An individual may not receive more than one annuity as the surviving spouse or former spouse of different members (see Chapter 46); however, an individual may be the recipient of two or more annuities concurrently, as long as only one is a spouse or former spouse annuity.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Survivor Benefit Plan, Information, InstructionsTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER 1999.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN FEBRUARY 2018 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 7B, Chapter 45, "Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Premiums"DOD-USC-00006The purpose of this chapter is to provide information on premiums for SBP coverage based on the type of coverage, as well as the computation and payment of these premiums. When a retired member requests discontinuation of their SBP, DFAS-CL must furnish a written statement outlining the advantages and disadvantages of discontinuing. The retired member must confirm receipt of the information, sign acknowledgment of intent to discontinue, and return the signed acknowledgment to DFAS-CL. An election to discontinue is effective as of the first day of the first month following the month in which the Secretary concerned receives the confirmation and acknowledgment. The retired member may revoke the request to discontinue participation within the 30-day period following submission of such request to the Secretary concerned. If, for some reason, the VA disability rating is withdrawn or reduced, SBP coverage may be resumed at the request of the retired member. The request to resume must be made within 1 year after the VA rating has been withdrawn or reduced.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Survivor Benefit Plan, Premiums, Information, Payment, ParticipationTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER 1999.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN DECEMBER 2018 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 7B, Chapter 46, "Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) - Annuities"DOD-USC-00007The purpose of this chapter is to provide information for those eligible to receive annuities, how they are paid, and the amounts to be paid. Any person receiving payment on behalf of the annuitant, except as stated in subparagraph 460202.C, is required to maintain and, upon request by the Secretary of the Military Department concerned, provide a periodic accounting of expenditures and investments of amounts paid to the payee. If the payee is a close family member or a government or financial institution, a periodic accounting will not be required, but may be requested. In situations where a periodic accounting is required, it ordinarily will be submitted annually, unless the Secretary of the Military Department concerned determines that a more frequent submission is required.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Survivor Benefit Plan, Annuities, Instructions, Information, EligibilityTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER 1999.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN MARCH 2018 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 7B, Chapter 61, "Annuities for Certain Military Surviving Spouses (ACMSS)"DOD-USC-00008The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance, policy, delegation of authority, and assignment of responsibilities, as they apply to ACMSS. Effective November 18, 1997, ACMSS was established under Public Law (PL) 105-85 to provide annuity payments to certain qualified surviving spouses. A Department of Defense (DD) Form 2769, Application for Annuity Certain Military Surviving Spouses, must be submitted to the Military Service concerned. The annuity terminates the first day of the month in which the annuitant remarries, without regard to the age of the annuitant.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Annuities, Military Surviving Spouses, Information, Instructions, RequirementTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN FEBRUARY 2006.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN MARCH 2019 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 16, Chapter 2, "General Instructions for Collection of Debt Owed to the Department of Defense (DOD)"DOD-USC-00009The policy and requirements in this chapter apply to administrative actions associated with the collection of debts owed to and collected by the DoD. The purpose of this chapter is to provide policy and requirements Debt Collection Offices (DCOs) must follow in the collection of public debts owed to the DoD. These debts include amounts outstanding from civilian employees, Service members, retired personnel, and other individuals. In the context of Federal debt collection, the constitutional right of “due process” requires an agency to provide debtors with written notice of the debt and an opportunity to dispute the debt. Due process is required prior to an involuntary salary offset (5 U.S.C. § 5514) or administrative offset (31 U.S.C. § 3716). Except under certain limited circumstances, debtors must receive due process prior to the initiation of debt collection. Written debt notifications must adhere to the requirements at section 0205.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Instructions, Debt Owed, Civilian, Debt Pending, PetitionsTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN JANUARY 2016.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN APRIL 2019 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 16, Chapter 3, "Collection of Debts Owed by Individuals to the Department of Defense (DOD)"DOD-USC-00010This chapter pertains to the collection of debts owed to the DoD from current and retired DoD civilian employees, current members of the Military Services (active and reserve), military retirees, Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) annuitants, and individuals who are no longer employed by DoD. See Figure 3-1. Sample Notification Prior to Referral of Debt to Office of Personnel Management as an example of how the government is telling members of the public how their debt will be handled.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Collection, Debt, Individuals, Information, RepaymentTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN JANUARY 2016.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN JULY 2018 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 16, Chapter 5, "Collection of Debts Owed by Contractors"DOD-USC-00011This chapter contains debt collection policy for debts that are owed to the DoD by contractors, which also refers to vendors, assignees, universities, non-profits, and other business entities. Contract debts result from amounts that have been paid to the contractor, to which the contractor is not entitled under the terms and conditions of the contract, or amounts otherwise due from the contractor. Once it is determined that a contractor might be indebted to the DoD, the contracting officer, or the payment office, must issue a demand for payment to the contractor, providing opportunity to inspect relevant records, and the opportunity to request a review of the debt. To the extent practicable, debts should be collected, either by voluntary repayment in a lump sum or by administrative offset(s) of payment(s) owed to the contractor by the DoD, unless an installment agreement has been entered into or a deferment of collection has been approved.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Collection, Debt, Contractors, Information, Reporting, GuidanceTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN JANUARY 2016.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN AUGUST 2019 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Financial Management Regulation (FMR) Volume 16, Chapter 7, "Interest, Penalties, and Administrative (IPA) Charges"DOD-USC-00012This chapter pertains to the collection of debts owed to the Department of Defense (DoD) from current and retired DoD civilian employees, current members of the military services (active and reserve), military retirees, individuals who are no longer employed by DoD, contractors, vendors, assignees, and business entities. The intent of IPA charges is to stimulate prompt debt payment, to compensate the government for loss of use of funds when debt is not paid timely, and to recover the cost of processing and handling delinquent debts, including referral to credit bureaus or collection agencies. DoD Components must accrue and assess a penalty charge, not to exceed 6 percent per annum, on any portion of the debt that is delinquent more than 90 days, to include interest and administrative charges. A debt becomes delinquent if not paid by the established due date; therefore, penalty charges must be applied to those accounts reported in the aging category 91-180 days delinquent and beyond.Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Interest, Penalties, Administrative Charges, Guidance, Information, RepaymentTHE CHAPTER WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN JANUARY 2016.THE CHAPTER WAS LAST REVISED IN MARCH 2019 AND IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ON THE FMR WEBSITE.
Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Audit ManualDOD-USC-00013keystone document telling auditors how to do to audits; When
we produce an audit report for an external agency, sometime cite this DCAA Audit Manual; DCAA auditors on how to conduct audits for
non-DCAA entities.
Contract Audit Manual, Standards, Planning, Requirements, Policies, Procedures, Internal Controls, Information  



Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment (OUSD(A&S))
DoDD 4400.01 "Defense Production Act Programs"DOD-UAS-00001Ensure the availability of materials and facilities necessary to keep priority defense programs on schedule. 3.2. Assist suppliers in accelerating production of materials and facilities for appropriate defense programs in the event of a national emergency. 3.3. Ensure the adequacy of production capacity and supply by anticipating and addressing, as appropriate, the Department of Defense's needs to create, expand, or maintain domestic industry productivity capacity. (Under Revision)Defense Production Act Programs, Authority, Production Materials, Schedules, Industry12-OCT-2001
DoDM 4400.1 "DoD Priorities and Allocations Manual"DOD-UAS-00002The Department of Defense's list of DX-rated programs is unclassified. (Under Revision)Department of Defense Priorities and Allocations Manual, Acquisition, Sustainment, Defense Production Act Programs, Contracts, Research, Development, Engineering, Acquisition, Productions, Manufacturing, Construction21-FEB-2002
DoDI 2000.25 "DoD Procedures for Reviewing and Monitoring Transactions Filed with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)"DOD-UAS-00003a. Foreign acquisitions of U.S. companies that do not pose an unacceptable level of risk to U.S. national security interests, as manifested in DoD programs, assets, or future technological superiority, are acceptable to the Department of Defense. b. The DoD CFIUS process should, to the extent possible, be a transparent process. c. The potential implications for relevant DoD programs, assets, and future technological superiority resulting from a foreign acquisition involving a defense supplier, defense-related technologies, and infrastructure critical for DoD missions shall be based on: d. The risk to DoD interests in each CFIUS case will be assessed pursuant to Enclosure 5 of this Instruction. e. Information or documentary material filed with CFIUS shall be exempt from disclosure pursuant to section 552 of title 5, U.S.C. (also known and hereafter referred to as “The Freedom of Information Act, as amended” (FOIA) (Reference (c)) and will not be made public due to the statutory protections in Reference (a). f. The Department of Defense shall monitor company compliance with CFIUS mitigation agreements signed with the Department of Defense as described in Enclosure 6. g. Adequate resources, in terms of staff and budget, should be provided to the DoD Components for monitoring and ensuring compliance to mitigation agreements with the Department of Defense to protect national security interests. h. DoD Components that are members of the Intelligence Community will also fulfill their alternate role in providing additional support and information to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) as required pursuant to Reference (a). (Under Revision)DoD Procedures for Reviewing and Monitoring Transactions Filed with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), Policy, Foreign Acquisitions, Monitoring Mitigation Agreements05-AUG-2010
DoDD 5101.18E "DoD Executive Agent for Printed Circuit Board and Interconnect Technology"DOD-UAS-00004It is DoD policy that the DoD EA for Printed Circuit Board and Interconnect Technology facilitates access to reliable, trusted, and affordable Printed Circuit Board fabrication and assembly products and technologies that meet the quality, performance, and security requirements of the DoD. The DoD EA for Printed Circuit Board and Interconnect Technology will facilitate collaboration within and across the DoD to conduct research, development, and sustainment efforts targeting Component-unique requirements. (Active)Interconnect Technology, Acquisition, Sustainment, Printed Circuit Board Technology, Logistics12-JUN-2016
Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Mission AssuranceDOD-UAS-00005Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, provides an Agency-integrated framework, and prescribes general provisions associated with Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Mission Assurance; delineates Agency national DIB sector Mission Assurance responsibilitiesDefense Industrial Base Mission Assurance, Integrating Capability, Industrial Analysis, Process, Policy, Responsibilities29-AUG-201829-AUG-2018
Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Monitoring and ReportingDOD-UAS-00006Assigns responsibilities, describes procedures, and provides guidance associated with the Defense Industrial Base Monitoring and Reporting process.Defense Industrial Base Monitoring and Reporting, Integrating Capability, Industrial Analysis, Process, Policy, Responsibilities, Readiness, Threats, Hazards, Risk Management06-DEC-201806-DEC-2018
Public AffairsDOD-UAS-00007Implements policies and defines procedures as defined in DCMA Instruction 4502.Public Affairs, Corporate Governance Capability, Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), Manual, Procedures, Information, Policy08-APR-201908-APR-2019
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)DOD-UAS-00008Implements policies and defines procedures as defined in DCMA Instruction 4502.Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Corporate Governance, Policy, Authorities, Litigations, Appeals, Instructions23-FEB-201923-FEB-2019
Privacy and Civil LibertiesDOD-UAS-00009Implements policies and defines procedures as defined in DCMA Instruction 4502.Privacy and Civil Liberties, Corporate Governance Capability, Instructions, Manual, Information Technology, Equal Employment Opportunity, Collecting Privacy Data, Privacy Act Requests, Notices14-MAR-201914-MAR-2019
Foreign Visits and AssignmentsDOD-UAS-00010Assigns responsibility and establishes the processes for the approval, preparation, and conduct of visits and assignments to DCMA organizations by representatives of foreign governments or international organizations.Foreign Visits and Assignments , Talent Management Capability , Civilian Personnel, Procedures, Visits and Assignments of Foreign Nationals, Policies, International, Public Affairs, Representatives09-OCT-201809-OCT-2018
Aircraft OperationsDOD-UAS-00011Describes procedures for DCMA personnel where DCMA has been delegated responsibility for surveillance of aircraft operations; encompasses the requirements found in The Tri-Service Agreement.Aircraft Operations, Contractor Effectiveness Capability, Contractor’s Flight and Ground Operations, Policy, Training, Instructions, Management, Commanders, Liability05-NOV-201805-NOV-2018
Return RightsDOD-UAS-00012Establishes policies, assigns roles and responsibilities, and outlines procedures and practices for employing U.S. citizens in foreign areas, rotating DoD civilian employees from foreign areas, and granting return rights of DoD civilian employees in foreign and non-foreign areasInstructions, Return Rights, Human Capital Directorate, Policies, Assigns Roles and Responsibilities, Civilian, Foreign Areas, DoD Civilian Personnel Management System: Employment in Foreign Areas and Employee Return Rights, Rotation of Career and Career-Conditional Employees Assigned To Duty Outside of the United States15-MAY-201415-MAY-2014
Military Spouse and Family Member Preference ProgramDOD-UAS-00013Provides guidance for the application of the Military Spouse and Family Member Preference Program to improve employment opportunities for spouses of active duty military members of the U.S. Armed Forces including the U.S. Coast Guard, full-time National Guard or Reservists assigned worldwide and family members of Federal employees assigned in foreign areas.Military Spouse and Family Member Preference Program, Human Capital, Instructions, Policy Publications Program, Employment Opportunities, Active Duty Military Members, Federal Employees, Foreign, Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)16-JUN-201406-JUN-2014
DTRA Instruction 5400.7, DTRA Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) ProgramDOD-UAS-00014Implements the policies, responsibilities, and procedures of the DTRA FOIA ProgramFreedom of Information Act, Right, Court, Access, Federal Agency Records, Public, Information, Requests12-FEB-201812-FEB-2018
DTRA Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) HandbookDOD-UAS-00015Assist requesters in submitting FOIA requests for DTRA agency records.Request, Submissions, FOIA, Information, Records, Policy, Freedom of Information Act Program29-NOV-201910-DEC-2019
DTRA Instruction 5400.11, DTRA Privacy ProgramDOD-UAS-00016Guidance on DTRA policies, responsibilities, and procedures in implementing the Privacy ActPrivacy Act, Guidance, Information, DTRA System of Records Notice, Notification Procedures, Policies, Responsibilities, Implementation13-NOV-200713-NOV-2007
DTRA Unsolicited Proposal GuidelinesDOD-UAS-00017Instructions on How and where to submit unsolicited proposalsUnsolicited Proposal Guidelines, Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Information, Requirements16-APR-2010
Environmental Policy Act Implementing ProceduresDOD-UAS-00018This guide identifies requirements and provides procedures for implementing the
provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in accordance with Council on Environmental Quality Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act, 40 CFR parts 1500–1508, and E.O.12114, ‘‘Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal Actions’’
National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures, Regulations, Environmental Impacts, Hazardous Material, Safety, Information, Facilities 06-SEP-2016
5-DTRA Form 150 D-AVSC ApplicationDOD-UAS-00019Atomic Veterans Service Certificate Application and Nuclear Test Personnel Review Information Request and ReleaseAtomic Veterans Service Certificate, Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR), Fact Sheet, Radiation Exposure Reports, Dose Assessment01-DEC-201901-DEC-2019
Doing Business with the Department of Defense: A Welcome Mat for Defense AcquisitionDOD-UAS-00020“This document is a visualization of the steps needed for businesses to effectively interface with the Department of Defense by identifying resources to define their product and ascertain appropriate interlocutors.” (Active)Businesses, Process, Resources, Defense Acquisition 20-JAN-2020





Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (OUSD(I&S))
Facility Security Officer (FSO) Guidance DOD-UIS-00001 The document is designed to help FSOs get the information they need on interims, investigations, adjudications, and facility clearances in one place. Specific topics include, processing applicants, maintaining a clearance, interim clearances, insider threat, additional assistance, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and FSO training and Resources. FSO, Personnel Security, Facility Clearances, Interims, Investigations, Adjudications    
Continuous Vetting DOD-UIS-00002 Overview of Continuous Vetting citing Executive Orders; Personnel Security Reform Efforts: The Continuous Evaluation (CE) program is a component of overarching personnel security clearance reform efforts. Continuous Vetting, Personnel Security, Personnel Security Program    
Defense Information System for Security (DISS) Tips and Tricks-Customer Service Request (CSR) DOD-UIS-00003 The Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC) is providing a CSR Tips and Tricks guide to assist industry in creating CSRs in the Defense Information System for Security (DISS). DISS Tips, Tricks-Customer Service Request (CSR), Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC), Industry, Defense Information System   24-JUL-2019
DISS Joint Verification System (JVS) Industry Provisioning Instructions DOD-UIS-00004 These instructions are meant to assist industry Facility Security Officers (FSOs)/Security Managers in getting provisioned in the Defense Information System for Security (DISS) Joint Verification System (JVS) and to facilitate making their Personnel Security System Access Request (PSSAR) submission process as smooth as possible. The Defense Security Service (DSS) will provision one hierarchy manager for your facility, and that hierarchy manager will then subsequently provision additional users as necessary. Please read through the guide in its entirety, and refer to the last section to ensure you don’t submit your provisioning packet with any of the most common reasons for rejection. DISS Provisioning, DISS Account, DISS JVS Provisioning Instructions, Vetting Risk Operations Center, Defense Information System for Security (DIIS), 13-NOV-2018 09-JUL-2019
Updated Guidance to FSOs Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) Prime Contract Number Field DOD-UIS-00005 When submitting requests for personnel security clearance investigations in the Joint Personnel Adjudication System, the prime contract number is a required field. Beginning February 1, 2019, DSS may reject investigation submissions that don’t include the prime contract number. This information is essential to validate contractor personnel security investigation submissions against their sponsoring government contracting activities. Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS), Personnel Security Clearance Investigations, 'Prime Contract Number', Clearance, Investigation 28-DEC-2018 30-MAY-2019
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding: 2018 Implementation of Interim Backlog Mitigation Measures for Entities Cleared by DoD under the National Industrial Security Program (NISS) DOD-UIS-00006 The Vetting Risk Operations Center provides frequently asked questions regarding the deferment process. Deferment Process, FAQs, Vetting Risk Operations Center, 2018 Implementation of Interim Backlog Mitigation Measures, National Industrial Security Program, Investigation   20-MAY-2019
Research, Recertify, and Upgrade (RRU) Guidance DOD-UIS-00007 On August 1, 2019, the Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC) will no longer accept Research, Recertify, and Upgrade (RRU) requests in JPAS or Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)/SF-312s via fax, email, or mail. Those actions previously requested via RRU should be submitted as Customer Service Requests (CSRs) in the Defense Information System for Security (DISS); similarly, NDAs should be submitted for approval via DISS. For specific instructions on how to complete CSR/NDA actions, please reference the DISS user manual, which can be opened by clicking the Help link in the application. For additional assistance with how to complete some of the most common actions in DISS, please refer to DISS Tips and Tricks In order to prepare your security management office for this transition, it is imperative that you obtain a DISS account prior to August 1, 2019; to obtain an account please carefully read and follow the DISS JVS Provisioning Instructions. Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC), Defense Information System for Security (DISS) Account, Research, Recertify, and Upgrade (RUU) Request, JPAS, Customer Service Request (CSRs), CSR/NDA actions   08-MAY-2019
Implementation of Interim Backlog Mitigation Measures for Entities Cleared by DoD under the National Industrial Security Program DOD-UIS-00008 In accordance with the guidance and direction received from the Executive Agents, Defense Security Service (DSS) will adopt procedures to defer the submission of Tier 3 Reinvestigations (T3Rs) and Tier 5 Reinvestigations (T5Rs) for entities cleared under the National Industrial Security Program. Facility Security Officers should continue to submit completed Standard Form 86 and the reinvestigation request, six years from the date of last investigation for the T5Rs and 10 years from the date of the last reinvestigation for the T3Rs. New reinvestigation requests will be screened by DSS using a risk management approach that permits deferment of reinvestigations according to policy. If the determination is made to defer reinvestigations, individuals will be immediately enrolled into the DoD Continuous Evaluation (CE)/Continuous Vetting (CV) capabilities, as required. personnel security clearances, memorandum, Implementation of Interim Backlog Mitigation Measures for Entities Cleared, National Industrial Security Program, deferment, reinvestigations, interim measures 24-OCT-2018 07-JAN-2019
Personnel Security Investigations (PSI) Requirements for Industry Data Collection Through NISS Has Been Extended DOD-UIS-00009 The data collection for PSI projection requirements is open and has been extended until April 19, 2019, through the National Industrial Security System (NISS) Submission Site. Annual projections acquired from Industry through this collection are the key component in DoD program planning and budgeting for NISP security clearances. Personnel Security Investigations (PSI), Defense Security Service (DSS), National Industrial Security System (NISS) Submission Site, NISP security, Clearances, Requirements, Industry, Registration Instructions, NIIS accounts   05-APR-2019
Defense Security Service (DSS) Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2019-01 ""Foreign Passports - SEAD 4 DOD-UIS-00010 SL 2019-01 replaces the September 2018 notice on Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 4 posted to the DSS web site. The ISL provides additional guidance to industry on the implementation of SEAD 4 Adjudicative Guidelines related to the disposition of foreign passports belonging to cleared employees that have been previously retained by contractors in accordance with DoD directions and the former Adjudicative Guidelines. Click here to view ISL. Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 4, Foreign Passports, Defense Security Service (DSS), DSS Releases, ISL 2019-01, Industry, SEAD 4 Adjudicative Guidelines, Cleared Employees, Contractors 15-JAN-2019 28-JAN-2019
Defense Information for Security (DISS) Provisioning Now Open to All Facilities DOD-UIS-00011 The Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC) is now provisioning users for any facilities that have not yet been provisioned. Please carefully read and follow the Defense Information System for Security (DISS) JVS Provisioning Instructions. Once you have obtained access to the system, please refer to DISS Tips and Tricks. DISS Provisioning, Defense Security Service (DSS), Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC), Users, Facilities, Defense Information System for Security (DISS) JVS Provisioning Instructions, Access, System   07-JAN-2019
Voice of Industry DOD-UIS-00012 Monthly newsletter contains recent information, policy guidance, security education, and training updates. Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) Monthly Newsletter, Information, Policy Guidance, Security Education, Training Updates   01-JUL-2019
Personnel Security (PCL) Process DOD-UIS-00013 High Level PCL process describing the steps from FSO initiation to adjudicating a case High Level PCL Process, FSO, e-QIP, Investigation, Adjudication    
Report A Security Change Or Concern About Others - Insider Threats DOD-UIS-00014 DoD Contactors and other Industry members should report potential insider threats to your company’s Facility Security Officer or the Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC) Knowledge Center. Insider Threats, Report, Security Change Or Concern About Others, Military, Federal Civilian, DoD Contractor, Other Federal Contractor, Industry, Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC) Knowledge Center    
Non Disclosure Agreements DOD-UIS-00015 Guidance for FSO to submit SF-312s to VROC Industrial Clearances, Investigations, Adjudications, Additional Assistance Information    
Help Filling Out Forms in e-QIP DOD-UIS-00016 Guidance for FSO related to first time E-QIP login, click to sign instructions and a guide to the SF86 e-QIP, Filling Out Forms, Military, Federal Civilian, DoD Contractor, Other Federal Contractor, FAQs, Personnel Security, Additional Resources    
Personnel Security Clearance in Industry DOD-UIS-00018 Memo from OUSD(I) stating PCLs do not expire Personnel Security Clearances in Industry, Memorandum, Personnel Security Clearances (PCLs), Contractor employees, Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS), Investigations, Reinvestigations, Access   07-DEC-2016
Defense Information for Security (DISS) Tips and Tricks DOD-UIS-00019 Slide presentation covering how to use and understand DISS Defense Information System for Security (DISS), User Manual Location, PowerPoint Presentation, User Guidance   19-NOV-2018
FAQs Regarding Security Eligibility and the DoD Consolidated Adjudications Facility (CAF) DOD-UIS-00020 The DoD CAF provides frequently asked questions regarding security eligibility and adjudicative determinations, . View the FAQs Security Clearance, Procedures for DoD Personnel Security Program (PSP), Personnel Security, Eligible Access, National Security Information, Adjudication, FAQs, DoD CAF, Adjudicative Guidelines, Executive Order 12968    
International Programs DOD-UIS-00021 Mission, list of responsibilities for International Operations, International Assurance/Visits and Additional Requirements as Delegated by the Designated Security Authority OUSD(P) International Industrial Security, Critical Technology Protection, Program Security Instructions (PSIs), Military, Export Agencies, International Operations, International Assurances / Visit Requests, NATO, Security Clearance, Certification, Verifications 06-JUN-2019 06-JUN-2019
International Transfers DOD-UIS-00022 Describes Direct Commercial Sales, Foreign Military Sales, and Methods of Movement of classified information between cleared facilities and Foreign Governments International Transfers, Critical Technology Protection, Classified Contractual Agreement, Classified Information, Information and/or Technology Transfer, Designated Government Representatives (DGRs), NISPOM 10-401a. International Transfer of Classified Material, Direct Commercial Sales (DCS), Foreign Military Sales (FMS) 06-JUN-2019 06-JUN-2019
Security Assurances DOD-UIS-00023 Describes International Security Clearance process for cleared individuals and facilities performing classified work with/for a Foreign Government entity Critical Technology Protection, International, Security Assurances, Cleared Individuals and Facilities, Limited Access Authorizations (LAA) for Non-U.S. Citizens, Security Clearances, Access, Classified Information, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Requirements, Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Letter of Justification (LOJ) 06-JUN-2019 06-JUN-2019
Outgoing International Visits DOD-UIS-00024 Outgoing international visit process for cleared contractors, Country Specific Requirements, Foreign Government Visit Forms Outgoing Classified Visits Process, Visit Request Forms, International Outgoing Visits, Cleared U.S. Contractors, Classified Sites / Meetings 06-JUN-2019 06-JUN-2019
Standard Agreement DOD-UIS-00025 NATO Standard Agreement request process NATO Standard Agreements (STANAGs), U.S. Cleared Industry, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) Sub-Registry, Request for Proposal (RFP), Contract, Agreement, NSR Form 01 06-JUN-2019 06-JUN-2019
Frequently Asked Questions DOD-UIS-00026 Frequently asked questions concerning international security assurances for cleared individuals and facilities and international transfers of classified information Security Assurances for Cleared Individuals and Facilities, Export Authorization, Visit Request, Foreign Site POC, Contractor 06-JUN-2019 06-JUN-2019
Special Programs Templates DOD-UIS-00027 SAP templates and processing procedures DoD Special Access Program Working Group, Templates, SAP Central Office (SAPCO), Program Security Officer (PSO), Security Compliance Inspection Checklist, RMF, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Program Access Request 06-JUN-2019 06-JUN-2019
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2006-01 DOD-UIS-00028 Provides guidance on multiple NISPOM topics: 1) Implementation of NISPOM changes; 2) Cooperation with Contractors That Are Officially Credentialed Representatives of Federal Agencies; 3) JPAS as the system of record; 4) Interim PCLs; 5) Completion of Electronic SF-86; 6) Procedures for Submitting Certificates Pertaining to Foreign Interests (SF-328); 7) FOCI Action Plans; 8) Material Marked for Automatic Declassification; 9) Information Management System; 10) Receiving Classified Material; 11) Package Receipts and Receipt and Dispatch Records; 12) Securing Closed Areas; 13) Self-Approval Authority; 14) Container Repairs; 15) Escorts and Transfers of Freight; 16) Visitor Authorization; 17) Rd and FRD; 18) Intelligence Information; 19) Foreign Government Restricted Information and "In Confidence" Information; 20) International Transfers of Classified Material; 21) NATO Restricted Industrial Security Letter (ISL), NISPOM Implementation, ISL 2006-01, Contractors, Joint Personnel Adjudications System, Interim PCLs, SF86, SF328, FOCI Action Plans, Information Management System, Visitor Authorization, International, NATO Restricted, Intelligence Information 14-APR-2006 14-APR-2006
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) eMASS Account Request and Access Procedures DOD-UIS-00029 Version 1.1 NISP eMASS Account, Access Procedures Job Aid, New User Registration, User Guide 17-DEC-2019  
National Interest Determination (NID) Overview DOD-UIS-00030 Provide general information to industry and other government stakeholders on the NID process Defense Security Service (DSS), National Interest Determination (NID) Overview, Policy, Government, Industry, Guidance, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, FOCI    
National Interest Determinations DOD-UIS-00031 Provides general guidance to industry on the NID process, which is a government to government process that affects a FOCI companies' ability to perform on classified work requiring access to proscribed information under certain conditions National Interest Determinations (NID), Special Security Agreement (SSA), Information, FOCI, Critical Technology Protection, Policy Guidance, Sensitive Compartment Information, Special Access Program, Communication Security, Restricted Data    
Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Conferences DOD-UIS-00032 Provide general information to industry about DCSA hosted FOCI conferences DCSA FOCI Conferences, Outside Directors, Proxy Holders, FOCI Mitigation Agreement, Facility Security Officers (FSO), Policy, DCSA FOCI Program, Voting Trust Agreement, Proxy Agreement, Special Security Agreement, Security Control Agreement    
Partnering with Outside Directors & Proxy Holders to Strengthen FOCI Boards: A White Paper DOD-UIS-00033 A paper published by DCSA to outline a series of planned OD/PH reform efforts that DCSA is undertaking and provide general guidance to industry on how DCSA's understanding of the NISPOM requirements are being tuned to ensure effective monitoring and oversight of the FOCI program and the OD/PH communities Defense Security Service (DSS), Outside Directors and Proxy Holders (OD/PH), Boards of Directors (BoD), Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence (FOCI), Industry Personnel, Government, Information, OD/PH Nominations, National Industrial Security Program (NISP) 01-AUG-2018  
Outside Director (OD)/Proxy Holder (PH) Nomination Questionnaire DOD-UIS-00034 The questionnaire that nominees to be an OD/PH for a company must fill out for DCSA to review in order to approve as meeting the qualifications of the NISPOM OD/PH Nomination Questionnaire, Sample Form, Nominee, Outside Directors, Special Security Agreement, Defense Security Service (DSS)    
Guidelines for Trustees, Proxy Holders (PH) and Outside Directors (OD) DOD-UIS-00035 Provides prospective and current VT/PH/ODs and other industry members guidance on the role and responsibilities of a VT/PH/OD working with a company under FOCI mitigation Guidelines, Trustees, Proxy Holders and Outside Directors (OD/PH), General Requirements, Defense Security Service (DSS), National Industrial Security Program (NISP), Security, Safeguarding, Classified and Export Controlled Information, Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep), Industrial Security 01-JUL-2009  
Outside Director/Proxy Holder Baseline Training IS175.CU DOD-UIS-00036 This curriculum is specifically designed for the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency's Outside Director (OD), Proxy Holder (PH) and Voting Trustee (VT) community. Outside Director/Proxy Holder Baseline Training IS175.CU, Industrial Security, Training, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency's Outside Director (OD), Proxy Holder (PH), and Voting Trustee (VT), Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, FOCI documentation, Government Security Committee, Industry Personnel, Critical Awareness of Cybersecurity, Insider Threats, Foreign Intelligence Entity Threats    
Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Roles and Responsibilities DOD-UIS-00037 Provides general guidance to industry on all of the roles and responsibilities associated with a FOCI company Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Roles and Responsibilities, Outside Directors, Proxy Holders, Voting Trustees, FOCI Mitigation Agreements, Critical Technology Protection    
Companies in Mitigation Process DOD-UIS-00038 Provides general guidance to industry on the FOCI mitigation process and the materials that need to be submitted for review Critical Technology Protection, Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI), Companies in Mitigation Process, National Industrial Security Program (NISP), Facility Security Clearance (FCL), Classified Information, National Industrial Security System (NISS), Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA)    
Facility Location Plan Template DOD-UIS-00039 Provide a starting template for industry to construct a FLP as required by FOCI mitigation agreements Defense Security Service (DSS) Facilities Location Plan Template, Floor Plans, Compliance Measures and Oversight, Mitigation Measures, Industry, Access Control, Physical Access Controls, Policy and Procedures 01-FEB-2012  
Electronic Communications Plan (ECP) Sample DOD-UIS-00040 Provides some minor additional details on how to construct an ECP Defense Security Service (DSS), Designated Approving Authority, Sample Electronic Communications Plan (ECP), Draft ECP, Personnel Security, Policy, Procedures, Identification and Authentication, Security Awareness, Training, Physical and Environmental Protection, Incident Response, Configuration Management, Audit and Accountability    
Electronic Communications Plan (ECP) Telephone Log Removal DOD-UIS-00041 Director's memo removing the ECP telephone log requirement in section 17 of the ECP Defense Security Service (DSS), Cleared Companies, Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, Defense Security Service Electronic Communications Plan (ECP), Cleared and Uncleared Personnel, Facility Security Officer, Industry, Memorandum, Security Control Agreements, Special Security Agreements, and Proxy Agreements 08-NOV-2017 08-NOV-2017
Electronic Communications Plan (ECP) Template DOD-UIS-00042 Provide a starting template for industry to construct an ECP as required by FOCI mitigation agreements Defense Security Service (DSS), Designated Approving Authority, Sample Electronic Communications Plan (ECP), Draft ECP, Personnel Security, Policy, Procedures, Identification and Authentication, Security Awareness, Training, Physical and Environmental Protection, Incident Response, Configuration Management, Audit and Accountability 01-SEP-2011  
Technology Control Plan Template DOD-UIS-00043 Provide a starting template for industry to construct a TCP as required by FOCI mitigation agreements and the NISPOM under certain conditions Defense Security Service (DSS) Sample Technology Control Plan (TCP), Template, Industry, Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, NISPOM    
Affiliated Operations Plan Template DOD-UIS-00044 The template serves as a guide for requesting affiliated operations and demonstrating mitigation methods for an Administrative Services Agreement between affiliates. Defense Security Service (DSS) Affiliated Operations Plan (AOP) Template, Industry, Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI), Administrative Services Agreement, Guidance, Request 01-FEB-2013  
Navigating the Affiliated Operations Plan: A Guide for Industry DOD-UIS-00045 Provide guidance to assist industry with mitigating and managing affiliated operations per the requirements of the FOCI mitigation agreements Affiliated Operations Plan (AOP), Guidance, Industry, Defense Security Service (DSS), Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreement, AOP Life Cycle, Compliance, Submission, Managing, Requirements, Government Security Committees (GSCs) 11-MAY-2016 11-MAY-2016
FOCI Action Planning and Implementation DOD-UIS-00046 Provides general guidance on the types of FOCI supplements, their purpose, and what they entail Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Action Planning and Implementation, FOCI Mitigation Agreements (Voting Trust Agreement, Proxy Agreement, Special Security Agreement and Security Control Agreement), Affiliated Operations Plans (AOP), Technology Control Plan, Electronic Communications Plan, Visitation Plan, Facilities Location Plan, Guidance    
Voting Trust Template DOD-UIS-00047 The DCSA Voting Trust template Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, Voting Trust Template, Industrial Security Representative, Security Control Agreement (SCA), Special Security Agreement (SSA), Proxy Agreement, Special Security, Proxy, Critical Technology Protection    
Proxy Agreement Template DOD-UIS-00048 The DCSA Proxy Agreement template Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, Voting Trust Template, Industrial Security Representative, Security Control Agreement (SCA), Special Security Agreement (SSA), Proxy Agreement, Special Security, Proxy, Critical Technology Protection    
Special Security Agreement Template DOD-UIS-00049 The DCSA Special Security Agreement template Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, Voting Trust Template, Industrial Security Representative, Security Control Agreement (SCA), Special Security Agreement (SSA), Proxy Agreement, Special Security, Proxy, Critical Technology Protection    
Special Control Agreement Template DOD-UIS-00050 The DCSA Special Control Agreement template Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, Voting Trust Template, Industrial Security Representative, Security Control Agreement (SCA), Special Security Agreement (SSA), Proxy Agreement, Special Security, Proxy, Critical Technology Protection    
Board Resolution Template DOD-UIS-00051 The DCSA Board Resolution template Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, Voting Trust Template, Industrial Security Representative, Security Control Agreement (SCA), Special Security Agreement (SSA), Proxy Agreement, Special Security, Proxy, Critical Technology Protection    
Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements DOD-UIS-00052 Provides general guidance on the types of FOCI mitigation agreements and comparisons of some versus others Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) Mitigation Agreements, Voting Trust Template, Industrial Security Representative, Security Control Agreement (SCA), Special Security Agreement (SSA), Proxy Agreement, Special Security, Proxy, Critical Technology Protection    
Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) FAQs DOD-UIS-00053 Provides guidance for industry on commonly asked FOCI questions Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI), Critical Technology Protection, Foreign Investment, Industrial, Information. Guidance, Industry    
National Industrial Security Program (NISP) FAQs DOD-UIS-00054 Provides guidance for public on commonly asked NISP questions National Industrial Security Program (NISP), Executive Order 12829, Defense Industry Safeguard, Contracts, Programs, Bids, Research and Development, Classified Information, Security Oversight, NISP Signatories, FAQs, NISP Operating Manual, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)    
Protected Distribution System (PDS) Requirements DOD-UIS-00055 Committee on National Security Systems Instruction (CNSSI) 7003. Cleared contracts are required to have compliant PDS by Sep 30, 2018 Committee on National Security Systems Instruction (CNSSI) 7003, Industry Protected Distribution System (PDS) Transition Guidance, Cleared Contractors, Information Systems Security Professional (ISSP), PDS Configuration, Defense Security Service (DSS) Authorization Official (AO) 01-SEP-2015  
Protected Distribution System (PDS) System Checklist DOD-UIS-00056 PDS all-purpose checklist extracted from CNSSI No. 7003 and NISPOM Protected Distribution System (PDS) Checklist, All-Purpose Checklist, CNSSI No. 7003, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)    
Protected Distribution System (PDS) Installation Plan Request DOD-UIS-00057 DoD components tasked to provide list of external policy documents currently in use and a list of documents to be rescinded as a result of EO 13891, Promoting the Rule of Law Through Improved Agency Guidance Documents Protected Distribution System (PDS) Installation Plan, Protected Distribution System Approval Request, Information, Security, System Information, Facility Security, Building Security, Industry Protected, Distribution System (PDS) Transition Guidance, Committee on National Security Systems Instruction (CNSSI) 7003 09-OCT-2019  
DCSA Assessment and Authorization Process Manual (DAAPM Version 2.0) Effective May 6, 2019 DOD-UIS-00058 The DAAPM transitions the DSS C&A process to the Risk Management Framework (RMF) made applicable to cleared contractors by DOD 5220.22-M, Change 2, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NIPSOM) Defense Security Service (DSS) Industrial Security Field Operations, National Industrial Security Program Authorization Office, Defense Security Service (DSS) Assessment and Authorization Process Manual (DAAPM),National Industrial Security Program (NISP), Contractors, Process Manual 19-MAY-2016  
Protected Distribution Systems, Committee on National Security Systems (CNSSI) No. 7003 DOD-UIS-00059 CNSSI No. 7003. This instruction provides guidance and requirements for the approval and installation of wire line and fiber optic distribution systems used to protect unencrypted, National security information through areas of lesser classification or control. CNSSI No.7003, Protected Distribution System (PDS), The Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS), Instruction, National Security Directive 42, National Policy for the Security of National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems, Guidance, Installation, National security information (NSI), National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Instruction (NSTISSI) 7003 01-SEP-2015  
Joint Special Access Program (SAP) Implementation Guide DOD-UIS-00060 DoD Joint Special Access Program (SAP) Implementation Guide. This version is based on NIST SP 800-53, Rev 4 and CNSSI 1253, March 2014. It provides policy, guidance, and standards for the authorization of information systems and application of RMF within a DoD SAP. Joint Special Access Program (SAP), Implementation Guide (JSIG), NIST SP 800-53, CNSSI 1253, Risk Management Framework (RMF), Risk Management of Data and Information Systems, Industry, Joint SAP Cybersecurity Working Group (JSCS WG), Special Access Programs, Risk Mitigation Strategy 11-APR-2016  
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) DOD-UIS-00061 NISP was established by EO 12829 to ensure cleared U.S. defense industry safeguards classified information in their possession while performing work on contracts, programs, bids, or research and development efforts. DCSA administers NISP on behalf of the DoD and 33 other federal agencies. There are approximately 13,000 contract facilities that are cleared for access to classified information under DCSA's security oversight responsibilities. DCSA provides field personnel, GCAs, and cleared contractors with timely, consistent policy guidance and effective interpretation of the NISP. National Industrial Security Program (NISP), Executive Order 12829, Defense Industry Safeguard, Contracts, Programs, Bids, Research and Development, Classified Information, Security Oversight, NISP Signatories, FAQs, NISP Operating Manual, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)    
DCSA SIPRNET CTO 10-133 Plan of Action and Milestone (POA&M) Template DOD-UIS-00062 Form including: Item Number; Non-Compliance; Mitigation Plans and Adjustments; Milestone Date Based on Risk Level; ISSM/FSO Approval; Status (Open/Closed), and DSS Approval Date and Determination (Open/Closed) and Risk Level (Low/Medium/High) Plan of Action and Milestone Template (POAM), Defense Security Service (DSS) SIPRNET CTO 10-133    
NISP SIPRNET Circuit Approval Process V2.4 (August 2016) DOD-UIS-00063 NSCAP was developed to provide step-by-step guidance for cleared contractors and their sponsors with contractual requirements to establish a connection to the SIPRNET. The NSCAP is based on established policy and guidance for Non-DOD DISN connections as documented in the DSA CPG. NISP SIPRNet Circuit Approval Process (NSCAP), Guidance, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Connection Process Guide (CPG) 01-AUG-2016  
Checklist for NISP Contractors Connecting to DOD Networks Regarding Requirements of U.S. Cyber Command Directive 10-133 DOD-UIS-00064 Checklist is for NISP contractors connecting to DoD networks regarding requirements of U.S. Cyber Command Directive 10-133. It is a voluntary checklist to aid cleared contracts to ensure compliance with DoD guidance. NISP contractors, Requirements, U.S. Cyber Command Directive, Defense Security Service (DSS) Guidance, Checklist    
DISA Security Technology Implementation Guides (STIG) DOD-UIS-00065 DoD cyber exchange. STIGs are configuration standards for DOD IA and enabled devices/systems. STIGs contain technical guidance to "lock down" information systems/software that might otherwise be vulnerable to malicious computer attacks. Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs), Configuration Standards, devices/systems, Security Systems 20-JUN-1905  
Electronic Communications Plan (ECP) DOD-UIS-00066 DSS Electronic Communications Plan Template. Link opens to document in word. NISP Authorization Office (NAO), National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) Risk Management Framework (RMF), guidelines, Assessment and Authorization (A&A) , Information Systems (IS) 09/00/2011  
How to Manage a Contamination DOD-UIS-00067 Briefing on how to manage a contamination. It defines a compromise, contamination, describes causes, discusses ad hoc preparation team, review steps for inquiry, reporting requirements, and clean-up operations. Manage, Contamination Incident, Defense Security Service (DSS), Information, Classification, Spillage    
Security Seals DOD-UIS-00068 AIS security seals vendors and guidelines. A reference of lists companies that have been identified as potential sources of tamper-resistant security seals. Guidelines, tamper resistant security seals, System Security, accredited, unauthorized, detection, components 01-JAN-2003  
Test Equipment - Identifying and Resolving Security Challenges DOD-UIS-00069 Briefing on identifying and resolving security challenges. It reviews types of test equipment, determines what requires certification, and identifies vulnerabilities. Security Challenges, Equipment, Standards, IT, Quality, Certification, Vulnerabilities, Classification    
  DOD-UIS-00070 Guidelines for conducting an administrative inquiry for information systems. Information Systems (IS), Guidelines, Information, Security Measures    
National Information System Security INFOSEC Terms (NTISSI No. 4009) DOD-UIS-00071 Committee on National Security Systems. It provides guidance and establishes technical criteria for specific national security systems issues. It includes technical or implementation guidelines, restrictions, doctrines, and procedures applicable to cybersecurity. Instructions, Guidance, Technical Criteria, National Security Systems Issues, Restrictions, Cybersecurity, Classified, Spillage, Information    
SANS Glossary of Security Terms DOD-UIS-00072 Glossary of security terms. Glossary, Security Terms, Access Control, Authorization, Auditing    
Tech Encyclopedia DOD-UIS-00073 A newsletter. InformationWeek IT Network. Glossary, Information, Analytics, Security, Vulnerabilities    
DoD 5220.22-M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NIPSOM), Incorporating Change 2 (05/18/2016) DOD-UIS-00074 Is issued in accordance with the National Industrial Security Program (NISP). It prescribes the requirements, restrictions, and other safeguards to prevent unauthorized disclosure of classified information. The Manual controls the authorized disclosure of classified information released by U.S. Government Executive Branch Departments and Agencies to their contractors Operating Manual, National Industrial Security Program, Authority, Security, Insider Threat 18-MAY-2016  
DoDM 5220.22, "National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual" (NISPOM) DOD-UIS-00075 Summary of Changes to the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) National Industrial Security Program (NISPOM), Changes, Requirements, Restrictions, Safeguards, Unauthorized, Classified Information    
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) Quick Reference Tool (05/26/16) DOD-UIS-00076 Industrial Tools for Referencing National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Resources, eMASS, RMF, FOCI, RISO, and Contact Us Industry Tools, Resources, eMASS, Forms, Facility Clearances, Guidelines    
Vulnerability Assessment Rating Matrix 2006 Update DOD-UIS-00077 Per National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) 1-207, “Security Reviews,” DSS performs vulnerability assessments of all cleared contractor facilities under its cognizance. The focus of vulnerability assessments is to ensure facilities are compliant with NISPOM requirements such that safeguards employed by contractors are adequate for the protection of classified information. Defense Security Service (DSS) Vulnerability, Security, Information, Contractor, Assessment 18-MAY-2016  
Self-Inspection Handbook for Contractors DOD-UIS-00078 Self-inspections provide insight into your security program. It provides you an opportunity to look at the security procedures established at your company and validate that they not only meet NISPOM requirements but they are being effectively implemented by your cleared employees. NISP Contractors, Security, Handbook, Facility Clearance, Classification, Controlled Access 01-MAY-2016  
Procedural Guide for Conducting Classified Meetings DOD-UIS-00079 This guide outlines procedures for preparing, processing, providing security, and approving requests for DoD-sponsored classified conferences as defined in the references section. Guidance, Classification, Security, Vulnerability, Information, Procedural 01-JUL-2012  
Administrative Inquiry (AI) Job Aid for Industry DOD-UIS-00080 The purpose of this document is to provide instructions for conducting an Administrative Inquiry (AI). Included in this reference are the guidelines for conducting investigations and submitting the initial and final reports. Administrative Inquiry Process, Defense Security Service (DSS), Security Violations, Requirements, Information Systems, Investigations 01-JUL-2011  
Facility Security Clearance (FCL) Welcome Packet A Guide for New Facilities DOD-UIS-00081 The Defense Security Service (DSS) has received a request from either a Government Contracting Activity (GCA) or a cleared contractor to sponsor your facility for a Facility Clearance (FCL) in the National Industrial Security Program (NISP). The NISP was established by Executive Order 12829 in January of 1993 for the protection of classified information. The NISP applies to all executive branch departments and agencies, and to all cleared contractor facilities located within the United States, its Trust Territories and possessions. Participation is voluntary, but access to classified information will not be permitted otherwise. Defense Security Service (DSS), Facility Clearance (FCL), National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Classified Information, Protection    
DD Form 254, Department of Defense Contract Security Classification Specification DOD-UIS-00082 Instructions for Department of Defense Contact Security Classification Specification; classification guidance and special security rules; The government contracting officer (GCO) awards contracts on behalf of
the government and coordinates security requirements with the PSO. The PSO or designee prepares the DD Form 254.
Security, Classification, Specification, Contracts 01-APR-2018  
DD Form 441, Department of Defense Security Agreement DOD-UIS-00083 Department of Defense Security Agreement/Form; Security Measures taken by the Contractor prior to and after being accorded access to classified information Defense Security Agreement, Contractor, Security Measures, Access, Safeguards, Classified Information, Security Classification 01-JAN-2017  
DD Form 441-1, Appendage to Security Agreement DOD-UIS-00084 Appendage to Department of Defense Security Agreement/Form Appendage, Security Agreement, Form, Security Measures, Access 01-JAN-2017  
SF-310, Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement DOD-UIS-00085 SF-310 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement/Form; As used in this Agreement, classified information is marked or unmarked classified information, including oral communications, that is classified under the standards of Executive Order 13526, or under any other Executive order or statute that prohibits the unauthorized disclosure of information in the interest of national security; and unclassified information that meets the standards for classification and is in the process of a classification determination as provided in sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4(e) of Executive Order 13526, or under any other Executive order or statute that requires protection for such information in the interest of national security. Classified Information, Forms, Nondisclosure Agreement, SF312, Security Measures, Access 01-JUL-2013  
SF Form 328, Certificate Pertaining to Foreign Interests DOD-UIS-00086 Certificate Pertaining to Foreign Interests SF Form 328, Certificate, Foreign Interests 01-NOV-2018  
Common Security Services Agreement DOD-UIS-00087 This agreement is made in accordance with the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) when co-located parent and subsidiary organizations opt to share common security services. Agreement, Security Matters, Security, Personnel Security, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Forms    
FCL Process Orientation Transcript and Handbook DOD-UIS-00088 Designed to guide you through the Facility Clearance Process and provide you with the information you will need to set up your Security and Insider Threat Program. Facility Clearance Process, Classified Contracts, Legal, Business, Information    
Checklist for a New Facility Clearance DOD-UIS-00089 Mandated by the guidelines set forth in the National Industrial Security Program (NISP), the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) processes, issues, and monitors the continued eligibility of entities for an FCL. To get started with the FCL process, please see the following checklist for cleared contractors, U.S. Government Contracting Agencies, and U.S. Prime Contractors. Facility Clearance, Entities, Classified Information, Guidelines, National Industrial Security Program (NISP)    
eQuip and Electronic Fingerprint Guide for In-Process Facilities DOD-UIS-00090 The purpose of this section is to outline the options available for companies that are in-process for a facility clearance (FCL) to submit electronic fingerprints. e-QIP, Fingerprint, Submission, Handling Personally Identifiable Information, Signature 01-FEB-2014  
Small Business Guide Facility Clearance Process Pamphlet DOD-UIS-00091 Guidance document for small businesses for facility clearance processing Small Business, Facility Clearance, Authorization, Information, Security 09-JUL-1905 09-JUL-1905
GAM Appointment Letter Designating Government Administers (GAMS) for NISP Contract Classification System DOD-UIS-00092 The GAM Responsibilities and Accountability as contained in this GAM Appointment Letter; As a GAM, you are a critical part of maintaining system security because you enable and disable user access and authorization. You are also critical to maintaining accountability and auditability because you enable WAWF system roles and maintain the documentation that authorized your actions. NISP Contract Classification System (NCCS), Form, Security, Accountability, Responsibilities, Appointment Letter 23-JUL-2013  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2019-02 (05/08/2019) DOD-UIS-00093 Agency Agreements Industrial Security, Contractors, Policy, Information, National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM) 08-MAY-2019  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2019-02 (01/15/2019) DOD-UIS-00094 National Security Adjudicated Guidelines Industrial Security, Contractors, Policy, Guidelines, Classified Information, Adjudicative Guidelines 15-JAN-2019  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2017-01 (10/24/2017) DOD-UIS-00095 Agency Agreements National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Industrial Security, Agreement, Information 24-OCT-2017  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2016-02 REVISED (06/27/17) DOD-UIS-00096 Insider Threat Minimum Standards for Contractors; Provides guidance on insider threat minimum standards. Insider Threats, Standards, Contractors, Industrial Security 21-MAY-2016 29-JUNE-17 (REV)
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2016-01 (03/24/16) DOD-UIS-00097 “National Industrial Security Program (NISP)”, states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads; amended to include the United States Postal Service (USPS) Industrial Security, National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Information 24-MAR-2016  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2015-03 (04/30/15) DOD-UIS-00098 "National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads; amended to include the Social Security Administration (SSA) Industrial Security, National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Information 30-APR-2015  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2015-02 (04/30/15) DOD-UIS-00099 “National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads; amended to include the Office of Administration, Executive Office of the President (OA/EOP) Industrial Security Letter (ISL), National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Information, Office of Administration, Executive Office of the President (OA/EOP) 30-APR-2015  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2015-01 (03/12/15) DOD-UIS-00100 “National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads; amended to include the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), Industrial Security Letter (ISL), National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Information 12-MAR-2015  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2014-03 (04/25/14) DOD-UIS-00101 Guidance on multiple NISPOM topics: 1. GSA Storage Equipment; 2. CSA Approval of IDS; 3. Central Monitoring Station Industrial Security Letter (ISL), National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Information, GSA Storage Equipment, Security Containers, Monitoring Station 22-APR-2014 22-APR-2014
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2014-02 (04/24/14) DOD-UIS-00102 “National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads; amended to include the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Industrial Security, National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Agreements, Information 24-APR-2014  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2014-01 (04/14/14) DOD-UIS-00103 GSA Carriers for Overnight Delivery of Secret and Confidential Information; Provides criteria for the CSA approval process for the use GSA listed commercial carriers by contractors. Industrial Security Letter (ISL), National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Information, Delivery, Classified Information, Classification 14-APR-2014 14-APR-2014
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2013-06 REVISED (12/04/13) DOD-UIS-00104 Derivative Classification Responsibilities per NISPOM 4-102; Details the requirements for derivative classifier identification and training. Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, National Industrial Security Manual Operating Manual (NISPOM), Classification Responsibilities, Personnel, Authorization 04-OCT-2013 03-DEC-2013
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2013-05 (07/02/13) DOD-UIS-00105 Applicability of NISPOM 1-301 Reporting Requirements to Cyber Intrusions; Clarifies reporting requirements to the FBI as related to threat activity on contractor information systems. Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, National Industrial Security Manual Operating Manual (NISPOM), Cyber Intrusions, Information System, Classified Information Systems, Threat Activity 02-JUL-2013 02-JUL-2013
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2013-04 (06/11/13) DOD-UIS-00106 “National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads; amended to include the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, National Industrial Security Manual Operating Manual (NISPOM), Agreements, Security, Information 11-JUN-2013  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2013-03 (03/20/13) DOD-UIS-00107 Transfer of Defense Articles to Australia with License or Other Written Authorization; Provides guidance on the treaty between the US and Australia on transfers between the two countries. Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Transfer of Defense Articles, Authorization, Australia, National Industrial Security Manual Operating Manual (NISPOM) 20-MAR-2013 20-MAR-2013
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2013-02 (03/08/13) DOD-UIS-00108 “National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads"; amended to include the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), National Archives and Record Administration 08-MAR-2013  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2013-01 (01/17/13) DOD-UIS-00109 Facility Clearance Eligibility Requirements Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Facility Clearance, Requirements, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Law, Eligibility, Entities 17-JAN-2013  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2012-04 (08/07/12) DOD-UIS-00110 Guidance on multiple NISPOM topics: 1. GSA Storage Equipment; 2. Secret Storage; 3. Open Shelf or Bin Storage Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Updated Guidance, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Authorization, Classified Material, Storage Option, Security, Information 07-AUG-2012 07-AUG-2012
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2012-03 (05/14/12) DOD-UIS-00111 FSO Training; requires contractors to ensure facility security officers (FSOs) and other contractor personnel performing security duties complete security training considered appropriate by the Cognizant Security Agency (CSA) Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Facility Security, Training Requirements, Classified Information, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) 14-MAY-2012 14-MAY-2012
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2012-02 (03/21/12) RESCINDED DOD-UIS-00112 Rescinded Transfers of Defense Articles, United Kingdom, Rescinded, Industrial Security Letter (ISL), National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Information, Security 21-MAR-2012  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2012-01 (02/21/12) DOD-UIS-00113 “National Industrial Security Program” (NISP), states that the heads of Federal agencies shall enter into agreements with the Secretary of Defense that establish the terms of the Secretary’s NISP responsibilities on behalf of those agency heads; amended, as the Department of Defense and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, National Industrial Security Program (NISP), Agreements, Security, Information, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) 21-FEB-2012  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2011-04 (09/23/11) DOD-UIS-00114 Adverse Information; Reiterates reporting requirements for adverse information Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Adverse Information, Classified Information, Security Violations, Procedures, Unauthorized, Classified Information Systems, Security Requirement 23-SEP-2011 23-SEP-2011
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2011-03 (05/09/11) DOD-UIS-00115 Disclosure of Classified Information between Parent and Subsidiaries Within a Corporate Family Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Disclosure, Classified Information, Subcontractor, Legal Entities, Facility Clearance, Information 09-MAY-2011 09-MAY-2011
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2011-02 (05/02/11) DOD-UIS-00116 Guidance on Multiple NISPOM topics: 1. Acceptable Proof of Citizenship; 2. COMSEC and Proscribed Info National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Industrial Security Letter, Contractors, Acceptable Proof of Citizenship, Fraud, Identity, Puerto Rico, Special Security Agreement (SSA), Communications Security, Information 02-MAY-2011 12-APR-2011
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2011-01 (01/18/11) RESCINDED DOD-UIS-00117 Rescinded; National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM) paragraph 5-303 prohibits contractors from using non-GSA approved security containers for storage of classified material after October 1, 2012. Industrial Security Letter (ISL), National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Contractors, Security Containers, Classified Material, Defense Security Service (DSS), Inspections, Requirement, Non-GSA, Storage Methods, Disposing, Classified Information, Rescinded 18-JAN-2011  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2010-02 (02/22/10) RESCINDED DOD-UIS-00118 Not marked on letter as rescinded; Reporting Requirements for Cyber Intrusions (NISPOM 1-301) Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Industrial Security, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Reporting Requirements, Cyber Intrusions, Information, Espionage, Sabotage, Terrorism, Subversive Activities, Report 22-FEB-2010  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2010-01 (01/28/10) DOD-UIS-00119 Provides guidance on multiple NISPOM topics: 1) Cooperation with Federal Agencies and Officially Credentialed Representatives of Those Agencies; 2) Security Management Office (SMO) Contact Information in JPAS; 3) Acceptable Proof of Citizenship; 4) Required Facility Security Officer (FSO) Training; 5) Release of JPAS records Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Industrial Security, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Requirements, Personnel Security, Facility, Security Records, Federal Agencies 28-JAN-2010 28-JAN-2010
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2009-03 (11/17/09) DOD-UIS-00120 Provides guidance on what constitutes a reportable material change to the SF-328 Guidance, Reportable Material, Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, ISL 2009-03, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Foreign Interests, Defense Security Service (DSS), Information, Oversight, Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) 17-NOV-2009 17-NOV-2009
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2009-02 (06/06/09) DOD-UIS-00121 Provides guidance on 1) eligibility of companies organized and existing under the laws of U.S. Territories for facility clearances and 2) pre-employment clearance action Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Facility Clearances, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Security, Requirements 06-JUN-2009 06-JUN-2009
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2009-01 (03/05/09) DOD-UIS-00122 This ISL pertains to: 1) the Defense Security Service (DSS) Office of Designated Approving Authority (ODAA) “Manual for the Certification and Accreditation of Classified Systems under the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)” ; and 2) the DSS ODAA “Standardization of Baseline Technical Security Configurations” Industrial Security Letter (ISL), ISL 2009-01, Contractors, Industrial Security, Authority, Certification, Classified Systems, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Technical Security Configurations, Standards 05-MAR-2009 05-MAR-2009
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2007-01 (01/11/07) RESCINDED DOD-UIS-00123 Rescinded; NISPOM Chapter 8, “Information System Security” Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Contractors, Information System Security, Procedures, Rescinded, Security Requirements, Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Program (DIACAP) 11-JAN-2007  
Industrial Security Letter (ISL) 2006-02 (08/22/06) DOD-UIS-00124 Guidance on multiple NISPOM topics: 1) Security for Wireless Devices, Services and Technologies; 2) Security Review Ratings; 3) Reporting Participation in Rehabilitation Programs as Adverse Information; 4) Reports Submitted to the CSA; 5) Notification to Recipients Regarding the Inadvertent Dissemination of Classified as Unclassified; 6) Facility Security Clearances for Service Contracts; 7) Clearing Branch Offices; 8) Personnel Security Clearances, the Internet, and Job Seeking; 9) Interim Access to JPAS - Based on a National Agency Check; 10) Fingerprint Cards not Required for Periodic Reinvestigations; 11) Access Limitations of an LAA; 12) PCL/FCL Requirements for Self-Employed Consultants; 13) SF-312 Date in JPAS; 14) Q & A SF-312; 15) Structural Integrity of Closed Areas; 16) Changing Combinations; 17) Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Monitoring Over Data Networks; 18) Visit Authorization Letters for the Department of Energy; 19) Bilateral Security Agreements; 20) Definitions of Foreign National and U.S. Person; 21) Q &A re Storage of Foreign Government Information on an Information System; 22) Q & A re CSA Notification of Assignment of Foreign Nationals to US Contractor Facilities; 23) Q &A re Technology Control Plan (TCP) Requirement When Foreign Nationals are Assigned to US Contractor Facilities Industrial Security Letter (ISL), Industry, Industrial Security, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM), Information System Security, Technologies, Security, Classified, Unclassified, Information, Facility Security Clearances, Personnel Security 22-AUG-2006 22-AUG-2006
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) eMASS Account Request and Access Procedures DOD-UIS-00125 Version 1.1; NISP eMASS Account and Access Procedures and User Guidance NISP eMASS Account, Access Procedures , Request Access, New User, Registration, Instructions 17-DEC-2019  
Industry System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) Instructions DOD-UIS-00126 National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) Instructions National Industrial Security Program (NISP) , Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS), System Authorization Access Request (SAAR), Instructions, Request    
Industry System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) Form DOD-UIS-00127 DD Form 2875, System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) System Authorization Access Request (SAAR), Form, Security, Computer, Information, Access 01-AUG-2009  
Field Office Facilities DOD-UIS-00128 Map of field office locations in the Capital, Southern, Western, Northern, and NAESOC Regions Field Locations, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA), Personnel, Geographic Regions, Capital, Northern, Southern, Western    
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) eMASS Industry Operations Guide Version 1.1 DOD-UIS-00129 National Industrial Security Program Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service Operation Guide National Industrial Security Program, Enterprise Mission Assurance Support, Service Industry Operation Guide, Management, System Registration, System Information, Federal Information Security, Business, Security, Assessment, Import/Export 18-DEC-2019  
NISP Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 2019 DOD-UIS-00130 NIPSOM eMASS Frequently Asked Questions, Version 1.0 NISP Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS), Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Training, Information Systems Security Professional (ISSP), RMF Knowledge, Cleared Industry, Information, Security 22-JUL-2019  
NISP Classified Configuration (CC) in Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) DOD-UIS-00131 NISP Classified Configuration in eMASS NISP Classified Configuration, eMASS, Authorization, Information System, Access, Downloading, Industry Fingerprint, Personnel Security, Investigations, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) 01-AUG-2019  
NISP Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) Training Access and Procedures for Cleared Industry DOD-UIS-00132 NISP eMASS Training Access & Procedures for Cleared Industry guidance NISP eMASS Training, Procedures, Cleared Industry, Cyber Awareness Challenge (CAC), Computer Based Training (CBT), External Certification Authority (ECA) 17-OCT-2019  
Risk Management Framework (RMF) Knowledge Service DOD-UIS-00133 Provides steps to take before accessing the RMF Knowledge Service Portal Risk Management Framework (RMF) Knowledge Service, Certificate, Computer System, Equipment, Network Devices, Access, Information    
Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) Computer Based Training (CBT) DOD-UIS-00134 Cleared Industry users requiring access to the DISA eMASS (CBT) NISP eMASS Training, Procedures, Cleared Industry, Cyber Awareness Challenge (CAC), Computer Based Training (CBT), External Certification Authority (ECA) 17-OCT-2019 17-OCT-2019
DISA Cyber Awareness Challenge (CAC) Training DOD-UIS-00135 Course provides an overview of cybersecurity threats and best practices to keep information and information systems secure. Every year, authorized users of the DoD information systems must complete the Cyber Awareness Challenge to maintain awareness of, and stay up-to-date on new cybersecurity threats. Cyber Awareness Challenge (CAC), Requirements, Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program (WIP), Information Security, Policies, Cybersecurity Threats, Authorize    
Summary of Changes to the DCSA Assessment and Authorization Process Manual (DAAPM) Version 2.0 DOD-UIS-00136 The DAAPM Version 2.0 has been revised to better assist users in the implementation of the Risk Management Framework (RMF). Defense Security Service (DSS) Assessment and Authorization Process Manual (DAAPM) , Risk Management Framework (RMF), manual , Summary of Changes, Information System, Security Controls, Security and Privacy    
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) DOD-UIS-00138 NISP Website; provides relevant information on oversight of the NISP. The NISPOM was revised in 2016, and a summary of changes National Industrial Security Program (NSP), Executive Order 12829, Defense Industry Safeguards, Classified Information, Contracts, Programs, Bids, Research, Contractor Facilities, Security, Guidance    
NIST 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations DOD-UIS-00139 This publication has been developed by NIST to further its statutory responsibilities under the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), Public Law (P.L.) 107-347. NIST is responsible for developing information security standards and guidelines, including minimum requirements for federal information systems, but such standards and guidelines shall not apply to national security systems without the express approval of appropriate federal officials exercising policy authority over such systems. Security, Privacy Controls, Federal Information Systems, Organizations, Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), Information Security, Federal Information Systems, Guidelines, Authority, Security, Statutory Authority 01-APR-2013  
JSIG Guidance for Special Access Programs (SAP) DOD-UIS-00140 The purpose of this document is to provide policy and guidance on the implementation of the RMF. This document, the JSIG, serves as a technical supplement to NIST SP 800-53 and CNSSI 1253, and is used in concert with the applicable volume of DoDM 5205.07 in the application of the RMF. Joint Special Access Program (SAP), Implementation Guide (JSIG), Risk Management Framework (RMF), Risk Management, Information Systems, Department, Industry, Cybersecurity Threats, Sensitive Information, Authorizing Information, Information, Security 11-APR-2016  
Committee on National Security Systems Instructions (CNSSI) 1253 (March 2014) DOD-UIS-00141 Security Categorization and Control Selection for National Security Systems Security Categorization, Control Selection, National Security Systems, Guidance, Risk Management Framework (RMF), Instructions, Standards, Technology, Information Systems Security, Engineers, Authorizing Officials 27-MAR-2014  
DoD 8510.01, Risk Management Framework for DoD Information Technology DOD-UIS-00142 Provides procedural guidance for the reciprocal acceptance of authorization decisions and artifacts within DoD, and between DoD and other federal agencies, for the authorization and connection of information systems (ISs). Instructions, Risk Management Framework (RMF) Information Technology (IT), Cybersecurity Policy, Information Assurance Certification, Cybersecurity Risk, Authorization, Security, Information 12-MAR-2014  
National Industrial Security Program Enterprise Wide Area Network (NISP eWAN) System Job Aid (April 2019) DOD-UIS-00143 Version 1.1; The National Industrial Security Program Enterprise Wide Area Network (NISP eWAN) concept allows NISP participants to design and develop an enterprise WANs (eWAN) to operate and maintain NISP systems under a single Authorization to Operate (ATO). Cleared Industry companies seeking to design and develop a NISP eWAN must meet certain criteria to own and operate a eWAN. Once eligibility has been determined, the company must provide a NISP eWAN Proposal to the NISP Authorization Office, Defense Security Service. National Industrial Security Program Enterprise Wide Area Network (NISP eWAN) System, Classified Information, Safeguard, Confidentiality, Information, Industry, Contractors, Authorization 15-APR-2019  
NCMS 2018 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)) DOD-UIS-00144 NCMS the Society of Industrial Security Professionals 2018 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Society of Industrial Security Professionals, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS), Facility Security, Classified Information, Security Controls, Requirements, Information, Access    
Risk Management Framework (RMF) FAQ - April 2018 DOD-UIS-00145 Version 1.1; Risk Management Framework (RMF)- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Risk Management Framework (RMF), Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Industry, Authorization, System Security Plan (SSP), Assessment, Information Systems, Data Transfer, Guidance, Security, Safeguard 01-APR-2018  
Risk Management Framework (RMF) Workflow Process with Associated Artifact DOD-UIS-00146 Workflow chart NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF) Process, Stakeholders, Categorization, Coordination Control, Chart, Information, Security, Steps, Threat Profile, Instruction, Guidance 01-JUL-2017  
NCMS 2017 Questions and Answers DOD-UIS-00147 NCMS - The Society of Industrial Security Professionals 2017 Questions and Answers Society of Industrial Security Professionals, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Defense Security Service (DSS), Authorization, System Security Plan (SSP), Defense Security Service (DSS) Assessment and Authorization Process Manual (DAAPM), Information Systems, Tools, Risk Assessment Report (RAR), Classification Specification    
Risk Management Framework (RMF) FAQ - April 2017 DOD-UIS-00148 Risk Management Framework (RMF)- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Risk Management Framework (RMF), Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Industry, Authorization, System Security Plan (SSP), Assessment, Information Systems, Data Transfer, Guidance, Security, Safeguard 27-APR-2017  
National Industrial Security Program Authorization Office (NAO) Homepage DOD-UIS-00149 The NISP Authorization Office (NAO) handles the execution of A&A process within the NISP. The NAO is accountable for DCSA’s timely, consistent policy implementation and A&A determinations nationwide, working closely with cleared defense industry, government contracting activities, and other DCSA industrial security personnel. NISP Authorization Office (NAO), National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) Risk Management Framework (RMF), guidelines, Assessment and Authorization (A&A) , Information Systems (IS), Requirements, Industrial Security Personnel    
Getting Started with Risk Management Framework (October 2016) DOD-UIS-00150 Getting Started Guide for Classified Systems under the Risk Management Framework (RMF) Risk Management Framework (RMF), Classified Systems, Guidance, Instructions, Training, Authorizing Systems, Information, Resources, Categorization, Security Controls 20-OCT-2016  
NISPOM to NIST 800-53v4 Security Control Mapping (May 2016) DOD-UIS-00151 This document is intended to reduce duplication of compliance effort by displaying the differences between the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (800-53r4) security standards and those of the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). Implementing this guideline should provide the most efficient path to compliance with NISP Risk Management Framework (RMF) requirements, and the creation of repeatable assessment procedures that are effective at discovering and mitigating unacceptable risk. Industrial Security Field Operations, NISP Authorization Office (NAO), Security Control Mapping, Risk Management Framework (RMF), Identification, Authorization, Physical and Environmental Protection, System, Information Integrity, Security Assessment 01-MAY-2016  
Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) DOD-UIS-00152 Security Content Automation Protocol Security Content Authorization Protocol (SCAP), Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs), Cyber, Certificates, Access, Information, Security 01-DEC-2018  
DISA Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) Viewer DOD-UIS-00153 The purpose of the SRG/STIG Applicability Guide and Collection Tool is to assist the SRG/STIG user community in determining what SRGs and/or STIGs apply to a particular situation or Information System (IS) and to create a fully formatted document containing a “Collection” of SRGs and STIGs applicable to the situation being addressed. STIG Viewing Tools, Process, Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs), Licensing, Public, Software, Information, Security    
Gain Control with Risk Management Framework (RMF) Version 1 DOD-UIS-00154 Version 1.0; The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Risk Management Framework (RMF) is a six step process Risk Management Framework (RMF), Process, Categorize, Access, Authorize, Monitor, Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM), System Operates, Information Security, Mitigating Risks, Security Controls 01-NOV-2017  
Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE) DOD-UIS-00155 Security education, training, and certification for DoD and Industry Security, Training, Security Education, Certification, Defense, Industry, Security Assurance, Procedures, Information, Resources    
Introduction to the Risk Management Framework (RMF) DOD-UIS-00156 Introduction to the Risk Management Framework (RMF) CS124.16 Risk Management Framework (RMF), Security Education, Training, Certification, Defense, Industry, Cybersecurity Policies, Information Technology    
Getting Started with the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) Compliance Checker and Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) Viewer DOD-UIS-00157 Automated compliance scanning tool that leverages the DISA Security Technical Implementation Guidelines (STIGs) and operating system (OS) specific baselines to analyze and report on the security configuration of an information system. Industrial Security Field Operations, NISP Authorization Office (NAO), Security Control Mapping, Compliance Checker, DISA Security Technical Implementation Guidelines (STIGs) and operating system (OS), Security Configuration, Information System, Requirements, Information Assurance Support Environment (IASE) 01-FEB-2017  
Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems DOD-UIS-00158 Provide people new to risk management with an overview of a methodology for managing organizational risk, the Risk Management Framework (RMF) Computer Security Resource Center, FISMA Implementation, Risk Management Framework (RMF), Organizational Risk, Standards, Technology, Information Technology (IT), Steps, Guidance, Security 11-DEC-2019  
DCSA Risk Management Framework (RMF) Training Slides (August 2016) DOD-UIS-00159 Briefing slides Risk Management Framework (RMF), Unified Information Security, Certification, Accreditation, Information Systems, Organizational Risk, Stakeholder, Guidance, Information 01-AUG-2016  
NIST - Applying the Risk Management Framework to Systems DOD-UIS-00160 Computer Security Resource Center - FISMA Implementation Project Risk Management Framework (RMF), Training, Applying, Standards, Technology, Information Technology, Computer Security Resource, Security, Information 11-DEC-2019  
IASE - DoD Cybersecurity Policy DOD-UIS-00161 The DoD Cyber Exchange is the premier cyber resource for the Department of Defense. Cyber Exchange delivers trusted cyber policies, guidance, cyber security tools and training, and other cyber security resources to the DoD, Federal agencies, and public. Cybersecurity, Policies, Guidance, Training, Cyber Awareness, Resources, Unclassified Domain, Cyber Professional    
FedVTE - Cyber Risk Management for Technicians DOD-UIS-00162 Federal Virtual Training Environment - User has to login to website Federal Virtual Training Environment (FedVTE), Cybersecurity Training, Contractors, Military, Defense, Resources    
DIS - eMASS/RMF (Instructor-led Courses) DOD-UIS-00163 Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) Training Cybersecurity, Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) Training, Information Assurance, Authorization, Information Systems, Security, Guidance    
NAO Configuration Toolkit Job Aid DOD-UIS-00164 NAO Quality Assurance Secure Hardware Baseline Windows 7/10 Job Aid Industrial Security Field Operations, National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Authorization Office (NAO), Secure Hardware, Quality Assurance, Configuration, Facility Personnel, Security, Information Systems, Defense Security Service (DSS) 01-JUN-2017  
Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) Validation Program DOD-UIS-00165 Designed to test the ability of products to use the features and functionality available through SCAP and its component standards Security Content Automation Protocol Validation Program, Computer Security Resource Center, Validation, NIST National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Independent Laboratory Test Report, SCAP Validation 22-OCT-2019  
Information System Security Manager (ISSM) Toolkit DOD-UIS-00166 This toolkit will quickly point you to the resources you need to help you perform your role as an Information System Security Manager (ISSM) Security Education, Training, Certification, Defense, Industry, Information System Security Manager Toolkit, Resources, Facility Security, Threats, Safeguarding, Security Incidents, System and Network Security    
Contingency Plan (CP) Template DOD-UIS-00167 Contingency Plan template and instructions Contingency Plan (CP), Personnel, Procedures, Information System Security, Software, Hardware, System Configuration, Storage Facility    
Data Transfer Agent Authorization Form DOD-UIS-00168 Authorization Form Data Transfer Agent (DTA) Authorization Form, Process, Classification, Transferring Information, Authorization, Guidance, Information, Security    
Federal IS Request Template DOD-UIS-00169 MEMORANDUM FOR the Defense Security Service (DSS), National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Authorization Office (NAO; Federal Information System (IS) Request at a Cleared Contractor Location template Defense Security Service (DSS), National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Authorization Office (NAO), Federal Information System (IS) Request, Cleared Contractor Location, Process, Information System, Physical Security, Requirements    
Hardware List DOD-UIS-00170 The Hardware List must include all security relevant hardware. Hardware List, Manufacturer, Chart, Unique Identifier, Classified Information, Authorization Package, Security Relevant Hardware, Guidelines    
IS Access Authorization and Briefing Form DOD-UIS-00171 Information System Access Authorization and Briefing Form; General User Information System Access Authorization, Briefing Form, Classified System, Access, Clearance, Security, Authorization    
IS Privileged Access Authorization and Briefing Form DOD-UIS-00172 Information System Access Authorization and Briefing Form; Privileged User Information System Privileged Access Authorization and Briefing Form, Classified System, Responsibilities, Guidelines, System Security    
Upgrade-Downgrade Procedure Record DOD-UIS-00173 The Upgrade/Downgrade Procedure Record template Upgrade/Downgrade, Procedure, Record, Unauthorized Persons, Classified Material, Security Seal, Industry, Requirements, Secure, System    
Information System Security Manager (ISSM) Appointment Letter DOD-UIS-00174 Information System Security Manager (ISSM) Appointment Template Information System Security Manager (ISSM) Appointment, Memorandum, National Industrial Security Program Manual, Training, System Security, Policies, Facility Security    
Maintenance Operating System and Security Software Change Log DOD-UIS-00175 The Maintenance, Operating System & Security Software Change Log is a template. Industry should modify the template to comply with any additional and/or contractual requirements necessary to secure the system. Maintenance, Operating System, Security Software Change Log, System Device, Personnel Security Clearance (PCL), Access, Security, Industry, System Requirements    
Mobility System Plan Template DOD-UIS-00176 This plan outlines the procedures for the transporting of classified system equipment between [Facility] and various sites as listed in the Mobility System Plan (provided as a supporting artifact to the system security authorization package). Classified System, Mobility System Plan, Transporting, Classified System Equipment, Authorization, Security, Identification, Clear Contractor    
Risk Assessment Report DOD-UIS-00178 risk assessment is focused on the system’s use of resources and controls to mitigate vulnerabilities exploitable by threat agents (internal and external) identified during the RMF control selection process, based on the system’s categorization. Risk Assessment Report (RAR), Record, System, Categorization, Information, Security, Information System Level    
Risk Management Framework (RMF) System Security Package Submission and Certification Statement DOD-UIS-00179 providing formal certification that the requirements and implementation procedures listed within the RMF system security package are in accordance with National Industrial Security Process Manual (NISPOM), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-53, and the DSS Assessment and Authorization Manual (DAAPM). Defense Security Service (DSS) , RMF System Security Package Submission and Certification Statement, Security Package, Certification, Requirements, National Industrial Security Process Manual (NISPOM), Authorization, Security, Guidance    
Security Seal Log DOD-UIS-00180 Security Seal Log template Security Seal Log, Template, Guidance, Security, Form    
Software List DOD-UIS-00181 The Software List must include all security relevant software Software List, Security Relevant Software, Guidance, Automation, Antivirus, Malicious, Manufacturer    
Facility Clearance (FCL) Process Orientation Transcript DOD-UIS-00182 Provides guidance information on the FCL process (To be Rescinded) DSS Facility Clearance Process, Classified Contracts, Business, Legal, Information, Security, National Industrial Security Program, Orientation, Safeguard 06-JUL-1905 06-JUL-1905
eQIP and Electronic Fingerprint Guide for In-process facilities DOD-UIS-00183 Provides guidance for submitting electronic fingerprints for PCLs (To be Rescinded) e-QIP Signature Page and Electronic Fingerprint Guide for In-Process Facilities, Handling Personally Identifiable Information, Security, Process, Facility Clearance (FCL), Guidance 06-JUL-1905 06-JUL-1905
Small Business Guide Facility Clearance Process Pamphlet DOD-UIS-00184 Guidance document for small businesses for facility clearance processing (To be Rescinded) Facility Clearance Process, classified contracts, Legal, Business, Information, Small Business Guide 09-JUL-1905 09-JUL-1905
Facility Clearance (FCL) Orientation Handbook DOD-UIS-00185 Comprehensive guide for navigating the FCL process (To be Rescinded) Facility Clearance (FCL) Orientation Handbook, Industrial Security Field Operations, Business, Training, Cleared, Accounts, System, Access, Security 06-JUL-1905 06-JUL-1905
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM); DoD 5220.22-M DOD-UIS-00186 Baseline standards for the protection of classified information released or disclosed to industry in connection with classified contracts under the NISP National Industrial Security Program, Operating Manual, Authority, Security, Classified Information, Safeguard, Industry, NSIP 28-FEB-2006 28-FEB-2006
Instructions for completing DD Form 254 DOD-UIS-00187 Department of Defense Contract Security Classification Specification Form Instructions Instructions, Forms   01-APR-2018
IASE - Cybersecurity Boot Camp (*DoD PKI Cert Required) DOD-UIS-00188 This training presents separate PKI Overview and Using PKI Certificates courses, each with its own course completion certificate. Cyber Awareness, Information Security, Policies, Cybersecurity Threats, Authorize, Access, Training, Certification, Safeguard   01-DEC-2009
Incident Response Plan Template DOD-UIS-00189 Incident Response Plan Template; Incident Response Plan (IRP) documents the strategies, personnel, procedures, and resources required to respond to any incident affecting the system. Template, Form, Incident Response, Measures, Security, Information    
ISL 2013-01 Facility Clearance Eligibility Requirements (NISPOM 2-102b) DOD-UIS-00190 Provides guidance on FCL eligibility requirements for American Indian/Alaska Native tribal entities or those organized and existing under the laws of any of the Indian tribes. Guidance, Facility Clearance (FCL), Requirements, American Indian/Alaska Native Tribal Entities, Security, Information 17-JAN-2013 17-JAN-2013
ISL 2012-03 FSO Training (NISPOM 3-102) DOD-UIS-00191 Requires contractors to ensure facility security officers (FSOs) and other contractor personnel performing security duties complete security training considered appropriate by the Cognizant Security Agency (CSA). Security Education, Training, Certification, Defense, Industry, Resources, Facility Security, Threats, Safeguarding, Security Incidents, System and Network Security 14-MAY-2012 14-MAY-2012
ISL_2021-02_SEAD 3 DOD-UIS-00192

Provides guidance to contractors and covered individuals on the submission of adverse information and the reporting requirements of SEAD 3, “Reporting Requirements for Personnel with Access to Classified Information or Who Hold a Sensitive Position."

NISPOM, Security 12-AUG-2021 18-AUG-2021
ISL 2024-01 Use of Cloud Service Offerings DOD-UIS-00193

Provide clarity on the process for DCSA to verify government contracting activity authorization for a contractor’s use of commercial cloud services in the performance of a classified contract, as required by the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement.

NISPOM, Security, Cloud Services

25-JAN-2024 31-JAN-2024



Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (OUSD(P&R))
DoDI 1100.13, Department of Defense (DoD) Surveys DOD-UPR-00001 Establishes policies, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for information collections involving the use of surveys of more than one DoD/OSD Component. DoD Surveys, Instruction, Information Collection, Policy, Guidance, Paperwork Reduction Act, Requests 1/15/2015;CHANGE 1 INCORPORATED 3/31/2017 1/15/2015;CHANGE 1 INCORPORATED 3/31/2017
Department of Defense (DoD) Survey Burden Action Plan DOD-UPR-00002 Recommendations to address survey burden, cost, and duplication to support a more cohesive survey data collection program that benefits DoD and the Military Departments. Department of Defense Survey Burden Action Plan, Reducing Survey Burden, Information, Survey 08-SEP-2016 08-SEP-2016
Guidance on Procedures and Processes for Submitting Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) Undue Hardship Waivers DOD-UPR-00003 This memorandum and its appendices provide guidance to State election officials requesting waivers from the provisions of UOCAVA that require ballots to be sent to military and overseas voters (UOCAVA voters) 45 days before an election for Federal office. Guidance, Federal Voting Assistance Program, Uniformed, Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, Provisions, Federal Election, Ballots 18-APR-2022 18-APR-2022
National Security Education Program (NSEP) Student Guide Handbook DOD-UPR-00004 Details about NSEP service requirement and advice for the job search process; A guidance document that specifically interprets the David L. Boren National Security Education Act (50 U.S. Code § 1902). NSEP Service Opportunity, Boren Awardee, National Security, Degree Program, Guidebook 10-SEP-2018 10-SEP-2018
Hiring a Boren Scholar or Fellow: A Guide to Non-Competitively Appointing Borens to Jobs in Federal Agencies DOD-UPR-00005 A guide for other federal agencies on how to use hiring authorities to hire Boren Scholars and Fellows; A guidance document that specifically interprets the David L. Boren National Security Education Act (50 U.S. Code § 1902). Hiring, Boren Scholar, Fellow, Guide, Non-Competitively Appointing Jobs, Federal Agencies, Information, Defense Language, Service 10-SEP-2018 10-SEP-2018
Department of Defense (DoD) Expanding Access to Military Commissaries, Exchanges and Recreation Facilities DOD-UPR-00006 Frequently asked questions regarding implementation of Section 1065 of Title 10. Answers questions newly eligible veterans and caregivers for veterans may have about how to get access to installations and their new privileges. This document updates as needed. Veterans, Caregivers, Eligibility, Military Commissaries, Recreation Facilities, Benefits 12-NOV-2019 12-NOV-2019
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Military Spouse Employment Partnership DOD-UPR-00007 Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) about the Military Spouse Employment Partnership. Military Spouse Employment Partnership, Program, Benefits, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)    
Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) program DOD-UPR-00008 Employers from all sectors (Federal, non-Federal, private, non-profit) may apply to become partners and help place military spouses in their job openings. We promulgate MSEP guidance on how an employer can become a partner, and we select partners based on certain criteria (we're up to 420 now). In addition, selected partners sign a ceremonial, nonbinding pledge to assist military spouse employment. Military Spouse Employment Partnership Program (MSEP), Benefits, Information    
Supplemental Guide for Department of Defense (DoD) ID Card Types and Expiration Dates DOD-UPR-00009 The tables within this guide identify the DoD ID card type and expiration date rule for eligible individuals. Supplemental Guide, ID Cards, Expiration Dates, Policy, Identity, Active Duty Members, Uniformed Services, Civilian Personnel 23-JAN-2014 23-JAN-2014
Supplemental Guide for TRICARE Begin Dates DOD-UPR-00010 The tables within this guide identify TRICARE begin date rules for eligible personnel and dependents. Supplemental Guide, TRICARE, Identity, Policy, Veterans, Active Duty, Civilian Personnel 23-JAN-2014 23-JAN-2014
Trusted Associate Sponsorship System (TASS) Frequently Asked Questions for Applicants (TASS FAQ Applicant) DOD-UPR-00011 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) help contractors apply for a CAC or other government credential. Trusted Associate Sponsorship System (TASS), Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Application, Information, Credential, Contractors 01-MAR-2013 01-MAR-2013
Instructions for Completion of DD Form 1172-2, “Application for Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment” DOD-UPR-00012 Provides item by item instructions for completion of the DD Form 1172-2. Instructions for Completion of DD Form 1172-2, Application, Information, Identification, Civilian, Contractor, Military Personnel 01-SEP-2018 01-SEP-2018
Instructions for Completion of DD Form 2841, "DoD Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Registration Official Certificate Acceptance and Acknowledgement of Responsibilities" DOD-UPR-00013 Provides item by item instructions for completion of the DD Form 2841. Instructions for Completing DD Form 2841, Registration, Certificate, Public Key Infrastructure, Responsibilities, Law 01-MAY-2015 01-MAY-2015
Instructions for Completion of DD Form 2842, "Department of Defense (DoD) Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificate of Acceptance and Acknowledgement of Responsibilities (Subscriber)" DOD-UPR-00014 Provides item by item instructions for completion of the DD Form 2842. Instructions for Completing DD Form 2842, Guidance, Certificate, Registration, Information 01-MAY-2015 01-MAY-2015
Department of Defense (DoD) DEERS Enrollment and ID Card Issuance Pre-Arrival Checklist DOD-UPR-00015 This checklist provides information about identity and eligibility documents required for ID card issuance. ID Card Issuance, DEERS Enrollment, Pre-Arrival Checklist, Renewal, Documentation, Forms 01-DEC-2018 01-DEC-2018
Department of Defense (DoD) List of Acceptable Identity Documents DOD-UPR-00016 The List of Acceptable Documents, lists the types of documents that applicants will need to bring with them to a Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) site to support ID card issuance requirements. List of Acceptable Identity Documents, Primary Identity, Secondary Identity, Common Access Card (CAC), Identification 01-AUG-2019 01-AUG-2019
Civilian Retiree Informational Trifold DOD-UPR-00017 This trifold provides answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about DoD Civilian Retiree ID Cards. Civilian Retiree Card, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Information, DEERs, Documents, Guidelines 01-JUL-2017 01-JUL-2017
Social Security Number (SSN) Removal Informational Trifold DOD-UPR-00018 This trifold provides information and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on DoD's efforts to eliminate the SSN from DoD ID cards. Removal, Social Security Number, DoD ID Cards, Frequently Asked Question (FAQs), Medical, Common Access Card (CAC), Eligible 01-SEP-2014 01-SEP-2014
Coordination of Benefits Trifold DOD-UPR-00019 This trifold provides information and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for beneficiaries who are entitled to TRICARE and eligible for Medicaid or Medicare. Information, Benefits, TRICARE, Medicaid, Medicare 01-FEB-2016 01-FEB-2016
Permanently Incapacitated Dependent Redetermination Trifold DOD-UPR-00020 This trifold provides information and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the new redetermination process for permanently incapacitated dependents. Information, Sponsors, Redetermination Process, Benefits, DEERS/RAPIDS , Financial Dependency 01-FEB-2016 01-FEB-2016
DoDD 6495.01 “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program DOD-UPR-00021 DoDD 6495.01 implements DoD policy and assign responsibilities for the SAPR Program on prevention, response, and oversight to sexual assault (Active). Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program, Prevention, Response, Oversight, Military, Reserve, Dependents, Non-Military Personnel 11-APR-2017 11-APR-2017
DoDI 6495.02 “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures DOD-UPR-00022 DoDI 6495.02 establish policy, processes, and procedures for the SAPR Program (Active). Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures, Policy, Implementation, Standards, Military, Reserve, Dependents, Non-Military Personnel 24-MAY-2017 24-MAY-2017
DoDI 6495.03 “Defense Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP) DOD-UPR-00023 DoDI 6495.03 establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for the implementation, management, and oversight of the D-SAACP (Active). Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program, Training, Policy, Implementation, Management, Oversight 27-DEC-2019 27-DEC-2019
Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons DOD-UPR-00024 The Department of Defense (DoD) publishes this Final Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons (DoD Recipient LEP Guidance). The DoD Recipient LEP Guidance derives from the prohibition against national origin discrimination in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the context of individuals with limited English proficiency. Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons, Guidance, Civil Rights Act, Policy 24-DEC-2013 31-DEC-2013
Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents (Interpretive Rule, Amendment) DOD-UPR-00025 Military Lending Act, MLA, as implemented by the Department, limits the military annual percentage rate (MAPR) that a creditor may charge to a maximum of 36 percent, requires certain disclosures, and provides other substantive consumer protections on ‘‘consumer credit’’ extended to Service members and their families. Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents, Military Annual Percentage Rate (MAPR), Disclosures, Service Member, Families 08-DEC-2017 14-DEC-2017
Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents (Interpretive Rule) DOD-UPR-00026 The MLA as implemented by the Department, limits the military annual percentage rate (MAPR) that a creditor may charge to a maximum of 36 percent, requires certain disclosures, and provides other substantive consumer protections on ‘‘consumer credit’’ extended to Service members and their families. Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents, Military Annual Percentage Rate (MAPR), Disclosures, Service Member, Families, military annual percentage rate (MAPR), Guidance, Compliance 01-JUL-2015 26-AUG-2016

Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service


Members and Dependents

DOD-UPR-00027 The Department of Defense (Department) is amending its interpretive rule for the Military Lending Act (the MLA). The MLA, as implemented by the Department, limits the military annual percentage rate (MAPR) that a creditor may charge to a maximum of 36 percent, requires certain disclosures, and provides other substantive consumer protections on “consumer credit” extended to Service members and their families. On July 22, 2015, the Department amended its regulation primarily for the purpose of extending the protections of the MLA to a broader range of closed-end and open-end credit products (the July 2015 Final Rule). On August 26, 2016, the Department issued the first set of interpretations of that regulation in the form of questions and answers. On December 14, 2017, the Department issued a second set of interpretations of that regulation in the form of amended questions and answers. The Department is now withdrawing the amended question and answer number 2 (Q&A #2), published in the December 14, 2017 Interpretive Rule, which discussed when credit is extended for the purpose of purchasing a motor vehicle or personal property and the creditor simultaneously extends credit in an amount greater than the purchase price of the motor vehicle or personal property. In withdrawing this amended question and answer, the Department is reverting back to the original Q&A #2 published in the August 26, 2016 Interpretive Rule. This will allow the Department to conduct additional analysis on this matter. The Department is also adding a new question and answer to address questions about the use of Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers to identify covered borrowers in the Department's database. Military Lending Act Limitations on Terms of Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents, Military Annual Percentage Rate (MAPR), Disclosures, Service Member, Families, military annual percentage rate (MAPR), Guidance, Compliance 28-FEB-2020 28-FEB-2020

Tricare Implementing Guidance

DOD-UPR-00028 These manuals provide guidance on the TRICARE regulations codified at 32 CFR 199. Tricare Manuals, Tricare Contracts, Managed Care support, Guidance, Tricare Operations, Tricare Policy, Tricare Reimbursement, Tricare systems 06-APR-2021 06-APR-2021



Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering (OUSD(R&E))
National Environmental Policy Act Implementation Procedures DOD-URE-00001 The policies and responsibilities in these procedures apply to activities conducted by MDA and its executing agents in the United States, its possessions, and territories. The potential environmental effects of MDA proposed activities in foreign countries and global commons will be considered in accordance with Executive Order 12114, ‘‘Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal Activities,’’ DoD directives, host nation final governing standards, overseas environmental baseline guidance documents, status of forces agreements, and other international agreements. National Environmental Policy Act Implementation Procedures, Regulations, Environmental Quality, Environmental Impacts, Assessments, Program Activities 04-AUG-2014 08-AUG-2014



Department of the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
ER 1165-2-114: Use of Excess Power Revenues to Assist in Repayment of Irrigation Costs DOD-COE-00002 These regulations summarize for the guidance of all Division and District Engineers engaged in civil works activities, the position of the Chief of Engineers with respect to the use of excess power revenues to assist in repayment of irrigation costs associated with Federal irrigation projects. Water Resources Policies, Authorities, Excess Power Revenues, Repayment, Irrigation Costs, Corps of Engineers, Environmental 25-JUN-1964 28-FEB-2020
ER 1130-2-314: Nondiscrimination of Federally Assisted Programs DOD-COE-00004 This regulation prescribes procedures for implementing the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 241) as it pertains to Civil Works projects and activities, and provides guidance for conducting compliance reviews and reporting thereon. Project Operations, Procedures, Implementing, Compliance, Environmental, Corps of Engineers 26-MAY-1967 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 3135: Guest Register-Government Vessel DOD-COE-00009 Engineer Form Guest Register-Government Vessel, Facilities, Requests, Corps of Engineers 01-DEC-1976 28-FEB-2020
ER 1165-2-118: Federal Participation in Covered Flood Control Channels DOD-COE-00011 This regulation establishes policy for determining the extent of Federal participation in covered flood control channels. Water Resources Policies, Authorities, Federal Participation in Covered Flood Control Channels, Environmental, Corps of Engineers 13-OCT-1978 28-FEB-2020
ER 1165-2-25: Navigation Policy: Cost Apportionment of Bridge Alterations DOD-COE-00012 This regulation provides policies and guidelines for the apportionment of bridge alteration costs required in connection with navigation improvements recommended in reports transmitted to the Chief of Engineers for approval or submitted to Congress for authorization. Water Resources Policies, Authorities, Navigation Policy, Cost, Bridge Alterations, Environmental, Corps of Engineers 30-MAY-1979 28-FEB-2020
ER 1165-2-111: USACE Activities under the Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956, as Amended DOD-COE-00024 This regulation provides guidance regarding Corps of Engineers assistance to applicants for loans from the Bureau of Reclamation under the Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956 as amended. Corps assistance may be requested when loan applicants propose projects with a strong flood control potential or other purposes which may result in part of a loan becoming a non-reimbursable grant. Water Resources Policies, Authorities, Small Reclamation Projects, Environmental, Corps of Engineers 28-MAY-1982 28-FEB-2020
EP 500-1-3: Emergency Operations DOD-COE-00025 The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers is dedicated to emergency preparedness and rapid reaction to major emergencies throughout the United States. In this regard, the Corps stands ready to respond when an emergency exceeds the capacity of local resources and capabilities. This brochure is a general outline of programs and services. More complete information can be obtained by writing directly to the appropriate district office. Emergency Operations, Preparedness, Respond, Environmental, Corps of Engineers 01-JUL-1982 28-FEB-2020
ER 1110-2-1454: Corps Responsibilities for Non-Federal Hydroelectric Power Development under the Federal Power Act DOD-COE-00030 This regulation provides policy and guidance for review of preliminary permit and license applications for non-Federal hydroelectric power development either at or affecting US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) water resource projects. Engineering, Design, Non-Federal Hydroelectric Power Development, Federal Power Act, Environmental, Corps of Engineers 15-JUL-1983 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 2683: Donation of Personal Property DOD-COE-00031 Engineer Form Donation of Personal Property, Form, Environmental, Corps of Engineers 01-OCT-1983 28-FEB-2020
ER 1110-2-1455: Cooperative Stream Gaging Program DOD-COE-00033 This regulation establishes policy, provides background, and discusses management of the Cooperative Stream Gaging Program between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). It also presents the program requirements for Field Operating Activities (FOA). Engineering, Design, Cooperative Steam Gaging Program, Environment, Corps of Engineers 29-JAN-1984 28-FEB-2020
ER 1165-2-26: Implementation of Executive Order 11988 on Flood Plain Management DOD-COE-00034 The purpose of this regulation is to set forth general policy and guidance for Corps of Engineers implementation of Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management, as it pertains to the planning, design and construction of Civil Works projects, to activities under the operation and maintenance program, and to the real estate program of the Corps. Policy and guidance for implementation of Executive Order 11988 as it pertains to the Corps' regulatory program are contained in 33 CFR 320-330. Water Resources Policies, Authorities, Implementation, Executive Order 11988, Flood Plain Management, Environmental, Corps of Engineers 30-MAR-1984 28-FEB-2020
ER 1165-2-400: Recreational Planning, Development, and Management Policies DOD-COE-00039 This regulation defines the objectives, philosophies and basic policies for the planning, development and management of outdoor recreation and enhancement of fish and wildlife resources at Corps of Engineers water resource development projects. Water Resources Policies, Authorities, Recreational Planning, Development, Environmental, Corps of Engineers 09-AUG-1985 28-FEB-2020
ER 1165-2-29: General Credit for Flood Control DOD-COE-00048 This establishes guidelines and procedures for Department of the Army application of the provisions of Section 104 of Public Law 99-662. Water Resource Policies, Authorities, Credit, Flood Control, Environmental, Corps of Engineers 18-NOV-1987 28-FEB-2020
ER 200-2-2: Procedures for Implementing NEPA DOD-COE-00050 This regulation provides guidance for implementation of the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the Civil Works Program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It supplements Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations 40 CFR 1500-1508, November 29, 1978, in accordance with 40 CFR 1507.3, and is intended to be used only in conjunction with the CEQ regulations. Whenever the guidance in this regulation is unclear or not specific the reader is referred to the CEQ regulations. Appendix A provides guidance on processing NEPA documents except for those concerning regulatory actions. Appendix C (formally ER 200-2-1) has been added to provide guidance on preparing and processing a notice of intent to prepare an EIS for publication in the Federal Register for all types of Corps actions. 33 CFR Part 325, Appendix B provides procedural guidance for preparing and processing NEPA documents for regulatory actions. Research, Development, Procedures, Implementing NEPA, Environmental, Corps of Engineers 04-MAR-1988 28-FEB-2020
EP 1110-2-7: Hydrologic Risks DOD-COE-00051 One of the goals of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is to mitigate, in an economically efficient manner, damage due to floods. Assessment of the risk of flooding is a critical step in deciding how best to accomplish this goal. This pamphlet describes how we in the Corps estimate hydrologic risk, how we use these estimates in project planning, and how the randomness of nature makes our task difficult. Hydrologic Risk, Environmental, Corps of Engineers 01-MAY-1988 28-FEB-2020
ER 1165-2-18: Reimbursement for Non-Federal Participation in Civil Works Projects DOD-COE-00054 This regulation provides guidance on use of Section 215 of the Flood Control Act of 1968, as amended, to reimburse (i.e. credit, repay, or combination) a non-Federal public body for construction of part of an authorized Federal project. It establishes general policies, outlines procedures to be followed in preparing a Section 215 agreement with an eligible non-Federal entity, and provides guidance on the provisions of such an agreement. The actual reaching of an agreement depends, in addition to observance of this guidance, on HQUSACE judgments concerning budget priorities, as set forth in paragraph 4f. All projects specifically authorized by the Congress are subject to this Act and this regulation. Section 215 of the Flood Control Act of 1968, Corps of Engineers 01-FEB-1989 28-FEB-2020
ER 1165-2-131: Local Cooperation Agreements for New Start Construction Projects DOD-COE-00055 This Engineer Regulation provides guidance on procedures and responsibilities for developing, submitting, and obtaining approval of Local Cooperation Agreements (LCAs) for specifically authorized new construction starts. This regulation does not apply to Continuing Authorities Projects. Local Cooperation Agreements (LCAs) 15-APR-1989 28-FEB-2020
ER 1165-2-121: Flood Control Cost-Sharing Requirements under the Ability-to-Pay Provision - Section 103(m) of PL 99-662 DOD-COE-00067 This regulation gives general instructions on the implementation of Section 103(m) of Public Law (PL) 99-662, 33 USC 2213, as it applies to flood control projects. Section 103(m) of Public Law (PL) 99-662, 33 USC 2213, Flood Control Projects. 01-NOV-1989 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 4264-R: Application For Shoreline Use Permit DOD-COE-00072 Engineer Form consisting of application for contact of the responsible person applying for and/or receiving a Shoreline Management Permit per Rivers and Harbors Act of 1894 as amended (33USC1). Shoreline Management Permit, Rivers and Harbors Act of 1894 01-OCT-1990 28-FEB-2020
Required Visits to the Construction Sites by Design Personnel DOD-COE-00082 The purpose of this regulation is to require periodic and timely visits to construction sites by Corps of Engineers design and design review personnel. Visits, Design Review 15-APR-1992 28-FEB-2020
EM 1110-2-4000: Sedimentation Investigations of Rivers and Reservoirs DOD-COE-00136 This manual provides current guidance and engineering procedures for river and reservoir sedimentation investigations. Reservoir Sedimentation, River Sedimentation 31-OCT-1995 28-FEB-2020
EP 200-2-3: Environmental Compliance Guidance and Procedures DOD-COE-00143 This pamphlet establishes guidance for the management of environmental compliance-related operations and maintenance (O&M) activities at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) civil works and military projects and facilities and supplements Engineer Regulation (ER) 200-2-3. The environmental compliance mission is to assure that all USACE facilities and associated lands (including outgrants) meet all applicable and appropriate environmental standards contained in relevant Federal, state and local laws and regulations. The environmental compliance mission is also related to environmental stewardship. Therefore, this pamphlet should be read in tandem with EP 1130-2-540, Environmental Stewardship Operations and Maintenance Guidance and Procedures. Environmental compliance categories include, but are not limited to:
a. Air emissions management
b. Cultural resources management
c. Hazardous materials management
d. Hazardous waste management
e. Natural resources management
f. Pesticides management
g. Petroleum, oil, and lubricant management
h. Solid waste management
I. Storage tank management
j. Toxic substances management
k. Wastewater management
Environmental Compliance 30-OCT-1996 28-FEB-2020
ER 1130-2-406: Shoreline Management at Civil Works Projects DOD-COE-00174 The purpose of this regulation is to provide policy and guidance on management of shorelines of Civil Works projects where 36 CFR Part 327 is applicable. Shorelines 28-MAY-1999 28-FEB-2020
EP 1165-2-1: Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities DOD-COE-00177 This pamphlet provides a brief summary, in digest form, of the existing administrative and legislative water resources policies and authorities pertinent to the Civil Works activities of the Corps of Engineers. Water Resource 30-JUL-1999 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 3931: DESCRIPTION OF VESSELS DOD-COE-00201 Engineer Form that collects waterborne commerce statistics pertaining to rivers, harbors, and waterways in accordance with the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1922 (42 Stat. 1043) as amended and 33 CFR, Part 207. Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1922 (42 Stat. 1043) 01-APR-2003 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 3932: DESCRIPTION OF VESSELS DOD-COE-00202 Engineer Form that collects waterborne commerce statistics pertaining to rivers, harbors, and waterways in accordance with the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1922 (42 Stat. 1043) as amended and 33 CFR, Part 207. Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1922 (42 Stat. 1043) 01-APR-2003 28-FEB-2020
EP 1130-2-500: Partners and Support (Work Management Procedures) DOD-COE-00217 This operations and maintenance (O&M) pamphlet establishes guidance and procedures for the management of activities at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers water resource development projects and supplements Engineer Regulation (ER) 1130-2-500. Engineer Regulation (ER) 1130-2-500 01-JUN-2006 28-FEB-2020
ER 1130-2-500: Partners and Support (Work Management Policies) DOD-COE-00219 This regulation establishes the policy for the management of operation and maintenance activities of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) personnel performing civil works functions related to flood control, navigation, dredging, hydroelectric power generation, environmental stewardship, and recreation services at water resource, waterway, and other USACE projects. Flood Control, Navigation, Dredging, Hydroelectric Power Generation, Environmental Stewardship Recreation 01-JUN-2006 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 6019: Estuary Restoration Act DOD-COE-00227 Engineer Form to collect information per Tile I, PL 106-457, as amended, on behalf of the interagency Estuary Habitat Restoration Council. Completion of this application is voluntary but is required to be eligible to receive consideration under the Estuary Habitat Restoration Program. Estuary Habitat Restoration Council 08-APR-2008 28-FEB-2020
ER 200-2-3: Environmental Compliance Policies DOD-COE-00239 This regulation establishes the policy for the management of environmental compliance-related operations and maintenance (O&M) activities for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Environmental Compliance-related Operations and Maintenance 29-OCT-2010 28-FEB-2020
ER 11-1-320: Civil Works Emergency Management Programs DOD-COE-00268 This regulation prescribes policies for the Emergency Management Community of Practice (EM CoP) in the area of Office of Homeland Security (CECW-HS) programming, funding, managing and execution of United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for all hazards preparedness, response, recovery and other contingency operations. Emergency Management 28-FEB-2014 28-FEB-2020
ER 1165-2-211: Operation and Maintenance of Improvements Carried out by Non-Federal Interest to Authorized Harbor and Inland Harbor Project DOD-COE-00288 This regulation provides policy guidance for implementation of Section 204(f) of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986, as amended by Section 1014(b) of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014 (33 U.S.C. 2232(f)). Section 204(f) authorizes the Secretary of the Army to be responsible for the operation and maintenance of improvements to a federally authorized harbor or inland harbor carried out by a non-Federal interest when certain conditions are met. Separate guidance is provided in ER 1165-2-209 regarding non-Federal interests undertaking a feasibility study, as authorized by Section 203 of WRDA 1986, as amended by Section 1014(a) of WRRDA 2014, and in ER 1165-2-210 regarding non-Federal interests constructing a water resources development project, as authorized by Section 204 of WRDA 1986, as amended by Section 1014(b) of WRRDA 2014. Water Resources 30-MAY-2016 28-FEB-2020
ER 5-1-18: Corps Project Notebook: A Database of USACE Project Geographic Locations DOD-COE-00292 This regulation provides guidance for updating the USACE Corps Project Notebook (CPN). The purpose of the CPN is to provide a single authoritative reference database of the location of all Corps Civil Works, Military, and Interagency and International support projects. This database is used as the primary data source for all USACE enterprise applications that map and perform Geographic Information System (GIS) analyses. USACE Corps Project Notebook (CPN). 30-JUN-2016 28-FEB-2020
RGL 16-01: Jurisdictional determinations DOD-COE-00297 This Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL) explains the differences between these two types of JDs and provides guidance to the field and the regulated public on when it may be appropriate to issue an AJD as opposed to a PJD, or when it may be appropriate to not prepare any JD whatsoever. Jurisdictional, Clean Water Act (CWA), Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (RHA) 31-OCT-2016 28-FEB-2020
EP 1100-1-2: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Resilience Initiative Roadmap DOD-COE-00311 This document provides the context and the way ahead for USACE on resilience and serves as a roadmap to implement a number of key resilience-related strategies. This roadmap provides the general concepts for resilience and describes strategies and overarching activities to update resilience practices within USACE. Resilience 16-OCT-2017 28-FEB-2020
EC 1165-2-217: Civil Works Review Policy DOD-COE-00317 This Circular establishes an accountable, comprehensive, life-cycle review strategy for Civil Works products by providing a seamless process for review of all Civil Works projects from initial planning through design, construction, and Operation, Maintenance, Repair, Replacement and Rehabilitation (OMRR&R). It provides the procedures for ensuring the quality and credibility of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) decision, implementation, and operations and maintenance documents and work products. This Circular puts quality and comprehensive review on equal footing with cost and schedule compliance. It presents a framework for establishing the appropriate level of independence of reviews, as well as detailed requirements to accomplish this, including documentation and dissemination. This Circular addresses Office of Management and Budget (OMB) peer review requirements under the ""Information Quality Act"" (Public Law [P.L]) 106-554) and the Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review by the Office of Management and Budget (referred to as the ""OMB Peer Review Bulletin”). It also provides guidance for the implementation of Independent External Peer Review (IEPR) according to both Sections 2034 and 2035 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2007 (P.L. 110-114), as amended by Sections 1044 and 3028 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014 (P.L. 113-121). Feedback is requested to improve follow-on policy and guidance related to Civil Works Reviews. For improvement in the next version of this guidance please send concerns or issues to Operation, Maintenance, Repair, Replacement and Rehabilitation, OMRR&R 28-FEB-2018 28-FEB-2020
EP 1105-1-1: Sponsor's Guide to the USACE Levee Safety Program DOD-COE-00319 Information regarding Levee Safety Program Levee Safety Program 01-JUN-2018 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 6116: Wetland Determination Data Sheet – Alaska Region DOD-COE-00321 Engineer Form ENG FORM 6116-SG 31-JUL-2018 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 6116-1: Wetland Determination Data Sheet – Arid West Region DOD-COE-00322 Engineer Form ENG FORM 6116-1-SG 31-JUL-2018 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 6116-2: Wetland Determination Data Sheet – Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region DOD-COE-00323 Engineer Form ENG FORM 6116-2-SG 31-JUL-2018 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 6116-3: Wetland Determination Data Sheet – Caribbean Islands Region DOD-COE-00324 Engineer Form ENG FORM 6116-3-SG 31-JUL-2018 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 6116-4: Wetland Determination Data Sheet – Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region DOD-COE-00325 Engineer Form ENG FORM 6116-4-SG 31-JUL-2018 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 6116-5: Wetland Determination Data Sheet – Great Plains Region DOD-COE-00326 Engineer Form ENG FORM 6116-5-SG 31-JUL-2018 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 6116-6: Wetland Determination Data Sheet – Hawaii and Pacific Islands Region DOD-COE-00327 Engineer Form ENG FORM 6116-6-SG 31-JUL-2018 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 6116-7: Wetland Determination Data Sheet – Midwest Region DOD-COE-00328 Engineer Form ENG FORM 6116-7-SG 31-JUL-2018 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 6116-8: Wetland Determination Data Sheet – Northcentral and Northeast Region DOD-COE-00329 Engineer Form ENG FORM 6116-8-SG 31-JUL-2018 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 6116-9: Wetland Determination Data Sheet – Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region DOD-COE-00330 Engineer Form ENG FORM 6116-9-S 31-JUL-2018 28-FEB-2020
EC 1165-2-220: Policy And Procedural Guidance For Processing Request To Alter US Army Corps Of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant to 33 USC 408 DOD-COE-00334 The purpose of this Engineer Circular (EC) is to provide policy and procedural guidance for processing requests by private, public, tribal, or other federal entities to make alterations to, or temporarily or permanently occupy or use, any US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) federally authorized Civil Works project under 33 USC 408 (Section 408). Proposed alterations must not be injurious to the public interest or impair the usefulness of the USACE project. Civil Works project under 33 USC 408 (Section 408) 10-SEP-2018 28-FEB-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 18-01: Determination of Compensatory Mitigation Credits for the Removal of Obsolete Dams and Other Structures from Rivers and Streams DOD-COE-00336 This guidance applies to compensatory mitigation projects to restore river and stream structure, functions, and dynamics that involve the removal of obsolete dams and other structures, including the removal or replacement of undersized or perched culverts. This guidance also applies to compensatory mitigation projects that involve the removal of dams or other structures that are still fulfilling their intended purpose(s), but are proposed to be removed to restore river and stream structure, functions, and dynamics. Corps Headquarters will provide a training webinar to Corps district staff within several weeks of the date this Regulatory Guidance Letter was issued. Compensatory Mitigation Credits, Obsolete Dams 25-SEP-2018 28-FEB-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 19-01: Mitigation Bank Credit Release Schedules and Equivalency in Mitigation Bank and In-Lieu Fee Program Service Areas DOD-COE-00344 The purpose of this Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL) is to provide guidance to district engineers on two issues relating to that authority: credit release schedules for mitigation banks and consistency in establishing service areas for mitigation banks and in-lieu fee programs. Mitigation Banks and In-lieu Fee Programs 22-FEB-2019 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 4345: Application for Department of the Army Permit DOD-COE-00345 Engineer Form that constitutes application for a Department of the Army Permit per 33 CFR 325. Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103, 33 USC 1413; Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rule 33 CFR 320-332. Department of the Army Permit. Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Clean Water Act Marine Protection, Research, Sanctuaries Act, Section, Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers 28-FEB-2019 28-FEB-2020
ENG Form 6082: Nationwide Permit Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) DOD-COE-00346 Engineer Form collecting information for those requesting Nationwide permit Pre-Construction Notification per 33CFR330. Authority is Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33USC 403; Clean Waters Act, Section 404; 33USC 1344; Regulatory Program of the Corps of Engineers (Corps); Final Rule 33CFR320-332. Nationwide Permit Pre-Construction Notification, Rivers and Harbors Act, Clean Waters Act 28-FEB-2019 28-FEB-2020
EP 1110-2-17: A Guide to Public Alerts and Warnings for Dam and Levee Emergencies DOD-COE-00353 To assist the emergency manager in issuing more timely and effective public alert and warning messages for floods caused by dam breaches, controlled dam releases, and levee breaches or overtopping. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Public Alerts, Warnings for Dam and Levee Emergencies 30-APR-2019 28-FEB-2020
EP 1100-2-1: Procedures to Evaluate Sea Level Change: Impacts, Responses, and Adaptation DOD-COE-00356 This Engineer Pamphlet (EP) provides instructional and procedural guidance to analyze and adapt to the direct and indirect physical and ecological effects of projected future sea level change (SLC) on USACE projects and systems of projects needed to implement Engineer Regulation (ER) 1100-2-8162. USCOE, Sea Level Change 30-JUN-2019 28-FEB-2020
ER 1105-2-101: Risk Analysis for Flood Damage Reduction Studies DOD-COE-00357 This regulation provides guidance on risk assessment requirements for flood management studies including but not limited to feasibility studies, post-authorization changes, general reevaluation studies, dam and levee safety studies, and major rehabilitation studies. This regulation is jointly promulgated by Planning and Engineering. The risk framework is a decision-making process that comprises three tasks: risk assessment, risk communication, and risk management, which can be advantageously applied to a variety of water resources management problems. These requirements are part of a broader decision-making process that includes similar assessments for risks to the natural environment as well as the social and cultural well-being of people potentially impacted by flood management activities. U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Flood Management Studies 15-JUL-2019 28-FEB-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 19-02: Timeframes for Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certifications and Clarification of Waiver Responsibility DOD-COE-00358 The purpose of this guidance is to clarify timeframes and improve efficiency for receiving Section 401 Water Quality Certification (401 WQC) decisions from the certifying agency pursuant to 33 U.S.C. § 1341 as promulgated at 33 CFR 325.2(b)(1). This guidance will also clarify the Corps’ 401 WQC waiver determination process and responsibilities when the Corps is not the lead federal agency when multiple federal licenses or permits are needed for a proposed project. U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality 07-AUG-2019 28-FEB-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 81-02: Review of another agency’s EIS DOD-COE-00361 How the district engineer should prepare an EA and supplement EIS NEPA, EIS 17-MAR-1981 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 81-03: Section 404(b)(1) DOD-COE-00362 Implementation of guidelines for Section 404(b)(1) of the Clean Water Act 404(b)(1) Guidelines 06-APR-1981 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 81-04: Section 404 DOD-COE-00363 Application of Section 404 to dredging projects Dredging, CWA §404 03-JUN-1981 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 81-05: Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) DOD-COE-00364 Bonding of outer continental shelf (OCS) activities OCS, Submerged Lands Act, RHA §10 08-JUN-1981 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 81-06: Public Notice- EIS Statement DOD-COE-00365 Statement of need for an EIS in public notices NEPA, Public Notice 08-JUN-1981 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 81-07: Supplement ENG Form 4345 DOD-COE-00366 Obtaining information to supplement ENG Form 4345 Application Form 23-AUG-1981 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 81-10: General Permits DOD-COE-00367 Guidance on General Permits including Innovative Approaches, on COE Projects, Processing Times, Regional Areas General Permit 21-SEP-1981 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 82-03: Irrigation Exemption DOD-COE-00368 Irrigation Exemption in Section 404(f)(1)(C) of the Clean Water Act CWA §404(f), Ditch; Irrigation 25-FEB-1982 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 82-04: Release of Correspondence DOD-COE-00369 Release of Correspondence received on Permit Applications Correspondence, Permit Applications, Congressional 09-MAR-1982 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 82-07: 60 day time limit for decision making DOD-COE-00370 Specifies 60 Day time limit for Permit Processing and Acceptable Reasons for Delay Individual Permit 08-JUN-1982 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 82-08: State and Local Primacy DOD-COE-00371 The purpose of this letter is to emphasize our policy that the Regulatory Program is not to be used to "second guess" decisions made by state and local governments on such matters as zoning or land use unless there are significant issues of overriding national importance. State, Local, Government 18-JUN-1982 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 83-07: General permits for reducing duplication DOD-COE-00372 Procedures for General permits for reducing duplication (state programmatic general permits) SPGP, Cumulative Effects 20-MAY-1983 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 83-11: Modifications to proposed activities during the processing of Corps permits DOD-COE-00373 Provides Guidance on Processing Procedures when Permit Applicant Modifies his/her Project during processing Permit Modifications, PN, Public Notice 28-OCT-1983 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 84-09: Permit decision documentation DOD-COE-00374 Clarifies Documentation Required for Public Interest Review Including Cumulative Impacts, Practicable Alternatives, Water Dependency, & Important Wetlands Public Interest Review, Cumulative Effects, Alternatives Analysis 26-JUL-1984 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 84-13: Permitting activities associated with Corps planning and O&M projects DOD-COE-00375 When Benefits from Federal Projects Depend on Related Private Work Requiring a Permit, the Permit Requirements will be met within the Other NEPA Documents when possible Civil Works, Federal Project, Navigation 17-SEP-1984 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 84-17: Permits for activities which may modify or encroach on constructed Congressionally-authorized Federal projects DOD-COE-00376 Clarifies TEAS Authority to Issue a Permit Resulting in Encroachment or Modification of a Congressionally Authorized Federal Project 208, 408, Civil Works, Federal Project 26-OCT-1984 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 85-01: State transfer authority DOD-COE-00377 Encourages Division Engineers to Enter into Agreements with State Agencies to Assume the 404 Program, or General Permit Activities Thereunder State Assumption, 404(h), General Permit 18-JAN-1985 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 85-02: Permit for bridges over and causeways in the navigable waters of the United States DOD-COE-00378 Guidance on Section 10 Permits for Bridges on Historically Navigable Waters. Reinstates RGL-82-15 United States Coast Guard 18-JAN-1985 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 85-03: Contractor Reports DOD-COE-00379 Guidance for Contracting Regulatory Services and Information Gathering. Regulatory Decision cannot be Contracted Contracting for Services, Information 28-FEB-1985 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 85-05: Referral provisions of 33 CFR 325.8 DOD-COE-00380 Guidance on Referring Permit Decisions when Another Federal Agency Advises that its Mission or Project will be Adversely Affected 404(q), Elevation 22-APR-1985 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 85-06: Permit conditioning for minimum in-stream flows DOD-COE-00381 States have Primary Authority for Allocating Water Quantities. De will not Normally Condition a Permit to Require In-stream Flows not agreed to by the State Permit Conditions 02-MAY-1985 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 85-08: Implementation of fish and wildlife mitigation in the Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program DOD-COE-00382 Provides Policy for Full Consideration of US Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) Mitigation Recommendations Compensatory Mitigation, FWCA 08-NOV-1985 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 86-03: Section 404(f)(1) exemption of farm and forest roads (33 CFR 323.4(a)(6)) DOD-COE-00383 Clarifies 404(f) Exemption for Farm and Forest Roads by Stating that Roads Constructed Primarily for these Purpose may be Exempt from 404 even through Incidentally used for Other Purposes 404(f) exemption, Farm Road, Forest Road 04-APR-1986 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 86-08: Summary of decision in River Road Alliance v. Corps of Engineers DOD-COE-00384 Litigation Dealing with Significance of Aesthetic Impacts, Consideration of US Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) comments, Time & Expense of EIS, the extent of an Alternative search, & consideration of Public Hearings Significant, NEPA, EIS 21-AUG-1986 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 86-09: Clarification of “normal circumstances” in the wetland definition (33 CFR 323.2(c)) DOD-COE-00385 The guidance addresses situations involving changes in the physical characteristics of a wetland which cause the area to lose or gain characteristics which would alter its status of "waters of the United States" for purposes of the Section 404 regulatory program Wetland, Normal Circumstances, Agriculture, Wetland Definition Now at 33 CFR 328.3(b) 27-AUG-1986 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 86-11: Acknowledging public notice comments DOD-COE-00386 Personalized Comments should be Acknowledged; However Mass Produced and Routine Comments need not be Acknowledged PN, Public Notice 18-NOV-1986 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 86-12: National Security: Permit Applications for Military Projects Involving Presence of Nuclear Weapons DOD-COE-00387 Regulatory Guidance Letter stating that presence or absence of nuclear weapons at a particular site is a matter of national security not subject to disclosure under NEPA. Possibly extended by RGL 05-06. Permit, Nuclear Weapons, Military 08-DEC-1986 27-APR-2020
TR Y-87-1: Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual DOD-COE-00388 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual Wetland Delineation Manual 01-JAN-1987 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 87-01: Streamlining the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process DOD-COE-00389 Ways of streamlining preparation of environmental impact statements (EISs) and the NEPA process in general NEPA, EIS, Flexibility 02-MAR-1987 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 87-02: Use of the word “significant” DOD-COE-00390 Use of the word “significant” in permit documentation, explains the term NEPA, Documentation, EIS 30-MAR-1987 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 87-04: Alternative Dispute Resolution DOD-COE-00391 Use of alternative dispute resolution in regulatory actions Dispute, Regulatory 14-APR-1987 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 87-08: Testing requirements for dredged material evaluations DOD-COE-00392 This letter restates the longstanding policy that Corps testing and evaluation procedures for discharges of dredged material will be substantively the same for permit applicants as for civil works (CW) projects Dredging 19-AUG-1987 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 87-09: Section 404(f)(1)(C) exemption for construction or maintenance of farm or stock ponds DOD-COE-00393 The discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States for the purpose of construction or maintenance of farm or stock ponds is not prohibited by or otherwise subject to regulation under Section 404, unless the provisions of Section 404(f)(2) are applicable or if a discharge associated with a 404(f)(1)(C) activity contains a toxic pollutant listed under Section 307 of the CWA. 404(f) Exemption, Stock Pond 27-AUG-1987 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 88-01: Length of public notices DOD-COE-00394 To reduce reproduction and mailing costs and to comply with the goals of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, the contents of public notices should be held to the minimum necessary to provide sufficient information to generate meaningful comments Public Notice, PN 08-MAR-1988 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 88-02: Charges to projects DOD-COE-00395 Accounting: Charges to projects Federal Project, Civil Works 25-MAR-1988 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 88-04: Enforcement DOD-COE-00396 Statute of limitation applicable to violations of the regulatory laws administered by the Corps of Engineers Enforcement 07-APR-1988 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 88-05: Applicant responsibility for providing information DOD-COE-00397 Applicants are responsible for providing all information that the district engineer determines is essential for the decision on the permit request 33 CFR 325.1€ Application, Information 16-MAY-1988 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 88-07: Certification of compliance with permit terms and conditions by permittees DOD-COE-00398 Certification of compliance with permit terms and conditions by permittees; to increase the effectiveness of our compliance program within our limited resources Compliance, Permit Terms, Conditions 05-JUL-1988 27-APR-2020
RGL 88-08: Regulation DOD-COE-00399 Regulation of artificial islands, installations, and structures on the U.S. outer continental shelf OCS, Submerged Lands Act, CZMA, Outer Continental Shelf 20-JUL-1988 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 88-09: Corps Civil Works projects DOD-COE-00400 Permit Coordination in Corps Civil Works Projects Federal Projects, Civil Works, 404(b)(1) Guidelines 21-JUL-1988 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 88-11: Mall Properties v. Marsh DOD-COE-00401 NEPA Scope of Analysis; Mall Properties Inc. vs. March Public Interest Review, Economic, Social, Scope of Analysis, Indirect Effects 22-AUG-1988 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 88-12: Regulatory thresholds DOD-COE-00402 Processing time and regulatory thresholds WQC, CZMA, ESA, NHPA, 404(b)(1) Guidelines 09-SEP-1988 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 88-13: National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) DOD-COE-00403 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scope of analysis and alternatives NEPA, Scope of Analysis, Alternatives, EIS 03-NOV-1988 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 88-14: Applicability of section 404 to piles DOD-COE-00404 The Corps of Engineers has a longstanding policy that piles do not constitute fill material and that placing piles does not constitute a discharge of fill material CWA §404, Fill Material 03-NOV-1988 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 88-15: Third-party contracting DOD-COE-00405 This guidance is to clarify the Corps role when the permit applicant or permittee chooses to use third-party contracting to obtain the information Information Requests, Application 07-NOV-1988 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 90-02: Territorial Seas DOD-COE-00406 Permits for structures and fills which affect the territorial seas Baseline, Territorial Seas, OCS, Submerged Lands Act 24-JAN-1990 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 90-04: 33 CFR 320.4(d)) DOD-COE-00407 Water Quality Considerations (33 CFR 320.4(d)) WQC, 404(b)(1) Guidelines 13-MAR-1990 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 91-01: Extension of time for individual permit authorizations DOD-COE-00408 The purpose of this guidance is to provide clarification for District and Division offices relating to extensions of time for Department of the Army permits (See 33 CFR 325.6). Individual Permit, Time Extension, Construction Period 06-NOV-1991 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 92-01: Federal agencies roles and responsibilities DOD-COE-00409 The purpose of this guidance is to clarify the Army Corps of Engineers leadership and decision-making role as "project manager" for the evaluation of permit applications pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act Permit Evaluation, Agency Coordination, Decision-making, Permit Processing, Public Notice, General Permit, Individual Permit 13-MAY-1992 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 92-02: Water dependency and cranberry production DOD-COE-00410 A joint Army Corps of Engineers/Environmental Protection Agency Memorandum to the Field on water dependency and cranberry production. Water Dependency, Project Purpose, Alternatives Analysis 26-JUN-1992 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 92-04: Section 401 water quality certification and Coastal Zone Management Act conditions for nationwide permits DOD-COE-00411 The purpose of this Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL) is to provide additional guidance and clarification for divisions and districts involved in developing acceptable conditions under the Section 401 Quality Certifications and Coastal Zone Management Act (CZM) concurrences for the Nationwide Permit (NWP) Program WQC, CZMA, NWP, Permit Conditions 14-SEP-1992 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 93-01: Provisional permits DOD-COE-00412 The purpose of this guidance is to establish a process that clarifies for applicants when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has completed its evaluation and at what point the applicant should contact the State concerning the status of the Section 401 Water Quality Certification and/or Coastal Zone Management (CZM) consistency concurrence WQC, CZMA, Provisional Permit 20-APR-1993 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 93-02: 404(b)(1) Guidelines and Mitigation DOD-COE-00413 Guidance on flexibility of the 404(b)(1) Guidelines and mitigation banking 404(b)(1) Guidelines, Alternatives Analysis, Mitigation Bank, Compensatory Mitigation 23-AUG-1993 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 95-01: Individual Permit Flexibility for Small Landowners DOD-COE-00414 Guidance on Individual Permit Flexibility for Small Landowners 404(b)(1) Guidelines, Mitigation, Practicable, Alternatives Analysis 31-MAR-1995 27-APR-2020
TR WRP-DE-9: Assessing Wetland Functions DOD-COE-00415 A guide on approach for assessing wetland functions using hydrogeomorphic classification, reference wetlands, and functional indices HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-OCT-1995 27-APR-2020
Policy Memo 96-01: Visitor/Ranger Safety DOD-COE-00416 Provides the policy on a number of issues regarding the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Visitor Assistance Program as it pertains to the visitor and ranger safety. These policies are a result of a comprehensive program review conducted by the Visitor/Ranger Safety Review Task Force in 1995. Visitor/ Ranger Safety, Conduct 10-MAY-1996 27-APR-2020
Planning Guidance Letter 97-02: Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) 1996 Implementation DOD-COE-00418 Provides guidance on Section 516 (a) (b) (c) of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) 1996. Water Resources Development Act (WRDA), Planning 18-FEB-1997 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 96-02: Exemptions under Section 404(f) to "Deep Ripping" DOD-COE-00419 Applicability of Exemptions under Section 404(f) to "Deep Ripping" Activities in Wetlands Wetlands, Deep Ripping, Discharge of Fill Material, 404(f) Exemption, Recapture Provision, Plowing 12-DEC-1997 27-APR-2020
TR WRP-DE-16: Application of Hydrogeomorphic Assessment DOD-COE-00420 National guidebook for application of hydrogeomorphic assessment to tidal fringe wetlands HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-DEC-1998 27-APR-2020
Policy Guidance Letter 61: Application of Watershed Perspective DOD-COE-00421 Provides the policy for applying the watershed perspective to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works water resources management programs and initiatives. Application , Watershed, Civil Works, Activities 27-JAN-1999 27-APR-2020
TM WRP-DE-17: A regional guidebook for assessing the functions of low gradient, Riverine Wetlands in Western Kentucky DOD-COE-00422 A regional guidebook for assessing the functions of low gradient, Riverine Wetlands in Western Kentucky, developing functional indices and subsequently
using them to assess the capacity of a wetland to perform functions relative to similar wetlands in a region
HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-MAY-1999 27-APR-2020
ENG Form 3925: VESSEL OPERATION REPORT - STATEMENT OF FREIGHT AND PASSENGERS CARRIED DOD-COE-00423 See 33 CFR 207.800 All movements of domestic waterborne commercial vessels shall be reported, including but not limited to: Dry cargo ship and tanker moves, loaded and empty barge moves, towboat moves, with or without barges in tow, fishing vessels, movements of crew boats and supply boats to offshore locations, tugboat moves and movements of newly constructed vessels from the shipyard to the point of delivery. Vessel Operation Report, Domestic Waterborne Commercial, Cargo Ship, Boats, Tanker, Barge, Passengers 01-JAN-2001 27-APR-2020
ENG Form 3925b: VESSEL OPERATION REPORT STATEMENT OF FREIGHT AND PASSENGER CARRIED (Shallow Draft Inland Traffic) DOD-COE-00424 Note: all forms 3925b, c, p are reached from a single URL. See 33 CFR 207.800. All movements of domestic waterborne commercial vessels shall be reported, including but not limited to: Dry cargo ship and tanker moves, loaded and empty barge moves, towboat moves, with or without barges in tow, fishing vessels, movements of crew boats and supply boats to offshore locations, tugboat moves and movements of newly constructed vessels from the shipyard to the point of delivery. Vessel Operation Report, Domestic Waterborne Commercial, Cargo Ship, Boats, Tanker, Barge, Freight, Passenger 01-JAN-2001 27-APR-2020
ENG Form 3925c: VESSEL OPERATION REPORT - STATEMENT OF CONTAINERS CARRIED DOD-COE-00425 Note: all forms 3925b, c, p are reached from a single URL. See 33 CFR 207.800. All movements of domestic waterborne commercial vessels shall be reported, including but not limited to: Dry cargo ship and tanker moves, loaded and empty barge moves, towboat moves, with or without barges in tow, fishing vessels, movements of crew boats and supply boats to offshore locations, tugboat moves and movements of newly constructed vessels from the shipyard to the point of delivery. Vessel Operation Report, Domestic Waterborne Commercial, Cargo Ship, Boats, Tanker, Barge, Containers 01-JAN-2001 27-APR-2020
ENG Form 3925p: VESSEL OPERATION REPORT - STATEMENT OF PASSENGERS CARRIED DOD-COE-00426 Note: all forms 3925b, c, p are reached from a single URL. See 33 CFR 207.800. All movements of domestic waterborne commercial vessels shall be reported, including but not limited to: Dry cargo ship and tanker moves, loaded and empty barge moves, towboat moves, with or without barges in tow, fishing vessels, movements of crew boats and supply boats to offshore locations, tugboat moves and movements of newly constructed vessels from the shipyard to the point of delivery. Vessel Operation Report, Domestic Waterborne Commercial, Cargo Ship, Boats, Tanker, Barge, Passengers 01-JAN-2001 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 02-4: Yazoo Basin, Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley DOD-COE-00427 The regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of selected regional wetland subclasses, Yazoo Basin, Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-APR-2002 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 02-5: Northwest Gulf of Mexico Tidal Fringe Wetlands DOD-COE-00428 Regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of Northwest Gulf of Mexico tidal fringe wetlands HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-APR-2002 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 02-6: Low-Gradient Riverine Wetlands in Western Tennessee DOD-COE-00429 A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Low-Gradient Riverine Wetlands in Western Tennessee HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-APR-2002 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 02-7: Northern Rocky Mountains DOD-COE-00430 A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of intermontane prairie pothole wetlands in the northern rocky mountains HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-MAY-2002 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 02-9: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains DOD-COE-00431 A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of wet pine flats on mineral soils in the Atlantic and gulf coastal plains HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-MAY-2002 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 02-19: Flats Wetlands in the Everglades DOD-COE-00432 A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of flats wetlands in the everglades HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-JUL-2002 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 02-21: Riverine Floodplains in the Northern Rocky Mountains DOD-COE-00433 A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of riverine floodplains in the Northern Rocky Mountains HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-AUG-2002 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 03-3: Low-gradient, Blackwater Riverine Wetlands in Peninsular Florida DOD-COE-00434 A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of low-gradient, Blackwater riverine wetlands in peninsular Florida HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-JAN-2003 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 04-3: Depressional Wetlands in Peninsular Florida DOD-COE-00435 A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of low-gradient, Blackwater riverine wetlands in peninsular Florida HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-MAY-2004 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 04-4: Rainwater Basin Depressional Wetlands in Nebraska DOD-COE-00436 A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of rainwater basin Depressional wetlands in Nebraska HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-MAY-2004 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 13-14: Forested Wetlands in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley DOD-COE-00437 A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing functions of forested wetlands in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-MAY-2004 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 04-16: Delta Region of Arkansas, Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley DOD-COE-00438 A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of forested wetlands in the delta region of Arkansas, Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-SEP-2004 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 05-01: Department of the Army (DA) Permits DOD-COE-00439 Guidance on the use of financial assurances, and suggested language for special conditions for Department of the Army permits requiring performance bonds Compensatory Mitigation, Financial Assurance, Performance Bond, Permit Conditions 14-FEB-2005 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 05-02: Expiration of geographic jurisdictional determinations of waters of the United States DOD-COE-00440 The purpose of this guidance is to provide a consistent national approach to reevaluating jurisdictional determinations, including wetland delineations Jurisdictional Determination, Wetland Delineation, JD 14-JUN-2005 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 05-12: Forested Wetlands in the West Gulf Coastal Plain Region of Arkansas DOD-COE-00441 This is a regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of forested wetlands in the West Gulf Coastal Plain Region of Arkansas HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-AUG-2005 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 05-03: Nationwide Permit Verifications DOD-COE-00442 Nationwide permit verifications and the expiration of the 2002 nationwide permits and future nationwide permits NWP, Verification Letter, Authorization 04-AUG-2005 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 05-04: Discharge of Sediments DOD-COE-00443 This is guidance on the discharge of sediments from or through a dam and the breaching of dams, for purposes of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 Discharge of Fill Material, Discharge of Dredged Material, Dam Removal, CWA 404(f) Exemptions, Sediment Release 19-AUG-2005 27-APR-2020
TR WRP-DE-11: Riverine Wetlands DOD-COE-00444 Guidebook for Application of Hydrogeomorphic Assessments to Riverine Wetlands HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-DEC-2005 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 05-05: Ordinary High Water Mark Identification DOD-COE-00445 To provide guidance for identifying the ordinary high water mark Ordinary High Water Mark, Jurisdictional Determination, CWA, RHA, JD 07-DEC-2005 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 05-08: Environmental Impact Statement – Third Party Contracting DOD-COE-00446 To issue guidance regarding the use of the third party contracts for preparing Environmental Impact Statements. This guidance consolidates elements of expired Regulatory Guidance Letters 87-05 and 88-15 NEPA, EIS Preparation 07-DEC-2005 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 05-09: Special Area Management Plans DOD-COE-00447 To issue guidance regarding the use of Special Area Management Plans. This guidance was previously provided in expired Regulatory Guidance Letter 86-10 SAMP, General Permit, ADID 07-DEC-2005 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 05-07: Approved NEPA categorical exclusions for Nationwide Permit 23 DOD-COE-00448 To issue guidance regarding the Categorical Exclusions of other Federal agencies approved for inclusion under Nationwide Permit 23 (NWP23). This guidance consolidates expired Regulatory Guidance Letters 86-02, 87-10 and 96-01 NWP 23, NEPA, categorical exclusion, Bureau of Reclamation, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Coast Guard, NWP 08-DEC-2005 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 06-01: Determining the timelines of Requests for Appeal DOD-COE-00449 The purpose of this guidance is to provide a consistent national approach in determining when Requests for Appeal (RF A) must be received by Division Engineers in order to be considered appealable actions under 33 C.F.R. part 331 Administrative Appeal, RFA 25-JAN-2006 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 06-4: Depressional wetlands in the Upper Des Plaines River Basin DOD-COE-00450 This is a Guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of Depressional wetlands in the Upper Des Plaines River Basin HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-MAY-2006 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 06-5: Wetland Functions of Prairie Potholes DOD-COE-00451 This is a Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Prairie Potholes Administrative appeal, RFA, 01-MAY-2006 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 06-02: Dredged Material Testing; Section 404 of the Clean Water Act DOD-COE-00452 Guidance on dredged material testing for purposes of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, and Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 Discharge of Dredged Material, Contaminant 06-JUL-2006 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 07-2: Tidal Fringe Wetlands along the Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coast DOD-COE-00453 Guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing the functions of tidal fringe wetlands along the Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coast HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-APR-2007 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 07-24: Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Alaska Region (Version 2.0) DOD-COE-00454 This document is one of a series of Regional Supplements to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, which provides technical guidance and procedures for identifying and delineating wetlands that may be subject to regulatory jurisdiction
under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. The development of Regional Supplements is part of a nationwide effort to address regional wetland characteristics and improve the accuracy and efficiency of wetland-delineation procedures. This supplement is applicable to the Alaska Region, which is defined as the entire State of Alaska.
Wetland Delineation Manual, Regional Supplement, Procedures 01-SEP-2007 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 07-03: Department of the Army Permit DOD-COE-00455 Department of the Army permit processing for proposed natural gas projects Pipelines, Agency Coordination, FERC, EPAct 2005, 19-SEP-2007 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 07-04: Emergency permit processing for mosquito control ditching and/or filling activities DOD-COE-00456 Emergency permit processing for mosquito control ditching and/or filling activities requiring Department of the Army (DA) permits under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) Ditches, Mosquito, Emergency Permit Procedures 31-OCT-2007 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 08-01: Silent Inspector (SI) system DOD-COE-00457 Guidance for implementing the Silent Inspector (SI) system for dredging projects requiring Department of the Army (DA) permits Dredging, Compliance 05-FEB-2008 27-APR-2020
ERDC/CRREL TR 08-12: Arid West Region of the United States DOD-COE-00458 Field Guide to the Identification of the Ordinary High Water Mark in the Arid West Region Field Guide, Ordinary High Water Mark, Arid West Region 01-AUG-2008 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 08-23: Forested wetlands in the Arkansas Valley Region of Arkansas DOD-COE-00459 This is a guidebook for conducting functional assessments of functional assessments of forested wetlands in the Arkansas Valley Region of Arkansas HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-AUG-2008 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 08-28: Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Arid West Region (Version 2.0) DOD-COE-00460 This document is one of a series of Regional Supplements to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, which provides technical guidance and procedures for identifying and delineating wetlands that may be subject to regulatory jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. The development of Regional Supplements is part of a nationwide effort to address regional wetland characteristics and improve the accuracy and efficiency of wetland-delineation procedures. This supplement is applicable to the Arid West Region, which consists of all or portions of 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Wetland Delineation Manual, Regional Supplement, Procedures 01-SEP-2008 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 08-31: Ozark Mountains Region of Arkansas DOD-COE-00461 This is a regional guidebook for conducting functional assessments of forested wetlands and riparian areas in the Ozark Mountains Region of Arkansas HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-SEP-2008 27-APR-2020
REGULATORY GUIDANCE LETTER (RGL) 08-03: Requirements for Compensatory Mitigation Projects DOD-COE-00462 A guide on the minimum monitoring requirements for compensatory mitigation projects involving the restoration, establishment, and/or enhancement of aquatic resources Compensatory Mitigation, Monitoring, Compliance 10-OCT-2008 27-APR-2020
Policy Memo: Environmental Review Guide for Operations (ERGO) Policy Update and Cycle V Assessment Scheduling DOD-COE-00463 Renews the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Operations corporate commitment to excellence in environmental compliance. Environmental, Compliance, Civil Works Operations 23-JUN-2009 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 10-1: Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Great Plains Region (Version 2.0) DOD-COE-00464 This document is one of a series of Regional Supplements to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, which provides technical guidance and procedures for identifying and delineating wetlands that may be subject to regulatory jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. The development of Regional Supplements is part of a nationwide effort to address regional wetland characteristics and improve the accuracy and efficiency of wetland-delineation procedures. This supplement is applicable to the Great Plains Region, which consists of all or portions of 11 states: Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming. Wetland Delineation Manual, Regional Supplement, Procedures 01-MAR-2010 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 10-3: Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (Version 2.0) DOD-COE-00465 This document is one of a series of Regional Supplements to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, which provides technical guidance and procedures for identifying and delineating wetlands that may be subject to regulatory jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. The development of Regional Supplements is part of a nationwide effort to address regional wetland characteristics and improve the accuracy and efficiency of wetland-delineation procedures. This supplement is applicable to the Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region, which consists of portions of 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Wetland Delineation Manual, Regional Supplement, Procedures 01-MAY-2010 27-APR-2020
CRREL-TN 10-1: Identification of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) in the Arid West Region DOD-COE-00466 This is the updated datasheet for the identification of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) in the arid west region of the Western United States Ordinary High Water Mark, OHWM 01-JUL-2010 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 10-11: High-gradient Ephemeral and Intermittent Headwater Streams in Western West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky DOD-COE-00467 A guidebook for the Functional Assessment of High-gradient Ephemeral and Intermittent Headwater Streams in Western West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-JUL-2010 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 10-16: Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Midwest Region (Version 2.0) DOD-COE-00469 This document is one of a series of Regional Supplements to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, which provides technical guidance and procedures for identifying and delineating wetlands that may be subject to regulatory jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. The development of Regional Supplements is part of a nationwide effort to address regional wetland characteristics and improve the accuracy and efficiency of wetland-delineation procedures. This supplement is applicable to the Midwest Region, which consists of all or portions of 14 states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Wetland Delineation Manual, Regional Supplement, Procedures 01-AUG-2010 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 10-17: Forested Wetlands in Alluvial Valleys of East Texas DOD-COE-00470 This is a guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to the functional assessment of forested wetlands in alluvial valleys of east Texas HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-OCT-2010 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 10-20: Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (Version 2.0) DOD-COE-00471 This document is one of a series of Regional Supplements to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, which provides technical guidance and procedures for identifying and delineating wetlands that may be subject to regulatory jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. The development of Regional Supplements is part of a nationwide effort to address regional wetland characteristics and improve the accuracy and efficiency of wetland-delineation procedures. This supplement is applicable to the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region, which consists of all or portions of the District of Columbia and 19 states: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. Wetland Delineation Manual, Regional Supplement, Procedures 01-NOV-2010 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 11-4: Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Caribbean Islands Region (Version 2.0) DOD-COE-00472 This document is one of a series of Regional Supplements to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, which provides technical guidance and procedures for identifying and delineating wetlands that may be subject to regulatory jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. The development of Regional Supplements is part of a nationwide effort to address regional wetland characteristics and improve the accuracy and efficiency of wetland-delineation procedures. This supplement is applicable to the Caribbean Islands Region, which consists of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Territory of the United States Virgin Islands. Wetland Delineation Manual, Regional Supplement, Procedures 01-MAY-2011 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 11-11: Regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing the functions of headwater slope wetlands on the South Carolina Coastal Plain DOD-COE-00473 This is a guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing the functions of headwater slope wetlands on the South Carolina Coastal Plain HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-NOV-2011 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 12-1: Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Northcentral and Northeast Region (Version 2.0) DOD-COE-00474 This document is one of a series of Regional Supplements to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, which provides technical guidance and procedures for identifying and delineating wetlands that may be subject to regulatory jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. The development of Regional Supplements is part of a nationwide effort to address regional wetland characteristics and improve the accuracy and efficiency of wetland-delineation procedures. This supplement is applicable to the Northcentral and Northeast Region, which consists of all or portions of 15 states: Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Wetland Delineation Manual, Regional Supplement, Procedures 01-JAN-2012 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 12-5: Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Hawai'i and Pacific Islands Region (Version 2.0) DOD-COE-00475 This document is one of a series of Regional Supplements to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, which provides technical guidance and procedures for identifying and delineating wetlands that may be subject to regulatory jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. The development of Regional Supplements is part of a nationwide effort to address regional wetland characteristics and improve the accuracy and efficiency of wetland-delineation procedures. This supplement is applicable to the Hawai‘i and Pacific Islands Region, which consists of the State of Hawai‘i, Territory of Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Territory of American Samoa. Wetland Delineation Manual, Regional Supplement, Procedures 01-FEB-2012 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 12-9: Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region (Version 2.0) DOD-COE-00476 This document is one of a series of Regional Supplements to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, which provides technical guidance and procedures for identifying and delineating wetlands that may be subject to regulatory jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. The development of Regional Supplements is part of a nationwide effort to address regional wetland characteristics and improve the accuracy and efficiency of wetland-delineation procedures. This supplement is applicable to the Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region, which consists of all or portions of the District of Columbia and 20 states: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Wetland Delineation Manual, Regional Supplement, Procedures 01-APR-2012 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 06-14: Ouachita Mountains and Crowley's Ridge Regions of Arkansas DOD-COE-00477 A regional guidebook for conducting functional assessments of wetland and riparian forests in the Ouachita Mountains and Crowley's Ridge Regions of Arkansas HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-JUN-2012 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 12-13: Hydrogeomorphic Classification DOD-COE-00478 This is the hydrogeomorphic classification of New Mexico wetlands HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-JUN-2012 27-APR-2020
ERDC/CRREL TN 12-1: National Wetland Plant List Indicator Rating Definitions DOD-COE-00479 National Wetland Plant List Indicator Rating Definitions Wetland Delineation, National Wetland Plant List, NWPL, Wetland Indicator Status 01-JUL-2012 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 13-1: Alluvial Valleys of the coastal Plain of the southeastern United States DOD-COE-00480 This is a guidebook for applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to assessing wetland functions of forested wetlands in alluvial valleys of the coastal Plain of the southeastern United State HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-APR-2013 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 13-11: Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Approach DOD-COE-00481 This is version 2 of Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) approach to assessing wetland functions: guidelines for developing guidebooks HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-JUN-2013 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 13-12: Seasonally Inundated Depression Wetlands on the Highland Rim DOD-COE-00482 This is a guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing the Functions of Flat and Seasonally Inundated Depression Wetlands on the Highland Rim HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-JUN-2013 27-APR-2020
ERDC/CRREL TR 14-13: A Guide to Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) Delineation for Non-Perennial Streams in the Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region of the United States DOD-COE-00483 This document provides technical guidance for delineating the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) in non-perennial streams in the Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast (WMVC) Region of the United States. Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the OHWM defines the lateral extent of federal jurisdiction in non-tidal waters of the U.S. in the absence of adjacent wetlands. The OHWM in the WMVC Region is consistent with the physical and biological signature established and maintained at the boundaries of the active channel. Delineation of the active channel signature, and thus the OHWM, is based largely on identification of three primary physical or biological indicators—topographic break in slope, change in sediment characteristics, and change in vegetation characteristics. This guide addresses the underlying hydrologic and geomorphic concepts pertaining to the OHWM and the field indicators, methods, and additional lines of evidence used to assess and delineate the OHWM in WMVC non-perennial streams. The technical guidance presented here increases the accuracy and consistency of OHWM delineation practices in the WMVC Region. Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM), Streams, Clean Water Act 01-AUG-2014 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 15-12: Northcentral and Northeast Region DOD-COE-00484 This is the guidebook for the functional assessment of organic flats, slopes, and Depressional wetlands in the Northcentral and Northeast Region HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-DEC-2015 27-APR-2020
White Paper: Compensatory Mitigation Site Protection Instrument Handbook for the Corps Regulatory Program DOD-COE-00485 Identify and explain some of the key issues surrounding site protection instruments as they apply to the protection of compensatory mitigation sites. It is not intended for Corps owned property or situations where the Corps is a party to a real estate instrument. Site Protection, Handbook, Mitigation 01-JUL-2016 27-APR-2020
Policy Memo: Revisions to EC 1130-2-550, Chapter 9, Recreation Use Fees DOD-COE-00486 Provides interim clarifications to EC 1130-2-550, Chapter 9 Recreation Use Fees, for implementation guidance on the Corps volunteer program; specifically, changing the policy on bonding of volunteer fee collectors. EC 1130-2-550, Recreation Use Fees, Volunteer, Collectors 07-SEP-2016 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 17-1: Operational Draft Regional Guidebook for the Functional Assessment of High-Gradient Headwater Streams and Low-Gradient Perennial Streams in Appalachia DOD-COE-00487 This is the Operational Draft Regional Guidebook for the Functional Assessment of High-Gradient Headwater Streams and Low-Gradient Perennial Streams in Appalachia HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-JAN-2017 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 17-13: Wetlands Regulatory Assistance Program DOD-COE-00488 Evaluating the Wetland Hydrology in Formerly Irrigated Areas Procedure to Evaluate Wetland Hydrology on Formerly Irrigated Areas 01-JUL-2017 27-APR-2020
ERDC/TN WRAP-17-1: Automated Wetland Determination Data Sheet DOD-COE-00489 This is the User Guide for Automated Wetland Determination Data Sheet Wetland Delineation 01-JUL-2017 27-APR-2020
ERDC/EL TR 17-14: Rapid Assessment of Wetlands in the North Slope Region of Alaska DOD-COE-00490 This is the Operational Draft Regional Guidebook for the Rapid Assessment of Wetlands in the North Slope Region of Alaska HGM Guidebook, Mitigation, Functional Assessment 01-AUG-2017 27-APR-2020
IG: Memorandum for Commanding General of the USACE: Implementation Guidance for Section 1125 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2016 - Use of Funding Agreements within the Regulatory Program DOD-COE-00491 Guidance for Corps Regulatory staff on the implementation of the Sec. 214 WRDA 2000 (as amended) authority to accept and expend funds from certain non-Federal entities to expedite the permit process Funds, WRDA, Regulatory 19-JAN-2018 27-APR-2020
ENG Form 3102C: Waterway Traffic Report - Vessel Log DOD-COE-00492 33 USC 555 provides that users of waterways furnish statistical data on cargo and passengers upon request. The owner, master, pilot or other officer of the vessel must complete the applicable items below and return this report. Your cooperation and assistance on collecting these data are appreciated Waterways, Statistical Data, Vessel Log 01-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
ENG Form 3102D: Waterway Traffic Report - Detail Vessel Log DOD-COE-00493 33 USC 555 provides that users of waterways furnish statistical data on cargo and passengers upon request. The owner, master, pilot or other officer of the vessel must complete the applicable items below and return this report. Your cooperation and assistance on collecting these data are appreciated Waterway Traffic Report, Data, Vessel, Request 01-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
Policy Memo: Firearm Possession Requests Under 36 C.F.R. 327.13(a), Explosives, Firearms, other Weapons and Fireworks DOD-COE-00494 Provides guidance on Commands considering firearm possession requests Under 36 C.F.R. 327.13(a), Explosives, Firearms, other Weapons and Fireworks. Explosives, Firearms, other Weapons and Fireworks 14-MAY-2018 27-APR-2020
DPM 2018-06: Designation of USACE Lead District for Permitting of Non-USACE Projects Crossing Multiple Districts or States DOD-COE-00495 Policy for identifying lead district for Regulatory/408 actions that involve more than one district; Lead District, Regulatory Program, 408 Lead District, Regulatory Program, 408 15-MAY-2018 27-APR-2020
DPM 2018-10: Strategy for Synchronization of the Regulatory and 408 Programs DOD-COE-00496 Directs the synch of Regulatory and 408 programs to provide "one door to the Corps" for applicants seeking permits under all Corps permit authorities Regulatory, Permits, Authorities 17-AUG-2018 27-APR-2020
DPM 2018-12: Implementation of Executive Order (EO) 13807 and One Federal Decision (OFD) within Civil Works Programs DOD-COE-00497 Guidance to Corps staff in Regulatory and Planning for implementing EO 13807 requirements, including One Federal Decision. Executive Order (EO) 13807, One Federal Decision (OFD), Civil Works 26-SEP-2018 27-APR-2020
Policy Memo: Policy Guidance - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Boundary Management and Encroachment Resolution DOD-COE-00499 Provide guidance on the boundary management and encroachment resolution process for improvement of preventing encroachments and increase efficiency of managing boundary assets. Boundary Management, Encroachment Resolution, Assets 10-MAY-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP MVN-02: TRENASSE (PIROGUE CONVEYANCES) MAINTENANCE DOD-COE-00504 RGP to authorize the maintenance of existing trenasses (pirogue conveyances) occurring within the boundaries of the New Orleans District trenasses (pirogue conveyances), New Orleans 03-FEB-1978 27-APR-2020
RGP MVN-06: EMERGENCY REPAIRS, EROSION PROTECTION, AND RESTORATION ALONG PUBLIC HIGHWAYS DOD-COE-00505 RGP for emergency repairs, erosion protection, and restoration along public highways within the boundaries of the New Orleans District is being extended until July 31,2019 emergency repairs, erosion protection, and restoration, New Orleans 15-MAR-1979 27-APR-2020
RGP MVN-13: Oilfield Access Roads, Drilling Locations, Pits, Ring Levees, and Associated Facilities DOD-COE-00506 RGP for dredging and the deposition of dredged and/or fill material for construction of oilfield access roads, drilling locations, pits, ring levees, and associated facilities in jurisdictional waters of the U.S., including wetlands, within certain boundaries of the New Orleans District. dredging and the deposition, New Orleans 22-MAR-1981 27-APR-2020
RGP MVN-23: Maintenance Dredging-Removal of New Silt Accumulations in the Mississippi River at Docks, Mooring Areas, Water Intakes, Etc. DOD-COE-00507 This general permit authorized dredging for the removal of silt accumulations around existing docks, under existing barge fleets and ship mooring areas, around existing marine launch ways, and around existing intakes, and the deposition of the material in the Mississippi River generally below the minus 55-foot NAVD contour. General Permit, dredging 29-JUN-1982 27-APR-2020
RGP MVN-19: PUBLIC BOAT LAUNCH FACILITIES DOD-COE-00508 RGP for Under this general permit, applicants are allowed to place sand, gravel, riprap, shell, and concrete for boat ramps; dredge as necessary to install the ramps; place dredged material, hauled shell and/or clean fill to construct parking areas; place erosion control structures along the shoreline; and perform minor dredging necessary for installation of the erosion control works. And for activities resulting in the placement of dredge and/or fill material in wetlands for the parking area provided no more than two (2) acres of wetlands are filled and provided that there are no practical nearby available non-wetland sites. sand, gravel, riprap, shell, and concrete for boat ramps, dredge 24-SEP-1982 27-APR-2020
RGP MVN-20: HAZARDOUS CONDITION RESPONSE ACTIVITIES DOD-COE-00509 RGP authorizes the minimum amount of work necessary to respond to oil or gas well blowouts, pipeline explosions or ruptures, explosions, fires, oil or hazardous materials spills, shipwrecks or sinking of vessels in navigation channels, pipeline damage, flood and storm events, or similar situations which would result in an imminent safety and/or environmental hazard. Expires 30 Nov 2022. oil or gas well blowouts, pipeline explosions or ruptures, explosions, fires, oil or hazardous materials spills, shipwrecks or sinking of vessels 01-NOV-1982 27-APR-2020
RGP MVN-22: Certain Miscellaneous Activities within the Louisiana Coastal Zone DOD-COE-00510 RGP for maintenance dredging in oil or gas well channels, canals, and slips. Deposition n of the dredged material may be in open water, or on existing spoil banks, or used to create or maintain existing wetlands. maintenance dredging in oil or gas well channels 26-SEP-1983 27-APR-2020
RGP MVN-28: Maintenance Dredging in Oil and/or Gas Well Canals and Slips, Well Structures in Open Waters or Man-made Canals and Waterway Closures and Fixed Weirs Outside the Louisiana Coastal Zone DOD-COE-00511 Maintenance Dredging in Oil and/or Gas Well Canals and Slips, Well Structures in Open Waters or Man-made Canals and Waterway Closures and Fixed Weirs Outside the Louisiana Coastal Zone Maintenance Dredging in Oil and/or Gas Well Canals and Slips, Well Structures in Open Waters 07-JUN-1985 27-APR-2020
RGP MVN-29: Boat Slips, Appurtenant Structures and Fill. Expires 30-April-18. DOD-COE-00512 RGP for dredging and maintaining boat slips, install and maintain appurtenant structures and fill, associated walkways, boat sheds, boathouses, riprap, bulkheads and deposition of hauled or dredged material behind bulkheads for stabilization. Expires 30-April-18. dredging and maintaining boat slips 29-NOV-1985 27-APR-2020
RGL 87-03: Section 401 water quality certification DOD-COE-00513 WQC,   14-APR-1987 27-APR-2020
MOU/MOA: MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN The Department of the Army AND The Environmental Protection Agency CONCERNING Federal Enforcement for the Section 404 Program of the Clean Water Act DOD-COE-00514 The United States Department of the Army (Army) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hereby establish policy and procedures pursuant to which they will undertake federal enforcement of the dredged and fill material permit requirements ("Section 404 program") of the Clean Water Act (CWA). dredged and fill material permit requirements 19-JAN-1989 27-APR-2020
MOU/MOA: Memorandum of Agreement Between the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Army Concerning the Determination of Mitigation under the Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines DOD-COE-00515 This MOA is specifically limited to the Section 404 Regulatory Program and is written to provide guidance for Corps personnel on the type and level of mitigation which demonstrates compliance with requirements in the Guidelines. The policies and procedures discussed are consistent with current Section 404 regulatory practices and are provided in response to questions that have been raised about how the Guidelines are implemented. [Also on USEPA Guidance Portal, ID No. OW-OWOW-7.] Section 404 regulatory practices 06-FEB-1990 27-APR-2020
Memorandum: Clean Water Act Section 404 Regulatory Program and Agricultural Activities DOD-COE-00516 section 404; Clean Water Act; agriculture; exemptions; general permits; fish ponds; rice farming; enforcement Clean Water Act 03-MAY-1990 27-APR-2020
RGP MVN-128: Small Wharves, Boat Sheds, Bulkheads, and Fill Associated Dredging DOD-COE-00517 RGP for construction of small wharves, boat sheds, bulkheads, and associated dredge and fill activities for private use within the boundaries of the New Orleans District. Expires 31 Dec 2025. construction of small wharves, boat sheds, bulkheads, and associated dredge 31-MAR-1993 27-APR-2020
Memorandum: Appropriate Level of Analysis Required for Evaluating Compliance with the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines Alternatives Requirements DOD-COE-00518 Clarification of the appropriate level of analysis required for evaluating compliance with the CWA Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines. Joint memorandum to the field - Army and USEPA. CWA Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines 23-AUG-1993 27-APR-2020
Memorandum: Individual Permit Flexibility for Small Landowners DOD-COE-00519 Clarifies that for discharges of dredged or fill material affecting up to two acres of non-tidal wetlands for the construction or expansion of a home or farm building, or expansion of a small business, it is presumed that alternatives located on property not currently owned by the applicant are not practicable under the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines discharges of dredged or fill material 06-MAR-1995 27-APR-2020
MOU/MOA: MEMORANDUM TO THE FIELD - Application of Best Management Practices to Mechanical Site Preparation Activities for the Establishment of Pine Plantations in the Southeast DOD-COE-00520 This memorandum clarifies the applicability of forested wetlands best management practices to mechanical silvicultural site preparation activities for the establishment of pine plantations in the southeast Mechanical silvicultural site preparation activities conducted in accordance with the best management practices discussed below, which are designed to minimize impacts to the aquatic ecosystem, will not require a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit. The Agencies will support and assist State efforts to build upon these BMPs at the State level to ensure that mechanical silvicultural site preparation is conducted in a manner that best reflects the specific wetlands resource protection and management goals of each State. forested wetlands 28-NOV-1995 27-APR-2020
Policy Guidance Letter 57: Indian Sovereignty and Government to Government Relations With Indian Tribes DOD-COE-00521 This letter provides guidance on Indian Sovereignty and USACE Tribal Policy Principles. forested wetlands 18-FEB-1998 27-APR-2020
PGP MVN-LCZ: Activities in the Louisiana Coastal Zone within the New Orleans District DOD-COE-00522 This general permit authorizes activities that result in minimal adverse impacts within the boundaries of the Louisiana Coastal Zone in the New Orleans District. Expires 31-May-22 Louisiana Coastal Zone 01-MAY-1998 27-APR-2020
Technical Note WRAP-00-02: Installing Monitoring Wells/Piezometers in Wetlands DOD-COE-00523 wetland delineation, wetland hydrology wetland 01-JUL-2000 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 211 of WRDA 2000: Performance of Specialized or Technical Services DOD-COE-00524 This guidance provides information for implementing Section 211 of WRDA 2000, which modifies procedures for accepting requests for services under the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act. It was enacted in response to private sector concerns that USACE was competing for their business opportunities, most particularly regarding support to local communities. Section 211 of WRDA 2000 08-FEB-2001 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 801-810 of WRDA 2000: Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge Enhancement DOD-COE-00525 This guidance directs USACE to work with the Dept. of the Interior to convey cabin sites at Ft. Peck Lake, MT. It also provides the DOI acquisition authority for the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge. Ft. Peck Lake, Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge. 26-APR-2001 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 208 of WRDA 2000: Reburial and Conveyance Authority DOD-COE-00526 This guidance provides information for implementing Section 208 of WRDA 2000, which authorizes USACE to recover and rebury Native American remains that were discovered on Civil Works project land and have been rightfully claimed by a lineal descendant or Indian tribe. USACE is further authorized to set-aside Civil Works land to rebury these Native American remains and convey these set aside lands to an Indian tribe for use as a cemetery. Section 208 of WRDA 2000 01-MAY-2001 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 201 of WRDA 2000: Cooperation Agreements with Counties DOD-COE-00527 This guidance provides information for implementing Section 201 of WRDA 2000, which allows a wider universe of non-Federal sponsors to sign Project Cooperation Agreements that do not bind the non-Federal sponsors future appropriations, where constitutional or legislative provisions of the State or a political subdivision of the State prohibit such commitments. Section 201 of WRDA 2000 04-JUN-2001 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 214 of WRDA 2000: Funding to Process Permits DOD-COE-00528 This guidance provides information for implementing Section 214 of WRDA 2000, which permits USACE -- in Fiscal Years 2001 through 2003, after public notice -- to accept and expend funds contributed by non-Federal public entities to expedite the evaluation of permits under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Army. Section 214 of WRDA 2000 17-JUL-2001 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 221 of WRDA 2000: Design-Build Contracting DOD-COE-00529 This guidance provides information for implementing Section 221 of WRDA 2000, which provides discretionary authority to USACE to conduct a pilot program consisting of not more than 5 authorized projects to test the design-build method of project delivery on various civil works projects. The intent of the pilot program is to apply the design-build project delivery method to a representative sampling of civil works projects to monitor its effectiveness and provide information that can be used on future design-build civil works projects. Section 221 of WRDA 2000, 03-AUG-2001 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 222 of WRDA 2000: Enhanced Public Participation DOD-COE-00530 This guidance provides information for implementing Section 222 of WRDA 2000, which directs USACE to establish procedures to enhance public participation in the development of feasibility studies, including, if appropriate, establishment of a stakeholder advisory group to assist the Secretary with the development of the study. Section 222 of WRDA 2000 04-SEP-2001 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 203 of WRDA 2000: Tribal Partnership Program DOD-COE-00531 This guidance provides information for implementing Section 203 of WRDA 2000,which authorizes USACE, in cooperation with Indian tribes and the heads of other Federal agencies, to study and determine the feasibility of carrying out projects that will substantially benefit Indian tribes. Section 203 of WRDA 2000 08-JAN-2002 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 601(h)(4) of WRDA 2000: Relationship of WRDA '99 to CERP DOD-COE-00532 This guidance provides information on Specific Project Assurances under CERP, Section 601 (h) of WRDA 2000. Specific Project Assurances, CERP 05-MAR-2002 27-APR-2020
Memorandum: SWANCC Guidance (As published in Fed Register, Vol. 68, No. 10) DOD-COE-00533 2003; Clarifying guidance regarding US Supreme Court's Decision in SWANCC; Jurisdiction SWANCC 15-JAN-2003 27-APR-2020
MOU/MOA: Memorandum of Agreement Between the Federal Aviation Administration, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to Address Aircraft-Wildlife Strikes DOD-COE-00534 Identify the risks that aircraft-wildlife strikes pose to safe aviation aircraft, wildlife, safe 29-JUL-2003 27-APR-2020
Memorandum: Physical Stream Assessment: A Review of Selected Protocols for Use in the Clean Water Act Section 404 Program. DOD-COE-00535 The objective of this report is to summarize selected stream assessment and mitigation protocols in use throughout the country and recommend pertinent components of assessment protocols to best assess and document physical stream conditions during the CWA Section 404 regulatory process. Background information describes some fundamental components and concepts of physical stream assessment, including a discussion of factors that can limit the ability of physical stream assessment data to adequately support management or restoration decisions. We also compiled and distributed a stream assessment protocol questionnaire to practitioners nationwide in order to solicit information from professionals utilizing these protocols in the field. Summaries of selected physical stream assessment protocols are provided in appendices, and these protocols are compared in the latter sections of this report adequately support management or restoration decisions. We also compiled and distributed a stream assessment protocol questionnaire to practitioners nationwide in order to solicit information from professionals utilizing these protocols in the field. Summaries of selected physical stream assessment protocols are provided in appendices, and these protocols are compared in the latter sections of this report. Stream Assessment, mitigation 15-SEP-2004 27-APR-2020
SOP: Regulatory Standard Operating Procedures for Processing Liquefied Natural Gas Projects DOD-COE-00536 In order to ensure that proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects are being reviewed consistently and in accordance with reference documents and other laws and regulations, as applicable, Headquarters U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has developed regulatory standard operating procedures for processing LNG projects (see Enclosure). This guidance applies to all LNG projects proposed for authorization under the Deepwater Port Act, requiring U.S. Coast Guard, Maritime Administration or Federal Energy Regulatory Commission action under the National Environmental Policy Act and a Department of the Army permit from the USACE under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, and it further supplements the Memorandum of Understanding Related to the Licensing of Deepwater Ports. The goal of this guidance is to facilitate concurrent processing and issuing of NEPA and CWA/RHA decision documents. liquefied natural gas (LNG), procedures 17-DEC-2004 27-APR-2020
Memorandum: Revised Interim Guidance for Implementing Appendix C of 33 CFR Part 325 with the Revised Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regulations at 36 CFR Part 800 DOD-COE-00537 Provides clarification of Corps process in light of changes made to ACHP's regulations. 2005 Interim Guidance, Appendix C, Section 106 ACHP 25-APR-2005 27-APR-2020
Technical Note WRAP-05-2: Technical Standard for Water-Table Monitoring of Potential Wetland Sites DOD-COE-00538 This technical note describes national standards for the collection, analysis, interpretation, and reporting of hydrologic data, which may be used to help determine whether wetlands are present on disturbed or problematic sites that may be subject to Clean Water Act regulatory jurisdiction. wetland delineation, wetland hydrology 01-JUN-2005 27-APR-2020
Technical Note WRAP-06-2: Water Table Monitoring Project Design DOD-COE-00539 This document provides guidance for planning and implementing a wetland hydrology monitoring project for wetland regulatory purposes. It is intended to address situations commonly encountered in areas where the Technical Standard for Water-Table Monitoring of Potential Wetland Sites (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2004) (hereafter call the Corps Tech Standard) might be applied water table monitoring, wetland hydrology 01-JAN-2006 27-APR-2020
Memorandum: Clarification of Revised Interim Guidance for Implementing Appendix C of 33 CFR Part 325 with the Revised Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) Regulations at 36 CFR Part 800 dated 25 April 2005 DOD-COE-00540 Provides additional clarification of Corps process in light of changes made to ACHP's regulations. 2007 Interim Guidance, Appendix C, Section 106 31-JAN-2007 27-APR-2020
Guidebook: Jurisdictional Determination Form Instructional Guidebook DOD-COE-00541 Instructions to aid field staff in completing the Approved JD Form JD, Staff 30-MAY-2007 27-APR-2020
Guidebook: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jurisdictional Determination (JD) Form Instructional Guidebook - Acronyms DOD-COE-00542 This document contains instructions to aid field staff in completing the Approved Jurisdictional Determination Form (“JD form”). This document is intended to be used as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory National Standard Operating Procedures for conducting an approved jurisdictional determination (JD) and documenting practices to support an approved JD until this document is further revised and reissued. Aid Field Staff, JD, Form 30-MAY-2007 27-APR-2020
Guidebook: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jurisdictional Determination (JD) Form Instructional Guidebook - Questions and Answers DOD-COE-00543 This document contains instructions to aid field staff in completing the Approved Jurisdictional Determination Form (“JD form”). This document is intended to be used as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory National Standard Operating Procedures for conducting an approved jurisdictional determination (JD) and documenting practices to support an approved JD until this document is further revised and reissued. Aid Field Staff, JD, Form Instructional Guidebook 30-MAY-2007 27-APR-2020
Guidebook: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jurisdictional Determination (JD) Form Instructional Guidebook - Appendix A - Clean Water Act Jurisdiction Following the U.S. Supreme Court's Decision in Rapines v. United States & Carabell v. United States DOD-COE-00544 This memorandum provides guidance to EPA regions and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ["Corps"] districts implementing the Supreme Court's decision in the consolidated cases Rapanos v. United States and Cambell v. United States (herein referred to simply as "Rapanos") which address the jurisdiction over waters of the United States under the Clean Water Act. EPA, Rapanos v. United States and Cambell v. United States 05-JUN-2007 27-APR-2020
Guidebook: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jurisdictional Determination (JD) Form Instructional Guidebook - Appendix B DOD-COE-00545 APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM JD 05-JUN-2007 27-APR-2020
Guidebook: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jurisdictional Determination (JD) Form Instructional Guidebook - Appendix D - Waters that Qualify as Waters of the United States Under Section (a)(1) of the Agencies’ Regulations DOD-COE-00546 EPA and the Corps are providing this guidance on determining whether a water is a “traditional navigable water” for purposes of the Rapanos guidance, the Clean Water Act (CWA), and the agencies’ CWA implementing regulations. This guidance is not intended to be used for any other purpose. Traditional Navigable Water 05-JUN-2007 27-APR-2020
RGL 07-02: Exemptions for the construction or maintenance of irrigation ditches and maintenance of drainage ditches under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act DOD-COE-00547 The purpose of this Regulatory Guidance Letter (“RGL” or “guidance”) is to provide a reasonable and predictable national approach for conducting exemption determinations for the construction and maintenance of irrigation ditches and the maintenance of drainage ditches consistent with Section 404(f) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) 404(f)(1)(C), exemptions, ditches, irrigation, drainage 04-JUL-2007 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2033(g)(1) of WRDA 2007: Chief's Report Submission DOD-COE-00548 The purpose of this memorandum is to establish standard operating procedures, in accordance with Section 2033(g)(1) of WRDA 2007, for the submission and review of reports of the Chief of Engineers recommending water resources projects for authorization and the provision of recommendations of the Secretary to Congress. Procedures, Section 2033(g)(1) of WRDA 2007 25-JAN-2008 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 6004 of WRDA 2007: Florida Everglades - Credit DOD-COE-00549 This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Section 6004 of WRDA 2007, which provides additional information on what USACE may provide credit for, in regards to the non-Federal share for the reasonable cost of any work performed in connection with a project for CERP that is necessary for the implementation of the Plan if certain conditions are met. Section 6004 of WRDA 2007 14-FEB-2008 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2037 of WRDA 2007: Regional Sediment Management DOD-COE-00550 Section 2037 amends Section 204 of WRDA 1992 and repeals Section 145 of WRDA 1976 except that the Secretary of the Army may complete projects being carried out under Section 145 on the day before enactment of WRDA 2007. The specific guidance changes are: (1) Regional sediment management plans to identify and evaluate opportunities for beneficial uses of sediment from the construction, operation or maintenance of authorized Civil Works projects are accomplished at Federal cost; (2) The purposes for the beneficial use of sediments eligible for Federal participation are structural and non-structural flood control, hurricane and storm damage reduction, and environmental protection and restoration and the cost sharing for the incremental costs to achieve these purposes is established by Section 103 of WRDA 1986; (3) The 75% Federal and 25% non-Federal cost sharing for beneficial use of sediments for the protection, restoration and creation of aquatic habitats and "Section 207" projects is replaced by 65% Federal and 35% non-Federal cost sharing; (4) Except for "Section 207" projects, beneficial use projects implemented under the authority of Section 204 are limited to $5 million total Federal cost; (5) USACE can, at Federal cost, cooperate with any State in the preparation of a comprehensive State or regional sediment management plans and measures and projects identified in State and regional plans may be recommended to Congress for authorization; and (6) Projects for the purposes of protection, restoration, or creation of aquatic and ecologically related habitat the costs of which do not exceed $750,000 and which are located in a disadvantaged community may be carried out at Federal expense. Section 2037 amends Section 204 of WRDA 1992 08-APR-2008 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2003(a)(2) of WRDA 2007: Credit for In-kind Contributions DOD-COE-00551 This circular provides guidance on the in-kind contribution provisions of Section 221 of the Flood Control Act of 1970 as amended by Section 2003 of WRDA 2007. Section 221 of the Flood Control Act of 1970 06-JUN-2008 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2006 of WRDA 2007: Remote and Subsistence Harbors DOD-COE-00552 This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Section 2006 of WRDA 2007, which provides that in conducting a study of harbor and navigation improvements the Secretary may recommend a project without demonstrating that the improvements are justified solely by National Economic Development benefits, if the Secretary determines that the improvements meet the criteria listed in the authority and guidance. Section 2006 of WRDA 2007 22-JUL-2008 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2005 of WRDA 2007: Dredged Material Disposal DOD-COE-00553 This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Section 2005 of WRDA 2007, which modifies Section 217 of WRDA 96 to provide expanded authority for partnerships with non-Federal interests in managing the material dredged from Federal water resources (primarily navigation) projects. Section 2005 of WRDA 2007 11-AUG-2008 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2034 of WRDA 2007 (EC 1105-2-410): Independent Peer Review DOD-COE-00554 This Circular provides the procedures for ensuring the quality and credibility of USACE decision documents through an independent review process. It complies with the Information Quality Act; and the OMB Peer Review Bulletin. It also provides guidance for the implementation of Section 2034 of WRDA 2007. This Circular presents a framework for establishing the appropriate level and independence of review and detailed requirements for review documentation and dissemination. Circular, Quality, Credibility 22-AUG-2008 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 5062 of WRDA 2007: Florida Keys Water Quality Improvements DOD-COE-00555 This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Section 5062 of WRDA 2007, which provides authority for USACE to: credit toward the non-Federal share of the cost of the project, in accordance with Section 221 of the Flood Control Act of 1970, the cost of construction work carried out by the non-Federal interest for the project before the date of the partnership agreement for the project; credit the cost of land acquisition carried out by the non-Federal interest for projects carried out under the Florida Keys Water Quality Improvements Project; and specify that not more that $15,000,000 of the $100,000,000 authorized to be appropriated to the Government for the Section 109 program may be used to provide planning, design, and construction assistance to the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority for a water treatment plant in Florida City, FL. Section 5062 of WRDA 2007 16-SEP-2008 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2002 of WRDA 2007: Funds Contributes by Non-Federal Public Entities DOD-COE-00556 This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Section 2002 of WRDA 2007, which provides USACE the authority to, after public notice, accept and expend funds contributed by non-Federal public entities to expedite the evaluation of permits under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Army. In carrying out this section, USACE shall ensure that the use of funds accepted will not impact impartial decision making with respect to permits, either substantively or procedurally. The authority provided under this section shall be in effect from October 1, 2000, through December 31, 2009. Section 2002 of WRDA 2007 01-OCT-2008 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 5017 of WRDA 2007: Estuary Restoration DOD-COE-00557 The implementation guidance identifies the three major changes to the Estuary Restoration Act of 2000. The changes include allowing for the use of cooperative agreements, making monitoring part of total project costs, and authorizing the delegation of the implementation of small projects using funds received in their own appropriations or other funds available. Estuary Restoration Act of 2000 22-OCT-2008 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2036(c) of WRDA 2007: Wetlands Mitigation DOD-COE-00558 This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Section 2036(c) of WRDA 2007, which directs the Secretary, where appropriate, to first consider the use of a mitigation bank to compensate for wetland impacts that occur within the service area of an existing, approved mitigation bank. Section 2036(c) of WRDA 2007 06-NOV-2008 27-APR-2020
Memorandum: Clean Water Act Jurisdiction Following the U.S. Supreme Court's Decision in Rapanos v. United States & Carabell v. United States DOD-COE-00559 This guidance incorporates revisions to the EPA/ Army Memorandum originally issued on June 6, 2007, after careful consideration of public comments received and based on the agencies' experience in implementing the Rapanos decision. EPA/ Army, public comments 02-DEC-2008 27-APR-2020
Memorandum: Questions and Answers Regarding the Revised Rapanos & Carabell Guidance DOD-COE-00560 EPA and the Corps have revised the Rapanos Guidance in consideration of public comments received and consistent with our experience implementing the guidance over the past 18 months. Questions & Answers; Rapanos Guidance 02-DEC-2008 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2033(e) of WRDA 2007: Support to Planning Centers of Expertise DOD-COE-00561 In this memorandum, in accordance with Section 2033(e) of WRDA 2007, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army re-affirms the establishment of the Planning Centers of Expertise to provide specialized planning assistance to USACE districts in the development of water resources projects which support the Civil Works mission. Section 2033(e) of WRDA 2007 12-MAR-2009 27-APR-2020
RGP LRN-09-01: Commercial Marina Facilities (Exp. April 23, 2014) DOD-COE-00562 This Regional Permit (RP) authorizes certain marina facilities pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403). Regional Permit, Marina Facilities 23-APR-2009 27-APR-2020
Memorandum: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Invasive Species Policy DOD-COE-00563 This policy memorandum establishes a consistent, nationwide policy that will be applied to all Civil Works projects and programs. It compliments the National Invasive Species Act. Measures to either prevent or reduce establishment of invasive and non-native species will be a component of all Cops Operations and Maintenance (O&M) at project sites as well as a part of implementation of a CiviI Works project. Civil Works 02-JUN-2009 27-APR-2020
SOP: Updated Standard Operating Procedures for the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program DOD-COE-00564 Summary of current policies and procedures that should be used as day-to-day informal guidance by regulatory project managers as they implement the program. Regulatory, Managers, Implement 01-JUL-2009 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2036(a) of WRDA 2007: Mitigation for Fish and Wildlife and Wetlands Losses DOD-COE-00565 This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Section 2036(a) of WRDA 2007, which amends Section 906 (d) of WRDA 1986 to: a. ensure that any report, submitted to Congress for authorization, shall not select a project alternative unless such report contains (1) a specific recommendation with a specific plan to mitigate fish and wildlife losses or (2) the Secretary determines that the project will have negligible adverse impacts; b. ensure that other habitat types are mitigated to not less than in-kind condition, to the extent possible; c. require mitigation plans comply with the mitigation standards and policies of the regulatory programs administered by the Secretary and require specific mitigation plan components, including; 1) monitoring until successful, 2) criteria for determining ecological success, 3) a description of available lands for mitigation and the basis for the determination of availability, 4) the development of contingency plans (i.e., adaptive management), 5) identification of the entity responsible for monitoring; and 6) establish a consultation process with appropriate Federal and State agencies in determining the success of mitigation. Section 2036(a) of WRDA 2007 31-AUG-2009 27-APR-2020
Technical Note WRAP-09-1: Using IRIS Tubes to Monitor Reduced Conditions in Soils- Project Design DOD-COE-00566 This document provides guidance for planning and implementing a monitoring project for the identification of reducing conditions in hydric soils for wetland regulatory purposes. It is intended to address situations commonly encountered in areas where the hydric soil Technical Standard (TS) established by the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils (NTCHS) might be applied (NTCHS 2007), but is not intended to replace the TS wetland delineation, hydric soils 01-SEP-2009 27-APR-2020
Memorandum: Sovereignty and Government-to-Government Relations with American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Governments: USACE Tribal Policy Principles DOD-COE-00567 This memorandum affirms the continuing applicability of the six USAGE Tribal Policy Principles, issued by the Chief of Engineers on 18 Feb 1998, and embodied in Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments, 06 Nov 2000, and in President Obama's Presidential Memorandum of 05 Nov 2009. USAGE Tribal Policy Principles 10-MAY-2010 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 6002 of WRDA 2007: Florida Everglades - Pilot Projects DOD-COE-00568 This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Sections 6002, 6003, 6005 and 6006 of WRDA 2007, which seek to increase and clarify project costs of the Everglades project. Sections 6002, 6003, 6005 and 6006 of WRDA 2007 06-JUL-2010 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 6003 of WRDA 2007: Florida Everglades - Maximum Costs DOD-COE-00569 This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Sections 6002, 6003, 6005 and 6006 of WRDA 2007, which seek to increase and clarify project costs of the Everglades project. Sections 6002, 6003, 6005 and 6006 of WRDA 2007 06-JUL-2010 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 6005 of WRDA 2007: Florida Everglades - Outreach Assistance DOD-COE-00570 This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Sections 6002, 6003, 6005 and 6006 of WRDA 2007, which seek to increase and clarify project costs of the Everglades project. Sections 6002, 6003, 6005 and 6006 of WRDA 2007 06-JUL-2010 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 6006 of WRDA 2007: Florida Everglades - Critical Restoration Projects DOD-COE-00571 This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Sections 6002, 6003, 6005 and 6006 of WRDA 2007, which seek to increase and clarify project costs of the Everglades project. Sections 6002, 6003, 6005 and 6006 of WRDA 2007 06-JUL-2010 27-APR-2020
RGP MVS-26: Flood Damage Repair DOD-COE-00572 RGP authorizing the discharge of dredged or fill material and other work associated with emergency restoration, repair, or reconstruction measures performed in WOUS in the State of Illinois as a result of damages recently incurred during flooding. dredged and fill material permit requirements 24-FEB-2011 27-APR-2020
RGP MVS-38: Road Crossings (Illinois) DOD-COE-00573 RGP for construction, expansion, modification or improvement of linear transportation projects that result in impacts of up to 1 ac. Expires 15-Jun-2016. construction, expansion, modification, improvement 15-JUN-2011 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2003(b) of WRDA 2007: Definition of non-Federal Interest Implementation Guidance DOD-COE-00574 This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Section 2003(b) of WRDA 2007, which amends Section 221 (b) of the Flood Control Act of 1970 to expand the definition of non-Federal interests eligible to act as the sponsor for a water resources project agreement to include Federally recognized Indian tribes and nonprofit entities with the consent of the affected local government. Section 2003(b) of WRDA 2007, which amends Section 221 (b) 05-APR-2012 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2045 of WRDA 2007: Project Streamlining DOD-COE-00575 This memorandum provides implementation guidance for Section 2045 of WRDA 2007, which directs the Secretary to develop and implement a coordinated review process with Federal, State, and local government agencies and Indian tribes in the development of water resources development projects. It also requires congressional and Council on Environmental Quality notification when certain deadlines are not met. Section 2045 of WRDA 2007 06-APR-2012 27-APR-2020
RGP LRH-WVCA: Stream Restoration Activities to be Performed by the West Virginia Conservation Agency within the Huntington and Pittsburgh Districts in the State of West Virginia DOD-COE-00576 LRH and LRP - Regional Permit for Stream Restoration Activities to be Performed by the West Virginia Conservation Agency within the Huntington and Pittsburgh Districts in the State of West Virginia Regional Permit, Stream Restoration Activities, West Virginia 13-APR-2012 27-APR-2020
RGP LRP-AML: Abandoned Mine Lands within the Huntington and Pittsburgh Districts in the State of West Virginia DOD-COE-00577 LRH and LRP - Regional Permit for Abandoned Mine Lands within the Huntington and Pittsburgh Districts in the State of West Virginia Regional Permit for Abandoned Mine Lands, West Virginia, Pittsburgh 13-SEP-2012 27-APR-2020
Memorandum: Tribal Consultation Policy DOD-COE-00578 This memorandum affirms and formalizes current tribal consultation procedures for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The Policy provides an outline of our responsibilities to federally recognized Tribes as well as a framework for consulting with them. It is purposefully general in nature because each of the 565 federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes are distinct and separate governments, requiring a consultation process that may be completely unique to them. Tribal Consultation Procedures 01-NOV-2012 27-APR-2020
RGP SPN-11: Various activities to restore and enhance the Carmel River, Monterey County (10-year RGP) DOD-COE-00579 Department the Army re-authorization of a Regional General Permit (RGP) to continue to conduct maintenance and restoration activities along an 18.6 mile segment of the Carmel River from the Carmel River Lagoon to the San Clemente Dam. The proposed projects involved three basic types of activities including erosion protection which may involve channel restoration and realignment, maintenance of previously authorized protection and vegetation, and habitat restoration. The proposed projects are located near the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea, Monterey County, California. Regional General Permit 06-NOV-2012 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-46: Bulkheads and Backfill in Residential Canals in Florida expired 21 Mar 2018 DOD-COE-00580 Authorizes the construction of bulkheads and backfill in residential canals that are waters of the US. Bulkheads, Backfill 21-MAR-2013 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-05: Maintenance and Dredging in Residential Canals in Florida expires 5 Apr 2018 DOD-COE-00581 Authority is hereby given to perform maintenance dredging activities in principally residential canals in navigable waters of the United States within the State of Florida, Dredging, Maintenance 05-APR-2013 27-APR-2020
RGP SAM-MSGP: MINOR STRUCTURES AND ACTIVITIES IN THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI AND OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF WATERS OFF THE COAST OF MISSISSIPPI WITHIN THE REGULATORY BOUNDARIES OF THE MOBILE DISTRICT, U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS DOD-COE-00582 Pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 USC 403), Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344), and Section 4(e) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act of 1953 (67 Stat. 463: 433 USC 1333(e)), the Mobile District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Mobile District) hereby revises and issues the following Mississippi General Permits (MSGP) for a period of 5 years. General Permits in this program include MSGP-01: Shoreline Stabilization; MSGP-02: Docks, Piers, Wharves, Boat Shelters; MSGP-03: Living Shorelines, MSGP-04: Mooring Pilings; MSGP-05: Boat Slips/Boat Berths; MSGP-06: Boat Ramps; MSGP-07: Maintenance Dredging; MSGP-08: New Work Channel Dredging; MSGP-09: Fill in Previously Dredged Areas; and MSGP-10: Debris Removal. Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act 12-APR-2013 27-APR-2020
RGP MVN-25: Improvements on Federal Wildlife Refuges Applied For By the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service DOD-COE-00583 This general permit authorizes U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to perform work on federal refuges and management areas and on property adjacent to and no greater than 1,000 feet from the boundary of a federal wildlife refuge that is intended to benefit, through preservation or enhancement, the refuge (i.e., bank stabilization activities to preserve refuge habitat). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), General Permit 14-MAY-2013 27-APR-2020
PGP SAS-58: Minor Structures and Activity Within Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project NO. 659 Lake Blackshear (Crisp, Dooly, Sumpter, Lee, and Worth Counties) expired 12-Dec-2018 DOD-COE-00584 Corps delegates authority to verify the conditions of a general permit to Crips County Power Commission General Permit 12-DEC-2013 27-APR-2020
RGP SPK-4: Activities Beneficial to the Recovery of the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Species DOD-COE-00585 The purpose of this Regional General Permit is to facilitate efficient Department of the Army permit processing for minimal impact projects that are beneficial to the recovery of the Upper Colorado River endangered fish species within western Colorado and Utah. This RGP is applicable to waters of the United States in the Upper Colorado River watershed in the states of Colorado and Utah that are occupied by, susceptible to occupation by, or listed as critical habitat for the federally endangered Colorado pike minnow (Ptychocheilus lucius), razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus), humpback chub (Gila cypha), and/or bony tail chub (Gila elegant). Regional General Permit 10-JAN-2014 27-APR-2020
RGP SPK-5: Small Erosion Repair Program DOD-COE-00586 To streamline the authorization for the repair of small erosion sites along levees maintained by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) within the Sacramento River Flood Control Project (SRFCP). This permit would allow DWR to conduct work in waters of the United States associated with activities necessary to repair erosion damages to levees in a timely fashion to prevent further damages and avoid associated public safety risks and environmental impacts. The Small Erosion Repair Program (SERP) is a collaborative interagency effort to develop a streamlined regulatory review and authorization process that will facilitate implementation of annual repairs of small erosion sites on levees within the SRFCP area. SRFCP area contains approximately 900 to 1 ,000 miles of levees. For the initial 5-year SERP effort, the coverage area is a subset of the SRFCP and represents approximately 300 miles of levees maintained by the DWR. Small Erosion, Repair, Levees 06-MAY-2014 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-82: Various Minor Activities in Monroe County, Florida A. Lot Fills; B. Construction of Minor Structures, Minor Piling-Supported Structures, and Marginal Docks, Including Repair or Replacement of Said Structures; C. Boat Ramps; D. Riprap Revetments, Bulkheads, and Backfill in Principally Residential Canals. Activates will be Located in Waters of the US Including Existing Wetland Lots in Platted Subdivisions Within Monroe County, Florida expired 10-Sep-19 DOD-COE-00587 Authorizes various single family residential projects including minor maintenance and construction activates in residential canals Residential, Maintenance, Construction 10-SEP-2014 27-APR-2020
RGP SAS-2013-00757: Regional Permit 84 Construction, Maintenance and Modification of Recreational Dock Facilities and Associated Structures in Non-Tidal Navigable Waters of the US Within the State of Georgia expired 2-Dec-2019 DOD-COE-00588 Authorizes the construction, modification and maintenance of non-commercial, recreational, single-family, multi-family, community, and public, floating and/or pile-supported dock facilities; and associated floating and/or pile-supported, water-based structures. construction, modification, maintenance, noncommercial 02-DEC-2014 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 7001 of WRRDA 2014: Annual Report to Congress on Future Water Resources Development Needs DOD-COE-00589 The implementation guidance provides guidance for the development of the Annual Report to Congress on Future Water Resources Development and supersedes the Implementation Guidance for Section 7001 issues 20 September 2016. Annual Report, Future Water Resources Development 03-DEC-2014 27-APR-2020
RGP NWO-RGP-2014-01-MTH: Yellowstone Mountain Club Development expires 19-Dec-2019 DOD-COE-00590 Authorizes activities within the Yellowstone Mountain Club Yellowstone Mountain Club 19-DEC-2014 27-APR-2020
RGP SPN-19: NMFS Eelgrass Restoration Program DOD-COE-00591 This Regional General Permit (RGP) authorizes the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to conduct work within waters of the United States related to the restoration, rehabilitation, and expansion of eelgrass (Zostera marina) within San Francisco Bay. Restoration activities will consist of planting approximately 46.8 acres of eelgrass and the removal of artificial structures which inhibit eelgrass expansion. Up to nine acres of eelgrass restoration per year is authorized under this RGP. Regional General Permit 01-JAN-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1019 of WRRDA 2014: Clarification of in-kind credit authority DOD-COE-00592 The implementation guidance direct the authorization of credit in accordance with Section 221 of the Flood Control Act of 1970, as amended, for the cost of in-kind contributions for a study or project authorized in Title VII of Worde 2007 that is carried out in the Costal Louisiana ecosystem by a non-federal interest before, on, or after the date of the execution of the partnerships agreement for the study of project. Credit, Section 221, Flood Control Act 02-FEB-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP SPN-4: MOSQUITO ABATEMENT ACTIVITIES DOD-COE-00593 Authorized work: 1. Maintenance (but not construction) of currently serviceable water circulation ditches, 2. Side casting of fill incidental to the removal of debris, weeds, and emergent vegetation in natural channels where normal water circulation is impeded such that mosquito breeding can occur, and 3. Filling of existing, nonfunctional water circulation ditches to the extent necessary to achieve the required water circulation dynamics and restore ditched wetlands. Water Circulation, Ditched Wetlands 02-FEB-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1015 of WRRDA 2014: Contributions by non-Federal interests DOD-COE-00594 The implementation guidance, provides that the Section amends the Contributed funds authority codified in 33 U.S.C 701h. The guidance directs the Corps to accept voluntarily contributed funds from states and political subdivisions as well as from other non-federal interests. It also clarifies that the authority to accept and expend contributed applies as well to authorized projects on the inland waterways and requires notification prior to the acceptance to the Appropriations Committees and change the timing to require notification prior to acceptance of contributed funds. Funds, Political 11-FEB-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1023 of WRRDA 2014: Additional contributions by non-Federal interests DOD-COE-00595 The implementation guidance of Section 1023 which amends Section 902 of WRDA 1986, to provide the Corps to accept contributed funds to carry out any authorized water resources development project that has exceeded it maximum cost. The guidance expands the authority to allow the Corps to accept voluntarily contributed funds from states and political subdivisions as well as from other non-federal interests. Section 1023 11-FEB-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 6001 of WRRDA 2014: Deauthorizations of inactive projects DOD-COE-00596 The implementation guidance establishes new procedures and reporting requirements related to deauthorizing certain projects, programs, and separable elements, and to managing the backlog of uncompleted work. Procedures 23-FEB-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 6003 of WRRDA 2014: Backlog prevention. Project Deauthorization DOD-COE-00597 The implementation guidance provides for automatic Deauthorization of any water resources development project, separable element, or environmental infrastructure assistance project or program that was authorized in WRRDA 2014 and for which there are no obligations for construction during the 7 years following the date of enactment. A report is required under this provision identifying projects and programs that are in the construction phase. Water Resources, Environmental 23-FEB-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP SWF-15-RGP-12: Modification and/or Alteration of Corps of Engineers Projects and Associated Regulated Activities DOD-COE-00598 The purpose of this RGP is to eliminate unnecessary duplication of work where the environmental consequences of an action are concluded as being individually and cumulatively minimal based on environmental evaluations completed by the USACE for compliance with Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, 33 USC Section 408 (Section 408). This RGP contains provisions intended to protect the environment, including natural and cultural resources. Work that does not comply with these provisions may require evaluation through the individual permit process. Work or structures that would have unacceptable impacts on the public interest are not authorized. Environmental, Evaluation 24-FEB-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1025 of WRRDA 2014: Water resources projects on Federal land DOD-COE-00599 The implementation guidance provides for the authority to carry out an authorized water resources development project on federal land that is under the administrative jurisdiction of another federal agency, where the cost of acquisition of such federal land has been paid for by the non-federal sponsor. The project may only be carried out after the non-federal sponsor has entered into a memorandum of understanding with the federal agency with administrative jurisdiction over such federal land, which includes such terms and conditions as the Secretary determines to be necessary. Water Resources, Environmental , Federal 26-FEB-2015 27-APR-2020
PGP SAS-Mobile Lakes: Programmatic General Permits 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 52, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, and 62 For Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile District USACE Within the State of Georgia expires DOD-COE-00600 Savannah District delegates Mobile Operations to verify general permit at seven corps lakes Savannah, General Permit 18-MAR-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-86: Residential, Commercial, Recreational, and Institutional Fill in the Choctawhatchee Bay, Lake Powell, and West Bay Basins Bay and Walton Counties, Florida expires 25-Mar-2020 DOD-COE-00601 Authorizes the discharge off fill and dredged material into non-tidal waters of the United States, including wetlands, for residential, commercial, recreational, and institutional development in portions of the Choctawhatchee Bay Expires 25 Mar 2020 Dredged Material, Non-tidal 25-MAR-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP NWP-04: U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management Aquatic Habitat Restoration Within the State of Oregon (RGP-4) expires 1-Apr-2020 DOD-COE-00602 Authorizes the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to place fill material and certain structures in waters of the United States within the State of Oregon (subject to the terms and conditions contained herein) for the purpose of aquatic habitat restoration in support of USFS and BLM conservation strategies. U.S. Forest Service (USFS) 02-APR-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP NWW-RGP-27: Activities on Lakes (Expires 1-Apr-2020) DOD-COE-00603 Permit authorizes specific work activities in Pend Oreille Lake and Pend Oreille River, as outlined in the RGP-27 permit.  Separate authorization and/or approvals may be required by the State of Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) and/or the State of Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR). Pend Oreille Lake, River, Permit 02-APR-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1002 of WRRDA 2014: Consolidation of studies DOD-COE-00604 Section 1002, amends Section 905 of WRDA 1986, to establish a single phase cost-shared study process by repealing the requirement for a reconnaissance study first at full expense and requiring instead that a preliminary analysis of the federal interest, cost, benefits, and environmental impact be done following execution of the feasibility cost sharing agreement. In addition, the implementation guidance requires certain reporting and notification of study schedules. Section 1002, Section 905, WRDA 09-APR-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP POA-08: Mechanical Placer Mining Activities within the State of Alaska DOD-COE-00605 This GP authorizes miners to place fill material into waters of the United States (U.S.), including wetlands and streams, for the purpose of mechanical placer mining within the State of Alaska, under the terms and conditions of the GP. The goals of this GP are to avoid loss of and minimize impacts to waters of the U.S. Emphasis is placed on restoration of aquatic resource functions. Miners, Material, Waters, Wetlands 05-MAY-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP NWO-RGP-88-04-WEH: Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District (Expires 30-Sep-2020) DOD-COE-00606 RGP will authorize the placement of fill material in Big Papillion Creek and it tributaries for maintenance activities associated with the existing flood control and protection facility (levee), flood damage restoration (repair work), and maintenance of existing levee infrastructure into "waters of the United States" Big Papillion Creek, Maintenance 10-MAY-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP NWO-RGP-0403-02-BIS: Boat Access except on Lake Sakakawea and Oahu (Expires 31-May-2020) DOD-COE-00607 This Regional General Permit authorizes the construction, expansion, and extension of boat ramps and other activities related to boat ramps. Regional General Permit 15-MAY-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1035 of WRRDA 2014: Recreational access DOD-COE-00608 Guidance under Section directs the establishment of consistent policies, procedures, and responsibilities to evaluate request for the addition of floating cabins and associated docks in the Cumberland River Basin. The guidance is only applicable to out granted marina areas in the Cumberland River Basin. Policies, Procedures, River Basin 26-MAY-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-45: LA County DPW Debris Basins DOD-COE-00609 This modified Regional General Permit (RGP 45) applies to: (1) the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) at their 158 sediment entrapment facilities (see Figure 1 and Table 1), and; (2) other applicants within Los Angeles County and additional LACDPW projects. With additional requirements, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District Regulatory Branch (Corps) will also consider requests for maintenance and sediment removal, at other sediment entrapment sites and by other applicants within Los Angeles County (see Special Condition A). Regional General Permit 10-AUG-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1006 of WRRDA 2014: Expediting the evaluation and processing of permits DOD-COE-00610 The implementation guidance is updated from previous guidance and rescinds the Director of Civil Works memorandum issued on August 14, 2015. The guidance is directed to all Regulatory offices with in the districts on the establishment, management, and oversight of funding agreements under the main statutory authorities that allow the Corps to accept and expend funds to expedite the permit review process, as well as incorporate changes as a result of Section 1006 of WRRDA 2014. Civil Works 14-AUG-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP NWO-RGP-8202-06-RWY: Fish habitat enhancement and restoration in Wyoming waters Expires (31-Dec-2019) DOD-COE-00611 The permittee is authorized to construct fish habitat enhancement and restoration features in creeks, streams, and rivers in the State of Wyoming Fish, Restoration 15-AUG-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1047 (e) of WRRDA 2014: Special use permits - Training and educational activities DOD-COE-00612 This implementation guidance directs that the lock and dam located at mile 357.5 on the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway should be known and designated as the "Donald G. Waldon Lock and Dam." This supersedes the previous implementation guidance for this provision dated August 18, 2014. Tennessee, Waterway 31-AUG-2015 27-APR-2020
Handbook FHWA-HEP-15-047: 2015 Red Book: Synchronizing Environmental Reviews for Transportation and Other Infrastructure Projects DOD-COE-00613 The guidebook was jointly created by FHWA, USACE, USCG, EPA, FWS, NOAA, USDOT, FRA, and FTA. FHWA is listed as the main author. It is a how-to guide for synchronizing reviews by federal agencies for transportation/infrastructure projects. [Also on FHWA Guidance Portal] Red Book, Transportation, Synchronization of federal reviews, infrastructure 01-SEP-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1047 (a) of WRRDA 2014: Special use permits DOD-COE-00614 The implementation guidance directs to expand the definition of "incidental expenses" to include expenses relating to uniforms, transportation, lodging, and the subsistence of volunteers. This supersedes and replaces the ER and EP Chapter 10 of 1130-2-500. Incidental Expense 22-SEP-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-81: Maintenance Dredging the Mouths of Rivers, Creeks, Streams, Canals, and/or Storm Drainages Located in Navigable Waters of the US, in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Expires 22-Sep-2020 DOD-COE-00615 Authorizes maintenance dredging to restore normal flow to prevent flood events Dredging, Restore 22-SEP-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP SPK-9: Minor Discharges Associated with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District's Upper American River Project DOD-COE-00616 Regional General Permit (RGP) 9 for minor discharges of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the U.S. for certain activities conducted by the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) as part of the its Upper American River Project (UARP). Regional General Permit 23-SEP-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP POA-MOA: Discharges of Dredged of Fill Material in the Municipality of Anchorage DOD-COE-00617 Under the authority of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (Public Law 95-217, 33 U.S.C. 1344 et seq.), the District Commander (DC), Alaska District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) hereby modifies and reauthorizes General Permits (GPs); GP-1993-10-M4 (Residential Development), GP-1993-11-M4 (Linear Infrastructure Development) and GP-1993-12-M4 (Commercial, Institutional and Community Development). Section 404 of the Clean Water Act 02-OCT-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP SAC-2014-00299: Emergency Beach Nourishment expires 31-Dec-2020 DOD-COE-00618 Authorize the excavation and placement of material water ward of the high tide line (HTL) for Emergency Ocean Front Beach Nourishment activities for private, commercial, and public uses within navigable waters of the United States Material Water ward, High Tide Line (HTL) 09-OCT-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP SWL-1988-09046-GU: USACE Work on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System in Arkansas and on USACE Lakes within Little Rock District, Including that Work by Recognized Stakeholders and Sanctioned by USACE DOD-COE-00619 GP for removal of shoals or emergency work to maintain the navigation channel Shoals, Navigation Channel 26-OCT-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP SWG-2002-2904: Pile-Supported, Single-Family, Multi-Family, and Single Piers used at Lodging Facilities DOD-COE-00620 Structures and work authorized by this General Permit (GP) shall be limited to pile- supported, single-family, multi-family, and single piers used at lodging facilities. Authorized structures associated with piers shall include boat mooring facilities, hoists and normal appurtenances such as, stairways, fish-cleaning tables, and walkways. Project Location: In all navigable waters of the United States within the Galveston District, excluding waters in Louisiana. General Permit 29-OCT-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1020 of WRRDA 2014: Transfer of excess credit DOD-COE-00621 The implementation guidance directs to approve a comprehensive plan submitted by a non-federal interest that identifies the transfer of credit for in-kind contributions that are in excess of the required non-federal cost share for a study or project toward the required non-federal cost share on a different study or project. Non-federal 04-NOV-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1008 of WRRDA 2014: Expediting hydropower at Corps of Engineers facilities DOD-COE-00622 Implementation guidance for this Section mandates that the development of non-federal hydroelectric power at Corps civil works projects, including locks and dams shall be given priority, including permitting required under Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3, 1899 and be completed in a timely and consistent manner, and that approval of hydropower at shall in now way diminish the other priorities and missions of the Corps. The guidance also directs that a report be submitted no later than 2 years after the date of enactment of WRRDA 2014, and biennially thereafter, to the Senate Committee on Environmental and Public Works and the House of Representatives Committees on Transportation and Infrastructure. Non-federal hydroelectric, Rivers 09-NOV-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-105: Residential, Commercial, Recreational and Institutional Fill in the West Bay Watershed of Bay County, Florida expires 12-Nov-2020 DOD-COE-00623 Authorizes the discharge of fill and dredged material into non-tidal waters of the United States, including wetlands, for residential, commercial, recreational and institutional development in portions of the West Bay watershed of Bay County Dredged Material, Non-tidal 12-NOV-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 4010 (a) of WRRDA 2014: Chesapeake Bay. General. DOD-COE-00624 The implementation guidance directs development of a comprehensive Chesapeake Bay restoration plan not later than 2 years after the enactment of WRRDA 2014 and provides for design and construction, cost shared 75 percent federal and 25 percent non-federal, of water related resources protection and restoration projects affecting the Chesapeake Bay estuary, based on the comprehensive plan. Chesapeake Bay, Restoration 08-DEC-2015 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1018 of WRRDA 2014: Credit for in-kind contributions DOD-COE-00625 The implementation guidance for Section 1018, is ER 1165-2-208. The Engineer Regulation provides guidance on the implementation of in-kind contributions credit provisions of Section 221(a)(4) of the Flood Control Act of 1970, as further amended by Section 1018 of WRDA 2014, and referred as Section 221. Section 1018, is ER 1165-2-208 16-DEC-2015 27-APR-2020
RGP SAW-197800080: Maintain, Repair, Construct, and Backfill Bulkheads and Riprap Structures Along Eroding High ground Shorelines and Construct Riprap Structures to Protect Eroding Wetland Shorelines in Navigable Waters of the US in the State of North Carolina expires 31-Dec-2021 DOD-COE-00626 A general permit to perform work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States and waters of the United States. General Permit, Navigable Waters 01-JAN-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SPN-18: Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan DOD-COE-00627 SPNThe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District (District), hereby issues Regional General Permit 18 for implementation of covered activities in the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan (a Habitat Conservation Plan and Natural Community Conservation Plan) (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Native Endangered and Threatened Species Habitat Conservation Plan; Endangered and Threatened Wildlife; Migratory Birds, permit number TE94345A-O and California Natural Community Conservation Planning Act, permit number 2835-2012-002-03) in waters of the U.S. in Santa Clara County, California. San Francisco, Threatened Species 16-JAN-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-53: County of San Diego Routine Channel Maintenance DOD-COE-00628 This RGP authorizes mechanical sediment, vegetation, and debris removal activities (maintenance activities) of bridges, culverts and selected channels to prevent flooding of existing adjacent roadways and/or properties, as shown on the attached RGP 53 Master Inventory Table. Sediment, Vegetation, Debris 18-JAN-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP NWK-31K: Abandoned Mined Land Reclamation Projects (expires 27-Jan-2021) DOD-COE-00629 This permit authorizes the discharge of dredged and/or fill material incidental to Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Bureau of Environmental Remediation, Surface Mining Section’s abandoned mined land reclamation projects as described in Appendix I. Discharges authorized are limited to those which occur during the actual abandoned mined land reclamation work and those associated with preparation and restoration of the site. Permit, Discharge, Dredge, Fill Material 27-JAN-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP NWK-4: Private Boat Docks (expires 2-Feb-2021) DOD-COE-00630 Construction, installation, and maintenance of fixed or floating private boat docks, no larger than 40-feet-long by 20-feet-wide, with attendant features that are necessary for the use and maintenance of the dock, i.e. walkways, piers, deadmen, and stairs. In addition, minor discharges up to 25 cubic yards, including the volume of any area excavated, which are necessary for installation of the dock and protection of the adjacent riverbank. No commercial docks are authorized. Construction, Installation, Maintenance 02-FEB-2016 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1039 (c) of WRRDA 2014: Invasive Species - Prevention, Great Lakes and Mississippi River Basin DOD-COE-00631 The implementation guidance for this section directs to implement measures recommended in the efficacy study directed by Section 3061(b)(1)(D) of WRDA 2007, or in interim reports, with any modifications or any emergency measures determined to be appropriate to prevent aquatic guidance species from dispersing in the Great Lakes by any hydrologic connection between the Great Lakes and Mississippi Basin Section 3061(b)(1)(D) of WRDA 2007 08-FEB-2016 27-APR-2020
PGP SPK-10: Minimal Impact Activities Authorized in Conjunction with the State of Utah's Stream Alteration Program DOD-COE-00632 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District (District), is issuing Programmatic General Permit 10 (PGP 10) for certain activities in waters of the United States (waters) that have been authorized under the State of Utah's Stream Alteration Program. An activity is verified under PGP 10 when the Utah State Engineer issues a Stream Alteration Permit in compliance with state law and the Corps has determined it meets· the terms and conditions of this general permit. Sacramento District, General Permit 10 22-FEB-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-96: Routine Transportation Activities, Arizona DOD-COE-00633 This Regional General Permit (RGP) applies to Arizona statewide Waters of the U.S. (Waters), occurring within Arizona Department of Transportation right-of-way or easement (including temporary construction easements) (ADOT ROW/EASEMENT) through non-tribal lands and Local Public Agency projects federally funded by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) that are bid and administered by ADOT (LPA ROW/EASEMENT). Regional General Permit 23-FEB-2016 27-APR-2020
IWR White Paper: Implementing Financial Assurance for Mitigation Project Success DOD-COE-00634 Reviews key design and implementation issues and considerations relating to the use of financial assurances for mitigation project success, and describes and compares key features of alternative assurance instruments, including letters of credit, performance bonds, cash-in-escrow, casualty insurance, legislative appropriations, or other appropriate instruments Implementation, Financial, Mitigation 01-MAR-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP NWO-RGP-14-01-MTH: Emergency Situations (expires 1-Mar-2021) DOD-COE-00635 Authorizes discharges of dredged or fill material for emergency flood protection reconstruction, and repair work in flood damaged areas Dredge, Fill Material 04-MAR-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP NWP-05: Discharges into Vernal Pool Wetlands and Other Waters of the US within the Agate Desert Region of Jackson County, Oregon (expires 1-Jan-2021) DOD-COE-00636 Authorizes the general public to place fill material into certain waters within the Agate Desert General Public, Fill Material 07-MAR-2016 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 4006 of WRRDA 2014: Rio Grande DOD-COE-00637 The implementation guidance provides the authority to carry out for the Rio Grande Basin, located in and along the headwater and tributaries in Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, and Environmental Management Program for the planning, construction, and evaluation of measures for fish and wildlife habitat rehabilitation and enhancement , and implementation of a long-term monitoring, computerized data inventory and analysis, applied research and adaptive management program, in consultation with the States of Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, and other appropriate entities. Rio Grande Basin, Headwater 24-MAR-2016 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2104 of WRRDA 2014: Remote and subsistence harbors DOD-COE-00638 The implementation guidance identifies what ports are donor ports or energy transfer ports based on the definition provided in WRDA 2014. Ports, Donor Ports, Transfer Ports 06-APR-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-93: Florida Inland Navigation District (expires 26-Apr-2021) DOD-COE-00639 Authorizes maintenance dredging to navigable channels to maintain congressionally authorized permitted dimensions Dredging, Navigable Channels 26-APR-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SPK-11: Sierra Vista Specific Plan Infrastructure, Placer County, California (expires May 5, 2021) DOD-COE-00640 The purpose of the RGP is to provide a simple and expeditious means of providing Section 404 authorization for the construction of certain backbone infrastructure within the Sierra Vista Specific Plan (PVSP). The backbone infrastructure is expected to be built in phases as development on eight properties proceeds under the SVSP. It is comprised of major roadways and their attendant features, utility lines, storm water drains and associated outfalls, water quality treatment facilities, detention facilities, trails, a potable water storage facility, an electric substation, fire station, and lift station. This RGP will ensure that (I) construction occurs in a coordinated manner; (ii) impacts to aquatic resources will be mitigated to the Corps’ standards; and (iii) no more than minimal individual cumulative impacts will occur as a result of such activities. Section 404, Infrastructure 05-MAY-2016 27-APR-2020
PGP SWF-15-PGP-2: Activities Authorized by LCRA Lakeside Permits DOD-COE-00641 PGP for activities authorized by the Lower Colorado River Authority in a lakeside permit during lake drawdowns Lower Colorado River 06-MAY-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP MVN-1: INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF CAMPS AND ASSOCIATED STRUCTURES FOR PRIVATE USE IN CERTAIN NAVIGABLE WATERS (Expires 31-May-2026) DOD-COE-00642 RGP for construction of camp buildings and associated structures used for noncommercial and nonprofit purposes in navigable waters of the United States, located within the boundaries of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District Camp, Structures, Noncommercial 12-MAY-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SWG-1994-00026: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (expires June 20, 2021) DOD-COE-00643 GP for construction, maintenance, and repair of artificial reefs as part of work conducted by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. construction, maintenance 07-JUN-2016 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1024 of WRRDA 2014: Authority to accept and use materials and services DOD-COE-00644 The guidance direct and provides the authority to accept and use materials and services contributed by a non-federal public entity, a non-profit entity, or a private entity for the purposed of repairing, restoring, or replacing a water resources development project that has been damaged or destroyed as a result of an emergency if it is determined that the acceptance and us of such material and services is in the public interest. Non-federal, Private Entity 08-JUN-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-80: City of Santa Maria Drainage Facilities Maintenance DOD-COE-00645 The District Engineer, Los Angeles District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hereby issued Regional Permit (RGP) No. 80, which authorizes discharges of dredged or fill material for routine maintenance in the City of Santa Maria. Los Angeles, Regional Permit 09-JUN-2016 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2011 of WRRDA 2014: Corps of Engineers lock and dam energy development. WD Mayo Lock & Dam DOD-COE-00646 The implementation guidance directs that project partnership agreements for the projects covered by this section may be amended to recognize that the Secretary will undertake operation and maintenance, including repair, of the covered floodgates and pumping stations to the extent that funds are available for that purpose and that the non-federal sponsor has provided its cost share. Maintenance , Floodgate, Pumping, Dam 27-JUN-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-85: Discharge of Dredged or Fill Material in Non-Tidal Waters of the US Associated with the Maintenance, Enhancement, or Restoration of Stream Channels Conducted or Supervised by the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (expires 27-Jun-2021) DOD-COE-00647 Authorized dredged or fill material to be used for maintenance, enhancement or restoration of stream channels to minimize flood hazards Non-Tidal Waters, Dredged, Fill Material 27-JUN-2016 27-APR-2020
PGP NAP-PASPGP-5: PENNSYLVANIA STATE PROGRAMMATIC GENERAL PERMIT-5 DOD-COE-00648 The eligibility threshold is the maximum amount of impact that can be authorized by the PASPGP-5 for a Single and Complete Project. The eligibility threshold for PASPGP-5 is one acre of temporary and/or permanent impact, both direct and indirect, to waters of the United States, including jurisdictional wetlands, or 1,000 linear feet of permanent loss of stream channel as a result of a regulated activity. For projects where impacts associated with permittee-responsible compensatory mitigation cause PASPGP-5 eligibility thresholds to be exceeded, the impacts associated with the compensatory mitigation may be authorized by Nationwide Permit 27, Aquatic Habitat Restoration, Establishment, and Enhancement Activities (NWP 27), and the proposed project may be authorized under PASPGP-5 following Corps review. Pennsylvania, General Permit 01-JUL-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP NWK-38M: Shoreline Development Activities DOD-COE-00649 The excavation and/or discharge of dredged or fill material for bulkheads, boa tramps, structures, docks, utilities, fish habitat, sediment and debris removal. Dredged, Fill Material, Bulkheads 05-JUL-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP AR-2009-0100-GG: EXPLORATION FOR AND SUBSEQUENT PRODUCTION OF HYDROCARBONS DOD-COE-00650 Regional General Permit that authorizes discharges of dredged or fill material into some WOUS including wetlands and work in, over, under, or affecting navigable WOUS associated with the construction and operation of exploration and production wells for oil and gas and their supporting fills and structures. This RGP is applicable in the following districts within Arkansas: SWL, MVM, and MVK. Regional General Permit 06-JUL-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP NAN-NYDGP-15: Remediation of sites that are damaged from major storms that result in a Federal and/or State disaster declaration (exp. April 18, 2019) DOD-COE-00651 This regional general permit authorizes the installation of structures and dredging in navigable waters and the discharge of dredged or fill material, including discharges associated with excavation activities, into waters of the United States to facilitate the remediation of sites that are damaged from major storms that result in a Federal and/or State disaster declaration. Regional General Permit 12-JUL-2016 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2106 of WRRDA 2014: Additional measures at donor ports and energy transfer ports DOD-COE-00652 This section is consistent with existing Corps policy. The policy is documented in CECW-HS Memorandum dates Mar 21, 2014. CECW-HS 14-JUL-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP MVS-34M: Sand and Gravel Excavation Activities  DOD-COE-00653 This permit authorizes the discharge of dredged and/or fill material related to mechanical sand and gravel excavation. Permit, Dredge, Fill Material 26-JUL-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP NWK-34M: Sand and Gravel Excavation Activities (expires 28-Jul-2021) DOD-COE-00654 This permit authorizes the discharge of dredged and/or fill material related to mechanical sand and gravel excavation as described in Appendix I. Discharges authorized are limited to those which occur during the actual excavation process and those associated with preparation and restoration of the site. Permit, Dredge, Fill Material 26-JUL-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SPK-13/SPA-96/NWO-96: Natural Disaster Mitigation and Flood Related Activities in Colorado DOD-COE-00655 The District Engineers for the Albuquerque, Omaha and Sacramento Districts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) hereby issue Regional General Permit (RGP) 13 for Natural Disaster Mitigation and Flood-Related Activities in Colorado. Albuquerque, Omaha, Sacramento 01-AUG-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SPN-12: Various activities for anadromous salmonid habitat restoration DOD-COE-00656 This Regional General Permit (RGP) authorizes minor fill discharges of earth, rock, and wood associated with salmonid habitat restoration activities. These activities conform to state law and are implemented consistent with the California Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration Manual), (Flosi et al., 1998). Regional General Permit 01-AUG-2016 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1031 (b) of WRRDA 2014: Tribal partnership program - Cooperative agreements with Indian tribes DOD-COE-00657 The implementation guidance provides authority to enter into a cooperative agreement with an Indian Tribe (or designated representative of an Indian Tribe) to carry out authorized activities of the Corps to protect fish, wildlife, water quality, and cultural resources. The guidance outlines the framework for approval of associated memorandums of agreements an CAs. Indian Tribe, Fish, Water Quality, Cultural 03-AUG-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP MVR-29: Sand and Gravel Extraction Activities DOD-COE-00658 RGP for activities in WOUS related to mechanical sand and gravel excavation. Expires 11-Aug-2020. WOUS 11-AUG-2016 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1047 (d) of WRRDA 2014: Special use permit - Services of volunteers DOD-COE-00659 The implementation guidance for this section, services of volunteer, amends Chapter IV of Title I of Public Law 98-63, to expand the definition of incidental expenses to include expenses relating to uniforms, transportation, lodging, and the subsistence of volunteers. Chapter IV of Title I of Public Law 98-63 12-AUG-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-90: Residential, Commercial, and Institutional Developments in Northeast Florida expires 15-Aug-2021 DOD-COE-00660 Authorizes discharge of fill material for activities required for the construction or expansion of residential, commercial, or institutional building foundations and building pads and attendant features (including the filling of roadside ditches) that are necessary for the use and maintenance of the structures. Fill Material, Residential, Commercial 15-AUG-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP NAE-CT: Connecticut DOD-COE-00661 An activity is authorized under GPs 1-21 below only if that activity and the permittee satisfy all of the GP’s terms and conditions. 1. Aids to navigation & temporary recreational structures; 2. Repair or maintenance of existing currently serviceable, authorized or grandfathered structures/fills, removal of structures ; 3. Moorings; 4. Pile-supported structures & floats, including boat lifts/hoists and other miscellaneous Structures & work; 5. Boat ramps and marine railways ; 6. Utility line activities; 7. Dredging, transport & disposal of dredged material, beach nourishment, rock removal & rock relocation; 8. Discharges of dredged or fill material incidental to the construction of bridges; 9. Shoreline and bank stabilization projects; 10. Aquatic habitat restoration, establishment and enhancement activities; 11. Fish and wildlife harvesting activities; 12. Oil spill and hazardous material cleanup; 13. Cleanup of hazardous and toxic waste; 14. Scientific measurement devices; 15. Survey activities; 16. Aquaculture projects and fisheries; 17. New/expanded developments & recreational facilities; 18. Linear transportation projects – wetland crossings only; 19. Stream, river & brook crossings (not including wetland crossings); 20. Energy generation and renewable energy generation facilities and hydropower projects; 21. Temporary fill not associated with any other GP activities Permittee, Recreational Structure 19-AUG-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP NWS-4: Maintenance, Modification, Construction, and Retention of Overwater Structures in Southern Lake Chelan, in the State of Washington expires 23-Aug-2021 DOD-COE-00662 Authorized activities include maintenance, modification, construction, and retention of residential overwater structures for the purpose of water access and recreation. Overwater structures for this RGP are defined as piers, ramps, floats, watercraft lifts, and their associated structures. Associated structures include concrete footings, piling, ladders, handrails, steps, davits (suspended watercraft lifts), swim steps, watercraft grids or lifts, and lighting Maintenance, Modification, Construction 30-AUG-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP NWO-RGP-00-02-MTH: Fish Barriers and fish screens within the state of Montana (expires 31-Aug-2021) DOD-COE-00663 Authorizes structures or fill to permanently or temporarily isolate populations of fish for fish management purposes. Isolate Population, Fish, Management 31-AUG-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SWL-1984-09051-GS: Little Rock District in the State of Arkansas and Missouri DOD-COE-00664 Construction of Steps, Walkways, or Footbridges in All WOTUS within the Little Rock District in the State of Arkansas and Missouri RGP for steps, walkways, footbridges 31-AUG-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SPN-13: Santa Cruz County Permit Coordination Program DOD-COE-00665 This Regional General Permit (RGP) authorizes minor fill discharges into waters of the U.S. in association with implementation of projects by landowners in Santa Cruz County participating in the Santa Cruz Countywide Partners in Restoration Permit Coordination Program (Program). The Program will authorize fifteen specific restoration and conservation practices, implemented in coordination with the Santa Cruz County Resource Conservation District (RCDSCC), under the terms and conditions developed in coordination with each of the regulatory agencies. Regional General Permit 02-SEP-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP NWW-E: Emergency Actions (Expires 20-Sep-2021) DOD-COE-00666 Authorizes certain work activities in waters of the United States, including wetlands within the State of Idaho. Work activities are only authorized for temporary work and/or discharge of dredged or fill material associated with an emergency condition. These activities will occur to restore, repair, and/or stabilize features that have been damaged, destroyed, or are in imminent danger of failing. Water, Idaho 20-SEP-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SPN-20: Salinas River Multi-Benefit Demonstration Project DOD-COE-00667 The Stream Maintenance Program (SMP) includes annual channel maintenance activities within seven designated River Management Units (RMU’s) on the Salinas River within Monterey County, from river mile 2 upstream to river mile 94. Work within the RMUs will consist mostly of vegetation management (mowing and discing), sand/sediment management (channel smoothing and excavation), and non-native vegetation removal and herbicide treatment of arundo and tamarisk to reduce risk of flooding to adjacent farm fields and prevent bank erosion. Project activities will create and maintain a series of linear “secondary channels” paralleling the existing low-flow channel and designed to become active during higher flow events (5-year interval or approximately 25,000 cfs). Maintenance activities will generally occur between September 1 and November 15, but limited activities (tree planting and non-native vegetation treatment) could occur prior to September 1. Stream Maintenance Program (SMP) 28-SEP-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-103: Residential Development in Holley By The Sea (expires 30-Sep-2021) DOD-COE-00668 The work authorized includes the discharge of dredged and fill material into non-tidal waters of the United States, including wetlands, for residential development in Holley By The Sea, a subdivision located in southern Santa Rosa County, Florida. The authorized fill is limited to the minimum amount necessary to construct a single family residence and customary appurtenant structures, with a maximum amount of fill of 0.23 acre per lot. Dredge, Fill Material 30-SEP-2016 27-APR-2020
PGP NAB-MDSPGP-5: Maryland State Programmatic General Permit 5 DOD-COE-00669 MDSPGP-5 authorizes work in waters of the United States within the state of Maryland for activities that would cause no more than minimal adverse environmental effects, individually and cumulatively, subject to the permit’s specific terms and conditions. This programmatic general permit has been developed in cooperation with Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) that has regulatory authority over waters in the state of Maryland. Waters, Maryland 01-OCT-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SAM-ALGP: MINOR STRUCTURES AND ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE STATE OF ALABAMA DOD-COE-00670 Pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 USC 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344), the Mobile District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Mobile District) hereby revises and issues the following Alabama General Permits (ALGP) for a period of five (5) years: 1ALGP-01: Excavated Boat Slips; ALGP-02: Maintenance Dredging; ALGP-03: New Work Channel Dredging; ALGP-04: Debris Removal; ALGP-05: Piers, Pile-Supported Structures, and Dolphins; ALGP-07: Boat Ramps and Marine Ways; ALGP-10: Living Shorelines; ALGP-11: Shoreline and Bank Stabilization and Protection; ALGP-13: Filling of Previously Dredged Areas; and ALGP-24: Piers and Pile-Supported Structures Located in Weeks Bay Rivers, Harbors Act 01-OCT-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SPK/SPA/NWO-12: Aquatic Habitat Improvement for Stream Channels in Colorado (Expires 12-Oct-2021) DOD-COE-00671 This RGP authorizes certain discharges of dredged and fill material for stream habitat improvement associated with the creation or enhancement of fish habitat components, provided those activities result in net increases in aquatic resource functions and services. This permit does not authorize the loss of greater than 0.5 acre of wetland. Dredge, Fill Material 12-OCT-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP MVR-38: Road Crossings DOD-COE-00672 RGP for work associated with construction, expansion, modification, or improvement of linear transportation projects that result in impacts up to 1 acre of WOUS. Expires 21-Oct-2021. construction, expansion, modification, improvement 21-OCT-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SAC-2016-00094-00106: Work in or Affecting Waters of the United States, both navigable and non-navigable Savannah Rivers and Lakes (expires 10-Nov-2021) DOD-COE-00673 To authorize, where such authorizations are required for the construction, repair and maintenance of private non-commercial docks and boat lifts, bank stabilization, excavation, fish attractors, reefs, fishery enhancement, and aquaculture activities, utilities, debris removal, dock anchors, scientific measuring devices and surveys, piles and pile supported structures, construction and maintenance of boat ramps, buoys & signs, modifications to existing marinas, and recreational swimming, beaches, by the adjacent shoreline property owners, lessees or governmental agencies Noncommercial, Docks, Boat Lifts, Repair 10-NOV-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-30: City of Long Beach Maintenance Dredging DOD-COE-00674 To construct structures and/or conduct work in or affecting "navigable waters of the United States" pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899; to temporarily discharge fill into up to 60 acre(s) of waters of the U.S. pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972; and to transport dredged or fill material by vessel or other vehicle for the purpose of dumping the material into ocean waters pursuant to Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, in association with the City of Long Beach Maintenance Dredging Regional General Permit 30 Project. Structures, Navigable Waters 10-NOV-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SPA-16-01: Utility Line Maintenance, Repair, or Removal DOD-COE-00675 Work authorized by this RGP is limited to the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States (U.S.) for crossings of those waters associated with the maintenance, repair or removal of utility lines where the activity does not qualify for coverage under Nationwide Permit 12 because the activity would result in a change in pre-construction contours below the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). Dredged, Fill Material 29-NOV-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP LRB-81-000-1: New York - Minor Dredging DOD-COE-00676 LRB - RGP authorizing minor dredging to improve recreational use to 200 yards below OHWM Minor, Dredging 08-DEC-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP LRB-86-000-1: New York - Timber Crib Docks & Decks DOD-COE-00677 LRB - RGP authorizing stone filled timber crib dock(s), deck, stairway(s), electrical line(s) along dock, boat/jet ski hoist(s), and covered (not enclosed) boat slip(s) and hoist(s) Timber Crib, Deck 08-DEC-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP LRB-87-000-1: New York - Open Pile or Floating Docks, Decks, Boat Hoists, Mooring Piles, Etc. DOD-COE-00678 LRB - RGP authorizing Installation and maintenance of open pile or floating: dock(s) (seasonal and permanent), deck, observation platform(s) in wetlands or other special aquatic sites, stairway(s), railings, electrical lines along dock(s), mooring pile(s), mooring buoy(s), floating swim platform, marine railway, boat hoist(s)/jet ski hoist(s), covered (not enclosed) boat slips and hoists. Boathouses (enclosed boat slips) are not authorized by this permit. Open Pile, Floating, Installation 08-DEC-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SAC-2016-00761: Navigable waters of the US (expires 14-Dec-2021) DOD-COE-00679 Authorizes repair, maintenance, and installation of structures in navigable waters of the US Construct, install, maintain, or repair piers, floating docks, boat/jet ski lifts, mooring piles, dolphins, covered boat sheds, and dock covers 14-DEC-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP MVR-23-IA: Private Recreational Structures on US Government Land in the states of Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri DOD-COE-00680 RGP for activities which are granted Shoreline Use Permits or Special Use Licenses located in or over the Mississippi River. Expires 31-Dec-2020. Shoreline, Permits 31-DEC-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP MVR-23-IL: Private Recreational Structures on US Government Land in the states of Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri DOD-COE-00681 RGP for activities which are granted Shoreline Use Permits or Special Use Licenses located in or over the Mississippi River. Expires 31-Dec-2020. Shoreline, Permits 31-DEC-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP MVR-23-MO: Private Recreational Structures on US Government Land in the states of Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri DOD-COE-00682 RGP for activities which are granted Shoreline Use Permits or Special Use Licenses located in or over the Mississippi River. Expires 31-Dec-2020. Shoreline, Permits 31-DEC-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP MVR-33: Discharge of Dredged or Fill Material Associated with Certain Conservation Practices Sponsored by NRCS/HUD DOD-COE-00683 RGP for activities associated with specific USDA NRCS and HUD-sponsored activities which do not qualify for the CWA 404(f)(1) exemptions. Expires 31-Dec-2020. USD NRCS, HUD 31-DEC-2016 27-APR-2020
RGP SAW-197800056: Piers, Docks, Boathouses, and Boat Shelters, Pilings, Mooring Bouys, Dolphins, Jetties, Groins, and Breakwater Structures in Navigable Waters of the US in the State of North Carolina. Expires 31-Dec-2021 DOD-COE-00684 A general permit to perform work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States and waters of the United States, upon recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3, 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403), and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) Piers, Cocks, Boathouses 01-JAN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SAW-197800125: Boat Ramps and Associated Piers DOD-COE-00685 Boat Ramps and Associated Piers : Boat Ramps and Associated Piers, Docks, and Mooring Piles Within Navigable Waters of the US expires 31-Dec-2021 Boat, Piers 01-JAN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SAW-198000048: Emergency Activities on the Beaches DOD-COE-00686 Emergency construction of primary dunes and any associated excavation watermark of the mean high water mark elevation contour on Atlantic ocean shorelines within North Carolina, and emergency placement of sandbags an any associated excavation necessary to fill sandbags water ward of the MHW elevation (expires 31-Dec-2021) Emergency, Beaches 01-JAN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SAW-198000291: Cama North Carolina coastal area Management Act DOD-COE-00687 Cama North Carolina coastal area Management Act Regional General Permit to authorize those construction activities in the 20 coastal counties receiving prior approval from the state of North Carolina in the form of a coastal area management act permit, and/or a state dredge and fill permit, and if required, a water quality certification, that are otherwise not eligible for federal authorization in the for of an NWP or another RGP expires 31-Dec-2021 Coastal Area, Management 01-JAN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SAW-198200030: Work in Waters of Lakes and Reservoirs DOD-COE-00688 Work in Waters of Lakes and Reservoirs Lakes and reservoirs owned, operated, and/or regulated by public utility companies, the TVA, and local Governments in North Carolina expires 31-Dec-2021 Lakes, Waters 01-JAN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SAW-198200079: Corps reservoirs DOD-COE-00689 Corps reservoirs Maintenance, repair, and construction activities in the lakes owned and operated by the Wilmington District (expires 31-Dec-2021) Repair, Reservoirs 01-JAN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SAW-198200277: Manmade basins and canals DOD-COE-00690 Construction, backfilling, and maintenance of bulkheads and riprap within man made basins and canals located entirely within uplands, and maintenance dredging of ditches, basins, canals, and channels in open water areas, where all excavated material is placed and retained entirely on high ground within North Carolina. expires 31-Dec-2021 Backfilling, Bulkheads, Construction 01-JAN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SAW-199200297: Forest Management and Wildfire Control (expires 31-Dec-2021) DOD-COE-00692 Forest management and fire control Forest, Management, Fire Control 01-JAN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SAW-199602878: Dredge and discharge into federally authorized channels DOD-COE-00693 Dredge and discharge into federally authorized channels Maintenance dredging within federally authorized navigation channels and borrow areas, and the discharge of excavated and/or fill material within federally approved confined upland disposal areas or in the case of beach quality sand federally authorized beach nourishment project areas. (expires 31-Dec-2021) Federal, Dredge 01-JAN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SAC-2015-1280-1286: South Carolina Department of Transportation (expires 20-Jul-2021) DOD-COE-00694 Authorize the South Carolina Department of Transportation to conduct activities required for the improvement, expansion, or maintenance of existing linear transportation projects in waters of the US, including navigable waters of the US South Carolina, Improvement, Expansion 03-JAN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SPK-14: Placer Vineyards Specific Plan Infrastructure, Placer County, California DOD-COE-00695 The purpose of the RGP is to provide a simple and expeditious means of providing Section 404 authorization for the construction of certain backbone infrastructure within the Placer Vineyards Specific Plan (PVSP). Section 404, Construction 12-JAN-2017 27-APR-2020
PGP SAS-98: Minor Structures and Work in Blue Ridge, Nottely, and Chatuge Reservoirs Within the State of Georgia expires 25-Jan-2022 DOD-COE-00696 Authorizes Tennessee Valley Authority to verify permit conditions at their lakes. Tennessee Valley, Permit, Lakes 25-JAN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP POA-10: Bethel DOD-COE-00697 This GP authorizes the discharge of fill material into waters of the U.S., including wetlands, for the purpose of constructing and/or expanding building foundation pads, utilities, roads, driveways, and parking areas for residential, commercial and public works developments. The GP also authorizes excavation activities including mechanized land clearing and other activities that could result in a redisposition of fill material. Fill Material, Wetlands, Construction 07-FEB-2017 27-APR-2020
PGP SAM-APCO: MINOR STRUCTURES AND ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION (FERC) PROJECT BOUNDARIES OF THE ALABAMA POWER COMPANY RESERVOIRS WITHIN THE COOSA, TALLAPOOSA AND BLACK WARIOR RIVER BASINS IN THE STATE OF ALABAMA (Expires January 9, 2022) DOD-COE-00698 Authorizes Alabama Power Company to verify the conditions of the following general permits: APCO-PGP-01 Debris Removal; APCO-PGP-02: Construction of Non-Commercial Boat Slips; Maintenance Dredging of Existing Boat Slips, Canals, or Navigation Channels; APCO-PGP-03 Construction and/or Maintenance of Fixed Structures; APCO-PGP-04: Construction and Modification of Boat Ramps; APCO-PGP-05: Riprap for Shoreline, Bank, and Channel Protection; Bulkheads and Other Standard Shoreline Protection/Stabilization Devices Roughly Paralleling, and at the Shoreline or Bank; APCO-PGP-06: New Work Channel Dredging; and APCO-PGP-07: Filling of Previously Dredged Areas Such as Boat Slips, Artificial Canals, etc. Minor, Structure, Debris Removal 13-FEB-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP NWO-RGP-11-02-WEH: Flood Protection, Reconstruction and Repair Work for Flood Damaged Areas (Expires 31-Mar-2022) DOD-COE-00699 This Regional General Permit (RGP) authorizes the following flood protection, reconstruction and repair work for flood damaged areas: (1) Repair and reconstruction of existing roads; (2) Construction of temporary roads; (3) Construction of temporary levees, dikes and berms; (4) Repair of levees including breach closures; (5) Protection (e.g. armoring) and/or repair of bridge and linear transportation embankments; (6) Protection and/or repair of utility structures; (7) Placement of suitable material for bank stabilization; (8) Construction of temporary drainage ditches to facilitate the removal of flood water, sheet water or excess water; (9) Restoration of channels and ditches to pre-flooding alignment and capacity; (10) Protection and restoration of intake and outfall structures; and (11) Removal of flood-deposited sediments and grading/restoration to pre-flood contours. Regional General Permit 17-FEB-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP NAE-RI: Rhode Island DOD-COE-00700 1. Aids to navigation & temporary recreational structures; 2. Repair or maintenance of existing currently serviceable, authorized or grandfathered structures and fills, removal of structures; 3. Moorings; 4. Pile-supported structures and floats, including boat lifts/hoists and other miscellaneous structures and work; 5. Boat ramps and marine railways; 6. Utility line activities; 7. Dredging, transport & disposal of dredged material, beach nourishment, rock removal and rock relocation
8. Discharges of dredged or fill material incidental to the construction of bridges; 9. Shoreline and bank stabilization projects; 10. Aquatic habitat restoration, establishment and enhancement activities; 11. Fish and wildlife harvesting activities; 12. Oil spill and hazardous material cleanup; 13. Cleanup of hazardous and toxic waste; 14. Scientific measurement devices; 15. Survey activities; 16. Aquaculture projects and fisheries; 17. New or expanded developments and recreational facilities; 18. Linear transportation projects – wetland crossings only; 19. Stream, river & brook crossings (not including wetland crossings); 20. Energy generation and renewable energy generation facilities and hydropower projects; 21. Temporary fill not associated with any other GP activities
Rhode Island, Maintenance 03-MAR-2017 27-APR-2020
PGP SAM-GPCO: MINOR STRUCTURES AND ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION (FERC) PROJECT BOUNDARIES OF THE GEORGIA POWER COMPANY RESERVOIRS WITHIN THE CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER BASIN WITHIN THE STATE OF ALABAMA DOD-COE-00701 Authorizes Georgia Power Company to verify the conditions of the following general permits: GPCO-PGP-01 Debris Removal; GPCO-PGP-02: Construction of Non-Commercial Boat Slips; Maintenance Dredging of Existing Boat Slips, Canals, or Navigation Channels; GPCO-PGP-03 Construction and/or Maintenance of Fixed Structures; GPCO-PGP-04: Construction and Modification of Boat Ramps; GPCO-PGP-05: Riprap for Shoreline, Bank, and Channel Protection; Bulkheads and Other Standard Shoreline Protection/Stabilization Devices Roughly Paralleling, and at the Shoreline or Bank; GPCO-PGP-06: New Work Channel Dredging; and GPCO-PGP-07: Filling of Previously Dredged Areas Such as Boat Slips, Artificial Canals, etc. Georgia Power, General Permits 13-MAR-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-81: Maintenance and Bank Stabilization Activities, Pima County, Arizona DOD-COE-00702 The following specific activities are authorized under this RGP: (1) Removal of accumulated sediments and debris from existing structures to reestablish design flow carrying capacities (e.g. constructed drainage channels, bridges, culvert road crossings, water intake structures, engineered bank stabilization, etc.); (2) Stream bed stabilization in existing, constructed drainage channels; (3) Expanded bank stabilization activities; (4) Expanded notification requirements for reshaping existing constructed drainage channels (with earthen banks and sandy bottom); (5) Expanded limits for the discharge of dredged and/or fill material for Storm water Management Facilities; and (6) Increases the allowable time to commence or be under contract to commence emergency maintenance activities or repair of uplands damaged by discrete events. Regional General Permit, Arizona, Maintenance 17-MAR-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SAS-99: Maintenance Dredging (Excavation) in Blue Ridge, Nottely, and Chatuge Reservoirs Within the State of Georgia (expires 21-Mar-2022) DOD-COE-00703 authorize maintenance dredging of accumulated sediment from previously authorized facilities located in waters of the United States   21-MAR-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1127 of WRDA 2016: Non-Federal Construction of Authorized Flood Damage Reduction Projects DOD-COE-00704 The implementation guidance integrated Section 204 of WRDA 1986, as amended by Section 1014(b) of WRRDA 2014. The implementing guidance of Section 1127, is Engineer Regulation, ER 116-5-2-210) which is the final implementation guidance for Section 204. Section 204 authorizes non-federal interests to undertake construction of certain water resources development projects, with potential credit or reimbursement of the federal share of that construction. Section 204 of WRDA, Non-Federal Construction 05-APR-2017 27-APR-2020
PGP SAS-GPCO: Programmatic General Permits 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, and 81 for Minor Structures and Work Within the Limits of Georgia Power Company Lakes in the State of Georgia expires 10-Apr-2022 DOD-COE-00705 Corps delegates authority to verify permit conditions to Georgia Power Company Permit, Georgia Power 10-APR-2017 27-APR-2020
PGP SAS -36: Placement of Materials at Approved Offshore Artificial Reef Sites in the Atlantic Ocean expires 11-Apr-2022 DOD-COE-00706 Corps delegates authority to the Georgia DNR to verity that work proposed under PGP 36 qualifies for authorization under PGP 36. The following work is authorized under PGP 36: the addition of materials within the boundaries of and/or the expansion of Georgia DNR Artificial Reefs Georgia DNR, PGP 36 11-APR-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SAW-163: Storm water drainage improvement projects DOD-COE-00707 Storm water drainage improvement projects and flood reduction activities conducted by Charlotte storm water services (expires 24-Apr-2021) storm water services 24-APR-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP NWO-RGP-00-05-BIS: Bank Protection of Cultural Sites (Expires 30-Apr-2022) DOD-COE-00708 RGP authorizes South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks, to conduct bank stabilizations to prevent destruction of culturally significant sites. Back, Protection, South Dakota 30-APR-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-98: UWCD Lake Peru Facilities Maintenance DOD-COE-00709 Authorizes discharge of fill into waters of the U.S. pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972, in association with the Lake Piru Facility Maintenance Project. Waters, Maintenance 04-MAY-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1129 of WRDA 2016: Planning Assistance to States DOD-COE-00710 The implementation guidance provides authorization application of the cost sharing waive provided under Section 1156 of WRDA 1986, as amended, to assistance provided under Section 22 to Indian Tribes and to certain specific territories of the United States. Section 1156 of WRDA 1986 05-MAY-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1119 of WRDA 2016: Indian Tribes DOD-COE-00711 Section 1119 implementation guidance as directed by the requirements of the provision, provides that the non-federal cost sharing waiver of up to $200,000 be adjusted to account for inflation from the date the enactment of WRDA 1986 up to the date of enactment of WRRDA 2014, for studies and projects in specific territories of the United States and in Puerto Rico. The guidance lays out the cost sharing procedures to implement the requirements of the provision. Section 1119 of WRDA 2016 11-MAY-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SWG-2010-605: Texas General Land Control Office DOD-COE-00712 Authorizes the Texas General Land Office to remove Hazardous Debris, Derelict Vessel and Derelict Structure Removal on state-owned submerged lands. Texas, Land 11-MAY-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP MVR-26: Flood Damage Repair (Illinois) DOD-COE-00713 RGP for work to repair or protect existing flood damaged structures, damaged land areas, and/or damaged fills. Expires 15-May-2022. Regional General Permit 15-MAY-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1172 of WRDA 2016: Easements for Electric, Telephone, or Broadband Service Facilities DOD-COE-00714 The implementation guidance for this section, prohibits the collection consideration for an easement across water resources development project land for the electric, telephone, or broadband service facilities of an nonprofit organization eligible for financing under the Rural Electrification Act of 1936. Guidance Section 1172 of WRDA 2016 17-MAY-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1148 of WRDA 2016: Recreational Access at Corps of Engineers Reservoirs DOD-COE-00715 Section 1148 amends Section 1035 of WRRDA 2014 regarding the use of floating cabins within leased marina areas of the Cumberland River Basin. The implementation guidance specifies the requirements for implementation of the provision. Section 1148 of WRDA 2016 18-MAY-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1319 of WRDA 2016: New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam, Georgia and South Carolina DOD-COE-00716 The guidance provides the authority to reauthorize the New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam, Savannah River, Georgia and South Carolina, repeals the conveyance of the New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam to the City of North Augusta and Aiken County, South Carolina, or any other non-federal entity and modifies the Savannah Harbor Expansion Navigation project. Section 1319 of WRDA 2016 25-MAY-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP MVR-16: Bank Stabilization DOD-COE-00717 RGP authorizes activities proposed by the public, railroads, transportation departments, pipeline and utility companies, and government agencies for bank stabilization activities in the State of Illinois except for Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties. Expires 26-May-2021. Public, Railroads, Transportation 26-MAY-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 3014 of WRRDA 2014: Levee certifications DOD-COE-00718 The implementation guidance directs how measures that address consolidation, settlement, subsidence, sea level rise, and new datum to restore certain federally authorized hurricane and storm damage reduction projects to their authorized levels of protection. Section 3014 of WRRDA 2014 02-JUN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SPN-7: Boat docks, ramps, storm water outfall work, etc. DOD-COE-00719 This Department the Army permit authorizes the City of San Mateo to conduct routine maintenance activities resulting in the placement of fill and work within Marina Lagoon in the City of San Mateo, San Mateo County, California. Army, Permit, Boat Docks 02-JUN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SPK-1: Minimal Impact Activities within the plan area of the East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Community Conservation Plan DOD-COE-00720 The purpose of this RGP is to provide a simplified and expeditious means to authorize activities in waters of the United States (U.S.), including wetlands, that are substantially similar in nature and cause only minimal individual and cumulative impacts, within the area covered by the East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan (HCP/NCCP), dated December, 2006. East Contra Costa, Conservation 06-JUN-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1185 of WRDA 2016: Table Rock Lake, Arkansas and Missouri DOD-COE-00721 The implementation guidance directs to finalize the revision of the Table Rock Lake Master Plan and Shoreline Management Plan, temporarily lift or suspend the current moratorium on the issuance of new, and modifications, to existing, shoreline use permits, and establish an oversight committee to review permit requests under the existing the master plan. Section 1185 of WRDA 201 08-JUN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP NAO-16-RGP-05: Pond Construction DOD-COE-00722 The regulated activities authorized under this permit include all aspects of pond construction such as mechanized land clearing, dam construction, placement of water control structures and spillways, and flooding. Permit, Pond 09-JUN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SPA-NM/West TX 17-01: Emergency Repair and Protection Activities DOD-COE-00723 Work authorized by this RGP is limited to discharges of dredged or fill material associated with an emergency situation in waters of the U.S. An “emergency situation” is present where there is a clear, sudden, unexpected, and imminent threat to life or property demanding immediate action to prevent or mitigate loss of, or damage to, life, health, property or essential public services (i.e., a situation that could potentially result in an unacceptable hazard to life or a significant loss of property if corrective action requiring a permit is not undertaken immediately). Activities authorized by this RGP are limited to discharges of dredged or fill material that are the minimum necessary to alleviate an emergency situation. Emergency, Repair 14-JUN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP MVN-159: DREDGING/EXCAVATING IN EXISTING WATER BODIES, INCLUDING DEBRIS REMOVAL FROM WITHIN CHANNELS (e.g., storm debris, downed trees and log rafts) FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING DRAINAGE WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE NEW ORLEANS DISTRICT (CEMVN) DOD-COE-00724 RGP for maintenance dredging/excavating in existing water bodies including debris removal from within channels (e.g. storm debris, downed trees, and log rafts). Expires 31 Jul 2022. Dredging 26-JUN-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1156(a)(2) of WRDA 2016: Contributed Funds DOD-COE-00725 In accordance to the implementation guidance for this Section, Corps Districts may accept and expend funds from non-federal public or private entities to expedite the evaluation of Section 408 requests for an alteration or permanent occupation or use of ta work built by the United States. Further, the guidance provides for the limitation for the implementation of the Section including that the funds cannot be used by the final decision maker for his or her recommendation or decision concerning a Section 408 request. Section 1156(a)(2) of WRDA 2016 27-JUN-2017 27-APR-2020
PGP NAO-17-SPGP-01: STATE PROGRAMMATIC GENERAL PERMIT 17-SPGP-01 DOD-COE-00726 17-SPGP-01 authorizes the discharge of dredged or fill material in non-tidal waters, of the United States, including wetlands, associated with certain residential, commercial, and institutional developments and linear transportation projects within the geographical limits of the Commonwealth of Virginia and under the regulatory jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District (Corps or Norfolk District). These projects must have no more than minimal individual and cumulative impacts and must meet all the terms and conditions outlined herein. The use of 17-SPGP-01 is restricted to those projects that have avoided and minimized impacts to waters of the U.S., including wetlands, to the maximum extent practicable. General Permit 29-JUN-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP LRE-1990-2000050-S16: MINOR WORK, STRUCTURES AND DISCHARGES OF DREDGED AND FILL MATERIAL IN MICHIGAN DOD-COE-00727 Regional Permit (RP) for minor work, structures, and discharges of dredged and fill materials in navigable waters of the United States within the State of Michigan under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1977. Regional Permit 30-JUN-2017 27-APR-2020
Technical Note RMC-TN-2017-01: Reasons to Adjust Risk Estimates or Safety Classifications DOD-COE-00728 Describes how DSOG and LSOG approach adjusting risks and safety classifications DSOG, LSOG 01-JUL-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1115 of WRDA 2016: Reservoir Sediment DOD-COE-00729 The implementation guidance directs the establishment of a pilot program using available funds and after public notice to accept services provided by the non-federal interests or commercial entities for removal of sediment captured behind up to 10 dams owned or operated by the United States for the purposes of restoring the authorized storage capacity of the project concerned. Section 1115 of WRDA 2016 03-JUL-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1116 of WRDA 2016: Water Supply Conservation DOD-COE-00730 The implementation guidance for this section authorizes to conduct an evaluation of water supply conservation measures at Corps projects that are consistent with the authorized purposes of a water resources development project and to enter into agreements with non-federal interests (upon their request) to carry out conservation measures approved y such evaluations, in a state in which a drought emergency was declared or was in effect during the one year period ending on December 2016. The guidance also requires that this Section is not to be construed to modify or alter non-federal obligations under agreements pursuant to the Water Supply Act of 1958. Section 1116 of WRDA 2016 06-JUL-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1117 of WRDA 2016: Drought Emergencies DOD-COE-00731 The guidance directs the Corps upon request of the governor of a state in which a drought emergency was in effect on December 16, 2016, or at any time during the one year period ending on that date, to prioritize the updating of the water control manuals for control structures under the jurisdiction of the Secretary and to incorporate into the updates seasonal operations for water conservation and water supply for such control structures. The implementation of the requirements under the guidance will be coordinated with appropriate agencies, elected officials and members of the public. In addition, the guidance defines that non-Corps reservoirs with storage are subject to regulations by the Corps pursuant to Section 7. Section 1117 of WRDA 2016 11-JUL-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1171 of WRDA 2016: Credit in Lieu of Reimbursement DOD-COE-00732 The implementation guidance provides guidance based Section 1171 amending Section 1022 of WRRDA 2014, for an authorized flood damage reduction project, or separable element thereof, with a project partnership agreement for construction under Section 211 of WRDA 1986 and executed before December 31, 2014, that at the request of a non-federal interest, a credit equal to the estimated federal share of the cost of the project or separable element, in lieu of providing a reimbursement of that amount. Section 1171 of WRDA 2016 11-JUL-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP NWP-09: Maintenance Activities along the South Coast of Oregon (expires 25-Jul-2022) DOD-COE-00733 Authorizes certain maintenance activities in waters of the United States (U.S.) within Lane, Douglas, Coos, and Curry Counties Lane, Douglas, Coos, and Curry Counties. 25-JUL-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SPN-22: Port of San Francisco, Regional General Permit for Maintenance DOD-COE-00734 This Regional General Permit (RGP22) authorizes the Port of San Francisco (Port) to carry out the maintenance, repair, and replacement of the Port of San Francisco's existing in-water structures and shoreline protection. The proposed activities will consist of maintenance, repair and replacement activities for the Port's facilities along approximately 3 .5 miles of southern shoreline. The proposed activities will be restricted to repairing, replacing, or removing existing aging shoreline infrastructure and navigational equipment on an as-need basis. The work will include routine repair and maintenance as well as the repair, rehabilitation, or replacement of structures or fills recently damaged or destroyed by discrete events such as storms, floods, fire, or collisions. Regional General Permit 25-JUL-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP MVR-27: Flood Damage Repair (Iowa) DOD-COE-00735 RGP for work to repair or protect existing flood damaged structures, damaged land areas, and/or damaged fills. Expires 29-Jul-2021. Regional General Permit 29-JUL-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP MVR-34: Iowa Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program DOD-COE-00736 RGP for activities in WOUS with the primary purpose of improving water quality by limiting the amount of agricultural pollutants (mainly nitrates). Expires 31-Jul-2021. Regional General Permit 31-JUL-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP MVR-39: Targeted Water Quality Improvement Constructed/Restored Wetlands DOD-COE-00737 RGP for activities considered a part of an acceptable watershed strategy whose primary purpose is to identify implementation activities needed to improve water quality by limiting the amount of agricultural pollutants (mainly nitrates from entering WOUS. Expires 31-Jul-2021. Regional General Permit 31-JUL-2017 27-APR-2020
PGP NWO-PGP-99-04-WEH: Programmatic General Permit 99-04 Amendment #4 DOD-COE-00738 Authorizes Central Nebraska Public Power & Irrigation District (CNPPID) and Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) to verify revetments and bulkheads constructed of the following materials or methods: 1) broken concrete; 2) rock; 3) formed or fabricated concrete; 4) sheet metal with metal or wood pilings; 5) untreated timber; 6) plastic or PVC; 7) fiberglass; 8) weathered creosote treated timber (placed above ordinary high water mark only); 9) vegetation, including, but not limited to, grasses or willows. General Permit 01-AUG-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP LRB-99-000-1: New York - Emergency Permit DOD-COE-00739 LRB - RGP authorizing installation of structures and dredging in navigable waters and the discharge of dredged or fill material, including those discharges associated with excavation activities, into waters of the United States to facilitate the remediation of sites that were damaged as a result of a major storm event LRB, Regional General Permit 02-AUG-2017 27-APR-2020
PGP SAS-83: Recreational Dock Facilities in Tidal Waters Within the State of Georgia expires 3-Aug-2022 DOD-COE-00740 Corps delegates authority to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Resources Division Georgia, Recreational Dock 03-AUG-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1140 of WRDA 2016: Federal Cost Limitation for Certain Projects DOD-COE-00741 The implementation guidance provides for allowing for the inclusion of compatible recreation features at projects carried out pursuant to Section 506 of WRDA 2000. The technical cost of any such features may not exceed 10 percent of the federal ecosystem restoration costs of the project. Section 506 of WRDA 200 14-AUG-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SPN-21: Chevron Long Wharf Pile Replacements DOD-COE-00742 This Regional General Permit (RGP) authorizes the Chevron Products Company to annually replace existing timber fender piles and existing concrete piles at the Richmond Refinery Long Wharf over a period of five years. The piles will be replaced on a one-for-one basis at various berths at the Long Wharf. Regional General Permit 14-AUG-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-72: Port of San Diego: Fandering System and Pile Repair and Replacement in San Diego Bay and Pacific Ocean DOD-COE-00743 The San Diego Unified Port District (Port) is hereby authorized a Corps ten year permit to perform dock and pier maintenance for existing in and over water structures within the Port of San Diego (Port). RGP 72 shall authorize the Port to perform routine wharf/dock maintenance work including like-for-like repair or replacement of damaged and broken wooden, concrete and plastic pier and fender piles, at various piers within San Diego Bay and the Imperial Beach Pier as needed. Fandering System, Pile Repair 15-AUG-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP NAE-NH: New Hampshire DOD-COE-00744 1. Aids to navigation and temporary recreational structures; 2. Repair or maintenance of existing currently serviceable, authorized or grandfathered structures/fills, removal of structures; 3. Moorings; 4. Pile-supported structures and floats, including boat lifts/hoists and other miscellaneous structures/work; 5. Boat ramps/marine railways; 6. Utility line activities; 7. Dredging, transport & disposal of dredged material, beach nourishment, rock removal, and rock relocation; 8. Discharges of dredged or fill material incidental to the construction of bridges; 9. Shoreline and bank stabilization projects; 10. Aquatic habitat restoration, establishment and enhancement activities; 11. Fish and wildlife harvesting, enhancement and attraction devices and activities; 12. Oil spill and hazardous material cleanup; 13. Cleanup of hazardous and toxic waste; 14. Scientific measurements devices; 15. Survey activities; 16. Aquaculture projects and fisheries; 17. New/expanded residential, and commercial developments & recreational facilities; 18. Energy generation, renewable energy and hydropower facilities; 19. Mining activities; 20. Temporary fill not associated with a project within Corps jurisdiction; 21. Agricultural Activities; 22. Repair or maintenance of existing currently serviceable, authorized or grandfathered dams; 23. Wetland, Stream, River and Brook crossings New Hampshire, Recreational, Permits 18-AUG-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP POA-01: Nome DOD-COE-00745 RGP for development work in the City of Nome, Alaska Regional General Permit 23-AUG-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SAC-2017-00835: Currently Functioning Tidal Impoundments that are Currently Managed for Wildlife and/or Rice Production (expires 31-Aug-2022) DOD-COE-00746 Authorizes certain activities described herein within currently functioning tidal impoundments that are currently managed for wildlife and/or rice production, and, further, that have all necessary embankments and structures in place to allow for the manipulation of water levels. Tidal, Wildlife, Production 31-AUG-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1133 of WRDA 2016: Maintenance Dredging Data DOD-COE-00747 Under the implementation guidance, the Corps will establish and maintain a publicly available database on maintenance dredging carried out including information on maintenance dredging carried out by federal and non-federal vessels. Guidance is provided as to what data to enter into the database. Section 1133 of WRDA 201 07-SEP-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP MVK-53: MINOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AT THE JOHN C. STENNIS SPACE CENTER, HANCOCK COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI DOD-COE-00748 RGP for activities in WOUS associated with demolition, construction, repair and/or expansion of buildings, parking lots, access roads, pilings, docks, piers, retaining walls, and other appurtenant facilities necessary for the infrastructure and operation of the John C. Stennis Space Center (SSC), located in Hancock County, Mississippi. Expires 25 Sep 2022. WOUS 25-SEP-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1149 of WRDA 2016: No Wake Zones in Navigation Channels DOD-COE-00749 The implementation guidance requires that upon request of a state or local official implementation measures for addressing navigation safety hazards in a federally marked or maintained channel that is part of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and adjacent to a marina consulting from wakes created by recreational vessels, while maintaining the navigability of the channel. The guidance also provides the requirements to follow to implement after a written request is made and proves for evaluation of the request. Navigation Channels 27-SEP-2017 27-APR-2020
Planning Guidance Letter 44R: Relocation of Utilities at Navigation Projects Under Section 101 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986, as Amended DOD-COE-00750 This memorandum sets forth current U.S. Army Corps of Engineers policy regarding the relocation and removal of utilities located in or under navigable waters of the U.S. that interfere with Federal navigation improvements implemented under Section 101 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, as amended. Specifically, this memorandum modifies guidance on the interaction between Federal powers under the navigation servitude and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) and the non-Federal sponsor's performance and payment responsibilities for utility relocations. This memorandum rescinds Policy Guidance Letter No. 44, Relocations and Removals at Navigation (Harbor) Projects (20 Oct 95). It does not modify or supersede other, substantive regulations defining the scope of the Corps' authority under, and procedures implementing, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 or other law. Federal navigation, Relocations, Removals at Navigation (Harbor) Projects 27-SEP-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1128 of WRDA 2016: Multistate Activities DOD-COE-00751 The implementation guidance refers to the authority provided under Section 1128, to cooperate with a group of states in the preparation of comprehensive plans, and to allow two or more states to combine all or a portion of the funds made available for preparation of comprehensive plans for the development, utilization, and conservation of the water and related resources of drainage basins, watersheds, or ecosystems located within the boundaries of such state or group of states. Section 1128 of WRDA, development, utilization, and conservation 28-SEP-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1153 of WRDA 2016: Authority to Accept and Use Materials and Services DOD-COE-00752 The implementation guidance District Commanders are delegated the authority to accept services, material, or funds contributed form an non-federal public entity, nonprofit entity, or private entity for the purpose of repairing, restoring, replacing, or maintaining a water resources project, if it is determined that there is risk of adverse impacts to the functioning of the project of re authorized purposes of the project and that acceptance is in the public interest. The guidance establishes the procedures for acceptance. Section 1153 of WRDA, repairing, restoring, replacing, or maintaining a water resources project 28-SEP-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1104 of WRDA 2016: Federal Breakwaters and Jetties DOD-COE-00753 Under the implementation guidance, an inventory will be established and an assessment conducted of the general structural condition of all federal breakwaters and jetties protecting the harbors and inland harbors within the United States. A report summarizing the available data and will be submitted for review and approval to the ASACW and submission to Congress. Section 1104 of WRDA, structural condition, breakwaters and jetties 04-OCT-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-85: Coronado Cays Home Owners Association Dock Maintenance and Replacement DOD-COE-00754 This RGP is applicable to the repair and replacement of existing boat docking structures in the Coronado Cays Homeowner Association. Specifically, this project authorizes the in-kind repair and/or replacement of docks, piles, gangways, fenders, floats, boat lifts or other infrastructure components. Coronado Cays Homeowner Association, repair, replacement, boat docking 12-OCT-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP NAO-17-RGP-20: Artificial Reefs DOD-COE-00755 Regional Permit 20 ("RP"), authorizes the creation of artificial reefs (oyster and fish haven) and dredging of old shellfish reefs, when the material, dredge shell or structural, will be used to create new or enhance existing natural or artificial reefs owned, operated or managed by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Artificial reefs, Commonwealth of Virginia 16-OCT-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1161 of WRDA 2016: Completion of Ecosystem Restoration Projects DOD-COE-00756 Section 1161 of WRDA 2016 amends Section 2039 of WRDA 2007. The implementation guidance directs to ensure that when conducting a feasibility study for a project or component of a project for ecosystem restoration, the recommended project includes a plan for monitoring the success of ecosystem restoration. Guidance requirements for the monitoring are specified for Corps' District to implement. Section 2039 of WRDA 2007, feasibility study, ecosystem 19-OCT-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 3013 of WRRDA 2014: Vegetation management policy DOD-COE-00757 The implementation guidance provides policies and procedures regarding the provision of technical assistance under Section 22 as well as addressing the other changes authorized by Section 3015. Vegetation 19-OCT-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP NWO/SPA/SPK-37: Stream Stabilization Projects in Colorado expires 20-Oct-2022 DOD-COE-00758 authorizes stream stabilization activities necessary for erosion control or prevention, such as vegetative stabilization, bioengineering, sills, rip rap, revetment, barbs, jetties, weirs, or combinations of bank stabilization techniques, Colorado, stream stabilization 20-OCT-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1118 of WRDA 2016: Leveraging Federal Infrastructure for Increased Water Supply DOD-COE-00759 The implementation guidance for Section 1118, authorizes the review of proposals from the non-federal interest to increase the quantity of available supplies of water rat a water resources development project through modification of the project, modification of how the project is managed, or accessing water released from the project, under several authorities identified in the implementation guidance. The implementation guidance does not apply in four designated river systems: The Upper Missouri River, the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River System, the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River System, and Stones River. Procedures and requirements to follow by the Corps' Districts while implementing are identified in he guidance. Upper Missouri River, Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River System, Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River System, Stones River. 23-OCT-2017 27-APR-2020
Brochure: Recognizing Wetlands DOD-COE-00760 The information presented here will help you to determine whether you have a wetland on your property. If you intend to place fill material in a wetland or in an area that might be a wetland, contact the local District Office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) for assistance in determining if a permit is required. Wetland 01-NOV-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1113 of WRDA 2016: Non-Federal Interest Dredging Authority DOD-COE-00761 The implementation guidance permits the non-federal interest to carry out maintenance activities for an authorized navigation project or a separable element of an authorized navigation project, with potential reimbursement, subject to several requirements. The authority for the section terminates 10 years after enactment of WRDA 2016. A non-federal interest undertaking maintenance dredging activities under the section must meet the requirements of Section 211(b) of he Flood Control Act of 1970 as amended and comply with all Corps standards and environmental laws. Navigation project, dredging, Flood Control Act of 1970 01-NOV-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1163 of WRDA 2016: Wetlands Mitigation DOD-COE-00762 The implementation guidance provides guidance on the use of mitigation banks and in-lieu fee programs for mitigation as described in Section 2036 (c) of WRDA 2007, as amended. Wetlands Mitigation 16-NOV-2017 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1184 of WRDA 2016: Consideration of Measures DOD-COE-00763 The implementation guidance directs with the consent of the non-federal sponsor to consider natural features, nature-based features, nonstructural measures, and structural measures, as appropriate, when studying the feasibility of projects for flood risk management, hurricane and storm damage reduction, and ecosystem restoration. Measures 16-NOV-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-71: Vandenberg Air Force Base V-33 Harbor Maintenance Dredging DOD-COE-00764 To conduct work (dredging) in or affecting "navigable waters of the United States" pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, in association with the Vandenberg Air Force Base V-33 Harbor Maintenance Dredging program Vandenberg Air Force Base, Harbor Maintenance 01-DEC-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP NAE-VT: Vermont DOD-COE-00765 1. Aids to Navigation; 2. Repair or maintenance of existing currently serviceable, authorized or grandfathered structures/fills, removal of structures; 3. Moorings; 4. Pile-supported structures & floats, including boat lifts/hoists and other miscellaneous structures & work; 5. Boat ramps and marine railways; 6. Utility line activities; 7. Dredging, beach nourishment, rock removal & rock relocation; 8. Discharges of dredged or fill material incidental to the construction of bridges; 9. Shoreline and bank stabilization projects; 10. Aquatic habitat restoration, establishment and enhancement activities; 11. Fish and wildlife harvesting activities; 12. Oil spill and hazardous material cleanup; 13. Cleanup of hazardous and toxic waste; 14. Scientific measurement devices; 15. Survey activities; 16. Mining Activities; 17. New/expanded developments & recreational facilities; 18. Linear transportation projects and stream/wetland crossings; 19. Energy generation and renewable energy generation facilities and hydropower projects; 20. Temporary fill not associated with any other GP activities; and 21. Agricultural activities Vermont 06-DEC-2017 27-APR-2020
RGP SWG-2006-00517: Oil and Gas Drilling, Production, and Transportation Activities DOD-COE-00766 RGP for oil and gas exploration and production activities Oil, Gas, Transportation 11-JAN-2018 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1125 of WRDA 2016: Funding to process permits DOD-COE-00767 The Section implementation guidance refers to the use of funding agreements within the regulatory program and provides that after public notice, the Secretary may accept and expend funds contributed by a non-federal public entity, public utility company, natural gas company, or railroad carrier to expedite the permit review for that entity, company or carrier for projects or activities that have a public purpose. The authority provided to accept funds expires on 10 June 2024, unless otherwise extended or revoked by law. The guidance lays out all the requirements and procedures for the Corps to implement. Funding 17-JAN-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP LRB-97-000-1: New York - Minor Channel Work in Cooperation with Soil and Water Conservation Districts DOD-COE-00768 RGP authorizing Discharges of dredged or fill material associated with minor channel work, as defined under Special Condition #3, performed in conjunction with County Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) or the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and which have received written affirmation of permit applicability from the U.S. Army Engineer District (USAED), Buffalo or the appropriate NRCS or SWCD official acting under the written authority of the commanding officer of USAED, Buffalo. New York, SWCD, NRCS, USAED 22-JAN-2018 27-APR-2020
PGP NAP-NJSPGP-17: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY GENERAL PERMIT NEW JERSEY-SPGP-17 DOD-COE-00769 This general permit authorizes the construction of structures; performance of work and the discharge of dredged and fill material in substantially developed artificial tidal lagoons and their access channel. The terms "structure" and "work" are defined in Federal regulations contained in 33 CFR 322.2[b] & [c]. The terms “discharge of dredged material”, “fill material” and “discharge of fill material” are defined in Federal regulations contained in 33 CFR 323.2[d], [e] & [f]. “Substantially developed” artificial tidal lagoons are those where the surrounding lands are uplands and do not support wetlands other than a narrow band of fringe wetlands along the waterline. Lagoons are defined as artificially created linear waterways sometimes branched, ending in a dead end with no significant upland drainage. A natural waterway, which is altered by activities including, but not limited to, filling, channelizing, or bulkheading shall not be considered a lagoon. A bulkheaded boat slip shall not be considered a lagoon. Department of the Army Permit, New Jersey 26-JAN-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SAS-290: Private Recreational Ponds Within the Geographic Limits of Georgia (expires 31-Jan-2023) DOD-COE-00770 Authorizes discharge of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the US for the construction and maintenance of private recreational ponds with a surface area of less than 5 acres Georgia, private, recreational 31-JAN-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-24: Ventura Port District Maintenance Dredging DOD-COE-00771 To construct structures and/or conduct work in or affecting "navigable waters of the United States" pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, and to temporarily discharge fill into waters of the U.S. pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972, in association with the Ventura Harbor Maintenance Dredging (RGP 24) renewal Project. Ventura Port District, Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972 01-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1021 of WRRDA 2014: Crediting authority for federally authorized navigation projects DOD-COE-00772 The implementation guidance provides for a non-federal interest may carry out operation and maintenance activities for an authorized navigation project and receive credit for the cost of those activities toward its share of construction costs of an unconstructed authorized element of the same project or another authorized navigation project, except such credit may not exceed 20 percent of the total costs of construction of the general navigation features of the project for which credit may be applied. Crediting authority 02-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1162 of WRDA 2016: Fish and Wildlife Mitigation DOD-COE-00773 This Section integrated Section 1040 of WRRDA 2014. Under the implementation guidance, it is clarified that mitigation for losses of fish and wildlife habitat includes damages to ecological resources, including terrestrial and aquatic resources. The guidance also applies to water resources development projects that required specific authorization and supplements the existing guidance on mitigation planning in ER 1105-2-100 and it does not apply to the CAP projects Regulatory program. The guidance also addresses mitigation and environmental plans. and procedures for them. Fish and Wildlife 02-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2002 of WRRDA 2014: Inland Waterways - Project delivery process reforms DOD-COE-00774 The implementation guidance states that once funds have been appropriated then the study of the potential revenue sources from which funds could be collected to generate additional revenues for the Inland Waterways Trust Fund will be started. Inland Waterways 02-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1121 of WRDA 2016: Tribal Partnership Program DOD-COE-00775 The implementation guidance was issued primarily to implement the WRRDA 2014 and WRDA 2016 amendments to Section 203 of WRDA 2000. The guidance to implement authorizes the carry out of the Tribal Partnership Program consisting of water related planning activities, and activities related to the study, design, and construction of water resources development projects, that substantially benefit federally recognized Indian Tribes and that are located primarily within Indian country or in proximity of Alaska Native Villages. The Districts implementing the guidance are required under the requirements to consult with the Department of Interior and coordinate with the Tribes and other federal agencies. Implementation of the guidance defines the procedures and to follow in the implementation of the Section and provision requirements. Tribal, Alaska 05-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1154 of WRDA 2016: Munitions Disposal DOD-COE-00776 The Section provides discretionally authority to implement through the issued guidance, at full expense, any response action that is deemed necessary at a site where a project has been carried out under Civil Works authority that includes placing sand on the beach, and as result of the project, military munitions that were originally released as a result of the DOD activities are deposited on the beach, posing threat to human health of the environment. Munitions, DOD 05-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 5014 of WRDA 2016: Environmental Banks DOD-COE-00777 The implementation guidance and section 5014 amends the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act by adding Section 309, Environmental Banks, at the end of the statute. The guidance requires the task force to issue guidelines for the use, maintenance, and oversight of environmental banks in Louisiana, after a public notice and opportunity for comments. The guidance lays out the process, procedures and guidelines for compliance. Environmental, wetlands, Louisiana 12-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1132 of WRDA 2016: Post-Authorization Change Reports DOD-COE-00778 The implementation guidance directs the submission of post authorization change reports to the Congress by the Secretary of the Army. The guidance does not apply to post-authorization change reports that recommend modification of an authorized water resources development project within the Chief of Engineers' discretionary authority. Congress, Secretary of the Army, change reports 16-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP MVP-BR: Beach Raking Regional General Permit DOD-COE-00779 RGP authorizing regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Beach Raking Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Expires 20 Feb 2023. Beach, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indian reservation 21-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP MVP-MD: Minor Discharges Regional General Permit DOD-COE-00780 RGP authorizing regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Minor Discharges Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Expires 20 Feb 2023. Minor Discharges, Wisconsin, Minnesota 21-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP MVP-PD: Piers and Docks Regional General Permit DOD-COE-00781 RGP authorizing regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Piers and Docks Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Expires 20 Feb 2023. Piers, docks, Wisconsin, Minnesota 21-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP MVP-T: Transportation Regional General Permit DOD-COE-00782 RGP authorizing regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Transportation Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Expires 20 Feb 2023. Transportation, Wisconsin, Minnesota 21-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP MVP-U: Utility Regional General Permit DOD-COE-00783 RGP authorizing regulated activities conducted in accordance with all applicable terms and conditions of the Utility Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Expires 20 Feb 2023. Utility, Wisconsin, Minnesota 21-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP MVP-WP: Wildlife Ponds Regional General Permit DOD-COE-00784 RGP authorizing regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Wildlife Ponds Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Expires 20 Feb 2023. Wildlife, Wisconsin, Minnesota 21-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
Agreement: Working Agreement Among USCG, USACE, USEPA, USFWS, NOAA, and FHWA to Coordinate and Improve Planning, Project Development, and the National Environmental Policy Act Review and Permitting for Major Infrastructure Projects Requiring the Preparation of an EIS DOD-COE-00785 EO 13807, One Federal Decision, guidance, agreement, FHWA, DOT projects [Also on USEPA Guidance Portal, ID No. OW-OWOW-2774] USCG, USACE, USEPA, USFWS, NOAA, and FHWA, EO 13807 22-FEB-2018 27-APR-2020
PGP LRE-IN: Minor Activities in Indiana DOD-COE-00786 LRC, LRE, & LRL - (Indiana PGP); Authorizes certain construction activities in waters of the United States within the State of Indiana under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act that are also regulated by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) as public freshwater lakes under the Lake Preservation Act, IC 14- 26-2 and specific waterways regulated as floodways under the Flood Control Act, IC 14-28-1, and as Navigable Waterways under IC 14-29-1; Indiana, LRC, LRE, & LRL, Clean Water Act 02-MAR-2018 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1178(C) of WRDA 2016: Columbia River Tribal Assistance DOD-COE-00787 The guidance to implement Section 1178( c) authorizes assistance to Tribal displaced by the construction of federal dams on the Columbia River, Oregon and Washington. Land transfers assistance will be provided upon request of the Department of Interior and will develop the scope of work for the requested assistance from the Corps. Additional studies may be undertaken to determine necessary to further examine any impacts to Indian tribes displaced as a result of the Bonneville Dam. Columbia River, Oregon, Washington 05-MAR-2018 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1179(A) of WRDA 2016: Missouri River Reservoir Sediment Management DOD-COE-00788 The implementation guidance directs to carry out a pilot program for the development and implementation of sediment management plans for reservoirs under the jurisdiction of the Secretary in the Upper Missouri River Basin. The requirements to implement the guidance are laid out in the guidance. Missouri River 05-MAR-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SAC-2017-00756-00770: MINOR ACTIVITES BY SC DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES (SCDNR) (expires 6-Mar-2023) DOD-COE-00789 RGP to authorize activities in waters of the US, including wetlands, that are similar in nature and cause only minimal individual and cumulative impacts, for specific activities undertaken by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) or their designated entities through a SCDNR approved and signed partnership agreement within the State of South Carolina. Wetlands, South Carolina 06-MAR-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP MVS-16: Bank Stabilization DOD-COE-00790 RGP authorizing bank stabilization activities including those approved by Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources. Expires 31 May 2021. Bank stabilization 18-MAR-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP MVS-44: Maintenance of Public Storm water, Sanitary, and Combined Sewer Systems DOD-COE-00791 RGP authorizing sediment and debris removal, maintenance of existing storm water conveyances or basins in WOUS, improvements to existing storm water management facilitates, maintenance or repair of existing storm water, sanitary, or combined sewer systems in WOUS, maintenance and repair of existing access roads and ramps, and vegetation removal. WOUS, storm, sanitary, sewer 18-MAR-2018 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1005 (a)(1) of WRRDA 2014, amending 2045 (a)-(k) and (n)-(o) of WRDA 2007: Project acceleration: 2045 (a)-(k) and (n)-(o) of WRDA 2007 as amended DOD-COE-00792 Section 1005 of WRRDA 2014, modifies Section 2045 of WRDA 2007. The implementation guidance applies to al feasibility studies for proposed water resources development projects that requires specific authorization if the feasibility cost share agreement for the study was executed after enactment of WRRDA 2014 and for which an environmental impacts statement is prepared under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. The implementation guidance also applies other project studies initiated after enactment of WRRDA 2014 that require an environmental assessment, categorical exclusion, or other document under NEPA if it is determined. WRRDA, NEPA 20-MAR-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-20: Private Residential Docks/Pier Facilities and Minor Structures in Florida (expires 27 Mar 2023) DOD-COE-00793 Authority given to construct private residential dock facilities and install minor structures in navigable waters of the United States within the State of Florida Florida, dock, structures 27-MAR-2018 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1155 of WRDA 2016: Management of Recreation Facilities DOD-COE-00794 The implementation guidance directs entering into agreements with non-federal public entities under Section 225 to collect and retain user fees for the use of developed recreation sites and facilities, whether developed or constructed by that entity or Department of the Army, and reinvest collected fees at the site at which the fees are collected. The participation of public entities to use any visitor reservation service that the Secretary of the Army has provided for the contract or interagency agreement. The requirements to implement including the policy, management of the agreements, partner operations plan, fees and fiscal management are explicitly layer out for Corps District to implement this Section. WRDA, recreation, Army 30-MAR-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP MVR-35: Permanent Protection/Repair of Flood Damaged Structures, Damaged Lands and/or Fills DOD-COE-00795 RGP for work to repair or protect existing flood damaged structures, damaged land areas, and/or damaged fills. Expires 2-Apr-2023. Flood 02-APR-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP NWK-41: Permanent Protection/Repair of Flood Damaged Structures, Damaged Lands and/or Fills (expires 2-Apr-2023) DOD-COE-00796 To excavate or place fill material for the permanent protection of and/or the repair of existing damaged structures, damaged land areas, and/or damaged fill areas, that are the result of the disaster event Flood 02-APR-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP NWK-40: Natural Resources Conservation Service – Agricultural Conservation Practices (expires 3-Apr-2023) DOD-COE-00797 This regional general permit authorizes the discharge of dredged or fill material for agriculture conservation practices in waters of the United States within the state of Kansas. Kansas, agricultural 03-APR-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP NWO-RGP-96-08-SD: Flood Protection/Reconstruction/Repair (Expires 30-Apr-2023) DOD-COE-00798 Authorizes work in waters of the United States (including rivers, lakes, streams and wetland areas) associated with flood protection, reconstruction and repair activities within flooded areas in South Dakota. Flood, South Dakota 04-APR-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP NAE-MA: Massachusetts DOD-COE-00799 General Permits 1. Maintenance; 2. Moorings; 3. Structures in Navigable Waters of the U.S.; 4. Aids to Navigation, and Temporary Recreational Structures; 5. Dredging, Disposal of Dredged Material, Beach Nourishment, and Rock Removal and Relocation; 6. U.S. Coast Guard Approved Bridges; 7. Bank and Shoreline Stabilization; 8. Residential, Commercial and Institutional Developments, and Recreational Facilities; 9. Utility Line Activities; 10. Linear Transportation Projects and Stream Crossings; 11. Mining Activities; 12. Boat Ramps and Marine Railways; 13. Land and Water-Based Renewable Energy Generation Facilities and Hydropower Projects; 14. Temporary Construction, Access, and Dewatering; 15. Reshaping Existing Drainage Ditches, New Ditches, and Mosquito Management; 16. Response Operations for Oil and Hazardous Substances; 17. Cleanup of Hazardous and Toxic Waste; 18. Scientific Measurement Devices; 19. Survey Activities; 20. Agricultural Activities; 21. Fish and Wildlife Harvesting and Attraction Devices and Activities; 22. Aquaculture Activities; 23. Aquatic Habitat Restoration, Establishment and Enhancement Activities Massachusetts, general permits 16-APR-2018 27-APR-2020
Technical Note RMC-TN-2018-01: SQRA Calculation Methodology DOD-COE-00800 Describes how some risks could be calculated as part of a semi-quantitative risk assessment Technical, SQRA 17-APR-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP MVS-41: Permanent Protection/Repair of Flood Damaged Structures, Damaged Lands and/or Fills DOD-COE-00801 To excavate or place fill material for the permanent protection of and/or the repair of existing flood damaged structures, damaged land areas, and/or damaged fill Flood, ENG Form 4345 22-APR-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SWL-41: Permanent Protection/Repair of Flood Damaged Structures, Lands, or Fills within the State of Missouri DOD-COE-00802 To excavate or place fill material for the permanent protection of and/or the repair of existing damaged structures, damaged land areas, and/or damaged fill areas, that are the result of the disaster event. Flood, Missouri 22-APR-2018 27-APR-2020
ENG Form 4345 (Instructions): Instructions for Preparing a Department of the Army Permit Application DOD-COE-00803 Instructions for ENG Form 4345 ENG Form 4345 01-MAY-2018 27-APR-2020
Project Report RMC-TR-2018-03: HHT Methodology for SQRA DOD-COE-00804 Describes how hydrologic hazards are computed during semi-quantitative risk assessments Project Report, SQRA 14-MAY-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP NWO-RGP-7-DEN: Channel Maintenance and Construction on the South Platte River and Tributariesto the South Platte River Under Authority of Urban Drainage and Flood Control District expires 6-Jan-2022 DOD-COE-00805 Authorizes certain channel erosion and protection projects, flood-related fill or excavation activities, other work associated with drainage and flood protection, and repair work for flood-damaged areas performed in waters of the US within the jurisdiction of the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) in Colorado South Platte River, flood, Colorado 16-MAY-2018 27-APR-2020
PGP SAS-2018-00375: Reissuance of Programmatic General Permits 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 Authorizing Work and Activities in the Savannah River Lakes Savannah District/State of Georgia expires 8-Jun-2023 DOD-COE-00806 Authority is delegated to the Savannah District, Operations Project Managers (OPMs) at the above listed Corps' lakes, to verify whether proposed work and activities in waters of the United States would meet the terms and conditions for authorization by these PGPs. Savannah River, Georgia 08-JUN-2018 27-APR-2020
MOU/MOA: Memorandum of Agreement Between The Department of the Army And The Environmental Protection Agency Concerning Mitigation Sequence for Wetlands in Alaska under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act DOD-COE-00807 Guidance regarding the flexibility in the existing regulations for CWA 404 permits, and how those flexibilities can be applied in the state of Alaska. Clarifies how existing national policies regarding practicability determinations and regulatory flexibility can be implemented in Alaska while ensuring sound environmental stewardship of the State's ecologically important wetland resources. Updates and replaces the EPA and Army Memoranda entitled Clarification of the Clean Water Act Section 404 Memorandum of Agreement on Mitigation, dated January 24, 1992, and Statements on the Mitigation Sequence and No Net Loss of Wetlands in Alaska, dated May 13, 1994. [Also on USEPA Guidance Portal, ID No. OW-OWOW-1620.] Environmental Protection Agency, Clean Water Act, Alaska 15-JUN-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SAC-2013-00644-00656: Lake Murray (expires 26-Jun-2023) DOD-COE-00808 To authorize the construction, repair and maintenance of private, non-commercial docks, boat lifts, boat ramps, marine railways for dry storage, seawalls, retainer walls, riprap for erosion control, intake pipes for irrigation, minor excavation, subaqueous utility lines, fish attractors and overhead power lines within the boundaries of Lake Murray Lake Murray 26-JUN-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SAC-2013-00657-00669: Duke Energy (expires 26-Jun-2023) DOD-COE-00809 To authorize, where such authorizations are required, dredging, filling, construction or alteration, repair and maintenance activities of private non-commercial docks and boat lifts; dock anchors; buoys and signs; mooring structures; boat houses and boat shelters; existing marine railways; existing boat ramps; bulkheads or retainer walls; rip-rap or bioengineering for erosion control; minor excavation for access not affecting the Project Boundary; debris removal; structures associated with heat exchange coils, intake pipes for residential irrigation, geothermal use, and dry hydrants; subaqueous utility lines; overhead power and communication lines; scientific measuring devices and scientific survey activities; fish attractors, fishery enhancement, and minor excavation by the adjacent shoreline property owners Duke Energy 26-JUN-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SWG-2011-00629: Harris County Engineering Department DOD-COE-00810 To discharge dredge or fill material resulting from maintenance and minor new construction activities of public infrastructure facilities under the jurisdiction of the HCPID-AED. Harris County 05-JUL-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP MVN-21: Improvements on State Wildlife Refuges Applied For By the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries DOD-COE-00811 RGP for the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) to conduct the following on state wildlife management areas (WMAs) and refuges within the boundaries of the New Orleans District in Louisiana. Expires 31 July 2023 Louisiana 19-JUL-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-33: Private Multi-Family Piers, Government Piers, or Commercial Piers in Florida (expires 24 Jul 2023) DOD-COE-00812 Authority given to construct private multi-family piers, government piers or commercial piers less than 1,000 square feet in surface area in navigable waters of the United States within the State of Florida Florida, piers 24-JUL-2018 27-APR-2020
PGP SAS-37: Placement of Materials at Approved Inshore Artificial Reef Sites in Tidal Navigable Waters of the United States in Bryan, Camden, Chatham, Glynn, Liberty, and McIntosh Counties, Georgia expires 26-Jul-2023 DOD-COE-00813 Authorizes Georgia Department of Natural Resources to verify the conditions of the permit Georgia, reef 26-JUL-2018 27-APR-2020
PGP NAB-PASPGP-5: Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit 5 DOD-COE-00814 LRP - PASPGP-5; provides for the issuance of Department of the Army (DA) general permits (GPs) on a statewide basis, which operate in conjunction with a State regulatory program that protects the aquatic environment in a manner equivalent to the DA regulatory program. Pennsylvania, General Permit 30-JUL-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP NWP-06: Bonneville Power Administration Funded Habitat Improvement Projects Within the Columbia River Basin in Oregon (expires 31-Jul-2023) DOD-COE-00815 Authorizes project proponents who receive funding through the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) to place fill material and certain structures in waters of the United States (subject to the terms and conditions herein) for the purpose of habitat improvement. Columbia River, Oregon, Bonneville 31-JUL-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SAC-2017-01776: Oyster Reef Restoration (expires 2-Aug-2023) DOD-COE-00816 Authorizes the discharge of dredged or fill material and the replacement of structures required for oyster reef restoration and creation projects in navigable waters of the US Oyster, reef 02-AUG-2018 27-APR-2020
PGP LRN-18-01: MINOR STRUCTURES, FILL AND WORK IN TENNESSEE VALEY AUTHORITY RESERVOIRS WITHIN THE STATES OF ALABAMA, KENTUCKY, MISSISSIPPI, TENNESSEE & VIRGINIA DOD-COE-00817 This PGP authorizes the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to verify the following work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States and discharges of dredge or fill material into waters of the United States: Private Docks, Piers, Boathouses, and Other Water Use Facilities; Channel Excavation and Dredging; Shoreline Stabilization; and Boat Ramps and Other Recreational Watercraft Launching Facilities. ALABAMA, KENTUCKY, MISSISSIPPI, TENNESSEE & VIRGINIA, Tennesee Valley Authority 10-AUG-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SPK-8: Emergency Repair and Protection Activities DOD-COE-00818 Regional General Permit (RGP) 8 authorizing structures or work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States and the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including wetlands, necessary for repair or protection measures associated with an emergency situation. An emergency situation, as determined by this office, is one which would result in an unacceptable hazard to life, a significant loss of property, or an immediate, unforeseen, and significant economic hardship if corrective action requiring a Department of the Army permit is not undertaken within a time period less than the normal time to process the request under standard processing procedures. General Permit 10-AUG-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP NAO-18-RGP-15: Maintenance of Existing Drainage Ditches DOD-COE-00819 Used to authorize certain activities associated with the maintenance of existing drainage ditches General Permit 05-SEP-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP NAO-18-RGP-17: Private Use Open-Pile Piers, Mooring Structures/Devices, Fender Piles, Covered Boathouses/Boat Slips, Boatlifts, Osprey Pilings/Platforms, Accessory Pier Structures, and Certain Devices Associated with Shellfish Gardening DOD-COE-00820 Used to authorize the installation and/or construction of open-pile piers, mooring structures/devices, fender piles, covered boathouses/boat slips, boatlifts, osprey pilings. Platforms, accessory pier structures, and certain devices associated with shellfish gardening, for private use. General Permit 05-SEP-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP NAO-18-RGP-18: Open-Pile Piers, Mooring Structures/Devices, Fender Piles, Covered Boathouses/Boat Slips, Boatlifts, Osprey Pilings/Platforms, Accessory Pier Structures, and Certain Devices Associated with Shellfish Gardening DOD-COE-00821 Used to authorize the installation and/or construction of open-pile piers, mooring structures/devices, fender piles, covered boathouses/boat slips, boatlifts, osprey pilings/platforms, accessory pier structures, and certain devices associated with shellfish gardening, for private, commercial, community, and government use. General Permit 05-SEP-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP NAO-18-RGP-19: Living Shorelines, Riprap Revetments, Bulkheads, Breakwaters, Groins, Jetties, Spurs, Baffles, Aquaculture Activities and Boat Ramps DOD-COE-00822 Used to authorize living shorelines, riprap revetments, bulkheads, breakwaters, groins, jetties, spurs, baffles, aquaculture activities and boat ramps General Permit 05-SEP-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP NAO-18-RGP-22: Lake Gaston DOD-COE-00823 Used to authorize specific activities within the Virginia portion of Lake Gaston General Permit, Lake Gaston 05-SEP-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP NAO-18-RP-2: New and Maintenance Dredging (Channels and Basins) DOD-COE-00824 Regional Permit 02 (RP), authorizes both new and maintenance dredging (channels and basins) for certain navigation-related dredging projects, by either mechanical or hydraulic method, in waters of the U.S. This RP authorizes these activities within the geographical limits of the Commonwealth of Virginia under the regulatory jurisdiction of the Norfolk District Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). General Permit, Virginia, Norfolk 05-SEP-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-72: Residential Docks in Citrus County, Florida (expires 4 Oct 2023) DOD-COE-00825 Authority given to construct private residential docks in Citrus County, Florida Citrus County, Florida 04-OCT-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SAS-30-35: Public Transportation Projects within the State of Georgia (expires 5-Oct-2021) DOD-COE-00826 Authorize the maintenance, repair, replacement, improvement, and widening of existing public transportation projects, including interstate highways, state highways, county roads, urban or suburban roads, railroads, airport taxiways, bicycle paths/lanes, and other facilities utilized for public transportation; and the construction of new public transportation projects, and associated structures. Public transportation, Georgia 05-OCT-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-97: Southern California Edison Company - Sierra Hydro Operations and Maintenance Activities DOD-COE-00827 This RGP authorizes Southern California Edison (SCE) to temporarily discharge fill in waters of the U.S. in association with routine maintenance work to be done at four existing reservoir projects located at Bishop Creek, Rush Creek, Lee Vining Creek, and Lundy Lake. Southern California, Hydro 08-OCT-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SWG-2007-720: Lake Livingston - Single-Family and Multi-Family Recreational Piers DOD-COE-00828 Structures and work authorized by the General Permit are limited to single-family and multi-family recreational piers. Authorized structures may include, boat houses/shelters, storage buildings, lifts, hoists, personal watercraft ramps/platforms and dry hydrants. Lake Livingston, piers 17-OCT-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP NWS-RGP-9: Port of Chehalis Industrial Developments Within the State of Washington (expires 23-Oct-2023) DOD-COE-00829 To authorize the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States by the Port of Chehalis for the construction or expansion of industrial facilities. Port of Chehalis 23-OCT-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-46: Orange County Public Works Ocean Outlets Maintenance Program DOD-COE-00830 The Orange County Public Works (OCPW) Ocean Outlets Maintenance Program (Project) would consist of recurring outlet maintenance activities at the Talbert Channel Outlet, Santa Ana River Outlet, Salt Creek Outlet, Estrella Storm Channel Outlet, and Segunda Deshecha Outlet Orange County, public works 07-NOV-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-63: Repair and Protection Activities in Emergency Situations DOD-COE-00831 This permit authorizes discharges of dredged or fill material into Waters of the United States, including wetlands, and/or work or structures in Navigable Waters of the United States for necessary repair and protection measures associated with an emergency situation. An “emergency situation” is present where there is a clear, sudden, unexpected, and imminent threat to life or property demanding immediate action to prevent or mitigate loss of, or damage to, life, health, property or essential public services (i.e., a situation that could potentially result in an unacceptable hazard to life or a significant loss of property if corrective action requiring a permit is not undertaken immediately). Navigable Waters, general permit 11-NOV-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-99: RCFCWCD Routine Operation and Maintenance Program for Low-Impact Facilities DOD-COE-00832 RGP 99 authorized routine maintenance of Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District (RCFCWCD) facilities including basins, channels, dams, grade control structures, levees, bank protection (including riprap), headwalls, culverts and appurtenant structures of all of the above that involve a discharge of fill material into waters of the United States. Operation, Maintenance, Riverside County, flood 13-NOV-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SWT-RGP-17: Oklahoma Department of Transportation Bridge Replacement Projects of Existing Crossings DOD-COE-00833 GP for Oklahoma DOT bridge replacement projects Bridge, Oklahoma 30-NOV-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SPN-26: Port of Oakland - Maritime Facilities Maintenance DOD-COE-00834 The Port of Oakland (Port) proposes to conduct various shoreline maintenance activities and minor construction on Port facilities. The proposed work will include repair, rehabilitation, or replacement of previously authorized structures or fill, and minor construction of a range of structures. Maritime, Port of Oakland 04-DEC-2018 27-APR-2020
PGP SAJ-SPGP-V-R1: State Programmatic General Permit - State of Florida (expires 26-Jul-2021) DOD-COE-00835 Authorizes the state agencies of Florida to issue verification concurrently with their other state authorizations without requirement of a Corps permit Florida 17-DEC-2018 27-APR-2020
RGP SWG-2013-422: Mechanical Dredging within Lake Livingston, TX DOD-COE-00836 RGP in Lake Livingston, TX Dredging, Lake Livingston, TX 01-JAN-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SPA/SWF/SWT-11: Construction and Operation of Exploration and Production Wells for Oil and Gas DOD-COE-00837 Work authorized by this RGP is limited to the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States (U.S.), including wetlands, and work in, or affecting navigable waters of the U.S., associated with the construction and operation of exploration and production wells for oil and gas and their supporting fills and structures. Expansion of existing facilities is included provided they were not previously approved under this general permit. Regional General Permit, oil, gas 21-JAN-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP LRB-79-000-3: New York - Boathouses Regional General Permit DOD-COE-00838 LRB - RGP authorizing construction and maintenance of boathouses that have received written affirmation of permit applicability Boathouses, NY 11-FEB-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP LRB-87-000-13: New York - Fill Existing Boat Slips Excavated from Upland Locations DOD-COE-00839 LRB - RGP authorizing placement of fill in existing boat slips and boat wells that have been excavated into previously dry upland property.
Boat , New York 11-FEB-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-13: Aerial Transmission Lines in Florida (expires 14 Feb 2024) DOD-COE-00840 General authority is hereby given for activities required for the installation, construction, maintenance, replacement, and repair of aerial transmission and distribution lines over all waters of the United States (WoUS) in the State of Florida. Aerial, Florida 14-FEB-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SAC-2018-01401-01410: Lakes Marion and Moultrie (expires 15-Feb-2024) DOD-COE-00841 To authorize the construction, repair and maintenance of private, non-commercial and limited commercial piers, docks, boat lifts, morrings, boat houses, boat ramps, marine railways for dry storage, retaining walls, bulkheads, riprap and groins for erosion control, minor maintenance, minor discharges, and removal of vessels within the boundaries of Lake Marion and Lake Moultrie Lake Marion, Moultrie 15-FEB-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SPK-7: Construction and Maintenance of Flood Control Facilities under the Clark County Regional Flood Control District Master Plan DOD-COE-00842 Regional General Permit (RGP) 7 authorizing discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States (U.S.), including wetlands, to construct and maintain flood control facilities under the Clark County Regional Flood Control District (CCRFCD) Master Plan, as updated, within Clark County, Nevada. Flood Control, Regional, Clark County 18-FEB-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-14: Subaqueous Utility and Transmission Lines in Florida (expires 22 Feb 2024) DOD-COE-00843 Authority given for activities required for the installation, construction, maintenance, replacement, and repair of subaqueous utility and transmission lines; and, the outfall and intake structures associated with utility lines in all waters of the United States in the State of Florida Florida, Utility, Installation 22-FEB-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SPA-15: City of Colorado Springs Permanent Extended Detention Basin (EDB) Maintenance Activities DOD-COE-00844 Work that is authorized by this RGP is limited to those activities that are required in order to maintain existing EDBs at the constructed baselines, as defined by the EDB Maintenance Program. These activities typically include cleaning, maintenance, and repair of inflow points, fore-bays, trickle channels, micro-pools, outlet structures, and embankments, removal of accumulated sediment, and other minor activities that are necessary to maintain the basin’s capacity and designed storm water management capabilities. Regional General Permit, Colorado Springs 01-MAR-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP NWO-RGP-9202-06-RWY: Construction and modification of boat ramps in Wyoming (Expires 31-Dec-2023) DOD-COE-00845 Authorizes the construction of new boat ramps, the expansion, extension and modification of existing boat ramps, construction of transfer walls and docks to service boat ramps, and protective fills immediately adjacent to proposed and existing ramps. Boat Ramps, Water, Wyoming 13-MAR-2019 27-APR-2020
Project Report RMC-TR-2019-07: Data Sources for Estimating Hydrologic Hazards for SQRA DOD-COE-00846 Describes where to find Hydrologic Data Hydrologic Data 20-MAR-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SAW-201801536: Maintain, Repair, and Construct Marsh Sills for Shoreline Stabilization Along Eroding Shorelines (expires 21-Mar-2024) DOD-COE-00847 Construction of Marsh Sills Marsh, Shoreline 21-MAR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1134 of WRDA 2018: Missouri River Reservoir Sediment Management. DOD-COE-00848 The guidance provides direction to prioritize the development and implementation of sediment management plans that cross state lines, specifically for the reservoirs within the Missouri River Basin in partnership with the Department of Interior under a pilot program, subject to the availability of funds. Section 1134 of WRDA 2018, Missouri 29-MAR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1143 of WRDA 2018: Acknowledgment of Credit. DOD-COE-00849 The implementation guidance for this section allows to provide credit for work carried out by the non-Federal interest from November 2007 through October 2018 without an executed in-kind MOU for a project under Title VII of WRDA 2007, if it is determined that the work is integral to the project and was carried out in accordance to appropriate statutory requirements. The guidance is applicable to the Louisiana Coastal Study in Louisiana. Section 1143 of WRDA 2018, Lousiana 29-MAR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1402 (a) of WRDA 2018: Special Rules. St. Paul Harbor, Alaska. DOD-COE-00850 Under the implementation guidance, the project cost share for the project will be done in accordance with the costs established by Section 105 of public law 108-7 and the approved post authorization report of June 2007. A final accounting will be based on the new cost share responsibilities as per the PCA. Section 1402 (a) of WRDA 2018, Alaska 29-MAR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1138 of WRDA 2018: Surplus Water Contracts and Water Storage Agreements. DOD-COE-00851 The implementation guidance prohibits the Corps for a period ending June 10, 2026, from charging a fee for surplus water or water storage under a contract entered into pursuant to Section 6 of the Flood Control Act of 1944 or the water Supply Act of 1958, if the contract is for surplus water or water supply storage in the Upper Missouri Mainstream Reservoirs. Section 1138 of WRDA 2018, Missouri 08-APR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1148 of WRDA 2018: Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediment. DOD-COE-00852 The implementation guidance directs that in carrying out a project for the beneficial reuse of sediment to reduce storm damage to property under Section 204 of WRDA 1992, that involves a single application of sediment, grant a temporary easement necessary to facilitate the placement of sediment , if it is determined that granting the easement is in the interest of the United States. The guidance also that if an easement is granted for a project, that project shall no longer be eligible for future placement of sediment under Section 204 of WRDA 1992. Section 1148 of WRDA 2018, dredge 12-APR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1149 of WRDA 2018: Inclusion of Alternative Measures for Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration. DOD-COE-00853 The implementation guidance for the section expands the definition of nature-based features in Section 1184 of WRDA 2016 by removing Coastal Areas for the definition. In addition, the guidance directs that in carrying out a feasibility study report developed under Section 905 of WRDA 1986, as amended for a project of flood risk management or hurricane and storm damage risk reduction, to consider traditional and natural infrastructure alternatives. Section 1149 of WRDA 2018, ecosystem 12-APR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1153 of WRDA 2018: Construction of Water Resources Development Projects by Non-Federal Interests. DOD-COE-00854 The implementation guidance authorizes the non-federal interests to undertake construction of certain water resources development projects, as long as these are authorized. The non-federal interests can carry out projects that are authorized with potential credit or reimbursement subject to requirements under the guidance. The guidance also restate that all federal laws, procedures, policies etc., including environmental laws must be followed by the non-federal interest. The funds provided for technical the Corps technical assistance are not subject for credit or reimbursement. Section 1153 of WRDA 2018, water 12-APR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1160 of WRDA 2018: Emergency Response to Natural Disasters. DOD-COE-00855 Section 1160 implementation guidance provides for an additional option of realignment to the modifications that can be made to flood control works and changing the authorized level of restoration for Coastal Storm Risk Management projects. The guidance directs the Corps districts at the request of the non-federal interest to evaluate restoration to the pre-storm profile as an alternative in the project information report. Section 1160 of WRDA 2018, storm 12-APR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1166 of WRDA 2018: Advanced Funds for Water Resources Development Studies and Projects. DOD-COE-00856 Implementation guidance issued for Section 1166, allows for advanced and contributed funds from non-federal interests to be accepted for all types of water resources development projects implementation, and clarifies the entities that are considered under the term State. The guidance provides the procedures to implement the guidance. Section 1166 of WRDA 2018, water resources 12-APR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1167 of WRDA 2018: Costs in Excess of Federal Participation Limit. DOD-COE-00857 The implementation guidance provides for the non-federal interests be responsible for any cost that exceeds the federal participation limit of $5M for the construction, repair, restoration, and modification of emergency streambank and shoreline protection work. The Districts cannot initiate a CAP project knowing that the construction cost will exceed the per project federal cost limits established in the provision. Section 1167 of WRDA 2018 12-APR-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP NAO-19-RP-01: Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Roadway and Railway Projects DOD-COE-00858 Authorizes certain Virginia Department of Transportation roadway and railway projects involving work, structures and filing (permanent and temporary) in waters of the U.S., within the geographical limits of the Commonwealth of Virginia under the regulatory jurisdiction of the Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Virginia, Roadway, Railway, transportation 15-APR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1133 of WRDA 2018: Columbia River. DOD-COE-00859 The implementation guidance covers the States of Washington and Oregon. The guidance directs the Corps districts that in consultation with the Department of Interior to develop scopes of works for studies to complete evaluations and assessments of the extent Indians have been displaced as a result of the construction of the Bonneville Dam and the John Day Dam. Section 1133 of WRDA 2018, Oregon, Washington 18-APR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1164 of WRDA 2018: Local Government Water Management Plans. DOD-COE-00860 The guidance provides direction to the Corps' Districts to permit a local government in the watershed that has a water management plan to participate in a feasibility study for water resources development projects. Section 1164 of WRDA 2018, water management 18-APR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1112 of WRDA 2018: Hurricane and Storm Damage Protection Program. DOD-COE-00861 The implementation guidance provides direction to carry out a pilot program to award single contracts for multiple authorized hurricane and storm damage reduction projects in a geographical region. The pilot will include consideration of multiple contracting/acquisition tools for the types of projects as required by the provision. Section 1112 of WRDA 2018 26-APR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1116 of WRDA 2018: Dredged Material Management Plans. DOD-COE-00862 The implementation guidance provides guidance to develop a draft plan for review and approval of dredge material management plans. The plan to include risk management considerations, maximizing the use of existing information, studies and innovative dredge material management practices. In addition, the guidance requires to develop and submit a report to Congress. Guidance Section 1116 of WRDA 2018 26-APR-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1126 of WRDA 2018: Purpose and Need. DOD-COE-00863 The implementation guidance is applicable to all districts that implement Section 404 of he Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, and/or Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Acts of 1899 (Section 408). The guidance directs the districts are to develop and provide a purpose and need statement to an applicant within 90 days of the applicant submitting a complete application for water storage. Section 1126 of WRDA 201, Rivers and Harbors 02-MAY-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1174 of WRDA 2018: Middle Rio Grande Peak Flow Restoration. DOD-COE-00864 The section directs to restart the temporary deviation in the operation of Cochiti Lake and Jemez Canyon Dam that was carried out between 2009 and 2013 in order to continue to evaluate the effects of the deviation. The deviation include two potential actions and is contingent on provision of supplemental water from the Bureau of Reclamation reservoir projects to offset certain depletions from the deviation. The implementation of the guidance is subject to availability of funds. Guidance Section 1174 of WRDA 2018, Cochiti Lake and Jemez Canyon Dam 02-MAY-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1225 of WRDA 2018: Upper Mississippi River Protection. DOD-COE-00865 The implementation guidance directs the District Commander to expedite the ongoing disposition study and report for the USAF Lock and Dam that is separate from any report on any other locks and dams being considered in the ongoing disposition study subject the availability of funds. The guidance also states that funds that are contributed by a stated or a political subdivision of a state can be accepted and expanded. Guidance Section 1225 of WRDA 2018, Mississippi 02-MAY-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1043 (b) of WRRDA 2014: Non-Federal implementation pilot program - Construction DOD-COE-00866 The implementation guidance for the Corps to carry out Section 1043(b) of WRRDA 2014 to establish a pilot program up to 20 projects construction projects to evaluate the cost-effectiveness and project delivery efficiency of allowing non-federal interests to carry out authorized flood risk management, hurricane and storm damage reduction, coastal harbor and channel inland navigation and aquatic ecosystem restoration projects. The provision authority expired June 10, 2019. Section 1043 (b) of WRRDA 2014, ecosystem 03-MAY-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1121 of WRDA 2018: Upper Missouri Mainstream Reservoir Water Withdrawal Intake Easement Review. DOD-COE-00867 The implementation guidance provides guidance for the Corps' districts to review applications for a covered easement and to develop applications documents that non-Federal interests can use to apply for a covered easement. Section 1121 of WRDA 2018 03-MAY-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-100: OCPW Countywide Long-term Routine Maintenance Program DOD-COE-00868 The OCPW Countywide Long-term Routine Maintenance Program (Maintenance Program) covers routine maintenance activities conducted by OCPW within Orange County Flood Control Division (OCFCD) rights-of-way situated throughout the 13 watersheds of Orange County. This RGP authorizes activities associated with the Maintenance Program that would result in a discharge of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the United States and/or would place structures or consist of work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States. Maintenance activities covered under this RGP include channel and basin/dam maintenance, bridge maintenance, invasive removal, and channel/bridge inspections/cleaning, among a wide variety of other routine maintenance types. OCPW, Maintenance, Orange County, flood 07-MAY-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-88: OC Parks Ocean Outlets Maintenance Program DOD-COE-00869 The proposed project would consist of recurring maintenance activities at Poche Beach Outlet, Capistrano Beach Outlet No. 1 (CB Outlet), and Aliso Creek Outlet. The project would include semi-annual outlet maintenance and as-needed minor maintenance activities. The three outlets would be subject to inspections by OC Parks to determine when maintenance activities are necessary. Parks, Oceans, Poche Beach Outlet, Capistrano Beach, Aliso 09-MAY-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SPK-15: Minimal Impact Activities Conducted Under the South Sacramento In-Lieu Fee Program DOD-COE-00870 Regional general permit (RGP) for activities conducted under the South Sacramento In-Lieu Fee Program (ILF program), involving the discharge of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the United States (U.S.), resulting in no more than minimal individual and cumulative impacts on aquatic resources. Regional General Permit, Sacramento 16-MAY-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1154 (a) of WRDA 2018: Corps Budgeting; Project Deauthorizations; Comprehensive Backlog Report. In General (Amendments). DOD-COE-00871 The implementation guidance requires the Corps to compile and publish a complete list of al projects and separable elements of projects that are authorized for construction and not complete, a complete list of authorized feasibility studies that do not have a Chief's report and not issued, a complete list of environmental infrastructure projects, and a complete list of major federal operation and maintenance needs of projects and priorities under the control of the Corps. Section 1154 (a) of WRDA 2018 24-JUN-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1120 of WRDA 2018: Transparency and Accountability in Cost Sharing for Water Resources Development Projects. DOD-COE-00872 The guidance directs the Corps' District Commanders to provide a monthly financial statement to each non-Federal sponsors. Financial Statement, Non-Federal, water resources 27-JUN-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 1044 of WRRDA 2014: Independent peer review DOD-COE-00873 Section 1044 amends Section 2034 of WRDA 2007 by increasing to $200 million the estimated total project cost fore projects studies to be subject to mandatory independent external peer review (IEPR) ; adding requirements for congressional and public notifications if an IEPR is not to be conducted; adding notification requirements and timelines for when a decision to conduct the IEPR has made, adding requirements for notice and public availability of the final IEPR report and agency response, and extending the period of applicability of Section 2034 as amended, to include projects and studies initiated prior to November 8, 2019. Section 1044 amends Section 2034 of WRDA 2007 29-JUN-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP MVK-19: Regulated Activities in Waters of the United States Associated with the Exploration for and Subsequent Production of Hydrocarbons. DOD-COE-00874 RGP for activities in WOUS associated with the Exploration for and Associated with the exploration for an subsequent production of hydrocarbons in the Vicksburg district boundaries within the Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Expires 30 Jun 2024. Regional General Permit, Vicksburg district boundaries within the Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi 01-JUL-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SPK-16: Anadromous Salmonid Fisheries Restoration DOD-COE-00875 This Regional General Permit (RGP) covers the range of salmon and steelhead habitat in the Central Valley, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta), and Suisun Bay within the boundaries of the Sacramento and San Francisco Districts. Regional General Permit, Sacramento-San Joaquin, San Francisco, fisheries 11-JUL-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-54: City of Newport Beach Maintenance Dredging DOD-COE-00876 RGP 54 authorizes small-scale maintenance dredging, dock and bulkhead repairs, and in-kind dock and bulkhead replacement projects in Newport Bay. Specifically, the RGP covers the following regulated activities in eligible areas of Newport Bay: 1) maintenance dredging under and adjacent to private, public, and commercial docks, floats, and piers; 2) the discharge of dredged material at adjacent beach sites for beach nourishment, the LA-3 Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS), confined disposal facilities, or at approved upland disposal sites; and 3) the repair and in-kind replacement of docking systems (including docks, piers, gangways, floats, and piles), bulkheads, and piles. Dredge, Dock, Bulkhead, Newport Beach 24-JUL-2019 27-APR-2020
PGP SPK-17: Minimal impact covered activities under the South Sacramento Habitat Conservation Plan DOD-COE-00877 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District (Corps), hereby issues a programmatic general permit (PGP) for certain covered activities under the South Sacramento Habitat Conservation Plan that result in the discharge of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the United States (U.S.) resulting in no more than minimal individual and cumulative impacts on aquatic resources, and have been authorized by a local Aquatic Resource Impact Permit pursuant to local Aquatic Resource Protection (ARP) ordinances, implemented by SSHCP “Land Use Authority Permittees” (LUAPs) or the South Sacramento Conservation Agency Joint Powers Authority (SSCA). The ARP ordinances are associated with, and refer directly to, the SSHCP and an associated locally-based Aquatic Resources Program. Sacramento District, General Permit 25-JUL-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP POA-06: Wrangell Industrial Park Subdivision DOD-COE-00878 RGP for industrial development in the Wrangell Industrial Park Subdivision Wrangell, Regional General Permit 22-AUG-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SPK-3: Boat Docks and Associated Structures DOD-COE-00879 The purpose of this RGP is to implement an expedited permit application and review process for the installation, repair, modification, replacement, or removal of pile supported docks and floating docks, and their associated structures (e.g. access, decks, landings, gangway, ramp, stairs, etc.) Regional General Permit 23-AUG-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-41: Mechanized Removal of Invasive, Exotic Plants from Waters of the U.S. DOD-COE-00880 This Regional General Permit authorizes the mechanized removal of the following invasive, exotic plants from waters of the U.S. including wetlands, within the California portion of the Los Angeles District of the Corps of Engineers, for the purposes of habitat recovery. Regional Permit, invasive, California, exotic 05-SEP-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP POA-07: Statewide Rural Development DOD-COE-00881 GP for residential and community developments Development 06-SEP-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SPA-NM-14-01: Stream Stabilization and Water Quality Improvement Projects in Urban Ephemeral Channels DOD-COE-00882 This permit authorizes discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States for stream stabilization projects for the purpose of water quality improvements in ephemeral drainages located in urban environments within the State of New Mexico. Dredge, Fill Material, New Mexico 06-SEP-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SPL-78: California Department of Fish and Game's Fisheries Restoration Grant Program DOD-COE-00883 To reauthorize the implementation of salmonid habitat enhancement and restoration projects conducted under the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (CDFW) Fisheries Restoration Grant Program (FRGP) in various coastal streams within Los Angeles District from San Luis Obispo County to San Diego County, California, implemented through the CDFW FRGP. Projects would be identified on an annual basis and would apply one or more of the habitat restoration treatments described in the California Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration Manual (CDFW Manual). California, Fish, Restoration, Los Angeles 17-SEP-2019 27-APR-2020
PGP MVK-60: Minor Construction Activities on Entergy-Owned Arkansas Hydropower Lakes DOD-COE-00884 RGP for minor construction activities in WOUS within the jurisdiction of the Vickburg District on Entergy-owned lakes in the State of Arkansas. Expires 18-Sep-2024. Includes the following PGPs: MVK-PGP-60-A; MVK-PGP-60-B; MVK-PGP-60-C; MVK-PGP-60-D; and MVK-PGP-60-E. Expires 18-Sep-2022. Arkansas, Hydropower 18-SEP-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP NAO-19-RGP-11: Certain Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Roadway and Railway Projects DOD-COE-00885 For use by the Virginia Department of Transportation to expedite projects that would qualify for a no reporting nationwide permit but for the Endangered Species Act general condition Virginia, Endangered Species Act 20-SEP-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP MVK-16: MAINTENANCE DREDGING OF ACCESS CHANNELS, PORT BASINS AND TERMINAL AREAS OF COMMERCIAL AND MUNICIPAL PORTS ALONG THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER WITHIN THE VICKSBURG DISTRICT DOD-COE-00886 RGP for maintenance dredging for the removal of silt accumulations around existing docks, under existing barge fleeting and mooring areas, and within associated access channels and port basins; and the discharge of the dredged material. Applicable in portions of the Mississippi River and adjacent port areas within the Vicksburg District in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Expires 25 Sep 2024. Regional General Permit, Mississippi 25-SEP-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP MVK-32: Regulated Activities in Waters of the United States Associated with the Construction of Minor Drainage and Water Level Control Structures DOD-COE-00887 RGP for widely used drainage and control structures, water level control structures, and grade and erosion control structures. For use in the jurisdiction of the Vicksburg District in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Expires 25 September 2024. Vicksburg, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi 25-SEP-2019 27-APR-2020
PGP SAJ-42: Recipient of a verification from Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources, Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) expires 30-Sep-2024 DOD-COE-00888 The work authorized are those activities that qualify for and are authorized by a Class I, Miami-Dade County Coastal Construction Permit or under an Expedited Administrative Authorization (EAA) and are limited to shoreline stabilization, maintenance dredging, minor structures, piers/docks and appurtenances, floating vessel platforms, and scientific measuring devices, located in waters of the United States, excluding federal projects and federal land interests in Miami-Dade County, Florida Miami, Environmental, Construction Permit, Florida 30-SEP-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP MVK-25: CONSTRUCTION OF RECREATIONAL BOATING FACILITIES DOD-COE-00889 RGP for construction of recreational boating facilities and the associated discharge of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the United States within the regulatory jurisdiction of the Vicksburg District in the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Typical activities include construction of boat ramps, parking areas, access roads, fishing piers, docks (both fixed and floating) and associated facilities. Expires 30 Sep 2024. Recreational Boating, Vicksburg, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi 30-SEP-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP MVK-46: ROADWAY EMBANKMENTS AND BRIDGE ABUTMENTS DOD-COE-00890 RGP for construction and stabilization of roadway embankments and bridge abutments performed by or having oversight from MOOT within the State of Mississippi. Expires 2 Oct 2024. Mississippi, MOOT, Roadway 02-OCT-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP MVR-07: Road Crossings DOD-COE-00891 RGP for work associated with construction, expansion, modification, or improvement of linear transportation projects that result in impacts up to 1 acre of WOUS. Expires 2-Oct-2024. construction, expansion, modification 02-OCT-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SPA-14: Fort Carson Army Garrison and Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site Erosion Control and Other Minor Activities DOD-COE-00892 The purpose of this regional general permit (RGP) is to authorize discharges of dredged or fill material for erosion control and other minor activities in waters of the United States on the Fort Carson Army Garrison (Fort Carson) and the Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site (PCMS) that are substantially similar in nature and cause only minimal individual and cumulative environmental impacts. Fort Carson Army Garrison, Pinon Canyon 02-OCT-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP NWO-RGP-9601-08-BIS: Emergency Flood Related Activities (Expires 30-Apr-2024) DOD-COE-00893 Authorizes work associated with emergency flood related activities. Emergency Flood 03-OCT-2019 27-APR-2020
Implementation Guidance Section 2102(a) of WRRDA 2014: Operation and maintenance of harbor projects (General) DOD-COE-00894 The implementation guidance directs that conducting a study of remote and subsistence harbor and navigation improvements, the Secretary may recommend a project without the need to demonstrate that the project is justified solely by national economic development benefits if certain specified criteria are met. This supersedes the implementation guidance for Section 2006 of WRDA 2007. Harbor, Navigation 05-OCT-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SWT-14: Transportation Crossings in Critical Resource Waters in Oklahoma DOD-COE-00895 GP for transportation crossings in critical resource waters Waters, Oklahoma 15-OCT-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP SWT-12: Utility Line Activities in Critical Resource Waters in Oklahoma DOD-COE-00896 GP for utility lines in critical resource waters Utility Lines, Waters, Oklahoma 07-NOV-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP NWK-43: Maintenance of Man-Made Lakes and Ponds (expires 5-Dec-2024) DOD-COE-00897 This Regional General Permit (RGP) authorizes activities designed to improve water quality, improve fish and wildlife habitat, and extend the lifespan of man-made lakes and ponds. This permit authorizes the removal and discharge of lakebed/pond sediment in conjunction with mechanical dredging, hydraulic dredging and excavation activities. Lakes, ponds 05-DEC-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP LRC-1-IN: INDIANA REGIONAL GENERAL PERMIT NO. 001 DOD-COE-00898 LRC, LRE, & LRL - Indiana Regional General Permit; RGP authorizes activities in place of suspended NWPs 13, 14, 18, 29, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, & 44 Indiana 15-DEC-2019 27-APR-2020
RGP LRC-RPP: CHICAGO DISTRICT REGIONAL PERMIT PROGRAM DOD-COE-00899 Regional Permit Program (RPP) that includes a set of Regional Permits for activities with minimal individual and cumulative impacts on the aquatic environment in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties, Illinois. Specific permits include: (1) Residential, Commercial and Institutional Developments; (2) Recreation Projects; (3) Transportation Projects; (4) Minor Discharges and Dredging; (5) Aquatic Habitat Restoration, Establishment, and Enhancement; (6) Completed Enforcement Actions; (7) Temporary Construction Activities; (8) Utility Line Projects; (9) Maintenance; (10) Bank Stabilization; (11) Marine Structures and Activities; (12) Bridge Scour Protection; and (13) Cleanup of Toxic and Hazardous Materials. Chicago 10-JAN-2020 27-APR-2020
RGP SWF-20-RGP-8: Boat Ramps and Minor Facilities DOD-COE-00900 RGP for boat ramps and water-based recreational activities in SWF Boat Ramps, Water 27-JAN-2020 27-APR-2020
RGP POA-09: Mooring Bouys on the Kasilof River in Alaska DOD-COE-00901 Reissuance of Regional General Permit (RGP) POA-1987-00003-M7 (RGP-09) authorizing the seasonal placement of commercial mooring buoys in the Kasilof River. Kasilof River, Alaska 06-FEB-2020 27-APR-2020
RGP NWS-6: Structures in Inland Marine Waters of Washington State (expires 20-Apr-2022) DOD-COE-00902 To authorize the construction of new1 residential in- and overwater structures in inland marine waters Construction, Washington 12-FEB-2020 27-APR-2020
RGP NWS-8: U.S. Forest Service Aquatic Restoration Program Within the State of Washington (expires 4-Apr-2022) DOD-COE-00903 To authorize eleven restoration activities in waters of the U.S. designed to maintain, enhance, and restore watershed functions that affect aquatic species. Restoration, U.S. Forest Service Aquatic, Washington 12-FEB-2020 27-APR-2020
RGP SAJ-92: Florida Department of Transportation and Florida's Turnpike Enterprise (Expires 8-Apr-2020) DOD-COE-00904 Authorizes activities required for the construction of projects with FHWA and/or FDOT approved environment document, where dredge and fill impacts do not result in the loss of greater than 5.0 acres of waters of the United States (wetlands and surface waters) for any 1-mile segment of roadway length up to a maximum loss of 50 acres of waters of the United States per project. Florida, Turnpike, Transportation 08-APR-2020 27-APR-2020
RGP SAW-198200031: North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) DOD-COE-00905 Maintenance, Repair, and Construction Projects Conducted by the Various Divisions of the NCDOT (expires 30-Apr-2020) North Carolina, Transportation 16-AUG-2020 27-APR-2020
RGP NAE-ME: Maine DOD-COE-00906 An activity listed below may be authorized by this GP only if that activity and the permittee satisfy all of the GP’s terms and conditions. Any activity not specifically listed below may still be eligible for the GP; applicants are advised to contact the Corps for a specific eligibility determination. Category 1 and Category 2 eligibility criteria for each activity in both Inland and Tidal waters can be found in Appendix A.1. Repair, Replacement, Expansion, and Maintenance of Authorized Structures and Fills; 2. Moorings; 3. Structures, Floats and Lifts; 4. Aids to Navigation, and Temporary Recreational Structures; 5. Dredging, Disposal of Dredged Material, Beach Nourishment, and Rock Removal and Relocation; 6. Discharges of Dredged or Fill Material Incidental to the Construction of Bridges; 7. Bank and Shoreline Stabilization; 8. Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Developments, and Recreational Facilities; 9. Utility Line Activities; 10. Linear Transportation Projects; 11. Mining Activities; 12. Boat Ramps and Marine Railways;
13. Land and Water-Based Renewable Energy Generation Facilities and Hydropower Projects; 14. Reshaping Existing Drainage Ditches and Mosquito Management; 15. Oil Spill and Hazardous Material Cleanup; 16. Cleanup of Hazardous and Toxic Waste; 17. Scientific Measurement Devices; 18. Survey Activities; 19. Agricultural Activities; 20. Fish and Wildlife Harvesting, Enhancement, and Attraction Devices; 21. Habitat Restoration, Establishment and Enhancement Activities; 22. Previously Authorized Activities; 23. Stream & Wetland Crossings; 24. Aquaculture
Maine 13-OCT-2020 26-JUN-2020
Huntington District Policy on Public Use of Assistive Mobility Devices at the Grapevine Campground on Fishtrap Lake in Kentucky DOD-COE-00907 Assistive mobility devices, such as a powered wheel chair, electric scooter, or golf car, are permitted for use by individuals with mobility impairments for necessary transportation within the campground. In order for a person to use an assistive mobility device, he or she must provide credible assurance that the device is being used because of a mobility disability. The individual must provide one of the following: a valid, State-issued disability parking placard or card, State-issued proof of disability, or similar document. Public, Assistive Mobility Devices, Kentucky 01-JUN-2016 26-JUN-2020
Huntington District Policy on Public Use of Assistive Mobility Devices in Campgrounds at the John W. Flannagan Dam & Reservoir in Virginia DOD-COE-00908 Assistive mobility devices, such as a powered wheel chair, electric scooter, or golf car, are permitted for use by individuals with mobility impairments for necessary transportation within the campground. In order for a person to use an assistive mobility device, he or she must provide credible assurance that the device is being used because of a mobility disability. The individual must provide one of the following: a valid, State-issued disability parking placard or card, State-issued proof of disability, or similar document. John W. Flannagan Dam & Reservoir, Virginia 01-JUN-2016 26-JUN-2020
Huntington District Policy on Public Use of Assistive Mobility Devices in Campgrounds Managed by the Huntington District in West Virginia DOD-COE-00909 Assistive mobility devices, such as a powered wheel chair, electric scooter, or golf car, are permitted for use by individuals with mobility impairments for necessary transportation within the campground. In order for a person to use an assistive mobility device, he or she must provide credible assurance that the device is being used because of a mobility disability. The individual must provide one of the following: a valid, State-issued disability parking placard or card, State-issued proof of disability, or similar document. Huntington District, West Virginia 01-JUN-2016 26-JUN-2020
Huntington District Policy on Use of Manned Submersible Vessels for Recreational Use on Corps Lakes DOD-COE-00910 For the purposes of this policy, a "manned submersible vessel" is defined as a vessel or vehicle that can be submerged and navigated under water, and is manufactured or operated primary for pleasure; [See 46 U.S.C. 2101 (25)(A)]. Operation of manned submersible vessels shall be permitted on all Corps Lakes within the Huntington District, except in certain areas. Huntington District, Manned Submersible Vessels 31-AUG-2012 26-JUN-2020
Huntington District Special Use - Event Permit Application DOD-COE-00911 To apply for a US Army Corps of Engineers Special Use Permit, all blanks must be completed. If a question does not pertain to your activity please use "N/A." The application must be received by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 60 days prior to the event. All activities associated with the Special Event proposed on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers property should be included in this permit application. Huntington District, Permit   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Application for an Aquatic Pest Control Treatment Permit on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lands and Waters DOD-COE-00912 This is an application to obtain an Individual Aquatic Herbicide Treatment Permit. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers prohibits the use of herbicides on or in its reservoirs except in strict compliance with an individual aquatic pesticide permit signed and issued by the Corps. This application must be fully completed and signed by both the property owner requesting authorization (“Property Owner”) and the state-certified aquatic pesticide commercial applicator proposing to perform the aquatic herbicide services. Mobile District, Aquatic Pest Control   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Application for Lake Lanier Special Activity Permit DOD-COE-00913 The sponsoring organization must obtain a permit from the Lake Lanier Project Management Office at least 30 days prior to the event date. The permit will describe the nature of the event, the starting and closing date, the location or area desired for the event, and any other pertinent information. In order to qualify for a special activity permit, the event must contribute to the enjoyment of the public and comply with established land use classifications. Mobile District, Lake Lanier, Permit   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Application for Special Use Permit - Commercial Filming / Still Photography - Lake Lanier DOD-COE-00914 This application must be received a minimum of 60 days in advance of the project to allow processing. A decision to determine if, a Letter of Permission, a Special Activity Permit, or a license from Real Estate will be appropriate. The more detailed the information, the more quickly the application can be processed. If an Unmanned Aircraft System (Drone) will be utilized, the additional UAS (Drone) use application must also be attached. Mobile District, Commercial Filming, Lake Lanier 01-JAN-2019 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Aquatic Plant Management Plan for Lake Seminole DOD-COE-00915 This report will list the target plant and any planned activities associated with management operations. Mobile District, activities   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Lake Sidney Lanier - Letter of Permission Application for Recreational Use of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) DOD-COE-00916 Letter of Permission Application For Recreational Use of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) Application, Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS)   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Lake Sidney Lanier Special Use Permit Guidelines DOD-COE-00917 Special Activity Permits and Letters of Permission serve to regulate activities and promote environmental, safety, or security concerns; restrict numbers of visitors to an area; place restrictions on the recreational use activity; or provide information to the user concerning their activity. A special event is defined as the organized use of project resources for a specific purpose and limited duration, beyond that normally engaged in by individuals or
groups on a day-to-day basis. Federal regulations require all commercial activities occurring on USACE Civil Works Projects receive permission from the District Commander to conduct those activities.
Permits, Lake Sidney Lanier   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Lake Sydney Lanier - Letter of Permission Application for Non-Recreational Use of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) DOD-COE-00918 LAKE SYDNEY LANIER Letter of Permission Application Lake Sydney Lanier   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Metal Detector Policy - Carters Lake DOD-COE-00919 In accordance with the policy established by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, each project will have one or more areas open to the public for the recreational use of metal detectors. Metal Detector, Carters Lake   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Request for Authorization To Conduct Commercial Activity - Lake Lanier DOD-COE-00920 Form to request authorization to conduct commercial activity on government property at the Lake Sidney Lanier Project Commercial Activity, Lake Lanier   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Special Event Application - Lake Lanier DOD-COE-00921 Application Mobile District, Lake Lanier 01-JAN-2019 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Special Event Permit Application - West Point Lake DOD-COE-00922 Special events and activities held on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers property and waters, such as fishing tournaments, boat regattas, weddings, rowing events, special recreation programs and other organized events, require written permission granted by the District Engineer. The USACE manages events through a Special Events Permit Program that is designed to minimize scheduling conflicts by groups, prevent overuse of the lake, ensure equal access to recreation areas, and enhance public safety. A Special Event Permit is required for any event or activity and must be obtained from the West Point Project Management Office at least 30 days prior to the event or activity. Special Events, Permit, West Point Lake 20-JAN-2020 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Specified Acts Permit DOD-COE-00923 The Specified Acts Permit is a non-fee, short term permit issued for a specified one-time act for minor activities on project lands and waters. The permit will detail the authorized work including methods to be employed, types of equipment to be used, and time frames for completing the work and restoring public lands. Drawings, plans or photographs may be required to process the permit. Each request will be reviewed based on current environmental laws and regulations. Specified Acts Permit, Mobile District   26-JUN-2020
Nashville District Drone Policy DOD-COE-00924 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Drone Policy governs the operation and use of recreational unmanned aerial systems (UAS) at all Nashville District lakes within the Cumberland River Basin. Nashville   26-JUN-2020
Nashville District Firewood Policy DOD-COE-00925 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District announces a new firewood policy is now in effect, and seeks the public’s cooperation to prevent the spread of forest insects and disease at campgrounds in the Cumberland River Basin. Nashville 17-FEB-2017 26-JUN-2020
New England District Prohibition on the Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) on Federal Lands DOD-COE-00926 The use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), such as drones, are prohibited on or above federal lands and waters managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District. This prohibition applies regardless of the location of the operator. New England District 27-MAR-2018 26-JUN-2020
Vicksburg District Mississippi Project Lakes, Hunting/Trapping Regulations DOD-COE-00927 All persons must have, in their possession, a valid Mississippi hunting license and agree to read and abide by the terms outlined in these regulations prior to accessing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) lands. Vicksburg District 08-JUL-1905 26-JUN-2020
Vicksburg District Rules for Safe Operation of Off-Road Vehicles at Arkabutla, Sardis, Enid, and Grenada Lakes DOD-COE-00928 ORVs are authorized for off-road use on Subject Lands in accordance with these rules and with other applicable laws, regulations, or restrictions. Nothing in these rules should be construed to authorize operation of ORVs on public roads or highways in violation of Mississippi law. Vicksburg District 10-NOV-2015 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Applicant Information - Requests for a License for Filming/Photography DOD-COE-00929 A government real estate license is required for filming and still photography shoots by commercial, student, and non-profit organizations on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) fee owned property (land and water) at Wilmington District Civil Works Operations Projects. This includes areas on government property leased or licensed to others. Licenses are issued by the USACE Real Estate Division under authority of 10 USC § 2667. Wilmington District 01-SEP-2017 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Flowage Easement Consent Request Information DOD-COE-00930 This information is provided to assist property owners with preparing a request for consent from the government for activities within a flowage easement owned by the government. Wilmington District 01-AUG-2014 26-JUN-2020
Alaska District Drawing Checklist DOD-COE-00931 The ultimate objective of a set of drawings is to allow someone who is unfamiliar with the project to quickly obtain a clear understanding of what is proposed and how the impacted waterbody and/or wetlands will be affected. Alaska District   26-JUN-2020
Albuquerque District Guidelines for Compliance With Appendix C of 33 CFR Part 325 and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act DOD-COE-00932 In order to comply with both Appendix C and the NHPA, the Albuquerque District Regulatory Division has prepared these guidelines to assist applicants, their consultants, and the Corps in minimizing time and effort in determining the level of effort for compliance and in preparing submittals to the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and expediting the review process. Albuquerque District   26-JUN-2020
Albuquerque District How To Request a General (Nationwide and Regional General) Permit Verification Letter DOD-COE-00933 Required Information for Pre-Construction Notifications to the Corps Albuquerque District 12-MAR-2019 26-JUN-2020
Albuquerque District Preparing an Alternatives Analysis Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act DOD-COE-00934 This document is intended to assist applicants and consultants in ensuring that their alternatives analysis includes the key items that must be evaluated for permit decisions. Albuquerque District 01-JUN-2016 26-JUN-2020
Baltimore District Checklist for New Aquaculture Projects - Bottom/Submerged Land Leases DOD-COE-00935 Applicants seeking to perform new commercial shellfish aquaculture activities using a submerged land lease must complete a Joint State/Federal Application for a Commercial Shellfish Aquaculture Lease and Federal Permit and submit it to the Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Service, Aquaculture Division (see address at end of this checklist). The completed permit application and plans must include certain information. Baltimore District 29-AUG-2011 26-JUN-2020
Baltimore District Checklist for New Aquaculture Projects - Water Column Leases DOD-COE-00936 Any person or entities interested in establishing new, commercial shellfish aquaculture activities/operations, under a Maryland State Water Column Lease must obtain a Corps permit, as well as any required State approvals by completing a Joint State/Federal Application for a Commercial Shellfish Aquaculture Lease and Federal Permit. (Click link to access application) The completed application should be submitted to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Service, Aquaculture Division (see address at end of this checklist). The completed permit application and plans must include certain information Baltimore District 29-AUG-2011 26-JUN-2020
Baltimore District Information for a Complete Mitigation Bank Prospectus Per CFR 332.8(D)(2) DOD-COE-00937 This information list has been prepared to assist bank sponsors, their agents, and other interested parties with the successful development of a complete prospectus, pursuant to the requirements provided in the mitigation rule. The bank prospectus should be sufficiently detailed to assess the technical feasibility of the bank development plan and to support informed comment regarding the bank’s operational objectives. The prospectus should be organized in the following format as described in the mitigation rule to facilitate the review of the proposed project by the IRT. Baltimore District 13-NOV-2018 26-JUN-2020
Baltimore District Jurisdictional Determination (JD) Information Checklist DOD-COE-00938 This checklist is to assist applicants in submitting complete and proper information. This is not a comprehensive list, nor are all items mandatory for all projects. However, this list contains general information typically necessary for this office to confirm jurisdictional and/or wetland delineations as part of the permit process.   14-AUG-2009 26-JUN-2020
Baltimore District Mitigation Plan Components DOD-COE-00939 Mitigation banks and in-lieu fee programs must prepare a mitigation plan including the 12 components listed below for each mitigation project site. Baltimore District   26-JUN-2020
Baltimore District Performance Standards and Monitoring Protocol for Nontidal Wetland Mitigation Banks DOD-COE-00940 Nontidal wetland mitigation banks shall conform to the following performance standards by the end of the monitoring period, unless otherwise determined by the Interagency Review Team (IRT) co-chairs (the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Maryland Department of the Environment), in consultation with the IRT Baltimore District 03-APR-2018 26-JUN-2020
Baltimore District Performance Standards and Monitoring Protocol for Tidal Wetland Mitigation Banks DOD-COE-00941 Tidal wetland mitigation banks shall conform to the following performance standards by the end of
the monitoring period, unless otherwise determined by the Interagency Review Team (IRT) co-chairs (the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Maryland Department of the Environment), in consultation with the IRT
Baltimore District 28-OCT-2016 26-JUN-2020
Baltimore District Requirements for Mitigation Bank and In-Lieu Fee Program Instruments DOD-COE-00942   Baltimore District   26-JUN-2020
Baltimore District Typical Compensatory Mitigation Cost Estimate Components DOD-COE-00943 In accordance with the 2008 Mitigation Rule, sufficient financial assurances shall be required to ensure a high level of confidence that the compensatory mitigation project will be successfully completed, in accordance with applicable performance standards. The amount of the required financial assurance shall be based on the fair market costs to fully design and implement a compensatory mitigation work and meet the performance standards. The following are typical components of a compensatory mitigation project that shall be considered in determining the appropriate financial assurance amount. Baltimore District 15-JUL-2010 26-JUN-2020
Great Lakes Off-Shore Wind Energy Projects and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permitting Process DOD-COE-00944 Fact Sheet Great Lakes 05-JUL-1905 26-JUN-2020
Buffalo District Guidelines for Stream Mitigation Banking and In-Lieu Fee Programs in Ohio Version 1.1 DOD-COE-00945 The purpose of this document is to provide those interested in stream mitigation banking and in-lieu fee stream mitigation with a statewide guide developed by the Interagency Review Team (IRT). This is to ensure that such mitigation sites to be established in Ohio will have the greatest likelihood of success. The Ohio IRT is composed of representatives from the Buffalo, Huntington and Pittsburgh Districts of the Corps, the USEPA Region V, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Buffalo District 01-MAR-2016 26-JUN-2020
Buffalo District Protocol for Defining ‘Vicinity’ for the Indiana and Northern Long-Eared Bats (NLEB), Per General Condition No. 18 of the Nationwide Permits (NWPs). DOD-COE-00946 Note that this ONLY pertains to the listed bats. Buffalo District 11-APR-2016 26-JUN-2020
Buffalo District the Northern Long-Eared Bat (NLEB) and the USACE Regulatory Permit Process DOD-COE-00947 Fact Sheet Buffalo District 01-APR-2016 26-JUN-2020
Buffalo District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Evaluation of Activities on Lake Erie – in Ohio DOD-COE-00948 The purpose of this document is to provide information on the USACE Regulatory Branch’s role in activities associated with Lake Erie and its shoreline. Buffalo District 01-DEC-2017 26-JUN-2020
Buffalo District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Evaluation of Activities on Lake Erie & Lake Ontario in New York DOD-COE-00949 The purpose of this document is to provide information on the USACE Regulatory Branch’s role in activities associated with Lake Erie and Lake Ontario and their shorelines in New York. Buffalo District 18-JAN-2018 26-JUN-2020
Buffalo District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Role in Activities Associated With Oil and Natural Gas Production and Distribution (New York) DOD-COE-00950 Fact Sheet Buffalo District 01-JUN-2017 26-JUN-2020
Buffalo District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Role in Activities Associated With Oil and Natural Gas Production and Distribution (Ohio) DOD-COE-00951 Fact Sheet Buffalo District 01-MAR-2013 26-JUN-2020
Buffalo District Wetlands – What You Should Know Before You Buy Or Build (New York) DOD-COE-00952

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) define wetlands as follows, “Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas.”
Buffalo District 01-FEB-2013 26-JUN-2020
Buffalo District Wetlands – What You Should Know Before You Buy Or Build (Ohio) DOD-COE-00953

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) define wetlands as follows, “Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas.”
Buffalo District 01-FEB-2013 26-JUN-2020
Charleston District Conservation Easement Model DOD-COE-00954 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA CONSERVATION EASEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE Charleston District 01-SEP-2010 26-JUN-2020
Charleston District Restrictive Covenant Model DOD-COE-00955 DECLARATION OFRESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Charleston District 01-SEP-2010 26-JUN-2020
Charleston District Checklist for Compensatory Mitigation Proposals DOD-COE-00956 The following information will normally be required for consideration of a proposal regarding compensatory mitigation for adverse ecological effects. Applicants may choose to provide eight copies of proposals to expedite agency notification. The following information requirements relate exclusively to review of mitigation proposals. Charleston District 10-JUN-2008 26-JUN-2020
Charleston District Guidelines for Preparing a Compensatory Mitigation Plan DOD-COE-00957 This local guidance document discusses the requirements of the Mitigation Rule and replaces the Charleston District’s Standard Operating Procedures for Compensatory Mitigation (RDSOP-02-01), dated September 19, 2002. Please note this document is marked as a working draft and is subject to periodic review and modification. Charleston District 07-OCT-2010 26-JUN-2020
Charleston District Joint Federal and State Application Form for Activities Affecting Waters of the United States Or Critical Areas of the State of South Carolina DOD-COE-00958 In addition to the information on this form, you must submit a set of drawings and, in some cases, additional information. A completed application form together with all required drawings and supplemental information is required before an application can be considered complete. See the attached instruction sheets for details regarding these requirements. You may attach additional sheets if necessary to provide complete information. Charleston District   26-JUN-2020
Charleston District Joint State/Federal Administrative Procedures for the Establishment and Operation of Mitigation Banks in South Carolina DOD-COE-00959 Within the framework established by national guidance, this document provides coordinated state/federal guidance on the development and operation of mitigation banks in the State of South Carolina for the purposes of providing alternatives for compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States authorized by the Corps of Engineers and State of South Carolina regulatory programs. Charleston District 01-SEP-2002 26-JUN-2020
Charleston District Jurisdictional Determination and Delineation Guide DOD-COE-00960 The information listed below should be submitted with Jurisdictional Determination Requests and/or Delineations. To reduce delays in verifying Jurisdictional Determinations and Delineations, it is recommended that the information provided is a complete and true representation of wetlands and other aquatic resources that may be present onsite. Charleston District 01-APR-2017 26-JUN-2020
Charleston District Mitigation Bank Prospectus Template DOD-COE-00961 Template Charleston District   26-JUN-2020
Charleston District Mitigation Banking Instrument Template DOD-COE-00962 Template Charleston District 06-NOV-2014 26-JUN-2020
Charleston District Permittee-Responsible Mitigation Plan Template (Working Draft) DOD-COE-00963 Template Charleston District 07-OCT-2010 26-JUN-2020
Charleston District Pre-Application Meeting Request DOD-COE-00964 This form is intended for use by anyone requesting a pre-application meeting with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District (Corps) to discuss projects that may result in the submission of a Department of the Army (DA) permit application. Please complete this form and supply the supporting documents described below. This document can be completed electronically and then printed. This document must be signed by the current property owner(s) if an on-site meeting is requested (see Section II). The printed form and supporting documents should be mailed to the appropriate office. Charleston District 01-OCT-2016 26-JUN-2020
Charleston District Request for Corps Jurisdictional Determination (JD) / Delineation DOD-COE-00965 For Jurisdictional Status and Identifying Wetlands and Other Aquatic Resources Charleston District 01-JAN-2020 26-JUN-2020
Charleston District Requirements for a Mitigation Plan (33 CFR 332.4(C)/40 CFR 230.92.4(C)) DOD-COE-00966 A mitigation plan is required for all forms of compensatory mitigation, whether permittee-responsible mitigation, mitigation banks, or in-lieu fee mitigation projects. Charleston District   26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Advanced Identification (ADID) Study, Kane County, Illinois DOD-COE-00967 Part 230.8 within the 404(b)(1) Guidelines authorizes the USEPA and the COE to identify in advance of specific permit requests, aquatic sites which will be considered as areas generally unsuitable for disposal of dredged or fill material. Under the ADID process identification of an area as generally unsuitable for fill does not prohibit applications for permits to fill in these areas. Therefore, the ADID designation is advisory not regulatory. Chicago District 01-AUG-2004 26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Advanced Identification (ADID) Study, Lake County, Illinois DOD-COE-00968 Part 230.8 within the 404(b)(1) Guidelines authorizes the USEPA and the COE to identify in advance of specific permit requests, aquatic sites which will be considered as areas generally unsuitable for disposal of dredged or fill material. Under the ADID process identification of an area as generally unsuitable for fill does not prohibit applications for permits to fill in these areas. Therefore, the ADID designation is advisory not regulatory. Chicago District 01-NOV-1992 26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Advanced Identification (ADID) Study, Mchenry County, Illinois DOD-COE-00969 Part 230.8 within the 404(b)(1) Guidelines authorizes the USEPA and the COE to identify in advance of specific permit requests, aquatic sites which will be considered as areas generally unsuitable for disposal of dredged or fill material. Under the ADID process identification of an area as generally unsuitable for fill does not prohibit applications for permits to fill in these areas. Therefore, the ADID designation is advisory not regulatory. Chicago District 01-DEC-1998 26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Announcement of Exertion of Discretionary Authority Over Selected Waters of the United States Within Mchenry County, Illinois DOD-COE-00970 The Great Lakes and Ohio River Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has authorized the exertion of discretionary authority to require individual permits for the discharge of dredged and/or fill activities in wetlands or waters of the United States which the McHenry County Advanced Identification of Wetlands (ADID) study identifies as high quality and unsuitable for such activities. The McHenry County ADID study identifies two categories of high quality wetlands and waters of the United States: high habitat value wetlands and/or high functional value wetlands. Specifically, the following nationwide permits are eliminated for activities in the ADID sites: 7, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 26, 29, 31, 33 and 36, as well as any future replacements to Nationwide Permit 26, and to the nationwide permit program as a whole. Chicago District 15-JUL-1999 26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Best Management Practices (BMP) Management and Monitoring (M&M) Guidelines DOD-COE-00971 The Corps permitting program requires an applicant to employ permanent Best Management Practices (BMPs) to protect water quality, preserve natural hydrology and minimize the overall impacts of development on aquatic resources. Chicago District 01-JUL-2015 26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Chicago District Permittee Responsible Mitigation Requirements DOD-COE-00972 The purpose of these mitigation requirement and guidelines is to assist applicants and consultants in the development and implementation of compensatory mitigation proposals, including management and monitoring plans to offset unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States authorized through the issuance of Department of the Army (DA) permits pursuant to section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) and/or section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403). Chicago District 01-OCT-2009 26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Delineation Standards DOD-COE-00973 Some Reminders when submitting wetland delineations to the District for review. Following these standards will help to expedite our review of delineation work. Flexibility of these standards may be determined by the District on a case-by-case basis only. Please remember the Corps has the ability to reject delineation work that is: incomplete, inaccurate and/or conducted outside of the growing season. Chicago District   26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Discretionary Authority Over Lake County ADID Wetlands DOD-COE-00974 The North Central Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has authorized the exertion of discretionary authority to require individual permits for any filling activities in the wetlands or other waters of the United States within Lake County, which the Lake County Advanced Identification of wetlands (ADID) study has identified as unsuitable for filling activities. Specifically, the following nationwide permits are eliminated for activities in the ADID sites: 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 23, 25, 26, 33 and 36. Chicago District 01-FEB-1993 26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Fox River-Chain O'Lakes Boat Pier and Boat Ramp Application Review Policy DOD-COE-00975 A policy that outlines the District's procedures and requirements for obtaining permits for boat piers and boat ramps in the Fox River-Chain O'Lakes region. That region extends from the. Fox River at the Wisconsin-Illinois state line to the Algonquin Dam on the Fox River, including the lakes and connecting channels that lie between those two points, all located within the State of Illinois. The policy is directed at limiting the number of permanent piers and boat ramps at multi-user facilities to the number of already existing, currently serviceable piers and ramps at such facilities. The policy accomplishes this goal by requiring permit applicants to remove from the defined trading regions, one existing, currently serviceable pier or boat ramp for each pier or boat ramp for which a permit is sought. Chicago District 12-MAY-2000 26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Interagency Coordination Agreement on Mitigation Banking DOD-COE-00976 The purpose of this document is to establish standards and criteria for the use of mitigation banks to offset wetland loss. The standards and criteria in the ICA will maximize credit availability and provide opportunities for mitigation with ecological importance. Chicago District 01-SEP-2017 26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Interagency Coordination Agreement on Mitigation Banking Within the Regulatory Boundaries of Chicago District, Corps of Engineers - Appendix B – Performance Standards DOD-COE-00977 The following monitoring and performance standards are established to ensure that mitigation banks or in-lieu fee programs create aquatic resources (wetlands or other waters of the U.S.) which compare favorably with moderate to high quality natural aquatic resources/wetlands with respect to diversity, abundance and distribution of plant species, and also to ensure that the created aquatic resources/ wetlands exhibit the hydrologic regimes of natural wetlands and other waters. These standards will be used to measure the performance of mitigation banks unless otherwise stated in the banking instrument. Chicago District 01-SEP-2017 26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Interagency Coordination Agreement on Wetland Mitigation Banking Within the Regulatory Boundaries of Chicago District, Corps of Engineers DOD-COE-00978 This Interagency Coordination Agreement includes the criteria for establishing, owning and operating wetland mitigation banks. It further sets out the criteria for authorizing applicants (e.g., individuals, corporations, units of government) to withdraw credits from a mitigation bank to offset unavoidable wetland impacts that would result from the applicant's proposed activity. Chicago District 01-JAN-1997 26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Interagency Coordination Agreement on Wetland Mitigation Banking Within the Regulatory Boundaries of Chicago District, Corps of Engineers DOD-COE-00979 This Interagency Coordination Agreement includes the criteria for establishing, owning and operating wetland mitigation banks. It further sets out the criteria for authorizing applicants (e.g., individuals, corporations, units of government) to withdraw credits from a mitigation bank to offset unavoidable wetland impacts that would result from the applicant's proposed activity. Chicago District 01-JUN-2008 26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Requirements for In-Stream Construction Activities DOD-COE-00980 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers shall be contacted for a review of the proposed In-stream work plan which must be approved by this office prior to the commencement of work. The plan shall meet the erosion and sediment control standards listed below and include means and methods for completing work within a waterway. All cofferdams shall be constructed to allow the passage of high flows, maintain downstream flows, and withstand anticipated erosive forces. Cofferdams shall be designed and installed so as not to impede the movement of aquatic organisms. Chicago District 06-JUN-2013 26-JUN-2020
Chicago District Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines DOD-COE-00981 A list of SESC Guidelines that shall be followed for all Corps permitted projects.   01-APR-2011 26-JUN-2020
Detroit District Sourcebook DOD-COE-00982 This Sourcebook provides information on the Regulatory Program of the US Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District. Its purpose is to provide the public access to all aspects of the Regulatory Program in an organized and easy to follow manner. If you cannot find the information, please call the Detroit District Regulatory Office at (800) 493-6838, and we will assist you. Detroit District 05-AUG-2013 26-JUN-2020
Detroit District Mitigation Guidelines and Requirements for Permit Applicants DOD-COE-00983 This document is intended as guidance for Department of the Army (DA) permit applicants under the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps of Engineers) Regulatory Program in Detroit District. Compensatory mitigation involves the replacement of aquatic resource functions, values, and services that would be lost as a result of an activity permitted by the Corps of Engineers. Compensatory mitigation is required to offset impacts that cannot be avoided and minimized to the extent practicable. In this document, we have provided background information to assist in the preparation of permittee-responsible compensatory mitigation plans. Detroit District 01-MAY-2016 26-JUN-2020
Interagency Coordination Agreement on Wetland Mitigation Banking Within the State of Indiana DOD-COE-00984 This ICA includes the criteria for establishing, owning, operating and maintaining wetland mitigation banks. It further sets the criteria for authorizing applicants (e.g., individuals, corporations, units of government) to withdraw credits from a wetland mitigation bank to use as compensatory mitigation for unavoidable wetland impacts that would result from an applicant's proposed activity. It is intended that this ICA serve as the basis for the establishment, certification and withdrawal of credits from wetland mitigation banks. The appropriate Corps district (Louisville or Detroit) will be the lead agency in the review and approval of wetland mitigation bank projects within their geographic jurisdiction for the purpose of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The NRCS will be the lead agency for the establishment of wetland mitigation banks for the purpose of complying with the wetland conservation provisions of the 1985 Act. The lead federal agency shall be the repository of official documentation concerning this agreement as well as documentation concerning wetland mitigation banks resulting from this agreement. State of Indiana 24-APR-2002 26-JUN-2020
Form LRP-002: Request for a Jurisdictional Determination DOD-COE-00985 This form can be used when you want to determine if areas on your property fall under regulatory requirements of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Please supply the following information and supporting documents described below. This form can be filled out online and then printed. It must be signed by the property owner to be considered a formal request. Submitting this request authorizes the US Army Corps of Engineers to field inspect the property site, if necessary, to help in the determination process.     26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Annual Monitoring Report Form DOD-COE-00986 This form includes the required elements of an annual monitoring report for compensatory mitigation projects, mitigation bank sites, and in-lieu fee project sites in accordance with the final rule on compensatory mitigation. Fort Worth District   26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Checklist for Applications for Individual Department of the Army Permits DOD-COE-00987 The following is a summary in checklist form of the items that applicants are required to provide for a complete individual permit application. Fort Worth District 31-MAR-2003 26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Checklist for Drawings DOD-COE-00988 The following “checklist for drawings” from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Fort Worth District, are general requirements that should be contained within project exhibits for review of permitting requirements under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. This checklist is a simplified version of drawing requirements taken from the USACE Fort Worth District, General Recommendations for Department of the Army Submittals (June 11, 2001), designed to assist applicants with their exhibit submittals; please refer to aforementioned document for additional specificity. Fort Worth District   26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Compensatory Mitigation Plan Guidelines for Permittee Responsible Mitigation DOD-COE-00989 Compensatory Mitigation Plan Guidelines For Permittee Responsible Mitigation Fort Worth District 27-OCT-2016 26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Conservation Easement Agreement Template DOD-COE-00990 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AGREEMENT Fort Worth District 03-OCT-2017 26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Criteria for Hydric Soils DOD-COE-00991 A hydric soil is a soil that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part. The following criteria reflect those soils that meet this definition. Fort Worth District   26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Financial Assurances Guidance Document DOD-COE-00992 This document discusses the requirements for financial assurances within the USACE Regulatory Program as it relates to compensatory mitigation. Fort Worth District 27-SEP-2013 26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Stream Mitigation Method DOD-COE-00993 The Fort Worth District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has adopted the following stepwise method to provide compensatory mitigation for unavoidable losses of streams associated with Department of the Army (DA) permits. Fort Worth District   26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District General Recommendations for Department of the Army Permit Submittals DOD-COE-00994 The following recommendations from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Fort Worth District, specify information that should be submitted with project proposals for review of permitting requirements under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Fort Worth District 11-JUN-2001 26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District General Recommendations for Department of the Army Permit Submittals for Linear Projects DOD-COE-00995 Permit Submittals for Linear Project Fort Worth District 28-JUL-2003 26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Glossary of Terms Used in Defining Hydric Soils DOD-COE-00996 Glossary of Terms Used in Defining Hydric Soils Fort Worth District   26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Hydrologic Modeling Guidelines for Regulatory Permit Actions - Checklist DOD-COE-00997 The Hydrologic Modeling Guidelines (HMGs) checklist is derived from the detailed descriptions of each HMG provided in the Hydrologic Modeling Guidelines for Regulatory Permit Actions Technical Report (DiNatale 2018). The checklist is a simplification and condensation of the more detailed information presented in this Technical Report that can be used by Regulatory project managers and Applicants to quickly identify the topics, potential Corps data needs and expected hydrologic analysis and modeling process. The HMGs checklist is intended for everyday use and reference by Regulatory project managers and Applicants. Fort Worth District 22-JAN-2018 26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Hydrologic Modeling Guidelines for Regulatory Permit Actions - Final Technical Report DOD-COE-00998 This Technical Report presents technical information supporting development of a set of Hydrologic Modeling Guidelines (HMGs) for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fort Worth District Regulatory Division (Corps). The HMGs are designed for discretionary application by Corps project managers and water supply permit Applicants to assist in identifying hydrologic analysis and modeling needs and requirements associated with water supply and management permit applications, with a focus on the RiverWare modeling platform for cases that require hydrologic modeling. The HMGs are intended to add predictability and transparency to the aspects of the permitting process related to hydrologic modeling but are not required to be used by Applicants or Corps regulators. Fort Worth District 22-JAN-2018 26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Mitigation Bank Prospectus Form DOD-COE-00999 This form includes the information required for a mitigation bank prospectus as outlined in the Final Rule on Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources. Fort Worth District   26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Mitigation Banking Guidelines Compilation DOD-COE-01000 Since the promulgation of the Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources in 2008, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District (District), in conjunction with the District Interagency Review Team (IRT), has developed guidelines covering specific elements for the establishment of mitigation banks within the District. Fort Worth District   26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Mitigation Banking in the Fort Worth District DOD-COE-01001 Mitigation Banking Guidance Fort Worth District 23-DEC-2008 26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Mitigation Banking Instrument Template DOD-COE-01002 This template integrates requirements for a mitigation banking instrument as required by 33 CFR 332.8 for a single mitigation bank project. This template is not to be used for an umbrella mitigation bank. Fort Worth District 07-SEP-2016 26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Mitigation Plan Template DOD-COE-01003 This template includes the components required in a mitigation plan as outlined in the Final Rule on Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources (Federal Register Vol. 73, No. 70; April 10, 2008) and in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 33, Part 332.4. A mitigation plan is required as part of compensatory mitigation projects, including permittee-responsible mitigation, mitigation banks, or in-lieu fee programs. Fort Worth District 27-OCT-2016 26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Preparing an Alternatives Analysis Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act DOD-COE-01004 This document is intended to assist permit applicants in formatting information into an “Alternatives Analysis” that includes the key items that must be evaluated for permit decisions. It is by no means all inclusive of the scenarios that can occur with an Alternatives Analysis but captures many of the most common topics. Fort Worth District 01-NOV-2014 26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Procedures for Jurisdictional Determinations DOD-COE-01005 The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), acting under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the River and Harbors Act of 1899, regulates certain activities occurring in waters of the United States. Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, authorization must be obtained from the USACE for discharges of dredged and fill material into waters of the United States, including jurisdictional wetlands. Under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 the USACE regulates work in, or affecting, navigable waters of the United States. Fort Worth District 24-MAR-2003 26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Draft Conservation Easement DOD-COE-01006 CONSERVATION EASEMENT Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Draft Deed Restriction DOD-COE-01007 DEED RESTRICTION Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Pipeline Abandonment Policy DOD-COE-01008 Policies and procedures of the Galveston District regarding the removal of abandoned pipelines. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Boat Ramps DOD-COE-01009 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Bulkheads, Breakwater Structures, and Other Shoreline Protection Projects DOD-COE-01010 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Cable, Pipeline, and Transmission Lines DOD-COE-01011 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Disposal of Dredged Material DOD-COE-01012 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Drainage Canals And Ditches DOD-COE-01013 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Dredging and Maintaining Channels Or Canals DOD-COE-01014 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Housing Development DOD-COE-01015 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Mariculture and Aquaculture DOD-COE-01016 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Marinas DOD-COE-01017 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Oil & Gas Exploration and Production DOD-COE-01018 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Residential Docks and Piers DOD-COE-01019 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Sewage Treatment and Disposal DOD-COE-01020 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Transportation DOD-COE-01021 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Water Impoundment, Detention, and Retention DOD-COE-01022 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Interagency Construction Guidelines - Water Intake and Discharge Pipes DOD-COE-01023 The purpose of the following guidelines is to provide applicants with environmental guidance that, when followed, will expedite the review of permit applications and may qualify the applicant for a nationwide or general permit. Galveston District   26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Level 1 Stream Condition Assessment Standard Operating Procedure DOD-COE-01024 The purpose of this document is to provide a set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and requirements for addressing stream mitigation and restoration in the Galveston District (District). This SOP will only be applicable when direct impacts occur within the stream bed of a water of the United States. Galveston District 31-MAY-2014 26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Sampling and Analysis Plan – Private Dredging DOD-COE-01025 Site water and sediment samples will be collected from the Applicant’s dredge site for the purpose of conducting testing to characterize the material that will be excavated during the maintenance dredging project. Galveston District 01-JUL-2015 26-JUN-2020
Galveston District San Jacinto Waste Pits - Permit Process DOD-COE-01026 To minimize permittee exposure to CERCLA liability and to continue to effectively evaluate proposed and permitted activities, an interagency workgroup between U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) developed a Process, which all permit applicants and existing permittees within the area of concern must undertake. Galveston District 21-OCT-2009 26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Standard Operating Procedure - Permit Setbacks Along the Sabine-Neches Waterway DOD-COE-01027 This memorandum provides a standard operating procedure (SOP) for evaluation of Department of the Army (DA) permits applications along the Sabine-Neches Waterway (SNWW). It is the intent of this SOP to provide a rapid and repeatable procedure for evaluating the construction of structures and/or the deposition of dredge and fill along the SNWW in order to preserve the Government's ability to maintain such waterway, and provide a margin of safety to those who use such waterway by maintaining established setbacks from the SNWW. Galveston District 07-APR-2016 26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Standard Operating Procedure- Department of the Army Permit Evaluation Setbacks Along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway DOD-COE-01028 This memorandum provides a standard operating procedure (SOP) for evaluation of Department of the Army (DA) permits along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Navigation Channel (GIWW). It is the intent of this SOP to provide a rapid and repeatable procedure for evaluating the construction of structures and/or the deposition of dredge and fill along the GIWW in order to preserve the Government's ability to maintain such waterway, and provide a margin of safety to those who use such waterway by maintaining established setbacks from the GIWW. Galveston District 02-OCT-2013 26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Standard Operating Procedure for Electronic Document Submission Process for Linear Projects Under Nationwide Permits (NWPs) 12 and 14 DOD-COE-01029 This document provides a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and requirements for submitting NWP 12 and 14 applications, in electronic format, on CD-ROM. This SOP includes both internal guidance to Galveston District (Corps) Regulatory Personnel for accepting Department of the Army (DA) permit applications, and external guidance for submitting the information in electronic format. Galveston District 26-MAY-2015 26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Standard Operating Procedures; Recording and Submitting Jurisdictional Delineations Using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Tools and Technologies DOD-COE-01030 The purpose of this document is to provide a set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and requirements for addressing the use of GPS equipment for surveying jurisdictional delineations pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and 404 of the Clean Water Act within the Galveston District. Use of this SOP is required by all who use GPS/GIS data for the purposes of obtaining a Department of the Army permit or jurisdictional determination, as well as all Regulatory personnel. Galveston District 21-APR-2016 26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Standard Operating Procedures (SOP); Using HGM To Determine Potential Wetland Functions and the Appropriate Compensatory Mitigation for Unavoidable Wetland Impacts DOD-COE-01031 The purpose of this document is to provide internal guidance to Galveston District (SWG) personnel in determining the amount of required compensatory mitigation associated with unavoidable wetland impacts, consistent with existing regulations and policies. Galveston District 11-SEP-2008 26-JUN-2020
Great Lakes and Ohio River Division Regional Procedural Review Plan for Low-Impact Alteration Requests Pursuant To 33 USC 408 DOD-COE-01032 This Regional Procedural Review Plan has been developed in accordance with Engineer Circular (EC) 1165-2-216, “Policy and Procedural Guidance for Processing Requests to Alter U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant to 33 USC 408”. EC 1165-2-216 provides policy and procedural guidance for processing requests by private, public, tribal, or other federal entities, to make alterations to, or temporarily or permanently occupy or use, any U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) federally authorized civil works project. Great Lakes and Ohio River Division 03-AUG-2016 26-JUN-2020
Honolulu District Horizontal Survey Parameters DOD-COE-01033 Survey Parameters for X&Y Coordinates. (Needed when a structure is less than 150' from the near bottom edge of the federal channel.) Honolulu District   26-JUN-2020
Honolulu District Hydrographic Survey Parameters DOD-COE-01034 Survey Parameters for a hydrographic survey that is required when a structure or moored vessel will be located within 62.5 feet of the near bottom edge of the federal channel. Honolulu District   26-JUN-2020
Honolulu District Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Survey Guidelines DOD-COE-01035 Please provide information on the presence of any submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) at or adjacent to the proposed location of the work.     26-JUN-2020
Huntington District Agreement Concerning In-Lieu Mitigation Fees Between West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection and U. S. Army Corps of Engineers DOD-COE-01036 This is an agreement between the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) and the Huntington and Pittsburgh Districts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). This agreement recognizes that the WVDEP may receive mitigation in-lieu fees from Department of the Army permittees. WVDEP employs these fees to identify and assess ecologically appropriate stream and wetland restoration opportunities in West Virginia; to implement practical plans to protect, purchase, enhance, restore, and monitor selected sites; and to establish financial, technical, and legal mechanisms to ensure long-term success of the mitigation projects. Huntington District 25-JAN-2006 26-JUN-2020
Huntington/Pittsburgh District Guidance on the West Virginia Interagency Review Team Iniatives Administered in Accordance With the 2008 Final Rule on Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources DOD-COE-01037 The purpose of this public notice is to advise applicants, consultants, industry and the general public of the various initiatives currently being administered by the IRT. Huntington District 01-FEB-2010 26-JUN-2020
Huntington District Mitigation Review Team Operational Guidelines: Use of In-Lieu Fee Mitigation in West Virginia DOD-COE-01038 The COE in cooperation with other federal and state resource agencies will establish and chair a MRT which will function to define the conditions under which the in-lieu fees may be used, to approve proposed projects for design and construction with in-lieu fee monies, and to perform a yearly review of ongoing and completed projects. Huntington District 06-AUG-2008 26-JUN-2020
Huntington District the West Virginia Stream and Wetland Valuation Metric: Instruction Document DOD-COE-01039 The SWVM will be required for evaluating Mitigation Banks, In-Lieu Fee Projects as well as USACE Section 404 applications proposing impacts to our nation’s water resources, which necessitate the following: a preconstruction notification (as indicated in the Public Notice 2008-6 Nationwide Permits for the State of West Virginia) to the resource agencies; proposals requiring a public notice (i.e. Individual Permit, Mitigation Bank or In-Lieu Fee); or other proposals as determined applicable by the USACE. The USACE and the IRT recommend applicants utilize the best available information and science applicable. Streams and/or stream segments may be assessed consistent with the USACE’s standard Rapanos-method of delineating streams. Where atypical situations exist, this metric may not be applicable or a reference standard baseline condition may be assumed. Huntington District 01-FEB-2010 26-JUN-2020
Illinois Stream Mitigation Guidance DOD-COE-01040 Stream Mitigation Method for Processing Section 404 Clean Water Act Permit Applications in the State of Illinois Illinois Stream 01-MAR-2010 26-JUN-2020
In-Lieu Fee Program Instrument Outline for Proposed In-Lieu Fee Programs in the States of Kansas and Missouri DOD-COE-01041 The purpose of this document is to explain how the various Corps Districts, whose regulatory boundaries fall within the State of Missouri and the surrounding states, in consultation with the state’s Interagency Review Team (IRT), comprised of representatives from federal and state resource agencies, interpret the required content for documentation of an in-lieu fee (ILF) compensatory mitigation program. n-Lieu Fee   26-JUN-2020
Jacksonville District ENG Form 4345 Checklist DOD-COE-01042 Additional information may be requested depending on site location and site conditions. Jacksonville District   26-JUN-2020
Jacksonville District Fill and Excavation Activities for Land Development Checklist DOD-COE-01043 Additional information may be requested depending on site location and site conditions. Jacksonville District   26-JUN-2020
Jacksonville District Guidance for the Establishment of Service Areas for Mitigation Bank and In-Lieu-Fee Programs DOD-COE-01044   Jacksonville District 10-MAR-2020 26-JUN-2020
Jacksonville District Guide To Selected Florida Wetland Plants and Communities DOD-COE-01045 This guidebook is intended to assist in the identification of the most common wetland plants in Florida. It should provide an important and useful aid for Jacksonville District personnel, employees of other governmental agencies, and the general public. Jacksonville District 10-JUN-1905 26-JUN-2020
Jacksonville District Information Recommended for a Wetland Delineation Submittal DOD-COE-01046 This document provides a list of detailed information that is recommended for all delineations of aquatic resources and upland determinations that are submitted to the Corps for approval. The information listed below should be submitted with Jurisdictional Determination Requests and/or Wetland Delineations. Jacksonville District 01-MAR-2018 26-JUN-2020
Jacksonville District In-Water Activities Checklist DOD-COE-01047 Additional information may be requested depending on site location and site conditions. Jacksonville District   26-JUN-2020
Jacksonville District Jacksonville District Setback Guidance for Structures Along Certain Federal Channels DOD-COE-01048 This memorandum updates the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, (Corps) guidance regarding setback policy (Guidance) for structures along the Federal channels, established by memorandum dated 18 December 2013. The Guidance is revised herein to remove the maximum 40 foot width of a structure parallel to the shoreline when closer than 62.5 feet from the near design edge and instead allow structures up to 1/3 the width of the shoreline. Jacksonville District 09-NOV-2017 26-JUN-2020
Jacksonville District Mitigation Bank Credit Classification Categories DOD-COE-01049 This document’s purpose is to provide classification categories for Federally released mitigation bank credits. It will allow for more efficient documentation and tracking of mitigation bank credits, while also creating a unified and streamlined approach to classifying compensatory mitigation community types to be used in Department of the Army (DA) permits and mitigation banking instruments (MBIs). Jacksonville District 01-NOV-2011 26-JUN-2020
Jacksonville District Setback Guidance for Structures Along Certain Federal Channels - Frequently Asked Questions DOD-COE-01050 SETBACK GUIDANCE FOR STRUCTURES ALONG CERTAIN FEDERAL CHANNELS FAQs Jacksonville District 01-AUG-2013 26-JUN-2020
Kansas City District Compensatory Mitigation Plan Requirements for Permittee Responsible Mitigation Projects DOD-COE-01051 The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to the Department of the Army permit applicant for the development of a compensatory mitigation plan if the applicant does not propose to use an approved mitigation bank or an approved in-lieu fee (ILF) program or if the proposed project is not within an approved bank or ILF service area. Kansas City District 01-JAN-2010 26-JUN-2020
Kansas City District Conservation Easement Template - Kansas DOD-COE-01052 CONSERVATION EASEMENT Kansas City District 15-JUN-2018 26-JUN-2020
Kansas City District Conservation Easement Template - Missouri DOD-COE-01053 CONSERVATION EASEMENT Kansas City District 15-JUN-2018 26-JUN-2020
Kansas City District Kansas Stream Mitigation Guidance DOD-COE-01054 This guidance document establishes an understandable and consistent method for use by applicants and project managers. It is to be used for determining compensatory mitigation for unavoidable adverse impacts to waters of the United States (WOUS), as authorized by issuance of Department of Army (DA) permits pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, within the state of Kansas, including Indian Country. Kansas City District 13-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Kansas City District Mitigation Banking Instrument Outline for Proposed Mitigation Banks Within the State of Kansas DOD-COE-01055 The purpose of this document is to explain how the Kansas City District, Corps of Engineers and the Kansas Interagency Review Team (IRT) members interpret the required content for mitigation banking documentation. Kansas City District 01-FEB-2015 26-JUN-2020
Kansas City District Programmatic Environmental Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Categorical Permissions for Requests To Alter U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Projects Pursuant To 33 USC 408 DOD-COE-01056 Categorical permissions for alterations to federal levees, channel modification projects, and the Missouri River Bank Stabilization and Navigation Project (BSNP) are being considered. Kansas City District 01-SEP-2016 26-JUN-2020
Kansas City District Section 408 Request Template DOD-COE-01057 Please complete a written request per the template provided. Submit the written request via email to the project engineer or Section 408 coordinator. Do not mail the written request to the District Commander. Kansas City District   26-JUN-2020
Little Rock District Addendum To Charleston Compensatory Mitigation Method DOD-COE-01058 This supplement should be used within the Little Rock District Corps of Engineers geographic boundary as a regional modification. Little Rock District   26-JUN-2020
Little Rock District Drawings - General Information DOD-COE-01059 Three types of drawings--Vicinity, Plan, and Elevation, are required to accurately depict activities on permit applications. Little Rock District   26-JUN-2020
Little Rock District Fayetteville Shale Agency Task Force Checklist DOD-COE-01060 Fayetteville Shale Agency Task Force Checklist Little Rock District 21-MAR-2011 26-JUN-2020
Little Rock District Guidelines for Non-Bridged Stream Crossings DOD-COE-01061 These guidelines were developed to reasonably ensure that the proposed work will not cause more than minimal changes to the hydraulic flow characteristics of the stream, increase flooding, or cause more than minimal degradation of water quality. Little Rock District 06-JAN-2010 26-JUN-2020
Little Rock District Pamphlet - The Permit Application DOD-COE-01062 Pamphlet describing permit application process. Little Rock District   26-JUN-2020
Little Rock District Sediment and Erosion Control Guidelines for Pipeline Projects DOD-COE-01063 The following Sedimentation and Erosion Control Guidelines are based upon acceptable practices in the Little Rock District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. All pipeline projects crossing waters of the United States in the Little Rock District shall be constructed using these guidelines. Little Rock District   26-JUN-2020
Little Rock District Stream Method DOD-COE-01064 The purpose of this document is to quantify compensation for unavoidable adverse impacts which remain after all appropriate and practicable avoidance and minimization have been achieved. Little Rock District 26-NOV-2011 26-JUN-2020
Los Angeles District Colorado River Guidelines DOD-COE-01065 Increased development along the Colorado River has resulted in increased impacts to the aquatic ecosystem. Therefore, in an effort to minimize the cumulative effects of shoreline development, the Corps, in coordination with other Federal and State resource agencies, has developed the following general guidelines for your use in planning your shoreline project(s). Los Angeles District 10-JAN-2018 26-JUN-2020
Los Angeles District Guidance on Preparing a Compensation Planning Framework DOD-COE-01066 The first four elements involve the gathering, dissemination, and review/filtering of data that should lead to development of a set of aquatic resource goals and interim objectives (the fifth element in the list). These goals and objectives will, in turn, lead to the sixth element in the list, the prioritization of mitigation projects within the service area. Stakeholder involvement (e.g., those outside of the IRT), the eighth element, will be important in further narrowing down the list. The seventh (preservation), ninth (long-term protection and management), and tenth (evaluation and reporting) elements, are related to successful management and accounting. Los Angeles District 01-MAY-2014 26-JUN-2020
Los Angeles District In-Lieu Fee Program Proposal Procedures - Draft Prospectus/Prospectus DOD-COE-01067 This package provides procedures and information to initiate the development of In-Lieu Fee (ILF) proposals in the states of California and Arizona. This package contains two checklists with requirements for submitting an ILF Draft Prospectus and Prospectus. Los Angeles District 01-MAR-2011 26-JUN-2020
Los Angeles District Minimum Standards for Acceptance of Aquatic Resources Delineation Reports DOD-COE-01068 The District has established minimum standards for delineation reports to ensure consistency and accuracy in the delineation of aquatic resources and to minimize potential delays. The standards are based on years of experience conducting and verifying delineations, as well as other best practices of environmental professionals. Delineations submitted to the District for verification must follow the standards, unless the District agrees they are not practical (determined on a case-by-case basis). Los Angeles District 01-MAR-2017 26-JUN-2020
Los Angeles District Standard Operating Procedure for Evaluation of Proposed Compensatory Mitigation Sites DOD-COE-01069 The purpose of this document is to outline the process for evaluating compensatory mitigation sites as required for processing of Department of the Army (DA) permits, mitigation bank prospectuses, and in lieu fee (ILF) mitigation plans under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, and Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act. This process applies to the Regulatory Program within Los Angeles District (SPL). Los Angeles District 27-JUL-2016 26-JUN-2020
Louisville District Boat Dock Application Attachment DOD-COE-01070   Louisville District   26-JUN-2020
Louisville District Highlights & Frequently Asked Questions for Use in Evaluating, Documenting, and Compensating for Impacts To Waters of the US DOD-COE-01071 The purpose of this document is to assist the Louisville District Regulatory project manager in an overall understanding of the new “Mitigation Rule.” It is not intended to be complete. This document does not include information relating to the development of Mitigation Bank or In-Lieu Fee instruments; however, this document includes information pertaining to the use of these mitigation resources in the evaluation of applications requiring compensatory mitigation, in addition to permittee responsible compensatory mitigation proposals. Louisville District 09-JUN-2008 26-JUN-2020
Louisville District Information for Submitting a Corps Permit Application DOD-COE-01072 Applicant Information Louisville District   26-JUN-2020
Louisville District Kentucky Pre‐Application Coordination Process: Coal Facilities DOD-COE-01073 The placement of fills and ponds, as well as mine-through areas, is affected by the USACE jurisdictional determinations, the KPDES permit conditions, and analysis conducted pursuant to the CWA Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines (40 C.F.R. Part 230; the Guidelines). The coordination process will be most efficient when the applicant begins the permitting process by contacting KDOW, USACE, USEPA and other involved resource agencies (e.g. KDMP, USFWS, KDFWR, etc.) prior to submitting the SMCRA Preliminary Application. Louisville District   26-JUN-2020
Louisville District Notice Announcing Issuance of Rate Increase, and Method for Assessing Credits, for the Kentucky In-Lieu Fee Program DOD-COE-01074   Louisville District 10-NOV-2009 26-JUN-2020
Louisville District Permit Requirements for the State of Illinois DOD-COE-01075 Construction projects in Illinois waterways, floodplains and wetlands often require both State and Federal authorization. This application packet is designed to simplify the approval process for the applicant seeking project authorizations from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USCOE), The Illinois Department of Natural Resources/Office of Water Resources (IDNR/OWR) and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Louisville District   26-JUN-2020
Louisville District Stream Assessment Protocol for Headwater Streams in the Eastern Kentucky Coalfield Region DOD-COE-01076 Version (June 04, 2002) Stream Assessment Protocol for Headwater Streams Louisville District 04-JUN-2002 26-JUN-2020
Louisville District - The Regulatory Permit Program: a Brief Guide DOD-COE-01077 This information sheet discusses the regulatory program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps): what it is, how it began, how it may affect you and what you as a concerned citizen can do to help. Louisville District   26-JUN-2020
LRC Form 10: Request for a Jurisdictional Determination DOD-COE-01078 Information provided on this form will be used in determining Department of the Army jurisdictional boundaries. Disclosure of the information requested is voluntary; however, the data requested are necessary in order to establish Federal regulatory jurisdiction. If the necessary information is not provided, the jurisdictional determination cannot be completed. LRC Form 10: Request for a Jurisdictional Determination 01-JUN-2016 26-JUN-2020
LRC Form 7: Request for a Letter of No Objection DOD-COE-01079 This form can be used when you want confirmation that a project on your property does not fall under the regulatory requirements of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Please supply the following information and supporting documents described below. This form can be filled out online then printed. It must be signed by the property owner to be considered a formal request. Submitting this request authorizes the USACE to field inspect the property site, if necessary, to help in the determination process. Request for a Letter of No Objection 01-JUN-2016 26-JUN-2020
LRC Form 8: Mitigation Bank Credit Sales DOD-COE-01080 Template Mitigation Bank Credit Sales 01-FEB-2018 26-JUN-2020
LRL Form 66: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District, Pre-Application Meeting Request DOD-COE-01081 Template Louisville District 01-APR-2019 26-JUN-2020
Mitigation Banking Instrument Outline for Proposed Mitigation Banks Within the State of Missouri DOD-COE-01082 The purpose of this document is to explain how the Corps Districts whose regulatory boundaries fall within the State of Missouri and the Interagency Review Team (IRT) members interpret the required content for mitigation banking documentation. Missouri 01-FEB-2015 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Atlantic White Cedar Success Criteria DOD-COE-01083 Criteria Mobile 30-JUN-2003 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Bayhead Drain Habitat Criteria DOD-COE-01084 Criteria Mobile 02-AUG-2012 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Bottomland Hardwood Success Criteria DOD-COE-01085 Criteria Mobile 26-MAR-2019 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Compensatory Stream Mitigation Standard Operating Procedures and Guidelines DOD-COE-01086 The purpose of this document is to provide natural resource agencies, parties involved in stream compensatory mitigation, and the public with a set of standardized procedures and requirements for addressing stream mitigation in the Mobile District. Mobile 01-MAY-2012 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Complex Riparian Buffer Credit Calculation Procedure DOD-COE-01087 “Complex” riparian buffers are stream buffers (on either side) that are comprised of two or more mitigation types (restoration, enhancement, or preservation). The following procedure is to be used to calculate the riparian buffer credits generated on stream reaches with complex buffers on either side of the stream reach. Mobile 01-FEB-2020 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Guidance for Development of Stream Mitigation Performance Standards DOD-COE-01088   Mobile   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Guidelines for Stream Mitigation Design DOD-COE-01089 The following information is intended to give the stream designer an outline of the minimum information requirements needed by the Corps of Engineers in reviewing any proposed stream mitigation project. Mobile 13-JAN-2012 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Initial Review and Approval Procedure and Initial Review Information Required for Mitigation Proposals Submitted To the Mitigation Banking Interagency Review Team (IRT) DOD-COE-01090 The following initial review and approval procedure and initial review information is required by the IRT to evaluate proposed stream and wetland mitigation banks and in-lieu fee (ILF) project proposals Mobile 20-APR-2016 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Instructions for Using the Model Declaration of Restrictive Covenants and Model Conservation Easement With Permit Applications Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers & Harbors Act of 1899 DOD-COE-01091 Prospective applicants for permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ("Corps of Engineers" or “Corps”) Mobile District, Regulatory Branch under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act may decide to perform what is known as "compensatory mitigation" in return for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States including wetlands due to the activities or work covered by a permit. In order to provide perpetual protection of the property, a legally binding Declaration of Restrictive Covenants or Conservation Easement is required, placing permanent conservation restrictions on the use of property containing waters of the United States including wetlands, wetland buffers, upland, streams and streamside buffers. The Corps will determine whether a Declaration of Restrictive Covenant or Conservation Easement is required. Mobile   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Mitigation Bank Instrument Template DOD-COE-01092 This template is provided by the Mobile District IRT to aid in the timely development of a standardized Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) for a Mitigation Bank. It is intended to provide the preferred document format and structure that already contains approved language required for all mitigation banks. Mobile 01-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Mitigation Performance Standards for Wet Pine Flats DOD-COE-01093 The Performance standards were developed by assessing the appropriate variables from the Wet Pine Flats HGM guidebook. Variables selected were those that are typically manipulated in ecosystem restoration. Familiarity with the HGM Wet Pine Flats model is strongly recommended. The goal of this system is to develop a sound, repeatable metric for determining ecological lift gained in enhancement/restoration activities undertaken as part of a mitigation plan pursuant to Section 404/401of the Clean Water Act and the State Coastal Zone Management Plan. Mobile 30-MAR-2015 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Model Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for Use With Permits With Mitigation Plans DOD-COE-01094 Template Mobile   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Model Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for Use With Permits Without Mitigation Plans DOD-COE-01095 Template Mobile   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Pine Savannah Success Criteria DOD-COE-01096   Mobile   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Proximity Factor Method DOD-COE-01097 The Mobile District is circulating this notice to ensure the public is aware of the method used for calculating the required compensatory mitigation when the project is not located within the mitigation bank's service area. Mobile 12-APR-2009 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Ratio Method DOD-COE-01098 The Ratio Method (RM) is a qualitative approach to determining the amount of credits available at a proposed wetland mitigation bank. The RM has historically been utilized to determine credits at mitigation banks when other more quantitative methods, such as HGM or WRAP, have not been available. Mobile   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Stream Mitigation Monitoring Requirements DOD-COE-01099 The following list of parameters should be considered a minimum in developing a monitoring strategy and information to be provided in monitoring reports. Mobile   26-JUN-2020
Nashville District Components of a Complete Waters of the U.S. Delineation Report DOD-COE-01100 List of items that a complete waters of the U.S. delineation report should include. Nashville 01-FEB-2017 26-JUN-2020
Nashville District Local Lnteragency Working Agreement for Coal Mine Permitting, Compliance and Enforcement Actions in Tennessee Under the Clean Water Act, the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act, and the Endangered Species Act DOD-COE-01101 The purpose of this Local Interagency Working Agreement (LIWA) is to improve agency communication and coordination during the coal mine permitting process in Tennessee under the respective state and federal permitting, enforcement, and compliance reviews required by the Clean Water Act (CWA), the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA), and the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Nashville 20-DEC-2010 26-JUN-2020
Nashville District Permittee-Responsible Stream Mitigation Guidance for PRM Projects Within Tennessee DOD-COE-01102 This Permittee-Responsible Mitigation (PRM) document has been developed to provide guidance on the required elements of a compensatory mitigation (CM) plan that is compliant with 33 CFR 332. This guidance document is applicable to all type of permittee-responsible compensatory mitigation, including on-site and off-site mitigation. Nashville 01-NOV-2018 26-JUN-2020
Nashville District Permittee-Responsible Wetland Mitigation Guidance for PRM Projects Within Tennessee DOD-COE-01103 This Permittee-Responsible Mitigation (PRM) document has been developed to provide guidance on the required elements of a compensatory mitigation (CM) plan that is compliant with 33 CFR 332. This guidance document is applicable to all type of permittee-responsible compensatory mitigation, including on-site and off-site mitigation. Nashville 01-NOV-2018 26-JUN-2020
Nashville District Request for a Jurisdictional Determination Form DOD-COE-01104 This format can be used when you want to determine if areas on your property fall under regulatory requirements of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). Please supply the following information and supporting documents described below. This form can be filled out online and then printed. It must be signed by the property owner to be considered a formal request. We require original signatures; faxes are not acceptable. Submitting this request authorizes the Corps to field inspect the property site, if necessary, to help in the determination process. The Corps may also request a delineation of water resources on a property to be submitted. Nashville   26-JUN-2020
Nashville District Required Permit Drawings DOD-COE-01105 Your package must include the listed diagrams/maps on 8 1/2" X 11" paper. Nashville 01-FEB-2016 26-JUN-2020
Nashville District Standard Operating Procedure: Public Participation Coordination of Coal Mine Permitting Actions in Tennessee Under the Clean Water Act and Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act DOD-COE-01106 This SOP describes the public participation processes for the issuance of CWA (§401 certifications and §402 / §404 permits) and SMCRA permits for coal mining in Tennessee. This SOP also clarifies the implementation of each agency's responsibilities in coordinating their respective regulatory functions. Nashville 20-DEC-2010 26-JUN-2020
New England District Are You Planning Work in a Waterway Or Wetland ? DOD-COE-01107 This brochure answers the following questions to help you plan activities regulated by the Corps: • What activities are regulated by the Corps? • What are the limits of the Corps' jurisdiction? • What permits does the Corps issue? • How do I apply for a permit? • How does the permit review process work? New England   26-JUN-2020
New England District Draft Vernal Pool Assessment DOD-COE-01108 This vernal pool rapid assessment method is designed to characterize vernal pools and to provide a valuation for features of the pool and surrounding habitat for regulatory purposes – impact and compensatory mitigation assessment. Since characteristics of vernal pools vary considerably and in turn can lead to varying functions and levels of functions among different pools, this methodology is designed to offer a simplified approach to assessing and comparing key features of these highly variable aquatic systems. In addition, it can provide a basis for developing appropriate compensatory mitigation for impacts to vernal pools. New England 10-SEP-2013 26-JUN-2020
New England District Draft Vernal Pool Characterization Form DOD-COE-01109 Form New England 06-SEP-2013 26-JUN-2020
New England District Guide for Permit Applicants DOD-COE-01110 This pamphlet provides specific guidance on how to apply for a permit from the New England District of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Division. New England   26-JUN-2020
New England District Guidelines for the Placement of Fixed and Floating Structures in Navigable Waters of the United States By the Regulatory Program of the New England District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers DOD-COE-01111 These guidelines have been developed due to the intense pressures of development in our coastal waters and on the adjacent land which have led to increasing conflict between users of these resources. They attempt to provide common sense guidance in allocating space for structures in navigable waters, recognizing reasonable use expectations of the general public and waterfront landowners. These guidelines do not constitute policy or regulation. They do, however, provide guidance for project design which typically will not generate adverse public comment or result in permit denial. New England 01-JUL-1996 26-JUN-2020
New England District Information for Shellfish Growers: Leases, Permits, and Other Authorizations Required for Shellfish Aquaculture Gear, Seeding, Rearing, Cultivating, Transplanting and Harvesting DOD-COE-01112 This guide provides information to help shellfish growers navigate the permit process in the United States and understand how to secure the permits they need. It includes information on the main types of leases, permits, or other forms of authorization needed for a commercial shellfish farm. The guide provides links to additional sources of information and contacts, including aquaculture coordinators, who can help growers identify the specific requirements for their respective state or region. The guide was developed by the federal Interagency Working Group on Aquaculture’s (IWG-A) Regulatory Task Force in response to needs of the shellfish industry. The Task Force includes representatives from the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Army Corps of Engineers, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Fish & Wildlife Service. New England 01-JAN-2015 26-JUN-2020
New England District Invasive Species Control/Management Plan (ISCP) Guidance DOD-COE-01113 This document provides an outline for developing Invasive Species Control/Management Plans (ISCPs) and ISCP examples. Compliance with an ISCP may be a requirement of an Individual Permit or General Permit authorization. New England   26-JUN-2020
New England District Joint Federal Agency Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Survey Guidance for the New England Region DOD-COE-01114 This guidance is the result of on-going interagency collaboration between the Northeast Region National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration Fisheries Service Habitat Conservation Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 1 and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New England District (Corps). This document has been developed to assist project proponents, applicants and/or their consultants within the geographic area covered by the Corps when an assessment of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) is needed to evaluate proposed waterway development projects or regulated work within navigable waters. This two-tiered approach to SAV survey guidance is intended to match the level of detail and complexity of a survey with the potential adverse effect of the proposed work within coastal waters. New England 11-AUG-2016 26-JUN-2020
New England District Letter Concerning Regulation of Mosquito Ditches in Inland, Non-Tidal Wetlands in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. DOD-COE-01115 Letter detailing concerning regulation of Mosquito Ditches New England 14-JUL-2004 26-JUN-2020
New England District Compensatory Mitigation Guidance DOD-COE-01116 This New England District Guidance is for use when the Corps determines permittee-responsible compensatory mitigation is appropriate for a particular project and for third party mitigation projects (mitigation banks and In-lieu Fee (ILF) programs). New England 07-SEP-2016 26-JUN-2020
New England District Regional Implementation Manual for the Evaluation of Dredged Material Proposed for Disposal in New England Waters DOD-COE-01117 This Regional Implementation Manual for the Evaluation of Dredged Material Proposed for Disposal in New England Waters, or RIM, was prepared by EPA Region 1, New England in cooperation with the New England District (CENAE) of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to provide guidance for applicants proposing open-water disposal of dredged material in New England waters. Under the authorities of Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (for disposal seaward of the baseline of the territorial sea) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (for disposal inland and in near coastal waters landward of the baseline), the Corps and EPA have issued national guidance and testing requirements to evaluate dredged material for open water disposal. These national guidance manuals are called the "Green Book" ("Evaluation of Dredged Material Proposed for Ocean Disposal Testing Manual", EPA/USACE, 1991), and the “Inland Testing Manual” (“Evaluation of Dredged Material Proposed for Discharge in Waters of the U.S. – Testing Manual”, EPA/USACE, 1998). The RIM applies the national guidance to the New England area and supersedes the previous regional manual entitled "Guidance for Performing Tests on Dredged Material to be Disposed of in Open Waters" (EPA/NAE, 1989). The RIM provides New England-specific guidance on: permit application and coordination requirements; sampling methodologies; updated reference site locations; contaminants of concern and analytical reporting limits; and species and test conditions for biological testing. New England 01-APR-2004 26-JUN-2020
New England District Revised Guidance --Adjacent Wetlands in New England DOD-COE-01118 Memorandum providing updated guidance on the topics covered by "Staff Guidance -- Adjacent Wetlands in New England" and "Home ranges and migration distances for some animals that use both riparian and palustrine habitats in New England" memoranda. It is important to remember that these memoranda do not constitute the official policy of New England's Regulatory Division; instead, they are an assemblage of concepts that may be useful to project managers as they confront the issue of "adjacency."   16-MAY-1991 26-JUN-2020
New England District State-By-State Aquaculture Permitting Information DOD-COE-01119 Information Chart New England 09-JUN-2014 26-JUN-2020
New England District the Highway Methodology Workbook Supplement: Wetland Functions and Values - a Descriptive Approach DOD-COE-01120 This booklet provides guidance to permit applicants, consultants, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project managers on how to identify and display wetland functions and values acceptable for the Corps New England District Regulatory Program. It is a supplement to the Highway Methodology Workbook published by the Regulatory Branch in 1993, which defines procedures to integrate Section 404 permit requirements with highway planning and engineering and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The evaluation of wetland functions and values is an integral part of the overall phased approach of the Highway Methodology. Use of this booklet for highway projects, and other projects with an integrated planning process, should be preceded by review of the Highway Methodology Workbook. New England 06-APR-2015 26-JUN-2020
New England District the Highway Methodology Workbook: Integrating Corps Section 404 Permit Requirements With Highway Planning and Engineering and the Nepa Eis Process DOD-COE-01121 The Highway Methodology, originated by the New England District in 1987, provides a useful way to integrate highway planning and design with the requirements of the Corps permit regulations, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funding approvals. New England 01-OCT-1993 26-JUN-2020
New England District Vernal Pool Best Management Practices (BMPs) DOD-COE-01122 Direct, secondary, and cumulative adverse effects to all VPs, including their envelopes and CTH, should be avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable. The Corps may require certain designs or special conditions for avoidance, minimization and compensatory mitigation measures. New England 01-JAN-2015 26-JUN-2020
New England District What Are the Limits of the Corps Jurisdiction? DOD-COE-01123 Brochure describing “waters of the United States” for the purpose of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act; and “navigable waters of the United States” for Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. New England 01-JUL-2012 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Compensatory Mitigation Standard Operating Procedures DOD-COE-01124 This document establishes standard operating procedures (SOP) under which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), New Orleans District, Regulatory Branch (CEMVN) will determine the need, appropriateness and quantity of compensatory mitigation and assure that the required compensatory mitigation is consistent with the policies set forth in 33 CFR 320.4(r), 325 and 332 (REGS), the Council for Environmental Quality’s (CEQ) implementing regulations for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the February 6, 1990, Memorandum of Agreement between the Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency (MOA). However, CEMVN may deviate from procedures, as described above, at its discretion on a case-by-case basis where a different approach may be either more practicable and/or environmentally preferable, depending on the circumstances involved. New Orleans   26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Conservation Servitude Template for PRM Sites DOD-COE-01125 The following document is the accepted form for the conservation servitude to be filed with compensatory mitigation projects. Please insert the appropriate information in the applicable area. New Orleans 15-AUG-2019 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Construction & Establishment Escrow Template for PRM Sites DOD-COE-01126 Template New Orleans 25-MAR-2019 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Instructions and Conditions for Use - Irrevocable Letters of Credit DOD-COE-01127 “Irrevocable letter of credit” (ILC), as used here, means a written commitment by a federally insured financial institution to pay all or part of a stated amount of money, until the expiration date of the letter, upon presentation by the Government (or the beneficiary) of a written demand therefor. Neither the financial institution nor the Sponsor can revoke or condition the letter of credit. New Orleans   26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Instructions for Mitigation Bank Drawings DOD-COE-01128   New Orleans 16-AUG-2016 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Long Term Maintenance & Protection Escrow Template for PRM Sites DOD-COE-01129 Template New Orleans 25-MAR-2019 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Louisiana Wetland Rapid Assessment Method DOD-COE-01130 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), New Orleans District, Regulatory Branch (CEMVN), has developed this manual to provide a rapid assessment tool for calculating the compensatory mitigation requirements for unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional wetlands. This manual describes the intended use, scope, background, procedures, and guidelines for the Louisiana Wetland Rapid Assessment Method (LRAM). New Orleans 01-JAN-2017 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Mitigation Banking Instrument Template DOD-COE-01131   New Orleans 27-APR-2018 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Mitigation Banking Prospectus Checklist Per CFR 332.8(D)(2) DOD-COE-01132   New Orleans   26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Mitigation Banking Prospectus Template DOD-COE-01133   New Orleans 16-AUG-2016 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Wetland Delineation Report Requirements DOD-COE-01134 Information required for a Wetland Delineation Report submitted as part of a Jurisdictional Determination (JD) request or permit application. New Orleans 04-DEC-2018 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Permit Transfer Template Letter, Central Evaluation Section DOD-COE-01135 Template New Orleans   26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Permit Transfer Template Letter, Eastern Evaluation Section DOD-COE-01136 Template New Orleans   26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Permit Transfer Template Letter, Western Evaluation Section DOD-COE-01137 Template New Orleans   26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Permittee-Responsible Mitigation Plan (PRMP) Template DOD-COE-01138 Template New Orleans 02-OCT-2015 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Post Prospectus -- Completing the MBI Process DOD-COE-01139   New Orleans   26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Ratio Method DOD-COE-01140 The Ratio Method (RM) is a qualitative approach to determining the amount of credits available at a proposed wetland mitigation bank. The RM has historically been utilized to determine credits at mitigation banks when other more quantitative methods, such as HGM or WRAP, have not been available. New Orleans   26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Request for a Jurisdictional Determination (JD) DOD-COE-01141 Please use this form, filling it out completely. Alternatively, you may send us a signed letter requesting a jurisdictional determination and including the same information as listed on the form. New Orleans 01-FEB-2019 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Template Mitigation Work Plan for Bottomland Hardwood Habitat DOD-COE-01142 Information in brackets and red font are instructions to be followed during the composition of this document. Information in black font is considered required language and any changes requested in this language must be provided with a supportive comment as to the reason for such changes. Changes will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Changes in the standard language may result in extended review time. New Orleans 27-APR-2018 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Template Mitigation Work Plan for Cypress Swamp Habitat DOD-COE-01143 Information in brackets and red font are instructions to be followed during the composition of this document. Information in black font is considered required language and any changes requested in this language must be provided with a supportive comment as to the reason for such changes. Changes will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Changes in the standard language may result in extended review time. New Orleans 20-SEP-2017 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Template Mitigation Work Plan for Marsh Habitat DOD-COE-01144 Information in brackets and red font are instructions to be followed during the composition of this document. Information in black font is considered required language and any changes requested in this language must be provided with a supportive comment as to the reason for such changes. Changes will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Changes in the standard language may result in extended review time. New Orleans 13-NOV-2017 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Template Mitigation Work Plan for Pine Savanna Habitat DOD-COE-01145 Information in brackets and red font are instructions to be followed during the composition of this document. Information in black font is considered required language and any changes requested in this language must be provided with a supportive comment as to the reason for such changes. Changes will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Changes in the standard language may result in extended review time. New Orleans 20-SEP-2017 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Template NFWF Endowment Agreement - Long Term DOD-COE-01146   New Orleans 14-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020
New York District Checklist of Information Included With Requests for Jurisdictional Determinations (JD) DOD-COE-01147 A list of items required by New York District when requesting a jurisdictional determination. New York 29-JUN-1905 26-JUN-2020
New York District Compensatory Mitigation Guidelines and Mitigation Checklist DOD-COE-01148 These documents shall be applied throughout the New York District which encompasses portions of the State of New York and New Jersey, and shall serve to assist the regulated public in the preparation of compensatory mitigation and monitoring plans and provide information to ensure future compensatory mitigation sites successfully replace the lost functions and values associated with the regulated impacts to waters of the United States. New York 10-JAN-2005 26-JUN-2020
New York District Environmental Questionnaire DOD-COE-01149 This is intended to supplement ENG Form 4345, Application for Department of the Army Permit, or the Joint Application for Permit used in the State of New York. New York   26-JUN-2020
New York District Guidance for Performing Tests on Dredged Material Proposed for Ocean Disposal DOD-COE-01150 This guidance document presents the sediment testing guidelines and requirements to be used by applicants who wish to obtain a Department of the Army (DA) permit from the New York District (NYD) of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for dredging and placement of dredged material at the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS) in the Atlantic Ocean. New York 01-APR-2016 26-JUN-2020
New York District Modified Functions and Values Assessment for Significant Nexus Determination DOD-COE-01151   New York 19-SEP-2007 26-JUN-2020
New York District Regulatory Program Applicant Information Guide DOD-COE-01152 Guidance on submitting applications to New York District New York 01-AUG-2019 26-JUN-2020
Norfolk District Corps and Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Recommendations for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation: Including Site Design, Permit Conditions, Performance and Monitoring Criteria DOD-COE-01153 These recommendations are intended to be a guide for the development of compensatory wetland mitigation plans. It is the decision of the Corps and/or DEQ project manager(s) whether a particular condition is appropriate for a given wetland mitigation project. These are suggestions only that may not be suitable in every situation, and do not guarantee the success of a mitigation project or the acceptance of a mitigation plan for a given permit application. Norfolk District 01-JUL-2004 26-JUN-2020
Norfolk District ESA Project Review Process DOD-COE-01154 For use by Corps projects managers and their non-federal representatives (VDEQ and VDOT). This is a streamlined version of FWS’s Online Review Process. Norfolk District 05-JUN-2018 26-JUN-2020
Norfolk District Flooding Flyer DOD-COE-01155 This graphic flyer helps to show whether or not a permit will be required to remove material from streambeds/ creekbeds Norfolk District 01-NOV-2009 26-JUN-2020
Norfolk District Information That Will Facilitate the Corps’ Review of Nationwide, Regional and Individual Permit Applications DOD-COE-01156 The Corps is required to track certain information for statistical purposes. In addition, there is certain other information that will facilitate our review. It is requested that your provide the following when you submit pre-application requests, requests for wetland delineations confirmations, all nationwide permit verifications and applications for regional and individual permits. This will greatly facilitate our data entry and project review. Norfolk District 14-OCT-2003 26-JUN-2020
Norfolk District Preparation of Wetland Delineation Surveys Using Global Positioning System (GPS) Equipment DOD-COE-01157 This policy statement addresses the use of GPS equipment for surveying Section 404 of the Clean Water Act wetland delineations for the Norfolk District Corps of Engineers within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Identification and delineation of wetlands must follow the criteria described in the "1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual" and all subsequent guidance. It is highly recommended that all wetland delineations performed in the field be reviewed and confirmed in writing by the Norfolk District Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch prior to survey. This policy statement is applicable only in the development of those certifiable wetland boundary surveys which utilize GPS equipment. Norfolk District 30-SEP-1998 26-JUN-2020
Norfolk District Significant Nexus Determinations: Documenting Stream and Wetland Functions DOD-COE-01158 This document is to assist the project manager with identifying those factors pertinent to the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the aquatic ecosystem. The project manager must then weigh all the corroborating evidence and determine if more than a speculative or insubstantial nexus exists with downstream navigable waters.   01-DEC-2007 26-JUN-2020
Norfolk District Standard Operating Procedures for Section 106 Coordination With the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VDHR) DOD-COE-01159 Information Sheet Norfolk District 01-JUL-2018 26-JUN-2020
Norfolk District Unified Stream Methodology for Use in Virginia DOD-COE-01160 The Unified Stream Methodology (USM) is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District (COE) and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The purpose of this Manual is to describe a method to rapidly assess what the stream compensation requirements would be for permitted stream impacts and the amount of “credits” obtainable through implementation of various stream compensation practices. Norfolk District 01-JAN-2007 26-JUN-2020
Norfolk District Unified Stream Methodology Frequently Asked Questions and Answers DOD-COE-01161 The Unified Stream Methodology (“USM”) was developed as a result of a collaborative effort between the Norfolk District and the DEQ, to establish a unified and consistent method for use in Virginia, to assess proposed stream impacts and determine the appropriate amount of stream mitigation needed to offset those impacts. The purpose of this document is to answer questions frequently posed by individuals who have used the USM. Norfolk District 13-MAY-2008 26-JUN-2020
Norfolk District Virginia Off-Site Mitigation Guidelines DOD-COE-01162 The objectives of these guidelines are to improve the environmental benefits associated with compensatory mitigation projects and to assist the regulated public in locating suitable compensatory mitigation project sites. These guidelines are only intended to apply to offsite compensatory mitigation projects or projects that are not located on the site of a proposed impact to waters of the U.S. (including wetlands). They would apply to all offsite mitigation projects including permittee responsible or project specific mitigation, mitigation banks, and in-lieu fee program mitigation project sites. Norfolk District 05-MAR-2008 26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Aquatic Resource Delineation Template DOD-COE-01163 Template Omaha District   26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Colorado Mitigation Procedures DOD-COE-01164 This document describes the method for quantifying wetland and stream losses (debits) and compensatory mitigation (credits) for DA-permitted projects in Colorado, and is not intended to be a comprehensive guide for addressing compliance with the 2008 final Mitigation Rule on compensatory mitigation for losses of aquatic resources. Omaha District 01-MAY-2019 26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Colorado Stream Quantification Tool and Debit Calculator User Manual DOD-COE-01165 The Colorado Stream Quantification Tool and Debit Calculator (CSQT) is a spreadsheet-based calculator designed to inform permitting and compensatory mitigation decisions within the Clean Water Act Section 404 program (CWA 404). Omaha District 01-APR-2019 26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Compensatory Mitigation Policy: Mitigation in Detention/Retention Basins DOD-COE-01166 The DRO periodically receives permit applications where compensatory mitigation is proposed within stormwater detention/retention basins (Basins). When evaluating the appropriateness of such mitigation proposals, the DRO will apply certain criteria. Omaha District 09-JUL-2004 26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Minimum Standards for Acceptance of Aquatic Resources Delineation Reports DOD-COE-01167 The North Dakota Regulatory Office has established minimum standards for delineation reports to insure consistency and accuracy in aquatic resources delineations, which will minimize potential delays. The standards are based on years of experience conducting and verifying delineations, as well as the best practices of environmental consultants. Delineations submitted for verification must follow the standards, unless determined to not be practical on a case-by-case basis. Omaha District 01-MAR-2019 26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Mitigation Guidelines for Nebraska's Eastern Saline Wetlands DOD-COE-01168 These guidelines represent one approach to aid in the protection of a dwindling natural resource by assisting landowners, developers and organizations in the wetlands mitigation process. Omaha District 01-JUN-1997 26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Mitigation Sponsor Packet DOD-COE-01169 Information Packet Omaha District 01-MAY-2018 26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Montana Stream Mitigation Procedure DOD-COE-01170 This document describes the compensatory Stream Mitigation Procedure used for DA authorizations within the state of Montana (MTSMP). It describes the method for quantifying the adverse impacts (debits) and the acceptable compensatory mitigation (credits) for projects adversely affecting streams. It is applicable to Corps regulatory actions requiring compensatory mitigation for a permitted projects’ adverse ecological effects where more rigorous, detailed functional assessment techniques, such as the hydrogeomorphic methodology, are not considered practical or necessary. Omaha District 01-FEB-2013 26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Montana Wetland Boundary Verification Checklist DOD-COE-01171 All applications for Permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers must include a delineation of special aquatic sites, including delineations of wetland boundaries. The content of acceptable wetland delineations is listed below. The same information is required if you are requesting verification of a wetland boundary in conjunction with pre-application reviews. Omaha District 01-NOV-2013 26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Nebraska Stream Condition Assessment Procedure DOD-COE-01172 This procedure has been developed for interagency use in the evaluation of streams and floodplains/riparian areas. Omaha District 01-OCT-2016 26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Policy for the Nebraska Stream Condition Assessment Procedure DOD-COE-01173 Standard Nebraska policies, such as buffer widths and wetland mitigation ratios, will apply to projects that utilize this assessment method. Listed below are additional policies directed at stream and riparian resources only. In most cases, this assessment method will be used for projects that require stream mitigation, such as Individual Permits, Nationwide #27, and any stream or riparian project that a Project Manager deems appropriate, based on the resource and/or extent of impacts. Omaha District 01-OCT-2016 26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Ratios, Montana Regulatory Program DOD-COE-01174     01-APR-2005 26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Wetland Mitigation Banking in North Dakota: Interagency Guidance for Mitigation Bank Sponsors DOD-COE-01175 This document provides specific procedures, guidance, and recommendations for establishing, operating, and maintaining wetland mitigation banks in North Dakota. The goal of this document is to provide a consistent, clear set of procedures to assist federal, tribal, state, and county agencies, agricultural producers, developers, and individuals to mitigate unavoidable wetland losses. Omaha District   26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Wyoming Stream Mitigation Procedure DOD-COE-01176 This document provides direction for Corps regulatory actions (DA-permitted projects) requiring compensatory mitigation for stream functional losses in Wyoming. Omaha District 24-JUL-2018 26-JUN-2020
Omaha District Wyoming Stream Quantification Tool User Manual DOD-COE-01177 The Wyoming Stream Quantification Tool (WSQT) is intended for the evaluation of impact sites and compensatory mitigation projects and their departure from a reference standard. Omaha District 24-JUL-2018 26-JUN-2020
Philadelphia District Individual Permit Application Checklist DOD-COE-01178   Philadelphia District   26-JUN-2020
Philadelphia District Jurisdictional Determination Information Checklist for Large Properties and Real Estate Developments DOD-COE-01179 In order for this office to make a jurisdictional determination, the small property owner or authorized agent must submit the information enumerated above to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District. Upon receipt and review of the above information, the Corps of Engineers will, at its discretion, provide written verification of the accuracy of the wetland delineation plan, or visit the site for further investigation. Project-specific or clarifying information may be required by the Corps prior to verification of the wetland delineation plan. A site inspection may result in revisions to the wetland boundary prior to the issuance of a written verification. Philadelphia District   26-JUN-2020
Philadelphia District Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines DOD-COE-01180 These Guidelines should be considered with all Federal permit actions requiring compensatory mitigation for aquatic resource impacts under the Corps Regulatory Program pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. This includes General Permits, Nationwide Permits (NWP), State Programmatic General Permits (Category III Activities), and Individual Permit (Standard Permit) actions. Philadelphia District 01-NOV-2004 26-JUN-2020
Philadelphia District Public Notice Information DOD-COE-01181 The Philadelphia District of the Corps of Engineers requests that applicants for Department of the Army permits for work in waters of the United States provide in their permit application certain information, which is necessary in order to initiate processing of the permit application. Failure to provide the information will result in the withdrawal of the permit application without prejudice. Philadelphia District   26-JUN-2020
Philadelphia District Special Public Notice Announcing the Requirement To Submit Electronic Copies of Plans As Part of Any Application DOD-COE-01182 The Philadelphia District is requiring, in addition to a paper original, an electronic copy of any plans and drawings larger than 8-1/2 by 11 -inches to be submitted with Department of the Army permit applications and jurisdiction determinations. Philadelphia District 09-MAR-2010 26-JUN-2020
Pittsburgh District Wetland Boundary Verification Checklist DOD-COE-01183 For a preliminary jurisdictional determination only, provide items no. 1 through 7. In order to receive a final wetland boundary verification that can be appealed, provide items no. 1 through 13. The Pittsburgh District reserves the right to require any or all of the above items. The Corps will use discretion to determine on a case by case basis if any of the above items will not be required prior to scheduling a site visit. Pittsburgh District 21-FEB-2007 26-JUN-2020
Pittsburgh District FCI Calculator for the High-Gradient Headwater Streams in Appalachia DOD-COE-01184 Template Pittsburgh District 20-OCT-2017 26-JUN-2020
Pittsburgh District FCI Calculator for the Low-Gradient Perennial Streams in Appalachia DOD-COE-01185 Chart Pittsburgh District 21-SEP-2017 26-JUN-2020
Pittsburgh District Guidelines for Wetland Mitigation Banking in Ohio DOD-COE-01186 The purpose of this document is to provide those interested in mitigation banking with a statewide guide developed by the Interagency Review Team (IRT) to ensure that wetland mitigation banks established in Ohio will have the greatest likelihood of success. The Ohio IRT is composed of representatives from the Buffalo, Huntington and Pittsburgh Districts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region V, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Pittsburgh District 01-MAR-2011 26-JUN-2020
Pittsburgh District Instructions for Preparing the Short Application Checklist DOD-COE-01187 For use for Corps General Permits including Nationwide Permits in lieu of ENG 4345.     26-JUN-2020
Pittsburgh District Short Application Checklist DOD-COE-01188 Chart Pittsburgh District 13-FEB-2007 26-JUN-2020
Pittsburgh District Waterfront Facility Operations Guide DOD-COE-01189 A Waterfront Facility Operations Guide should provide straight-forward practical written guidance to facility workers concerning the minimum standards of care for moored vessels and the facility waterfront under all conditions. The guide should provide sufficient information to sufficiently manage the waterfront facility. While each facility will be somewhat different, primarily due to location and structures involved, there are items which every manual must address. Pittsburgh District 01-MAY-2018 26-JUN-2020
Pittsburgh District West Virginia Stream and Wetland Valuation Metric V2.1 DOD-COE-01190 The SWVM is composed of six tabs and has been designed to indicate where data entry is required. All cells or fields highlighted in red shall be populated by the applicant, consultant, or practitioner. Pittsburgh District 01-SEP-2015 26-JUN-2020
Portland District 2017 Nationwide Permit Portland District Definitions DOD-COE-01191 List of Definitions Portland District 09-JUL-1905 26-JUN-2020
Portland District Drawing Checklist DOD-COE-01192 The following information is to assist permit applicants when preparing project drawings. Complete and accurate project drawings facilitate a quicker permit application review. The final project drawings are incorporated in the permit by reference and work must be performed in accordance with the approved drawings. Portland District 17-MAY-2017 26-JUN-2020
Portland District Permit Application Project Drawings DOD-COE-01193 Permit applications submitted with unacceptable drawings (e.g., illegible, omissions, incorrect format) will delay the processing of the application. Clear and accurate project drawings facilitate the prompt evaluation of the application. This public notice and the attached Drawing Checklist describes the requirements for project drawings. Portland District 01-JUL-2016 26-JUN-2020
Portland District Permitting Assistance Tools for Bankwork Projects in Or Near Portland Harbor DOD-COE-01194 This document provides information and resources that specifically support project development for cleanup and bankwork within the Portland Harbor industrial setting. Portland District 01-NOV-2016 26-JUN-2020
Portland District Deed Restriction Template DOD-COE-01195 Portland District requires long‐term site protection on compensatory mitigation projects in accordance with the Federal Compensatory Mitigation Rule for Losses of Aquatic Resources (33 CFR 332.7(a)). Portland District   26-JUN-2020
Portland District Mitigation Plan Template DOD-COE-01196 This template includes the components required in a mitigation plan as outlined in the Final Rule on Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources (Federal Register Vol. 73, No. 70; April 10, 2008) and in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 33, Part 332.4. A mitigation plan is required as part of compensatory mitigation projects, including permittee-responsible mitigation, mitigation banks, or in-lieu fee programs. Portland   26-JUN-2020
Rock Island District Creation and Grant of Covenants DOD-COE-01197 This document is provided as a guide to develop a suitable "Creation and Grant of Covenants". It is used to provide protection to project-specific mitigation sites. Rock Island District   26-JUN-2020
Rock Island District Grant of Conservation Easement and Covenants DOD-COE-01198 This document is provided as a guide to develop a suitable "Creation and Grant of Covenants". It is used to provide protection to project-specific mitigation sites. Rock Island District   26-JUN-2020
Rock Island District Iowa Mitigation Banking DOD-COE-01199 This package contains procedures and information to initiate the development of new mitigation banking proposals or amendments to existing mitigation banks in the state of Iowa. This package also contains a checklist of requirements for submitting a Prospectus or Mitigation Banking Instrument (“MBI”). Rock Island District 01-JUL-2019 26-JUN-2020
Rock Island District Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines DOD-COE-01200 These guidelines address the Rock Island District’s current interpretation and application of the National Wetlands Mitigation Action Plan, which includes recommendations from the National Academy of Sciences to compensate for aquatic resource impacts authorized under the Clean Water Act Section 404 and the Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 programs. Rock Island District 01-MAY-2019 26-JUN-2020
Rock Island District State of Iowa Stream Mitigation Method DOD-COE-01201 This document describes the method for quantifying unavoidable stream impacts associated with the review of permit applications submitted for authorization under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Rock Island District 17-APR-2019 26-JUN-2020
Rock Island District Stream/Wetland Mitigation Plan Requirements - Permittee Responsible Mitigation DOD-COE-01202 As a result of the implementation of the Mitigation Rule (Compensatory Mitigation For Losses of Aquatic Resources, 33 CFR Part 332) dated April 10, 2008, should your project require wetland mitigation, specific information is required to be submitted with the permit application and during the review process. Rock Island District 13-AUG-2009 26-JUN-2020
Sacramento District ESA Information Guidelines for the Regulatory Program DOD-COE-01203 Guidance on the information needed to complete both informal and formal consultation for effects to Federally-listed threatened and endangered species pursuant to 50 CFR 402.14(c) are outlined in detail below. This document is intended to re-organize, expand upon, and replace the Sacramento District Biological Assessment Checklist that was previously available on the District webpage. Sacramento District 01-MAR-2018 26-JUN-2020
Sacramento District Field Level Agreement Between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sacramento Field Office Concerning Interagency Cooperation for Regulatory Program Activities DOD-COE-01204 The purpose of this Field Level Agreement (FLA) is to enable the Corps and USFWS to more effectively and efficiently work together by establishing a framework to improve coordination and consistency and reduce review timeframes. Sacramento District 26-MAR-2010 26-JUN-2020
Sacramento District Guidelines for Compliance With Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act DOD-COE-01205 In order to comply with the NHPA, the Sacramento District Regulatory Division has prepared these guidelines to assist applicants, their consultants, and the Corps in minimizing time and effort preparing submittals to the State Historic Preservation Officer and expediting the review process. Reports not meeting the minimum guidelines will be returned to the applicant or consultant for revision. Sacramento District 24-MAR-2014 26-JUN-2020
Sacramento District Instructions for Submitting Electronic Requests DOD-COE-01206 Instructions for submitting a request Sacramento District   26-JUN-2020
Sacramento District Method for Identifying the Ordinary High Water Mark for the Great Salt Lake DOD-COE-01207 Given the its dynamic nature, Sacramento District will use the following approach for OHWM determinations for the GSL: (a) Where physical indicators are present, SPK will rely on a combination of USGS gauge data and physical indicators observed in the field to determine the OHWM elevation for the GSL, and (b) Where the physical indicators and gauge data do not align, the average elevation of the two will be used, and (c) Where physical indicators are absent (or otherwise unreliable), the 30-year average of OHWM gauge data will be the sole basis for the determination. Sacramento District 28-SEP-2015 26-JUN-2020
Sacramento District Minimum Standards for Acceptance of Aquatic Resources Delineation Reports DOD-COE-01208 The District has established minimum standards for delineation reports to insure consistency and accuracy in the delineation of aquatic resources, which will minimize potential delays. The standards are based on years of experience conducting and verifying delineations, as well as the best practices of environmental consultants. Delineations submitted for verification must follow the standards, unless determined to not be practical on a case-by-case basis. Sacramento District 01-JAN-2016 26-JUN-2020
Sacramento District Pre-Application Meeting for the Bountiful Utah Regulatory Field Office DOD-COE-01209 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Sacramento District, Bountiful Utah Regulatory Field Office is initiating a monthly Agency Coordination/Pre-Application Meeting for projects that may require a Section 404 Clean Water Act (CWA) and/or Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) Standard Individual Permit. This process is designed to help applicants develop their project plans prior to submitting a formal permit application. Sacramento District   26-JUN-2020
Sacramento District Pre-Application Meeting Recommendations for the Sacramento Region DOD-COE-01210   Sacramento District 01-APR-2015 26-JUN-2020
Sacramento District Template and Guidance on Preparing an Initiation Package for Endangered Species Act Consultation DOD-COE-01211 This document is intended to provide a general template and guidance on the type and detail of information that should be provided to initiate consultation with US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries Service). Sacramento District 17-APR-2007 26-JUN-2020
San Francisco District Consolidated Dredging-Dredged Material Reuse/Disposal Application DOD-COE-01212   San Francisco District 01-MAR-2007 26-JUN-2020
San Francisco District Enhancement Crediting Alternatives for Wetland Mitigation Banks in the Santa Rosa Plain for Permits Authorized Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act DOD-COE-01213 This proposal re-examines crediting of enhanced wetland area for proposed mitigation banks. This proposal reflects an ongoing effort and incorporates comments from the May 18, October 19, 2004 and February 15, 2005 Mitigation Bank Review Team (MBRT) meetings. San Francisco District 20-MAR-2005 26-JUN-2020
San Francisco District Final Training Manual To Evaluate Habitat Quality of Vernal Pool Ecosystem Sites in Santa Rosa Plain DOD-COE-01214 The purpose of the Habitat Quality Evaluation (HQE) process is to provide a uniform assessment for ranking the relative quality of vernal pool ecosystem sites within the Santa Rosa Plain Study Area. This training manual was developed to expand and clarify the use of the HQE criteria adopted by the Sonoma County Vernal Pool Task Force for determining overall site quality. San Francisco District 01-DEC-1998 26-JUN-2020
San Francisco District Information Requested for Verification of Corps Jurisdiction DOD-COE-01215 To ensure rapid and accurate evaluation of materials prepared by the applicant, the Corps requests proposed maps and supportive documentation supplied for W/US-NW/US determinations and delineations be submitted in a standard format. Applicants providing maps and supportive documentation in other formats could encounter delays from the increased time it takes to evaluate non-standard materials. San Francisco District 01-APR-2016 26-JUN-2020
San Francisco District Instructions for Preparing the Consolidated Dredging-Dredged Material Reuse/Disposal Application DOD-COE-01216 An inter-agency Dredge Material Management Office (DMMO) has been established to simplify the dredging approval process in the San Francisco Bay region. The Consolidated Dredging-Dredge Material Reuse/Disposal Application is part of this process and is the only application that you need to complete for most proposed dredging projects in the San Francisco Bay area. The application is accepted for 1) a Section 404 or Section 10 dredging authorization by the San Francisco District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 2) an administrative dredging permit from the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) 3) the application shall serve as, and be functionally equivalent to, a San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) water quality certification or waste discharge requirements 4) a dredging project lease from the California State Lands Commission (SLC). San Francisco District 01-DEC-2007 26-JUN-2020
San Francisco District Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Army Engineer District, San Francisco, San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board, California State Lands Commission, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission for the Pilot Dredged Material Management Office DOD-COE-01217 This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) provides for the creation of a Pilot Dredged Material Management Office (DMMO) for the San Francisco Bay Region. This office is established to foster a comprehensive, and consolidated approach to handling dredged material management issues in order to reduce redundancy and delays in the processing of dredging permit applications. San Francisco District 06-MAR-1998 26-JUN-2020
San Francisco District Memorandum: Determining the Upstream Limit of a Navigable Water of the U.S. DOD-COE-01218 The purpose of this memo is to provide guidelines for establishing the upstream limit (head of navigation) of a navigable water of the U.S. pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. § 403); 33 C.F.R. §§329.14-16. San Francisco District 05-MAR-2004 26-JUN-2020
San Francisco District Mitigation Bank Policy in the Santa Rosa Plain, Sonoma County, CA DOD-COE-01219 Policy stating that each new creation wetland mitigation bank on the Santa Rosa plain must reserve 30% of its total credits to fulfill the mitigation requirement for small projects, consisting of filling three acres or less of wetlands. San Francisco District 05-MAR-2003 26-JUN-2020
San Francisco District Notice - Section 7 Endangered Species Consultation DOD-COE-01220 Any request for consultation under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service ("services") needs to include the following information. San Francisco District   26-JUN-2020
San Francisco District Santa Rosa Plain Vernal Pool Ecosystem Preservation Plan DOD-COE-01221 This plan is Phase 1 of a two part effort to preserve valuable resources and streamline the regulatory process for obtaining authorization for projects that fill less valuable seasonal wetlands. San Francisco District 30-JUN-1995 26-JUN-2020
SAS Form 19: Joint Application for a Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers Permit, State of Georgia Marshland Protection Permit, Revocable License Agreement and Request for Water Quality Certification As Applicable DOD-COE-01222 Every Applicant is Responsible to Complete The Permit Application and Submit as Follows: One copy each of application, location map, drawings, copy of deed and any other supporting information to addresses 1, 2, and 3 below. If water quality certification is required, send only application, location map and drawing to address No. 4. SAS Form 19   26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Amendments To the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions DOD-COE-01223 Compensatory mitigation required as a special condition of permits issued under the Clean Water Act, Section 404, (“CWA”) and the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, Section 10, require perpetual protection of real property by a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. The policy of the Savannah District is that protected mitigation property not be further impacted. If the Savannah District does approve of an application to amend the restrictive covenant, the following procedures are applicable. Savannah District 07-JAN-2004 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Applicant Information DOD-COE-01224 General Information for applicants for Regulatory permits Savannah District   26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Consistency Certification DOD-COE-01225 Template Savannah District 01-JAN-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Draft – Altamaha Spiny Mussel -- Draft Effects Determination Guidance for Endangered & Threatened Species (EDGES) DOD-COE-01226 Species Covered by This EDGES: Altamaha spiny mussel (Elliptio spinosa) - Endangered. This EDGES covers any project that might impact Critical Habitat for the Altamaha spinymussel. Savannah District 16-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Draft – Eastern Indigo Snake -- Draft Effects Determination Guidance for Endangered & Threatened Species (EDGES) DOD-COE-01227 Species Covered by This EDGES: Eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi) - Threatened. This EDGES covers maintenance of existing structures and new development, including subdivisions, commercial development, roads, water supply infrastructure, and sewer mains, pipe and power lines, stream restoration and stabilization (including mitigation banks) and similar projects. It does not cover new drinking water reservoirs, airports, or similar large-impact projects. Savannah District 16-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Draft – Flatwoods Salamanders -- Draft Effects Determination Guidance for Endangered & Threatened Species (EDGES) DOD-COE-01228 Species Covered by This EDGES: Frosted flatwoods salamander (Ambystoma cingulatum, threatened) and Reticulated flatwoods salamander (Ambystoma bishopi, Endangered). This EDGES covers (1) existing structure maintenance and (2) new development, including subdivisions, commercial development, roads, pipelines and power lines, stream and wetland restoration/ stabilization, and similar projects. It does not cover new drinking water reservoirs, airports, or similar large-impact projects. Savannah District 16-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Draft -- Georgia Granite Outcrop Plants -- Draft Effects Determination Guidance for Endangered & Threatened Species (EDGES) DOD-COE-01229 Species Covered by this EDGES: Endangered: Black-spored quillwort (Isoetes melanospora) and mat-forming quillwort (Isoetes tegetiformans); Threatened: Little amphianthus (Amphianthus pusillus). This EDGES covers any project that will impact a granite outcrop in Georgia. Savannah District 16-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Draft – Manatee -- Draft Effects Determination Guidance for Endangered & Threatened Species (EDGES) DOD-COE-01230 Species Covered by This EDGES: West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus). This EDGES covers all activities proposed in Georgia tidal waters that are accessible to manatees. Savannah District 23-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Draft -- North Georgia Bats -- Draft Effects Determination Guidance for Endangered & Threatened Species (EDGES) DOD-COE-01231 Species Covered by This EDGES: Endangered: Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) and Gray bat (Myotis grisescens). Threatened: Northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis). This EDGES focuses on tree clearing, bridge/culvert removal/maintenance, structure removal, and blasting or other percussive activities, which can kill, injure, or harass gray bats in their winter or maternity caves and/or nursing female Indiana or Northern long-eared bats and their non-flying pups. Savannah District 16-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Draft – Red-Cockaded Woodpecker -- Draft Effects Determination Guidance for Endangered & Threatened Species (EDGES) DOD-COE-01232 Species Covered by This EDGES: Red-Cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) - Endangered. This EDGES covers new development, including subdivisions, commercial development, roads, water supply infrastructure, sewer mains, pipe and power lines, stream restoration/stabilization (including mitigation banks) and similar projects. It does not cover new drinking water reservoirs, airports, or similar large-impact projects. Savannah District 16-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Draft – Sea Turtles -- Draft Effects Determination Guidance for Endangered & Threatened Species (EDGES) DOD-COE-01233 Species Covered by This EDGES: Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), and Kemp’s ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii). This EDGES covers projects on Georgia’s coast that permanently or temporarily alter sea turtle nesting habitat. The Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service share Federal jurisdiction for sea turtles. FWS has responsibility for sea turtles on the nesting beach and NMFS in the marine environment. This EDGES, therefore, only addresses activities, that may impact nesting sea turtles, their nests, eggs, or hatchlings, as they emerge from the nest and crawl to the sea. Separate consultation with NMFS, may be required for potential impacts to sea turtles in ocean waters. Savannah District, Sea Turtles 16-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Draft – Sixteen Northwest Georgia Aquatic Species -- Draft Effects Determination Guidance for Endangered & Threatened Species (EDGES) DOD-COE-01234 Species Covered by This EDGES and by the XXX Programmatic Biological Opinion: Endangered: Conasauga logperch (Percina jenkinsi), Etowah darter (Etheostoma etowahae), amber darter (Percina antesella), Georgia pigtoe (Pleurobema hanleyianum), interrupted rocksnail (Leptoxis formani), Coosa moccasinshell (Medionidus parvulus), Southern clubshell (Pleurobema decisim), Southern pigtoe (Pleurobema georgianum), and triangular kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus greenii). Threatened: Cherokee darter (Etheostoma scotti), blue shiner (Cyprinella caerulae), goldline darter (Percina aurolineata), snail darter (Percina tanasi), fine-lined pocketbook (Hamiota altilis), and Alabama moccasinshell (Medionidus acutissimus). Proposed threatened: Trispot darter (Etheostoma trisella). This EDGES covers (1) maintenance of existing structures and (2) new development, including roads, subdivisions, commercial development, water supply infrastructure, sewer mains, pipe and power lines, stream restoration and stabilization (including mitigation) and similar projects. It does not cover new drinking water reservoirs, airports, or other large-impact projects. Savannah District 16-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Draft – Wood Stork -- Draft Effects Determination Guidance for Endangered & Threatened Species (EDGES) DOD-COE-01235 Species Covered by this EDGES: Wood stork (Mycteria americana) – Threatened. This EDGES covers any project that might affect freshwater or estuarine wetlands. Savannah District 16-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Draft Monitoring Guidelines & Performance Standards for Freshwater Wetlands and Non-Tidal Streams DOD-COE-01236 Guidelines and Perfermance Standards Savannah District 08-NOV-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Farm Pond Guide DOD-COE-01237 This guidance is provided to assist producers, Agencies, and the public with determining possible exemption from permitting requirements for activities regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) related to the construction and/or maintenance of a farm pond located in a stream, wetland, or other water of the United States (waters). Savannah District 13-AUG-2019 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District General Information -- Effects Determination Guidance for Endangered & Threatened Species (EDGES) DOD-COE-01238 The Army Corps of Engineers’ Savannah District (Corps) and the Fish and Wildlife Service’s Georgia Ecological Services office (FWS-GA) jointly developed Effect Determination Guidance for Endangered and Threatened Species (EDGES) to improve coordination on projects that may affect species listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This document and the species-specific EDGES are living documents and may be altered at any time. Savannah District 16-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Georgia Interim Freshwater Wetland Hydrogeomorphic Workbook – User Manual DOD-COE-01239 The purpose of this User Manual is to introduce the Georgia Interim Freshwater Wetland Hydrogeomorphic Workbook (GA HGM) and provide both background and instruction on its use to calculate functional lift and inform crediting for wetland mitigation projects undertaken in accordance with the Clean Water Act, Section 404 Regulatory program in the State of Georgia. Savannah District 27-APR-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Georgia Interim Stream Quantification Tool – User Manual DOD-COE-01240 The purpose of this User Manual is to introduce the Georgia Interim Stream Quantification Tool (GA SQT) and provide both background and instruction on its use to calculate functional lift and inform crediting for stream mitigation projects undertaken in accordance with the Clean Water Act (CWA), Section 404 regulatory program in Georgia. Savannah District 27-APR-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Guidelines for Silviculture Exemptions Under the Clean Water Act (CWA) in the State of Georgia DOD-COE-01241 These guidelines are intended to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the US Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV (USEPA), the Savannah District, US Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Division (USACE), the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) when determining whether silviculture activities occurring in waters of the US are exempt under Section 404(f) of the CWA. Savannah District 06-AUG-2010 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Model Declaration of Conservation Covenants and Restrictions DOD-COE-01242 The following "Model Declaration of Conservation Covenants and Restrictions" document is provided for drafting purposes. Savannah District 15-OCT-2008 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Permitting Process Information DOD-COE-01243 The Permit Process consists of a number of steps involving the applicant, the Corps of Engineers, public and/or private organizations, and Federal, state and/or local agencies. General information related to the permitting process is outlined below. Savannah District   26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Regulatory Guidelines To Evaluate Proposed Mitigation Bank Credit Purchases in the State of Georgia DOD-COE-01244 Guidance for selecting a mitigation bank that would adequately compensate for aquatic resource losses, as authorized in a Department of the Army (DA) permit in accordance with section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and/or sections 9 or 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) of 1899. Savannah District 06-NOV-2009 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Request for Corps of Engineers Jurisdictional Determination (JD) and/or Delineation Review DOD-COE-01245 Jurisdictional Determination (JD) and/or Delineation Review Template Savannah District 10-APR-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District 2018 Standard Operating Procedure for Compensatory Mitigation DOD-COE-01246 This Standard Operating Procedure for Compensatory Mitigation (2018 SOP) contains instructions to aid applicants and mitigation sponsors in the calculation of credits associated with proposed impacts to and/or mitigation activities in waters of the U.S. as regulated under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). The 2018 SOP is applicable in the geographic boundaries of the State of Georgia. Savannah District 27-APR-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Shorebirds - Effects Determination Guidance for Endangered & Threatened Species (EDGES) DOD-COE-01247 Species Covered by This EDGES: Red knot (Calidris canutus) and piping plover (Charadrius melodus) -Threatened. This EDGES covers projects on beaches and tidal flats. Savannah District 17-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Silviculture Exemption Checklist DOD-COE-01248 This checklist is to assist you in submitting complete and proper information. Please keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list. Each project has unique components and more or less information may be required by the project manager to complete a Silviculture Exemption Verification on any given project. There is no requirement at 33 CFR Part 323.4 or 40 CFR Part 232.3 for a landowner to obtain exemption verification from the USACE prior to conducting silviculture activities in waters of the US. The Section 404(f) silviculture exemption is a statutory exemption that cannot be granted or denied by the USACE, and our role is merely to verify whether a proposed silviculture activity in “waters of the US” qualifies for the exemption. Savannah District 07-MAY-2012 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Southwest Georgia Aquatic Species -- Draft Effects Determination Guidance for Endangered & Threatened Species (EDGES) DOD-COE-01249 Species Covered by This EDGES: Endangered: Fat threeridge (Amblema neislerii), Gulf moccasinshell (Medionidus penicillatus), Ochlockonee moccasinshell (Medionidus simpsonianus), oval pigtoe (Pleurobema pyriforme), and shinyrayed pocketbook (Hamiota subangulata). Threatened: Purple bankclimber (Elliptoideus sloatianus). This EDGES covers (1) maintenance of existing structures and (2) new development, including subdivisions, commercial development, roads, water supply infrastructure, and sewer mains, pipe and power lines, stream restoration/stabilization (including mitigation banks) and similar projects. It does not cover new drinking water reservoirs, airports, or similar large-impact projects. Savannah District 16-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Standards for Qualified Conservation Easements DOD-COE-01250 Following recordation of a restrictive covenant, and as additional credit toward compensatory mitigation, the Regulatory Branch may consider the granting of a conservation easement by the owner of the property, to a qualified third party, for purposes of long-term management, monitoring and or stewardship.     26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Template Request for an All Upland Jurisdictional Determination (AJD) DOD-COE-01251 Template Savannah District 29-JAN-2019 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Template Request for an Aquatic Resource Delineation Review (ARDR) DOD-COE-01252 Template Savannah District 29-JAN-2019 26-JUN-2020
Seattle District Alternatives Analysis Framework DOD-COE-01253 The permit applicant is required to prepare and submit information regarding project alternatives. The information applicable to NEPA and the Guidelines can be combined in a single report called an alternatives analysis. The preparation of an alternatives analysis requires close coordination between the Corps and the permit applicant. This document provides a framework for preparing an alternatives analysis. Seattle District 18-APR-2016 26-JUN-2020
Seattle District Components of a Complete Eelgrass Delineation Report DOD-COE-01254 This document provides technical guidelines and procedures for identifying and delineating eelgrass beds (Zostera spp.), which are a type of special aquatic site under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Seattle District 09-JAN-2018 26-JUN-2020
Seattle District Components of a Complete Wetland Delineation Report for Submittal DOD-COE-01255 List of items a complete wetlands delineation report should include. Seattle District 20-JAN-2011 26-JUN-2020
Seattle District Components of a Mitigation Plan DOD-COE-01256 Excerpted below are the components of a mitigation plan. Please refer to the text of the entire Final Rule for details on these components. Seattle District 07-APR-2015 26-JUN-2020
Seattle District Drawing Checklist DOD-COE-01257 The ultimate objective of a set of drawings is to allow someone who is unfamiliar with the project to quickly obtain a clear understanding of what is proposed and how the impacted waterbody and/or wetlands will be affected Seattle District 09-DEC-2019 26-JUN-2020
Seattle District How To Record Your U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Permit for Over and In-Water Structures and Associated Compensatory Mitigation on Your Property Deed DOD-COE-01258 Most Corps permits for over and in-water structures require that the permit and associated compensatory mitigation be recorded on the property deed. Seattle District   26-JUN-2020
Seattle District Mitigation Monitoring Report Format DOD-COE-01259 List of items Monitoring reports must include. Seattle District 10-OCT-2008 26-JUN-2020
Seattle District Notice of Need for Emergency Work Template DOD-COE-01260 Template Seattle District   26-JUN-2020
Seattle District Programmatic Consultation – Phase I General Implementation Conditions DOD-COE-01261 Permittees must follow these general conditions, as well as stipulations specifically related to the work, in order for the permit to be covered by this informal programmatic consultation. Seattle District 20-DEC-2010 26-JUN-2020
Seattle District Riparian Planting Mitigation Plan Requirements DOD-COE-01262 Applicants proposing shoreline plantings (also known as riparian plantings) as compensatory mitigation for impacts to aquatic resources must submit a Shoreline Mitigation Planting Plan which contains the elements below. Seattle District 20-APR-2017 26-JUN-2020
Seattle District Status / As-Built Report for Mitigation Work Completion DOD-COE-01263 Within one (1) year, or earlier if indicated on this form, of the date of permit issuance, submit this completed form. For riparian planting mitigation, you must complete and submit a Mitigation Planting Monitoring Report annually after the Corps accepts your as-built drawings of the mitigation construction. Seattle District 18-MAR-2016 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division California Multi-Agency Project Delivery Team Bank Enabling Instrument Template DOD-COE-01264 MITIGATION BANK ENABLING INSTRUMENT Packet South Pacific Division 28-SEP-2017 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division Conservation Easement Deed Template DOD-COE-01265 The following Conservation Easement Deed template is provided by the Multi-agency Project Delivery Team (PDT) as a standardized document for Mitigation and Conservation Banks in California. Modifications to this template shall be identified using tracked changes or other electronic comparison. In addition, an explanation of the changes shall be provided in a memorandum to the Interagency Review Team (IRT). South Pacific Division 17-MAR-2017 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division Long-Term Management Plan Template DOD-COE-01266 The California multi-agency Project Delivery Team developed this general outline to assist in the development of the Long-term Management Plan for mitigation banks. Objectives and tasks are provided for illustrative purposes only and may not represent management requirements for a specific bank. South Pacific Division 01-MAY-2008 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Mitigation and Conservation Banking and In-Lieu Fee Programs in California DOD-COE-01267 This MOU is entered into by the Parties for the purpose of establishing a framework for developing and using combined or coordinated approaches to mitigation and conservation banking and ILF programs in California to improve consistency of processes, services and products. It is the intent of the Parties that this MOU will provide a collaborative process for the development of standardized banking and ILF program documents (see Sections 3 and 4) and guidance, and confirmation of an agreed upon process for continuous improvement of those documents, guidance, and the processes defined therein. South Pacific Division 22-SEP-2011 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division Mitigation Banking Proposal Procedures DOD-COE-01268 This package provides procedures and information to initiate the development of mitigation banking proposals in the state of California. This package contains three checklists with requirements for submitting a Mitigation Bank Draft Prospectus, a Prospectus, and a Draft Bank Enabling Instrument (BEI). South Pacific Division 01-SEP-2010 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division Preparing and Coordinating Enviromental Impact Statements DOD-COE-01269 The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to provide guidance for preparing and coordinating Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 for the Regulatory Program within the South Pacific Division (SPD). This SOP is expected to be used in conjunction with the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations on implementing NEPA at 40 C.F.R. §1500 – § 1508, CEQ guidance, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Regulatory Program NEPA implementing procedures at 33 C.F.R. Part 325, Appendix B (“Appendix B”) and 33 C.F.R. Part 230. South Pacific Division 08-FEB-2013 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division Property Assessment and Warranty Template DOD-COE-01270 The following Property Assessment and Warranty is provided as a standard template document. Any modifications to this template shall be identified and explained in an attached addendum. South Pacific Division 01-DEC-2006 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division Regional Compensatory Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines DOD-COE-01271 These Regional Compensatory Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines (Guidelines) provide guidance for the regulated public in selecting appropriate compensatory mitigation sites and in preparing mitigation plans to compensate for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States for authorized activities. South Pacific Division 12-JAN-2015 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division Regulatory Administrative Appeal Process DOD-COE-01272 This guidance describes South Pacific Division’s (SPD) regional implementation of the Regulatory administrative appeal process, provided at 33 C.F.R. § 331 et seq. The administrative appeal process allows an affected party to pursue an administrative appeal of an approved jurisdictional determination, permit denial, or declined permit. South Pacific Division 19-DEC-2012 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division Regulatory Program Emergency Procedures DOD-COE-01273 To provide guidance with respect to submission of District requests recommending special processing procedures in emergency situations pursuant to 33 C.F.R.§ 325.2(e)(4), and for developing advance planning efforts. This process applies to the Regulatory Division within the South Pacific Division (SPD) subordinate Districts. South Pacific Division 28-MAR-2014 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division Regulatory Program Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Procedures DOD-COE-01274 The purpose of this document is to outline the framework for conducting Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation with the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). This process applies to all proposed Regulatory actions by South Pacific Division (SPD) subordinate Districts that may adversely affect EFH, as identified under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSFCMA), and for which there is no applicable NMFS-issued General Concurrence or Programmatic Consultation. South Pacific Division 13-JAN-2015 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division Standard Operating Procedure for Determination of Mitigation Ratios DOD-COE-01275 The purpose of this document is to outline the process for determining compensatory mitigation requirements as required for processing of Department of the Army (DA) permits under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, and Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act. This process applies to the Regulatory Program within South Pacific Division (SPD), including its four subordinate districts, Albuquerque District (SPA), Sacramento District (SPK), Los Angeles District (SPL),and San Francisco District (SPN). South Pacific Division 11-JAN-2017 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division Uniform Performance Standards for Compensatory Mitigation Requirements DOD-COE-01276 The purpose of this document is to outline the procedure for use of uniform performance standards associated with permittee-responsible compensatory mitigation requirements as required for processing of Department of the Army (DA) permits, and for the development of mitigation banks and in lieu fee programs, under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, and Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act. This process applies to the Regulatory Program within South Pacific Division (SPD), including its four subordinate districts, Albuquerque District (SPA), Sacramento District (SPK), Los Angeles District (SPL) and San Francisco District (SPN). South Pacific Division 09-AUG-2012 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division Updated Map and Drawing Standards DOD-COE-01277 These standards apply to all submittals to Regulatory Divisions, within the Districts of the Corps' South Pacific Division, and supersede all previous SPD district-specific standards related to map and drawing requirements. At the Corps' discretion, these standards may be modified or waived on a case by case basis, for example, projects or activities with small or temporary impacts to waters of the U.S. (for example, less than a tenth of an acre of permanent impact), projects where the applicant possesses limited financial resources (for example, private homeowners and small land owners), emergencies, and restoration projects with limited grant funding.   10-FEB-2016 26-JUN-2020
South Pacific Division Wetlands Determination and Delineation Procedures for Irrigated Lands DOD-COE-01278 Guidance for determining whether, and to what extent, wetlands occurring on irrigated land would persist in the absence of irrigation and meet the definition of wetlands under the 1987 Corps of Engineers (Corps) Wetland Delineation Manual (1987 Manual) and the appropriate regional supplement. This process applies to wetland determinations or delineations made or verified by South Pacific Division (SPD) subordinate Districts on irrigated land. This includes, but is not limited to, areas in rice production and irrigated pastureland. South Pacific Division 31-OCT-2012 26-JUN-2020
Southwestern Division Emergency Section 404/10 Permit Authorization Procedures DOD-COE-01279 The purpose of this memorandum is to update individual contact information for emergency permitting procedures for the Southwestern Division (SWD) as described in 33 CFR 325.2(e)(4) of the referenced rule and to continue to expedite the decision on use of these procedures by delegating that decision to the SWD Chief of Operations. Southwestern Division 08-MAY-2017 26-JUN-2020
St. Louis District Compensatory Mitigation Plan Requirements for Permittee Responsible Mitigation Projects DOD-COE-01280 The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to the permittee for the development of a compensatory mitigation plan when the district engineer determines that compensatory mitigation is required for unavoidable impacts to aquatic resources and the permittee responsible mitigation option would be the most appropriate option for offsetting those losses of aquatic resources. St. Paul District 01-MAY-2010 26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Bond Form - Construction -Wetland Mitigation Bank Template DOD-COE-01281 Template St. Paul District   26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Bond Form - Maintenance - Wetland Mitigation Bank Template DOD-COE-01282 Template St. Paul District   26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Guidance for Submittal of Delineation Reports To the St. Paul District Corps of Engineers and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources DOD-COE-01283 The St. Paul District Regulatory Branch has issued guidance providing specific standards and expectations for conducting wetland delineations and submitting wetland delineation reports for regulatory purposes in Wisconsin. It supplements and emphasizes information in Basic Guide to Wisconsin’s Wetlands and Their Boundaries, the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (1987 Manual) and applicable regional supplements. St. Paul District 04-MAR-2015 26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Guidance for Submittal of Delineation Reports To the St. Paul District Corps of Engineers and Wetland Conservation Act Local Governmental Units in Minnesota DOD-COE-01284 The St. Paul District Regulatory Branch has issued updated guidance providing specific standards and expectations for conducting wetland delineations and submitting wetland delineation reports for regulatory purposes in Minnesota. It supplements and emphasizes information in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (1987 Manual) and applicable regional supplements. St. Paul District 04-MAR-2015 26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Guidelines for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation in Wisconsin DOD-COE-01285 This document establishes guidelines for providing required compensatory mitigation for permitted wetland impacts in Wisconsin. St. Paul District 01-AUG-2013 26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Instructions for Preparing an MBI for Private Commercial Banks DOD-COE-01286 Template St. Paul District   26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Irrevocable Escrow Wetland Mitigation Bank Maintenance Agreement DOD-COE-01287 Template St. Paul District   26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Irrevocable Escrow Wetland Mitigation Construction Agreement DOD-COE-01288 Template St. Paul District   26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Joint Guidance Between the St. Paul District and the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources for Offsite Hydrology and Wetland Determinations DOD-COE-01289 The St. Paul District Regulatory Branch and Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) have jointly issued guidance regarding the use of remote sensing technology to make offsite hydrology and wetland determinations. St. Paul District 28-JUL-2016 26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Joint Guidance for Developing Mitigation Plan Performance Standards and Credit Release Schedules in Minnesota DOD-COE-01290 This document provides guidance on developing performance standards and credit release schedules for compensatory mitigation proposals in Minnesota. Performance standards and an associated credit release schedule are requirements of a complete Mitigation Plan (Plan) under both Federal (33 CRF Part 332.4(c)/40 CFR 230.94(c)) and State (MN Rule 8420.0705) rules. This is a suggested framework for developing performance standards and credit release schedules. St. Paul District 15-DEC-2015 26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Minnesota Stream Quantification Tool and Debit Calculator User Manual DOD-COE-01291 The Minnesota Stream Quantification Tool and Debit Calculator (MNSQT) are spreadsheet based tools designed to inform permitting and compensatory mitigation decisions within the Clean Water Act Section 404 (CWA 404) and Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 (RHA Section 10) programs. St. Paul District 01-AUG-2019 26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Policy for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation in Minnesota DOD-COE-01292 The purpose of this policy document is to serve as guidance for Project Managers in the Regulatory Branch of the St. Paul District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). It is necessary to establish a consistent approach for addressing issues such as ratios, crediting, debiting, bank service areas and banking procedures. St. Paul District 01-JAN-2009 26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Regulatory Branch and BWSR Joint Draft Prospectus Form DOD-COE-01293 Submit this document to the Corps of Engineers and Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Local Government Unit (LGU) to begin the mitigation proposal review process. This document allows early review based on limited, easily obtained information so you can identify project opportunities, issues, and potential problems before investing significant time and resources.   20-JUL-2017 26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Regulatory Branch and BWSR Joint Prospectus Form DOD-COE-01294 This document provides baseline information, documentation of credit eligibility and allocation, and strategies to restore or establish vegetation and hydrology. St. Paul District 07-SEP-2018 26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Template MBI for Private Commercial Banks - Minnesota DOD-COE-01295 Template St. Paul District   26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Template MBI for Private Commercial Banks - Wisconsin DOD-COE-01296 Template St. Paul District   26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Template MBI for Single Use Banks for Agricultural Impacts DOD-COE-01297 Template St. Paul District   26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District U.S Army Corps of Engineers and Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources Guidance on Evaluating Potential Wetland Preservation Sites for Eligibility To Provide Compensatory Mitigation/Replacement in Minnesota DOD-COE-01298 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District Regulatory Branch (Corps) and Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) have developed joint guidance for wetland preservation mitigation proposals. This guidance applies to a potential site’s eligibility for approval under both Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) wetland regulatory programs. St. Paul District 05-OCT-2017 26-JUN-2020
St. Paul District Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Bank Easement Template DOD-COE-01299 Template St. Paul District   26-JUN-2020
State of Missouri - Stream Mitigation Method DOD-COE-01300 This document describes the method for quantifying unavoidable stream impacts associated with the review of permit applications submitted for authorization under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The MSMM will typically be applied on those permit evaluations where a pre-construction notification is required to be submitted to the Corps, and the Corps determines that compensatory mitigation is necessary to offset unavoidable stream impacts associated with the permit evaluation. State of Missouri 01-APR-2013 26-JUN-2020
State of Missouri - Wetland Mitigation Method DOD-COE-01301 This document is meant as a guide to implement wetland mitigation in Missouri. State of Missouri 01-NOV-2017 26-JUN-2020
Technical Note TN-WRP-FW-RS-3.1: Foraging Habitat for Bird Species or Bird Diversity in Wetland Design DOD-COE-01302 This technical note provides guidelines for creating, restoring, or enhancing wetlands with foraging habitat intended to 1) support selected bird species, or 2) maximize bird diversity. Information in this technical note is applicable to wetlands ranging from damp or shallowly flooded terrestrial areas to deeper semi-permanent and permanent wetlands, including ponds and lakes. Foraging Habitat for Bird Species or Bird 01-OCT-1999 26-JUN-2020
Technical Report TR EL-99-11: Moist-Soil Impoundments for Wetland Wildlife DOD-COE-01303 This report was prepared as a guide to assist Corps biologists and natural resource managers in developing moist-soil impoundments that will benefit wildlife using wetland habitats.   01-OCT-1999 26-JUN-2020
Tulsa District Aquatic Resource Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines DOD-COE-01304 This policy is intended to address mitigation issues in a manner which guides permit applicants toward appropriate, viable, meaningful, adequate, and practicable mitigation proposals to successfully replace lost functions and values of the aquatic ecosystem. Tulsa District 12-OCT-2004 26-JUN-2020
Tulsa District Emergency Procedures for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Department of the Army Permits DOD-COE-01305 This guidance addresses emergency situations where permits are required from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, including those associated with work stoppages as a result of alleged violations of Section 404 and/or Section 10. Tulsa District 04-NOV-2019 26-JUN-2020
Tulsa District Flood Recovery and Repair Activities DOD-COE-01306 Information Sheet Tulsa District 01-OCT-2019 26-JUN-2020
Tulsa District Guidelines for Cultural Resource Investigations in Oklahoma DOD-COE-01307 The following are the minimum guidelines for cultural resource investigations for projects in Oklahoma in which the Regulatory Office, Tulsa District of the Corps is the lead Federal agency. Tulsa District 16-SEP-2019 26-JUN-2020
Tulsa District Guidelines for Utility Crossing Under Mcclellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation Channel and Oxbows DOD-COE-01308 The following guidance has been established to ensure all utility crossings placed under the Navigation Channel and appurtenant oxbows and side channels are placed at a sufficient depth to prevent any contact with future dredging, excavation or construction activities or uncovered by river bed erosion. Tulsa District   26-JUN-2020
Tulsa District Sand and Gravel Mining in Oklahoma Waterways Guidelines for Operators DOD-COE-01309 These guidelines apply to all waters except for “navigable waters” subject to the authority of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (RHA). Section 10 RHA requires
prior authorization for any activity in or around navigable water which could impact the navigable capacity or condition of the waterway.
Tulsa District 20-MAY-2010 26-JUN-2020
Vicksburg District 12 Components of a Compensatory Mitigation Plan DOD-COE-01310 A mitigation plan is required for all forms of compensatory mitigation, whether permittee-responsible mitigation, mitigation banks, or in-lieu fee mitigation projects. Prior to considering a proposed compensatory mitigation plan, the corps must complete our evaluation of alternatives required by the 404(b)(1) Guidelines, and the permit applicant must avoid and minimize potential impacts to aquatic resources to the maximum extent practicable. Vicksburg District   26-JUN-2020
Vicksburg District Certification of Legal Interest DOD-COE-01311 AFFILIATED WITH ENG 4345 - This is to certify that I, the undersigned, do own or have other legal interest in the subject property and wish to have the attached permit application evaluated. Vicksburg District   26-JUN-2020
Vicksburg District Information Needed To Complete an Approved Jurisdictional Determination DOD-COE-01312 This information being provided to the Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg District will help expedite the process of finalizing Approved Jurisdictional Determinations when a Significant Nexus or Isolated Determination is required. Vicksburg District   26-JUN-2020
Walla Walla District Annual Monitoring Report Format Requirements DOD-COE-01313 Annual monitoring reports should follow this 10‐page maximum report format; larger projects may require a more complex mitigation monitoring report and may be longer than 10‐pages. Walla Walla District   26-JUN-2020
Walla Walla District Compensatory Mitigation Plan Checklist DOD-COE-01314 This document is intended as a technical guide for Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 permit applicants preparing compensatory mitigation plans. Walla Walla District   26-JUN-2020
Walla Walla District Guidance for Submittal of Delineation Reports DOD-COE-01315 The District has established this guidance for delineation reports to ensure consistency and accuracy in the delineation of aquatic resources. The guidance is based on previous experience conducting and verifying delineations, as well as the best practices of environmental consultants. The District will notify the applicant if a delineation submittal does not contain sufficient information to accurately identify the limits of waters of the U.S. Walla Walla District 01-JUN-2019 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Conservation Easement Model for 404 Mitigation Bank Sites DOD-COE-01316   Wilmington District 01-MAR-2020 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Conservation Easement Model for Sites With 404 and Riparian Buffer Nutrient Banks DOD-COE-01317   Wilmington District 01-MAR-2020 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Information on RIBITS and Bank Processing for Mitigation Bank Sponsors DOD-COE-01318 In the Wilmington District (District), the RIBITS website is also the repository for all guidance documents related to compensatory mitigation requirements and mitigation banking. We have established the procedures outlined below in an effort to ensure that the RIBITS website is current, and that ledger data is accurate and updated in a timely manner. Wilmington District 31-JAN-2020 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Information Regarding Compliance With the Federal Clean Water Act Section 404(F)(1) Provisions for the Construction of Forest Roads Within Wetlands, in North Carolina DOD-COE-01319 This document is intended to provide information to North Carolina landowners and managers, related to performing forestry activities within waters of the U.S. including streams and wetlands subject to regulation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). Wilmington District 09-NOV-2004 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Letter of Credit Template DOD-COE-01320   Wilmington District 01-MAR-2017 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Maintenance and Monitoring Performance Bond Template DOD-COE-01321   Wilmington District 01-DEC-2016 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Memorandum on Mitigation Credit Calculation DOD-COE-01322 During recent reviews of as-built reports for several mitigation sites, inaccuracies were discovered in the reporting of credit amounts when compared with the projected credit totals presented in the approved mitigation plans for those sites. This memo is intended to clarify the Wilmington District’s expectations with regard to stream length measurement and credit reporting for mitigation sites. Wilmington District 05-OCT-2017 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Mitigation Bank and In-Lieu Fee Program Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Guidelines DOD-COE-01323 This document is intended to provide information on the transfer of mitigation responsibility between a project permittee and the provider of the mitigation (sponsor). This guidance and procedures contained in this document apply to both mitigation banks as well as in-lieu fee (ILF) programs authorized by Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Wilmington District 31-JAN-2020 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Mitigation Bank Processing Procedures DOD-COE-01324 The Wilmington District adheres to the guidance included in the 2008 Mitigation Rule with regard to the development of mitigation banks and in‐lieu fee mitigation. This document is intended to provide further clarification regarding the procedures used by the District when submitting new mitigation bank proposals or bank modifications, to include the addition of mitigation sites to approved umbrella mitigation banks. Wilmington District 17-NOV-2017 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Mitigation Banking Instrument Template DOD-COE-01325   Wilmington District 01-MAR-2020 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Model Conservation Easement DOD-COE-01326 Model Conservation Easement for use in preserving mitigation property. Wilmington District 01-AUG-2003 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Model Declaration of Restrictions DOD-COE-01327 MODEL DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS Wilmington District 01-AUG-2003 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Process for Preservation of Mitigation Property DOD-COE-01328 The purpose of this document is to outline what the District generally considers necessary to adequately preserve property offered as compensatory mitigation. It does not address issues of when preservation is necessary, or what types, quality, or quantity of compensatory mitigation is adequate to offset authorized impacts. Wilmington District 25-NOV-2003 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Restrictive Covenant Guidance DOD-COE-01329 provisions such as setbacks, types of homes/buildings that can be built, etc. If the District has determined that restrictive covenants are acceptable as a means of preserving mitigation property, thefollowing language can be added to those restrictive covenants: Wilmington District 01-AUG-2003 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Standard Local Operating Procedures for Endangered Species Act Compliance for the Northern Long-Eared Bat in North Carolina DOD-COE-01330 This SLOPES details how the USACE will make determinations of effect to the NLEB when the USACE is the lead federal agency for a project, and it is applicable to activities regulated pursuant to Section 404 of the CWA and/or Section 10 of the RHA in the western 41 counties of North Carolina, to include North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) non-federal aid projects. This SLOPES is also applicable to non-NCDOT projects in the eastern 59 counties of North Carolina. Wilmington District Standard 30-JAN-2017 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update DOD-COE-01331 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Wilmington District, has prepared this guidance document in coordination with the North Carolina Interagency Review Team (NCIRT) to provide updates to existing District guidance for compensatory mitigation. Wilmington District Stream 24-OCT-2016 26-JUN-2020
Baltimore District Information Required To Process Section 408 Requests By Private, Public, Tribal, Or Other Federal Entities To Make Alterations To, Or Temporarily Or Permanently Occupy Or Use, Any US Army Corps of Engineers Federally Authorized Civil Works Projects Pursuant To 33 USC 408 DOD-COE-01332 The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for private, public, tribal, or other federal entities regarding the information the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Baltimore District needs to complete a review pursuant to 33 USC 408 (Section 408). This review is necessary to obtain permission from the USACE Baltimore District for proposed alterations to any USACE federally authorized civil works project, referred to as a “USACE project” within this document. Baltimore District Information 12-JUL-1905 26-JUN-2020
Baltimore District Minimum Setbacks for Structures Along Federally Authorized Navigation Channels DOD-COE-01333 The purpose of this public notice is to advise interested parties of the minimum setbacks for structures along federally authorized navigation channels within the Baltimore District Civil Works Boundary. Wilmington District Standard 03-MAR-2011 26-JUN-2020
CESPL Form 25: Application for Section 408 Permission DOD-COE-01334 Application Form CESPL Form 25: Application for Section 408 Permission 01-MAR-2017 26-JUN-2020
Form LRB-001: Buffalo District Request for Section 408 Permission DOD-COE-01335 In accordance with 33 USC 408 (Section 408), requests made by private, public, tribal, or other federal entities to make alterations to, or temporarily or permanently occupy or use, any US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) federally authorized Civil Works project must receive permission before they can be implemented. The Requestor must submit the information below, along with a transmittal letter, for requests under the jurisdiction of the Buffalo District Army Corps of Engineers. Buffalo District 01-SEP-2019 26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Criteria for Design and Construction Within the Limits of Existing Federal Projects DOD-COE-01336 This pamphlet provides guidance to individuals, developers, engineering firms, non-Federal local project sponsors (hereinafter Sponsors), and local governmental agencies for the design and construction of activities related to the modification of Federal projects, such as Federal Flood Risk Management (FRM) projects (typically consisting of levees, channels, and flood walls), constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Fort Worth District (CESWF), and for which Sponsors have the responsibilities for operation and maintenance. Fort Worth District 01-OCT-2013 26-JUN-2020
Fort Worth District Fort Worth District Procedural Review Plan Pursuant To 33 USC § 408 DOD-COE-01337 This PRP is intended to ensure the quality of reviews by SWF for requests to alter U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) federally authorized Civil Works projects within the SWF area of responsibility. Fort Worth District 10-DEC-2019 26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Section 408 Application DOD-COE-01338 Application Form Galveston District 01-NOV-2019 26-JUN-2020
Galveston District Categorical Permission for Work Within Harris County Following USACE Engineering Circular No. 1165-2-216 DOD-COE-01339 Application Form Galveston District 01-FEB-2016 26-JUN-2020
Kansas City District 33 USC Section 408 Environmental Compliance Requirements DOD-COE-01340 Items to be submitted by requestor   21-JUN-2016 26-JUN-2020
Kansas City District Procedural Review Plan Pursuant To 33 USC § 408 DOD-COE-01341 This Procedural Review Plan (RP) is intended to ensure quality of reviews by the Kansas City District (NWK) for requests to alter U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Civil Works projects within the NWK area of responsibility (AOR). Kansas City District Procedural Review Plan 13-JUL-2016 26-JUN-2020
Los Angeles District 408 Permit - Environmental Checklist DOD-COE-01342 The purpose of this Checklist is to provide the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers sufficient information to determine if a Categorical Exclusion is legally sufficient, if an Environmental Assessment (EA) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required to comply with the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). 408 Permit   26-JUN-2020
Los Angeles District Arizona – Central and Southern Areas - Channel Design Capacity Requirements for Permits DOD-COE-01343 In order to assure that the proposed local channel modification does not reduce the current channel design conveyance capacity or introduce potentially unstable flow conditions in same channel during construction, the following minimum channel capacities are required. Los Angeles District Arizon 01-FEB-2014 26-JUN-2020
Los Angeles District Channel Design Capacity Requirement for Section 408 Permits DOD-COE-01344 In order to assure that the proposed local channel modification does not reduce the current channel design conveyance capacity or introduce potentially unstable flow conditions in same channel during construction, the following minimum channel capacities are required. Section 408 29-APR-2008 26-JUN-2020
Los Angeles District Hydrology & Hydraulics (H&H) Branch Policy Memorandum #1 - "Side Drain Connections Into Flood Risk Management Projects" DOD-COE-01345 The purpose of this memorandum for record (MFR) is to establish policy based on the authorized project's purpose and level of protection for the hydraulic design and criteria for side drain inlets into flood control channels within the Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District (Corps) and supplement criteria found in EM 1110-2-1601 , Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels. Los Angeles District Hydrology & Hydraulics (H&H) Branch Policy Memorandum #1 05-MAR-2020 26-JUN-2020
Los Angeles District Real Estate Certification Checklist DOD-COE-01346 The purpose of this Checklist is to provide the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers sufficient information to certify that the real estate documentation is adequate for the proposed modification.     26-JUN-2020
Los Angeles District Section 408 Permission Submittal Checklist DOD-COE-01347 The following checklist is designed to assist you in providing a reviewable package when applying for permissions under Section 408. The intent is to provide a general outline of what our technical staff needs to complete an appropriate review. Section 408 06-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020
Los Angeles District Section 408 Permit Application Waiver Request To Allow Deviation From H&H Policy Memorandum No. 16 Titled Channel Improvement Construction Limitations DOD-COE-01348 The purpose of this Memorandum for Record (MFR) is to identify the minimum requirements needed when a waiver request is submitted to consider deviation from H&H Policy Memorandum No. 16 titled Channel Improvement Construction Limitations. Section 408 18-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020
Los Angeles District Section 408 Step‐By‐Step Procedures DOD-COE-01349 Requestors are responsible for preparing and submitting a completed Section 408 Permit request along with the required technical and environmental documents. The request should: (1) confirm the technical soundness of the proposed alteration/modification; (2) provide a basis for environmental acceptability; and (3) formally request that a Section 408 Permit be granted to for the proposed alteration or modification. Section 408   26-JUN-2020
Louisville District Levee Safety Standard Operating Procedures DOD-COE-01350 Louisville District has developed 33 SOP's to guide the permit process. SOP's contain general guidance on specific actions. Louisville District   26-JUN-2020
LRL Form 803: Section 408 Request To Alter USACE Civil Works Projects DOD-COE-01351 Form LRL-803 must be properly filled out prior to USACE technical review and must include the submittals necessary for the USACE to perform an evaluation of the proposed alteration. The Louisville District Levee Safety Officer (LSO) will approve once the technical evaluation has been completed and all issues have been resolved. Any unauthorized revisions to the alteration submittal package after approval by the LSO voids the approval of the Alteration. Request To Alter USACE Civil Works Projects 18-SEP-2018 26-JUN-2020
LRL Form LNO: Levee/Floodwall System Alteration Letter of No Objection Request DOD-COE-01352 Describe in this form a summary of the proposed Alteration and all of its possible encroachments or impacts to the levee/floodwall system: including kind and type of construction; purpose intended; location both by levee stationing and GPS geographic coordinates. Include means for access to Alteration site, proposed schedule for construction, sequence of construction, etc. Use separate sheets if necessary, identifying each by reference herein. All plans and specifications associated with the Alteration must be included as part of the request package. Levee/Floodwall System 24-SEP-2018 26-JUN-2020
New England Division Regulation 1110-1-9: Setting Pipeline and Cable Cover Requirements in Navigable Waters and Navigation Channels DOD-COE-01353 This regulation formally establishes policy and standard engineering guidance for setting and documenting pipeline and cable cover requirements in navigable waters and navigation channels within the geographic jurisdiction of the New England Division. New England Division Regulation 1110-1-9: Setting Pipeline and Cable Cover 18-OCT-1995 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Categorical Permissions for Alterations To Civil Works Projects Under Section 408 DOD-COE-01354 This memo grants categorical permissions for specifically enumerated alterations to civil works projects located within the New Orleans District, and prescribes simplified procedures for determining whether the proposed alterations qualify for categorical permissions. New Orleans District, 30-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Procedural Review Plan Pursuant To 33 USC § 408 DOD-COE-01355 This Procedural Review Plan is intended to ensure quality of reviews by the New Orleans District for requests to alter US Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) Levee, Floodwall, Floodgate and Flood Risk Management Channel (Flood Damage Risk Reduction (FDRR)) Projects and Navigation Channel, Harbors, Locks, Jetties, Bridges, and Features (Navigation (NAV)) Projects within the New Orleans District's area of responsibility. New Orleans District Procedural Review 27-JUN-2016 26-JUN-2020
New Orleans District Section 408 Program - What Is Section 408 Permission? DOD-COE-01356 FAQ District Section 40   26-JUN-2020
New York District Section 408 Submittal Package Guide DOD-COE-01357 This guide is intended to ensure a complete submittal, aid in the review process and serve as a guide for sponsors/applicants requesting approval of significant modifications or alterations to a locally or federally maintained US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) project requiring Chief of Engineers approval under 33 USC 408. Further guidance may be found in EC 1165-2-220. Incomplete submittals to the New York District for quality assurance review prior to making any recommendations or approvals. This submittal package does not preclude the need for pre-coordination with the Section 408 Coordinator. Requesters are encouraged to engage in dialogue with the Section 408 Coordinator early in the process to aid in identifying potential issues, focus efforts and minimizing costs for both parties. District Section 40 01-DEC-2019 26-JUN-2020
Philadelphia District Section 408 Submittal Package Guide DOD-COE-01358 This guide is intended to ensure a complete submittal, aid in the review process and serve as a guide for sponsors/applicants requesting approval of significant modifications or alterations to a locally or federally maintained US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) project requiring Chief of Engineers approval under 33 USC 408. Further guidance may be found in EC 1165-2-220. Incomplete submittals to the Philadelphia District for quality assurance review prior to making any recommendations or approvals. This submittal package does not preclude the need for pre-coordination with the Section 408 Coordinator. Requesters are encouraged to engage in dialogue with the Section 408 Coordinator early in the process to aid in identifying potential issues, focus efforts and minimizing costs for both parties. Philadelphia District Section 408 01-OCT-2018 26-JUN-2020
Rock Island District Establishment of Section 408 Categorical Permissions DOD-COE-01359 This memorandum provides guidance for the use of the following seven (7) Categorical Permissions (CP) when applied to federally-authorized USACE constructed Civil Works projects within the Rock Island District's area of operation only. Categorical Permissions (CP) 10-SEP-2018 26-JUN-2020
Sacramento District Categorical Permission for Section 408 Requests DOD-COE-01360 The purpose of this document is to establish a categorical permission (CP) in order to expedite and streamline the review and decisions of Section 408 requests that are similar in nature and have similar impacts to the USACE project and environment. Each year the Sacramento District receives requests through the non-federal project sponsors from private, public, tribal, and other federal entities (requesters) to alter USACE federal projects pursuant to Section 408. The majority of these requests are for relatively minor alterations of the levee or channel, such as installation of irrigation pipes, horizontal directional drilling for placement of utility lines, and private recreational boat docks. Sacramento District Checklists 14-JAN-2019 26-JUN-2020
Sacramento District Checklists for Conditional Determination Reports: Bridges, Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), Pressurized Pipes, and General Categories DOD-COE-01361 The checklists presented below are to provide guidance to 408 requesters by providing information needed by the Levee Safety Section to perform a complete review Sacramento District Checklists 11-JUN-2019 26-JUN-2020
Sacramento District Cultural Resources Required Information for Compliance With Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act–408 Permissions Within the Boundaries of the Corps Sacramento District in the State of California DOD-COE-01362 In order to comply with the NHPA, the Corps has prepared this checklist to assist applicants, their consultants, and the Corps in minimizing time and effort preparing submittals to the State Historic Preservation Officer and expediting the review process. Reports not meeting the minimum guidelines will be returned to the applicant or consultant for revision. Sacramento District Cultural Resources 01-AUG-2019 26-JUN-2020
Savannah District Procedural Review Plan for Requests Pursuant To 33 USC 408 for Low-Impact Alterations DOD-COE-01363 This Procedural Review Plan (RP) was prepared in accordance with Engineer Circular (EC) 1165-2-216. This RP provides the review guidelines associated with alteration requests pursuant to 33 USC 408 (Section 408) that are similar in nature and have similar impacts. These types of alterations are usually of small size, are not complex, and have relatively minor and/or temporary impacts to the Corps civil works project and are hereafter referred to in this document as low-impact alterations. Savannah District Procedural Review Plan 01-MAR-2018 26-JUN-2020
Vicksburg District Categorical Permissions for Alterations To Civil Works Projects DOD-COE-01364 This memo grants categorical permission for specifically enumerated alterations to civil works projects located within the Vicksburg District, and prescribes simplified procedures for determining whether proposed alterations qualify for categorical permission. Vicksburg District 29-JUN-2016 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District 33 USC Section 408 - Environmental Compliance Requirements DOD-COE-01365 NEPA Check List - Items to be submitted by requestor Wilmington District 01-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Procedural Review Plan for Requests Pursuant To 33 USC 408 for Low-Impact Alterations DOD-COE-01366 This Procedural Review Plan (RP) was prepared in accordance with Engineer Circular (EC) 1165-2-216. This RP provides the review guidelines associated with alteration requests pursuant to 33 USC 408 (Section 408) that are similar in nature and have similar impacts. These types of alterations are usually of small size, are not complex, and have relatively minor and/or temporary impacts to the Corps civil works project and are hereafter referred to in this document as low-impact alterations. Wilmington District 01-MAR-2018 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Requests To Alter USACE Projects - Section 408 DOD-COE-01367 Fact Sheet Wilmington District 01-AUG-2008 26-JUN-2020
Wilmington District Written Request Template - Section 408 DOD-COE-01368 SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete a written request per the template provided. Submit the written request via email to the Section 408 coordinator. Wilmington District 01-AUG-2018 26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Allatoona Lake Shoreline Use Permit Self Inspection Guide DOD-COE-01369 Self certification is a method of inspection where the owner will receive a list of repairs, much like before, but will also receive all necessary paperwork for the completion of their permit re-issue. Shoreline Management Plan   26-JUN-2020
Mobile District Lake Sidney Lanier - Change of Owner Process DOD-COE-01370 Use this letter to begin the change of owner process for a dock permit associated with the property you have purchased adjacent to Lake Sidney Lanier. When all required information is received the Area Ranger will complete an inspection of the facilities and area for deficiencies/violations in accordance with the current Shoreline Management Plan and Title 36 CFR 327. Shoreline Management Plan   26-JUN-2020
SAJ Form 1196: Application for Permit/License/Consent To Easement for Shoreline Use DOD-COE-01371 The purpose of this application package is to furnish information on permit procedures for shoreline use as prescribed in the Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee Waterway Shoreline Management Plan. Activities authorized by this Plan may take place in and along navigable waters of Lake Okeechobee and the Okeechobee Waterway between St. Lucie Lock and Dam in Martin County, Florida and W.P. Franklin Lock and Dam in Lee County, Florida. Shoreline Management Plan 01-JUN-2006 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Albuquerque District - Conchas Lake DOD-COE-01372 The purpose of this plan is to provide policy and guidance on management of the Conchas Lake shoreline. It provides for maximum public use of the federally-owned project and for protection of the project’s environmental characteristics. This plan establishes a framework for the accomplishment of this purpose, by allocating the shoreline into categories and then clearly defining the permitted use of those shoreline allocations. Shoreline Management Plan 01-JAN-2002 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Fort Worth District - Lake O' the Pines DOD-COE-01373 The purpose of this Shoreline Management Plan (SMP), previously known as the Lakeshore Management Plan, is to establish policies and set guidelines by which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers manages certain private development and use of public lands and waters along the shoreline of Lake O’ the Pines. Shoreline Management Plan 01-OCT-2019 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Fort Worth District - Whitney Lake DOD-COE-01374 The purpose of this Shoreline Management Plan (SMP), previously known as the Lakeshore Management Plan, is to establish policies and set guidelines by which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) manages the use of public lands and waters along the shoreline of Whitney Lake. Shoreline Management Plan 01-FEB-2020 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Jacksonville District - Lake Okeechobee and the Okeechobee Waterway DOD-COE-01375 Guidance and information to the public, specific to the effective management of the Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee Waterway shoreline, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has developed the Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee Waterway Shoreline Management Plan. Within the plan, the types of private use and activities that may be permitted on the shoreline are described. Additionally, the plan addresses shoreline allocations, rules, regulations, and other information relevant to Lake Okeechobee and the Okeechobee Waterway. This plan complements the Master Plan for Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee Waterway. Shoreline Management Plan 01-AUG-2004 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Kansas City District - Pomme De Terre Lake DOD-COE-01376 The purpose of the Shoreline Management Plan is to establish policy; provide guidance for the management and protection of the shoreline; establish and maintain acceptable fish and wildlife habitats; maintain aesthetic quality and natural environmental conditions; promote the safe, healthful use of the shoreline for recreational purposes; and achieve a balance between permitted private use and resource protection for general public use. Shoreline Management Plan 01-AUG-2017 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Kansas City District - Stockton Lake DOD-COE-01377 The purpose of the Shoreline Management Plan is to clarify and establish present policy; provide guidance for the management, protection, and restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred through private exclusive use; establish and maintain acceptable fish and wildlife habitats; maintain esthetic quality and natural environmental conditions; and promote the safe, healthful use of the shoreline for recreational purposes by the public. Shoreline Management Plan 24-SEP-2018 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Kansas City District - Wilson Lake DOD-COE-01378 The purpose of the Shoreline Management Plan is to clarify and establish present policy; provide guidance for the management, protection, and restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred through private exclusive use; establish and maintain acceptable fish and wildlife habitats; maintain aesthetic quality and natural environmental conditions; and promote the safe, healthful use of the shoreline for recreational purposes by the public. Shoreline Management Plan 09-FEB-2018 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Little Rock District - Beaver Lake DOD-COE-01379 The Shoreline Management Plan for Beaver Lake establishes policy and furnishes guidelines for the protection and conservation of the desirable environmental characteristics of the lake while maintaining a balance between public and private shoreline uses. The Shoreline Management Plan provides for the effective long-range management of the shoreline resources of Beaver Lake. This plan describes the types of private uses and activities that may be permitted on public land. The plan also considers means of restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred because of private exclusive use. management of the shoreline 04-OCT-2018 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Little Rock District - Bull Shoals Lake DOD-COE-01380 The Shoreline Management Plan for Bull Shoals Lake (hereafter, SMP) establishes US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) policy and guidelines for the protection and preservation of the desirable environmental characteristics of the shoreline while maintaining a balance between public and private shoreline uses. This SMP is intended to develop management strategies for the review, approval, and administration of private shoreline uses on Bull Shoals Lake. management of the shoreline 16-JUL-2018 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Little Rock District - Greers Ferry Lake DOD-COE-01381 The Shoreline Management Plan for Greers Ferry Lake establishes policy and furnishes guidelines for the protection and conservation of the desirable environmental characteristics of the Lake while maintaining a balance between public and private shoreline uses. The Shoreline Management Plan provides for the effective long-range management of the shoreline resources of Greers Ferry Lake. This plan describes the types of private uses and activities that may be permitted on public lands. The plan also considers means of restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred because of private exclusive use or misuse. The shoreline consists of all Government lands and flowage easement at Greers Ferry Lake. management of the shoreline 14-SEP-2004 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Little Rock District - Lake Dardanelle DOD-COE-01382 This Shoreline Management Plan establishes policy and furnishes guidelines for the protection and preservation of the desirable environmental characteristics of the Lake Dardanelle shoreline. The plan is formulated to achieve a balance between permitted private uses and resource protection for the general public use. The plan also considers means of restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred because of various reasons private exclusive use. management of the shoreline 01-SEP-2006 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Little Rock District - Norfork Lake DOD-COE-01383 The Shoreline Management Plan establishes policy and furnishes guidelines for the protection and preservation of the desirable environmental characteristics of the Norfork Lake shoreline while maintaining a balance of private shoreline uses. The plan also considers means of restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred because of private exclusive use. management of the shoreline 13-OCT-2006 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Little Rock District - Table Rock Lake DOD-COE-01384 The Shoreline Management Plan for Table Rock Lake establishes policy and furnishes guidelines for the protection and preservation of desirable environmental characteristics of the shoreline while maintaining a balance between public and private shoreline uses. The plan also considers means of restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred because of private exclusive use. This plan is intended to develop management strategies for the review, approval, and administration of private shoreline uses on Table Rock Lake. It is not intended to evaluate or develop management measures for application in the review, approval and administration of public shoreline uses, such as commercial concession leases, limited motel/resort leases, and public utilities, except as specifically stated herein. management of the shoreline 01-JUN-2017 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Louisville District - Barren River Lake, Nolin Lake, and Rough River Lake DOD-COE-01385 The purpose of this Shoreline Management Plan (Plan) is to provide guidance and policy on management of the shoreline and to provide a balance of permitted uses while preserving and protecting the project’s natural resources. management of the shoreline 01-JAN-2015 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Louisville District - Buckhorn Lake DOD-COE-01386 The purpose of this plan is to provide guidance and policy on management of the shoreline of Buckhorn Lake, located on the Middle Fork of the Kentucky River, and to provide a balance of permitted uses of the shoreline while preserving and protecting the project’s natural resources. management of the shoreline 01-JAN-2006 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Louisville District - Cagles Mill Lake DOD-COE-01387 The purpose of this regulation is to provide policy and guidance on the management of the shoreline of Cagles Mill Lake, Indiana. It is designed to provide for a balanced use of the shoreline while preserving and protecting the natural resources of the project. management of the shoreline 01-JAN-1997 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Louisville District - Cecil M Harden Lake DOD-COE-01388 The purpose of this regulation is to provide policy and guidance on the management of the shoreline of Cecil M. Harden Lake, Indiana. It is designed to provide for a balanced use of the shoreline while preserving and protecting the natural resources of the project. management of the shoreline 01-JAN-2013 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Louisville District - Monroe Lake DOD-COE-01389 The purpose of this regulation is to provide policy and guidance on the management of the shoreline of Monroe Lake, Indiana. This regulation applies to private development at Monroe Lake. management of the shoreline 06-APR-2004 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Mobile District - Lake Seminole DOD-COE-01390 This Shoreline Management Plan provides guidance and information for effectively managing the shoreline at Lake Seminole, including its adjacent public lands and waters. It also describes types of private uses that may be permitted on lands and waters managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. management of the shoreline 01-NOV-1995 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Mobile District - Lake Sidney Lanier DOD-COE-01391 The purpose of the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP), previously known as the Lakeshore Management Plan, is to furnish guidance for the management, protection, and preservation of the lake's environment while allowing a balanced use of the Shoreline. However, the guidelines primarily address the private use of "Limited Development Areas” (LDA). The plan also considers means of restoration of the shoreline where excessive use, misuse or degradation may have occurred. Additionally, the use of modern technology, not available prior to this update, has been used to evaluate, locate and measure the geographical features of Lake Lanier. Shoreline Management Plan 26-JUN-1905 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Mobile District - Lake Sidney Lanier (Change 1) DOD-COE-01392 To better define the administrative procedures and requirements for community docks; Section 15.1.1 is an administrative change to the 2004 Shoreline Management Plan. To better define the administrative procedures and requirements for managing shoreline use permits once the 10,615 number is reached; Section 12.1 is an administrative change to the 2004 Shoreline Management Plan. After public review and comment it became a part of the SMP. shoreline permit/licenses 19-OCT-2012 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Mobile District - Lake Sidney Lanier (Change 2) DOD-COE-01393 The primary feature of this change discontinues the use of consolidated shoreline permit/licenses in favor of a permit and a license for each action and incorporates associated internal policy guidance for implementation of this change. shoreline permit/licenses 15-DEC-2015 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Mobile District - Walter F. George Lake DOD-COE-01394 This Shoreline Management Plan provides guidance and information for effectively managing the shoreline at Walter F. George Lake, including its adjacent public lands and waters. It also describes types of private uses that may be permitted on lands and waters managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Additionally, the plan addresses rules and regulations, shoreline allocations, and other information relative to the Walter F. George Lake shoreline management program. Shoreline Management 23-JUN-1905 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Mobile District - West Point Lake DOD-COE-01395 Purpose: to provide guidance and information specific to the effective management of the West Point Lake shoreline including adjacent public land and water. The plan describes the types of private uses and activities that may be permitted along the shoreline. It also addresses shoreline allocations, rules, regulations, and other information relative to the West Point Lake Shoreline Management Program. Shoreline Management 01-MAY-1993 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Nashville District - Barkley Dam and Lake Barkley DOD-COE-01396 This Shoreline Management Plan provides policies and guidelines for the effective long-range management of the shoreline resources of Lake Barkley. Shoreline Management 24-AUG-2015 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Nashville District - Center Hill Lake DOD-COE-01397 The purpose of this Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is to establish a policy and furnish guidelines to the Resource Manager for effective long-range management of the shoreline of Center Hill Lake. Shoreline Management 06-JAN-2016 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Nashville District - Cheatham Lake DOD-COE-01398 This Shoreline Management Plan provides policies
and guidelines for the effective long-range management of the
shoreline resources of Cheatham Lake.
Shoreline Management 01-MAY-2012 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Nashville District - J. Percy Priest Lake DOD-COE-01399 J. Percy Priest Master Plan Packet   01-OCT-2007 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Nashville District - Lake Cumberland DOD-COE-01400 This Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) provides policies and guidelines for the effective long-range management of the shoreline resources of Lake Cumberland. Shoreline Management 01-JAN-2012 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Nashville District - Old Hickory Lock and Dam DOD-COE-01401 This Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) provides policies and guidelines for the effective long-range management of the shoreline resources of Old Hickory Lake. Shoreline Management 02-JUL-2014 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Omaha District - Lake Oahe DOD-COE-01402 Management Plan Packet Shoreline Management   26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Pittsburgh District - Berlin Lake DOD-COE-01403 This Shoreline Management Plan provides policies and guidelines for the effective long-term management of the shoreline resources of Berlin Lake. Shoreline Management 01-JUN-2008 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Pittsburgh District - Tygart Lake DOD-COE-01404 The Lakeshore Management Plan establishes policy and furnishes guidelines for the protection and preservation of the desirable environmental characteristics of the Tygart Lake shoreline. The plan also considers means of restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred because of private exclusive use. Shoreline Management 05-APR-1983 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Pittsburgh District - Youghiogheny River Lake DOD-COE-01405 The Lakeshore Management Plan establishes policy and furnishes guidelines for the protection and preservation of the desirable environmental characteristics of the Youghiogheny River Lake shoreline. The plan also considers means of restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred because of private exclusive use. Shoreline Management 23-JAN-1987 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Portland District - Dexter Lake DOD-COE-01406 The purpose of this Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is to provide guidance for managing the Dexter Lake shoreline. This plan addresses rules and regulations, shoreline allocations, and requirements for permitting private facilities on public lands. Shoreline Management 01-MAR-2008 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Portland District - Fern Ridge Lake DOD-COE-01407 The purpose of this operational management plan is to provide a framework for the implementation of Portland District policy at Fern Ridge Lake, Oregon with regard to ER1130-2-406, Shoreline Management at Civil Works Projects, (Draft dated 4/24/87). Shoreline Management 01-NOV-1997 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Rock Island District - Coralville Lake DOD-COE-01408 The purpose of this Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is to provide policy and guidance on the management of the shoreline at Coralville Lake, Iowa. It is designed to provide a balanced approach between shoreline use and preserving and protecting the natural resources of the project. Shoreline Management 01-JAN-2017 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Rock Island District - Mississippi River Nine-Foot Channel Navigation Project, Pools 11-22 DOD-COE-01409 The purpose of this Shoreline Management Plan is to furnish guidance for the management, protection, and preservation of the Mississippi River's environment while allowing a balanced use of the shoreline. Within this plan, the Rock Island District will establish its policy concerning private exclusive use of Corps of Engineers-owned property from Guttenburg, Iowa, to Saverton, Missouri. Shoreline Management 01-SEP-1989 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Savannah District - Hartwell Lake DOD-COE-01410 To provide guidance and information to the public, specific to management of the Hartwell Project shoreline, the US Army Corps of Engineers developed the Hartwell Project Shoreline Management Plan. Shoreline Management 30-JAN-2007 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Savannah District - J. Strom Thurmond Lake DOD-COE-01411 This Shoreline Management Plan, J. Strom Thurmond Lake Project (Thurmond Lake), was developed in accordance with the requirements of Engineer Regulation 1130-2-406, “Shoreline Management at Civil Works Projects” to provide guidance and information for efficiently and effectively managing the shoreline, including adjacent public lands and waters of Thurmond Lake. lake and restoration of the shoreline 01-MAY-2018 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: St. Louis District - Mississippi River Nine-Foot Channel Navigation Project - Mississippi River From Pool 24 To Chain of Rocks Canal & Illinois River From Lagrange Lock & Dam To Grafton, IL DOD-COE-01412 The purpose of this Shoreline Management Plan is to furnish guidance for the management, protection, and preservation of the natural resources of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers fee title lands along the Mississippi and Illinois River while allowing a balanced use of the shoreline. lake and restoration of the shoreline 01-JUN-2014 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: St. Louis District - Wappapello Lake DOD-COE-01413 The Shoreline Management Plan provides policy and guidance on the protection of desirable environment characteristics at Wappapello Lake and restoration of shorelines where degradation has occurred through private exclusive use. lake and restoration of the shoreline 01-JUL-2002 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Tulsa District - Eufaula Lake DOD-COE-01414 The purpose of the Eufaula Lake Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is to establish policy and guidance for the protection of desirable environmental characteristics of the lake and restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred. lake and restoration of the shoreline 25-AUG-2017 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Tulsa District - Fall River Lake DOD-COE-01415 The purpose of the Fall River Lake Shoreline Management Plan (hereafter SMP) is to establish policy and guidance for the protection of desirable environmental characteristics of the lake and restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred. lake and restoration of the shoreline 30-JAN-2018 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Tulsa District - Fort Gibson Lake DOD-COE-01416 The purpose of this Appendix is to establish policy and guidance for the protection of desirable environmental characteristics of the lake and restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred through private exclusive use. lake and restoration of the shoreline 18-JUN-1905 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Tulsa District - Hulah Lake DOD-COE-01417 The purpose of this Appendix is to establish policy and guidance for the protection of desirable environmental characteristics of the lake and restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred through private exclusive use. shoreline 19-JAN-1996 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Tulsa District - Keystone Lake DOD-COE-01418 The purpose of this Appendix is to establish policy and guidance for the protection of desirable environmental characteristics of the lake and restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred through private exclusive use. shoreline 19-JAN-1996 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Tulsa District - Lake Texoma DOD-COE-01419 The purpose of this Appendix is to establish policy and guidance for the protection of desirable environmental characteristics of the lake and restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred through private exclusive use. shoreline 18-JUN-1905 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Tulsa District - Tenkiller Lake DOD-COE-01420 The purpose of this Appendix is to establish policy and guidance for the protection of desirable environmental characteristics of the lake and restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred through private exclusive use. shoreline 18-JUN-1905 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Tulsa District - Toronto Lake DOD-COE-01421 The purpose of the Toronto Lake Shoreline Management Plan (hereafter SMP) is to establish policy and guidance for the protection of desirable environmental characteristics of the lake and restoration of the shoreline where degradation has occurred. Toronto Lake Shoreline Management Plan 30-JAN-2018 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Walla Walla District - McNary Lock and Dam DOD-COE-01422 The purpose of this Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is to provide guidance for managing McNary Lock and Dam, including the federally-owned shoreline and project waters (Lake Wallula). This SMP addresses rules and regulations, shoreline allocations, and requirements for permitting and licensing private facilities on public lands and waters managed by the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). Shoreline Management Plan, McNary Lock and Dam 01-JAN-2012 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Wilmington District - John H. Kerr Lake DOD-COE-01423 This plan has been developed in accordance with the requirements of Engineer Regulation 1130-2-406, “Shoreline Management at Civil Works Projects” to provide guidance and information to the public for the effective management of the shoreline at John H. Kerr Reservoir. The types of private uses which may be permitted on the shoreline are described within this plan. Additionally, this plan addresses the shoreline allocations, rules, regulations and other information relative to the John H. Kerr Shoreline Management Program. Shoreline Management, John H. Kerr Reservoir 01-OCT-2016 26-JUN-2020
Shoreline Management Plan: Wilmington District - W. Kerr Scott Dam and Reservoir DOD-COE-01424 This plan has been developed to define policies and regulations, and to provide guidance and information to the public specific to the effective management of the shoreline at W. Kerr Scott Dam and Reservoir. Objectives of the plan also include maintenance of the aesthetic and environmental characteristics of the reservoir for the full benefit of the general public. All management actions will seek to achieve a balance between permitted private uses and protection of natural and cultural resources for use by the general public. shoreline at W. Kerr Scott Dam and Reservoir 02-NOV-2010 26-JUN-2020
Duration of Individual Permits and Approved Jurisdictional Determinations DOD-COE-01425 The purpose of this guidance is to: (1) reinforce the discretion the district engineer has regarding the establishment of time limits for completing work authorized by individual permits; (2) clarify the process for evaluating permit timeframe extension requests; (3) identify the duration of stand-alone approved jurisdictional determinations (AJDs); and (4) identify the duration of AJDs associated with permit actions. This guidance is intended to reduce uncertainty for the public regarding the duration of permits and of AJDs associated with such permit actions. This guidance should facilitate transparent, efficient, and consistent permitting decisions. Permits, Jurisdictional Determinations 15-JAN-2021 19-JAN-2021